Monday, October 10, 2016

What's Up? Topic #21; entries 10/16 - 3/17

Post here! Politics, Sports (Football, B-ball, & Tennis), Movies, & TV! Posts framed w/ "***" are from other contributors! - - - - - (Closed - 100 pts)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fan Page Evgeni Plushenko

Costumes ('96-2010)
Evgeni Plushenko is a Russian figure skater. He's a 4-time Olympic medalist, a 3-time World champion, a 7-time European champion, a 4-time Grand Prix Final champion, and a 10-time Russian Nat'l champion. Plushenko's 4 Olympic medals tied Sweden's Gillis Grafström's record for most OM's in figure skating. - - - - - - - - - ( Comments? ) - - - - - -
Dark Eyes - Gypsy Dance
per Wiki: ...At the '99 NHK Trophy, he became the 1st skater to perform a 4T–3T–2Lo combo in comp. He has since landed the combo 26 times. Plushenko's also the 1st to land 4T–3T–3Lo & 3A-1/2Lo-3F in comp. He 1st landed the combo at the '02 Cup of Russia and has since landed it 4 times.

It's est. that he has landed a total of 100 quads in comp. He's worked on & landed 4Lo & 4Lz in practice, but has never completed in comp. He's received a total of 75, 6.0's before the new COP's judging system was introduced. Under the Code of Points system, he's set 13 world rec. scores (5 SP, 4 Free Skate, & 4 combined total).

Fave Performances: 2004 LP - Tribute to Nijinsky

2000 SP - Schindler's List** = LP - Dark Eyes
'01 SP - Bolero = LP - Once Upon A X In Amer. >>>
'03 SP - Adagio = LP - St. Petersburg 300
'06 SP - Tosca = LP - The Godfather

**Schindlers List Music, Adagio SP really...

Results for ISU Season '24-25:

Current NewsISU FS SeasonSkate America - - Malinin takes the GOLD - Higuchi wins the Ladies!

Skate Canada won by Malinin! Takes 2nd GOLD!

- GP de France won by Adam Siao Him Fa - - - - Cup Of Russia replaced: Finland! - -

- NHK Trophy - GOLD won by Kagiyama! - - - - -Ladies' GOLD went to Sakamoto! - -

- Finlandia TrophyKagiyama takes GOLD! - - - Cup Of China won by Shun Sato! - -

Grand Prix Final - Ilia Malinin defends GOLD! -- Amber Glenn wins LadiesGold! - -

- US Nat'l Chps.Malinin defends Gold! Torgashev wins Silver! - Glenn wins Ladies'!

- Europeans FS Champ. - Britschgi wins men's Gold! - Petrokina takes Ladies' Gold!

- 4 Continents FS Chp. - Shaidorov wins men's Gold! - Chae-yeon wins Ladies' Gold!

Results for ISU Season '23-24:

'24 World Fig. Sk. - Malinin wins GoldKagiyama - Silver! - Sakamoto Lady's Gold!