Friday, May 16, 2014

Dance Moms - Abby Lee Dance Company (ALDC)

Set in Pittsburgh, Dance Moms follows the Abby Lee Dance Company's Junior Elite Competition team of young girls aged 8 to 15-years-old as they travel week-to-week to various competitions in hopes of a National title. Much of the program depicts the doting mothers as fellow rivals not only of each other, but oftentimes as a group protecting the familiarity of the team. All of the performances shown on screen are choreographed by Miller, herself, with the exception of routines crafted by guest choreographers hired by Miller. CADC (Canton, OH) is a rivaling dance company.

On Jan. 29, 2014, Miller announced that "Kelly Hyland and her 2 daughters Brooke and Paige are no longer contracted with and will no longer appear on Dance Moms" as stated on an appearance with The View. Hyland was arrested in Jan. on alleged assault charges after a dispute backstage at a dance comp. held in NYC during filming for the show's 4th season in Nov.'13. Hyland appeared in court with Miller on Jan. 21, 2014 and pleaded "not guilty" to charges of physical assault. (Wiki) - (Prev.TV mb)

 - - - The Cast: Then & Now - - -

 - - - - DM's - "Amber Alert" - - - -

- - DM's (Abby) on "The View" - -

 - - - Abby Makes Peyton Cry - - -

     - - - DM's - "Chandelier" - - - - - Maddie Ziegler - (Uncut Video - Chandelier) - - -

- Lilli - "Blue Moon" - - Elli - "Aria" - - Mini's - "Where Have All The Children Gone?" -

Season 3 OG's w/ Asia
Current News "DANCE MOMS" - The new season is set in Pittsburgh, in the same studio where the show began in 2011. It was announced that Season 8 will premiere on Lifetime on June 4, 2019.


  1. The Choreographers:

    Abby Lee Miller is the director of Reign Dance Productions (formerly Maryen Lorrain Dance Studio), which houses the Abby Lee Dance Company to which she is owner and chief choreographer.

    Gianna Martello is an instructor for RDP specializing in all genres including tap dance, en pointe, and acrobatics, and is also the assistant choreographer for the ALDC Junior Elite Competition team.

    The Moms:

    Melissa Ziegler-Gisoni is the mother of Maddie, a lyrical dancer who also enjoys tap, and Mackenzie, an acro dancer. Ziegler was once a part-time receptionist for Miller's studio, but has since switched jobs to spend more time watching her daughters dance. Ziegler is perceived as a doting mother who encourages her daughters' blossoming careers, but is shown as defensive when the other mothers voice criticism about Miller's own doting habits. In Sn 4, Ziegler begins homeschooling her daughters for more studio time.

    Christi Lukasiak is the mother of Chloe, a centemporary/lyrical dancer with strong ballet technique. Lukasiak was the owner of children's fitness franchise, but has since sold her business to spend more time with her growing family. Lukasiak is perceived as an opinionated woman and protective mother, esp. when she feels her daughter is belittled by Miller. Miller sometimes dotes on Lukasiak's daughter's abilities, but often regulates to arguing about Miller's teaching technique or Lukasiak's daughter's emotionality.

    Jill Vertes is the mother of Kendall, a jazz dancer with growing abilities in contemporary dance. Vertes was initially noted as a "studio hopper" and has since found her niche at Miller's studio after her daughter's audition in Sn 2. Vertes, early on, was perceived as a brown-noser, but her daughter's growing abilities are well-spoken for.

    Holly Frazier is the mother of Nia, an acro dancer who also enjoys musical theater. Frazier was a full-time educator, and was once perceived as the most rational mother of Miller's teaching technique. Frazier has since given up her office career in an effort to spend time at the studio rediscovering her daughter's dance potential.

    Kira Hilliker is the mother of Kalani, a centemporary/lyrical dancer who joins the ALDC amid Sn 4. Hilliker was perceived as naive about the familiarity of the Elite team, but later becomes versed in the mothers' voices while finding her own. Prior to Dance Moms, Hilliker and her daughter appeared on Sn 2 of AUDC.

    Leslie Ackerman is the mother of Payton, a Senior dancer often used as a swing when a dancer is unable to perform. Ackerman is perceived as head-strong and stubborn about her daughter's placement on the team despite Miller denying her membership after auditioning in Sn 2, but her abilities allow her to perform on an irregular basis.

    Former Moms:

    Kelly Hyland is the mother of Brooke and Paige. Appearing in 75 episodes and attending 60 competitions, Hyland was dis-invited from the ALDC in Sn 4.

    Cathy Nesbitt-Stein is the mother of Vivi-Anne. Stein left the ALDC on her own accord in Sn 1 to return to her own studio, Candy Apples Dance Center.

    Kristie Ray is the mother of Asia. Appearing in 9 episodes and attending 7 competitions, Ray left the ALDC on her own accord at the end of Sn 3.

    Jackie Lucia is the mother of Sophia. Appearing in 3 episodes and attending 2 competitions, Lucia left the ALDC on her own accord amid Sn 3.

    Shelly Serigne, Gloria Hampton, and Marcia Hoffheins are the mothers of Ally, Kaeli, and Bella respectively. These girls were members of the replacement team in Sn 3.

  2. COMMENTs bracketed with ***'s come from other posters! My posts are w/o them!

    ***Any other guys watching this?***

    Yeah! I like some of the performances and the DM banter! Abby slays me too! I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her tirade, but it can be hilarious at times!

    ***...But I do like watching the dancing (don't take it that way).***

    Some will take it that way! They'll call ya some kind of pervert and worse! lol! I prefer watching the kids dance! Growining up I appreciated ballet, but the older I got the more I thought of the ego trip they must be on; "look at me!" If the kids are like that, it isn't as offensive so I can watch Maddy, MacKenzie, & Brooke in many of their performances in awe! If it's true they're learning all these dances in a few days, it just makes it more impressive! When adults do it well, I just think of all the time they must devote to "get it" and perform it well! All I can think if is "get a freakin' life!"

    Fave Group Dances: The Last Text, Rosa Park (Nia got to star for a change), Where Have All The Children Gone?, and a few others; esp. with Asia and Sofia.

    ***...Between the video-documented instances of child abuse and the catty nastiness among the rich broads, I thought the show was pretty disgusting.***

    If you think along the lines of it being either staged or edited to look a certain way, it can be hilarious! The performances at the end are great! What slays me is a mom going off; esp. in front of their own kid! Abby can usually come back with truths they could do without, but the retort invariably comes back an insult about Abby's appearance! That's too easy and juvenile! As long as I've been alive, I can't say I've resorted to calling someone fat, ugly, or old! It just shows how inadequite these mom really are when they "go there" so often! It's like going to profanity because they can't express their frustration an other way! I crack up when Jill, Christi, or Kelly go off the deep end! I just wished they had more self control in front of their own children! It's still hilarious!

  3. ***All Time Favorite Dances:

    Solo: Dream On a Star - All time favorite Dance Moms Dance ever
    Duo: Inside of Me
    Trio: Somebody Told Me
    Group: To Be Beautiful***

    Groups - "Twilite, Last Text, Land Unforgiven, Where Have All The Children Gone, & Rosa Parks"

    Trio - "15 Min. of Fame"

    Duet - "Black Swam" with Maddie and Chloe

    Solo - Maddie's "Quiet Voices," "Place Called Home," & "Cry"

    ***Are boy dancers actually shirtless the majority of the time? With Lucas, he seems to always be shirtless. Did most boys wear a shirt or not?***

    Sometimes I think they're trying to illicit pervs to watch everytime I see the boys practically walking around naked! What's up with that? It can't be for the old ladies to drool over, but I still chuckle at the reaction of all concerned when the girls were wearing outfits reminiscent of "can-can" dancers; "Can You Feel It?" Why that was more provocative than a crop top and booty shorts I'll never understand! Fishnets and teased hair makes them more sleazy looking? Christi called them "prostlitots!" Needless to say they didn't even place!

    ***The thing is, Abby is 'hired help' if you think about it. The mothers pay her to teach their daughters to dance, to help them get better. Abby is the only business owner I've seen who's philosophy is I'm always right, the customer is always wrong.***

    You're deluding yourself! The Joffrey were exactly the same way; arrogant, demanding, and merciless with their criticism! They made the girls feel like they were lucky to be there; and they were in fact! That's dance; what else can be said? True enough Abby is the teacher, but she gives them the option of going somewhere else, but people seem to flock to her anyway! She must be doing something right for them to put up with so much abuse! Some were willing to travel from all over the country to go to Pittsburg of all places!

    ***Kelly back in court today - I guess Kelly would rather face jail or at least community service in order to get away from Abby.***

    I have no sympathy for her or the kids! Besides signing a contract of their own free wills, they seem to go out of their way to frustrate situations! What did they expect Abby to do when choreography is changed or their routines pulled at the last minute; more than a few times? Kelly exacerbated it on many occasions, swearing in front of others; including the kids! A real grownup would have pulled Abby aside and told her how she felt, not get loud, use profanity, and storm out of the studio again and again making a spectacle of herself! Coming back with a self-satisfied smirk on her face didn't help her persona either; looking like a real fool! It wasn't enough for her, encouraging others to "so called" stand up to Abby! If you're that unhappy with your circumstances, "just go bitch; GO! And take your little monsters with you!" Brooke's doer attitude didn't help things! Again, if she's so miserable, "GO!" No one was putting a f'kn gun to her head!

  4. ***Dancers always wear costumes that are very short, have an open back, or show their belly. It's the same thing as saying cheerleader costumes make them look like "tramps" that is just the way the costumes are. It has nothing to do with the show or the producers. That is the world of competitive dance.***

    Some people just don't get out much! The only objectionable costumes for the "can-can" outfits with over the knee stickings and tossled hair; like little "prostitots" as Christi so elegantly labeled the girls! The judges couldn't judge it, but it didn't stop them from taking pictures to lear at later! I found it hilarious the moms' reaction; smackin' their butts and spreadin' their legs!

    ***Yea, you must not have watched any dance, swim, or gymnastics competitions OP. Lol I've seen many dances disqualified for costumes, like the judges don't even want to look at it. One that sticks out is a group that wore actual lace bras and underwear as costumes and they were dancing against us at 11. The judges were just like "nope disqualified" after they danced. The parents around us were horrified.***

    My Gawd, when did we revert to such prudishness; Reagan and Bush era? In my day people practically walked around naked; hotpants, crop tops, spandex showing it all! I hate today's bathing suits hanging down to ones' knees! Some shouldn't wear Speedos, but a lot of them can!

    ***...I don't see how losing 3 dancers after this season will keep viewers esp when one is a fan favorite.***

    It's just a "motivation tool!" Kids need to be pushed normally, but Maddie truly seems to have the desire on her own! Unlike Brooke and Page that wanted things handed to them, they constantly needed to be encouraged, threatened, and cajoled to get the job done! I don't blame Abby for taking out her frustrations on the mothers and kids! The moms are the ones out of control, but if she never retaliated, it would only escalate; sorta like Kelly's assault! Kelly fell right into that trap! What an idiot!

    ***Oh believe me I'm not letting Christi off the hook. I know Abby mistreats Chloe because she hates Christi. I actually think Abby gives Chloe alot of opportunities despite Christi's behavior. If my student's mother was that horrible to me I wouldn't even allow that child to be in my class.***

    It's never enough for Chrisi! If she denies her solos, Abby's punishing them! If she give Chloe a solo or duet, she's being set up to fail! Chloe's had a commercail, video, and acceptance to Joffrey summer program, but you'd never know it listening to Christi! Everything is set up for Maddie; judges, producers, and talent agents! She can see a conspiracy a mile away I guess!

    ***Right, so Maddie doesn't need to be corrected as often. Kendall can be told 20 times to do something and still does it wrong, Paige was I believe once told like 30 times to sit down on the bus and didn't, Chloe is always trying to do her own thing instead of listening to what she's being told to do.

    So it's not hard to imagine Abby liking Maddie more than the others, Maddie listens, she learns, she corrects. She doesn't have to be told 10-20 times about something. Any teacher will favour the better students over the not so good ones because it makes our day easier. Now having said that she shouldn't be so obvious about it, but I gather that's mostly for the show.

    If you look back at eps when Kendall first joined she was basically on Abby's 'shit' list even when she didn't screw up, but a couple seasons of being reminded how hard Maddy works and Kendall works harder now to try and catch up.***

  5. ***Kelly Hyland arrested - For someone who doesn't really give a flying crap about dance and prefers her daughters to sing and model, she sure gets upset!

    - -

    I really don't think Abby will press charges, I think she'll just be content if Kelly is off the show.***

    If she really wanted her gone, why not let her go before it got so violent? Sure there was a contract, but both sides wanted out; should have let them without penalty! It just got so ugly; esp. with how Brooke and Paige seemed to be treated as a consequence of their mother's rotten behavior!

    ***It's all money. Jeff Collins doesn't give a crap that Kelly even tried to purposely out the show last season, he likes making money off the show. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff is still trying to convince Abby to let the hylands back in so he can force them to finish the remainder of the contract.***

    That's why I say "cry me a river" when both Christi and Kelly are "boo-hoo'n!" They're getting paid nicely and the kids get exposure that will stay with them long after this show is cancelled!

    ***Basically Kelly has been trying to get out of her contract since last season which is why she blew up at recital time. When she came back it was just for the show and not the actual studio since each has its own contract. Christi did not sign a new contract with the studio this season and now just dances for the show.

    ...Basically Lifetime won't let them leave, but Kelly obviously was a time bomb and surprisingly Christi has been really calm and away from Twitter lately. My guess is the blowup with Kelly kinda woke her up and she's biding her time until she can officially leave. ...Kelly, they had no choice but to let go. My guess is they'll hold onto Christi until the show is cancelled unless she puts up a fight about it.***

    I'll say it again, "I wouldn't miss any of them!" Sorry! Love the girls, but moms are interchangable! When they held out and back ups were brought it, the drama still flowed with the same psychotic behavior without any prompting by Abby! She just sat there musing how she attracts such crazy women?

    ***I honestly hope that as soon as Christi can get out of that Lifetime contract, she should take Chloe and run. I'll miss Kelly, even though she was somewhat crazy. She did really care about the girls. I think her hatred of Abby just got in the way and it was just a matter of time before she or Abby smacked the other. Kelly just did it first.***

  6. ***Abby supports Paige tonight when another Dance Mom in the open casting call criticizes her and says her daughter is better than Paige...too bad this is probably Paige's last appearance on the show. Gonna miss the Hyland girls. They have taken Abby's abuse with grace and humility and allways did their best for the team.***

    "Kelly? Please!" I was so over Brooke and her teenage angst; petulent, morose, & resentful! Paige is probably a good girl, but she wasn't really improving; making the simplest of mistakes, routine amnesia, and being a crybaby! I can't have a lot of sympathy if they're that unhappy but keep saying "I want to go back" each time their mother storms out in a huff!

    ***I wish they would replace Abby and keep the team. The show is called Dance Moms, not Abby Lee Miller.***

    Ya'll are deluding yourselves! Abby makes this show! Without her, it would be so boring! I can watch her rants over and over again; "...she should be lucky I even know her name, SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" That was hilarious; Abby over Leslie there!

    ***...Kelly is suing the producers for breach of contract so they must have terminated her contract. Which of course means no, they are not filming her or her kids. They can film the court proceedings from Abby's POV. Obviously they would not be allowed in court, but could film the comings and goings on a public street. This is not a made up storyline, although they may choose to reference it in future episodes. Charges have been filed and warrants issued against Kelly. This is now a criminal proceeding. Further lawsuits have been filed against Abby Miller and the producers by Kelly. While the charges may be minor and the lawsuit frivolous, it is still real. The courts will not allow themselves to be used for a tv plotline.***

    I find it more than a little amusing that Kelly got out of there with her kids with no squawking upon Holly's suggestion! That was a rare occasion; no 20 questions, no rant, no raving, just quietly exiting with her brats! Hilarious! "Now pay me $5 million!" Yeah, right Kelly!

    ***Now it's shown it was the producers idea to get Kelly out of there fast. They even tried to get her on a plane back home before talking to the police. However Kelly went to her hotel room, then called the police and told them where she was.***

    That's the problem Abby's having dealing with both Paige and Brooke! They act like they don't want to be there even at the best of times; moping around! Kelly is always ready with a comment, question, or excuse to deflect from her own kids' lack of enthusiasm! Last season, Abby gave Paige a golden opportunity to get some extra time with her by offering a new solo for "end of season" show! Instead of lighting up and appreciating it, she decides to meekly go the easy route and perform an old piece "she didn't remember in the 1st place;" as Abby so eloquently ranted! lol!

  7. ***I think the slapping incident mighta been fake - Filing a false police report is punishable by up to a year in jail in NY. Not to mention that were it exposed it would almost certainly cause Lifetime to pull the show. I doubt the producers would be stupid enough to consider doing that.***

    Knowing that didn't stop Kelly from invoking silly stuff like "she was trying to eat my face!" Stupid! That was almost as bad as Christi saying she was attacked by Leslie last season when it was clear for all to see her drink was slapped out of her hand, then Christi's drink thrown at her! Loved Kristy standing up and saying she can't deal with liars and left with her kid, Asia! Notice you didn't see all the crying and asking "why!" Asia's a true professional!

    File charges? What are you talking about? Christi started that melee in New Orleans! I wish Leslie had kicked her arse! That woman needs it! She instigates, is always yacking, complaining about everything, but keeps bringing her brat back again and again! Kelly just as bad; never happy with situation! Just go already; all of them!

    Watching past seasons on "LRW," I've come to just loathe both Kelly and Chrisi! Neither is ever happy; bitchin' and moanin' about absolutely everything! When Abby's there, they're po'd; when she isn't, they're still as exercized! They have no self control, always throwing a shot Abby's way about her looks and weight! Did either of these b!tches finish high school? They are just horrible, silly women! They know Abby has no choice but to take it out on their kids, but they continue to exacerbate situations with catty remarks! They each think they're speaking for all the moms, but Melissa and Kristi contradict that each time!

    ***Abby has no choice but to take it out on their kids? Seriously? Of course she has options. I know Abby is your hero and all, but she's done plenty of name calling w/o the mothers instigating anything.***

    What else can Abby do? What kills me is the moms know she will take out her animus on the kids, but it doesn't stop them from being smart-alecks and vindictive saying stuff they know will set her off! I have to laugh when Holly calls Abby "a monstrosity of evil" and is shocked when Nia's duet is pulled! They say they don't care at the time, then come crawling back; excuses falling on deaf ears! They never seem to learn!

    ***Abby needs to have a favorite at all times.***

    Sorry guys, it's inevitible to have favorites! I taught tennis years ago before and after college; you have them! You don't necessarily pick them out, but when you see drive, motivation, and dedication, you can't help but give them extra attention! I don't make it obvious, but it's hard to not give them extra work and time!

    ***Melissa is just as fame- hungry as Abby and the 2 of them together sneak around and plot to keep Maddie at the top. ...She's barely up there in comparison to other dancers.***

    Still waiting for evidence of this devious behavior! She might be a lot of things, but she's never been as obvious as the other moms! She pushes the kids, true enough, but going out of her way to put down the other girls; haven't seen it and I watch the repeats a lot! I find it terribly entertaining the ranting, performances and drama behind the scenes! This year's been a disappointment, but S's 1, 2, & 3 are hilarious! "Kendall, you're supposed to be chasing her! Feet, feet, feet! Oh, you're the baby; thought it was MacKenzie! I'm not teaching while crying; it's disrespectful!" They really were brain dead sometimes! How long were they there to have Abby repeating the same corrections?

  8. ***Abby is so mean to her, last week when she was crying it was b/c a few moments before Abby got in her face and yelled "I will destroy you." Who does that? Of course the producers left that part out and made it seem like something else. I feel awful for Chloe, she tries her best and she's an amazing dancer, but she gets nothing but disdain from Abby.***

    ...and of course her mom Christi has nothing to do w/ how their relationship has deteriorated? The woman has become more and more belligerant and almost goads Abby into being harder on Chloe! How people can forget all that goes into the dynamics of this crazy show is beyond me! You think it's all on Abby, I think it's mostly on Christi! Maybe Chloe's playing us both!

    ***So wait, if you have a problem with an adult, take it out on their child!?***

    So as usual you're giving a TOTAL pass to Christi and Kelly when they knew what would happen if they "acted out!" Using profanity, changing choreography, pulling the kids out at the last moment, and actually encouraging them to be insolent is not the act of good parenting! If they have a problem w/ the teacher, you find another, not exacerbate situations for fame, fortune, and possible alienation from their own children after future psycho therapy!

    ***Christi just has everyone brain-washed into thinking Abby is harder on Chloe than anyone else b/c she won't shut her pie-hole or roll her eyes for more than 2 mins! Same w/ Kelly and Leslie too. lol***

    There's sticking up for their kids, then there's exacerbating situations! I watch too often, seeing the pleasure the moms get in torturing Abby, calling her fat, and actually encouraging their kids to be insolent! They actually say they know what will happen, but they do it anyway! Whatever!

    ***I don't like what it had to come to for them to finally leave, but it's for the best all around. Brooke was not interested in dance anymore and Paige was getting bullied by other studios b/c she wasn't progressing. It was a bad situation. Notice Christi doesn't fight as much now b/c she's not as big and bad w/o her sidekick.

    Tell you the truth, she just didn't want to lose her exposure! She's hanging on for dear life now! I've watched eps going back to sn 1 and she's never been happy! It never mattered which way the wind blew; either Abby giving Chloe opportunities to fail or being abused and being overshadowed by the fave, Maddie! The obsession, drinking, and frequent rants is probably what made the show entertaining, but it was hard to watch knowing a lot of this is done right in front of their kids! It was just one of the sickest relationships I'd seen go on for season after season! It got progressively worse and it was getting harder and harder to see it Christie's way when the woman is never happy! The constant victimhood was so overdone! She was doing ok w/ hair, makeup, designer dresses, travel; who's really abusing the kid?

    ***I hate Maddie for betraying her teammates. However, as explained above. It seems she had no say. But still. It's a bitch move.***

    "Hating" a child and accusing her of a "bitch" move! Interesting! I'll take any critique from you with a huge pinch of garlic salt from now on!

  9. ***Have you ever noticed that when Chloe doesn't do well at a competition or if she is given sub-par choreography, Christi always lashes out on someone or starts trash talking? I think Christi knows that b/c of her "bad choreography" Chloe is not going to win and b/c she never wins she will look bad on TV. Christi doesn't want Chloe to be the only one to look bad so she tries to bring someone else down too and since she can't make Maddie a bad dancer the only way to make her look bad is to attack her character.

    I don't know if what she has been saying about Maddie is true or not b/c Melissa and Maddie never stand up for themselves and they never tell their side of the story which makes them look bad. but Christi has been trying to bring Maddie down since the beginning of this season.***

    It's been the case since season 1! All's fine if Chloe wins, but when that camera hits her when she doesn't, you can expect drama; attacking Abby, Melissa, or Jill! I'm really surprised it was Kelly who assaulted Abby since Christi's a lot more confrontational; getting in your face, pointing that finger! That's what Kelly was doing when Abby played like she was going to chomp down on that finger! Christi's a bitter woman who will always find a way to deflect and blame things on other people! Chloe is a good dancer, but she may have plateaued with Abby and should have moved on ages ago! Again, Christi blames Abby instead of looking in the mirror when it comes to her daughter's failures! I was shocked to see her threatening to take her cell phone unless she "snapped out of it" earlier this season! I can't believe that little girl is that innocent and quiet! She likes school, so I'm sure she can assert herself when needed! So far, all I've seen is silence, a quiet voice, and plenty of tears! Blaming Abby has always been ridiculous; who signed up for the exposure?

    ***Christi haters like to bring this up as some sort of way to defend what they're saying. I agree that was pretty odd, but what if that had never happened? ... - When did Christi abuse Chloe?***

    In the immortal words of Bette Davis in "Whatever happened to Baby Jane?;" "...but you are Blanche, you are stuck in that chair!" Christi did abuse her child on camera and my mouth went agape! After all her speel about Abby making her daughter cry, Chloe couldn't have looked any more defeated and sad even though she's a towering young lady! She's even more withdrawn than ever; or the way it appears! She grew "some" in the past year; all of them really!

    What do you call threatening to take something away from a child just b/c she was somewhat morose? The shoulders were slumped, eyes cast downward, no smile, and obviously shaken for some reason! Why play dumb? You saw the same thing I did; quite vividly stuck in my head! None of the other mothers have done anything like that! Melissa was perturbed w/ Kenzie when she couldn't "free dance" against Asia last year!

    ***I think they can be fined for not doing as asked, but I have no idea how much. In one of the eps Kelly and Christi are fighting and Kelly screamed, "well maybe you should GET FINED." Although in another clip of the same scene, I could've sworn they beeped over fined to make it sound like fucked. Does anyone know what I mean? I promise I'm not dreaming this up. lol***

    I've noticed through repeat viewings that that goes on all the time! Sometimes they'll bleep something on the repeat or take the clip out altogether! One of the biggest edits I can remember had to do w/ the Rosa Parks number! You see Maddie step on the back of Nia in the performance and Holly takes note of it in the confessional saying it was a powerful moment; I think! The repeats show the step over, but confessional clip is taken out!

  10. ***Season 3 was the start of the decline for me. I used to have this show in my tv schedule and now I can go weeks w/o watching or sometimes I'll binge watch. Season 4 has become a monster of a show; not even tolerable. It doesn't help that I've been watching the old episodes either b/c I remember how happy and cute the girls were.***

    It was definitely more entertaining last season; esp. during strike and moms hilarious return! I don't know how you get by something like that? If I were Abby, I'd probably be just as vindictive! If you want to go, GO! Don't kvetch about it everyday and continue to return again and again with your kid! Easier said than done I'm sure, but I guess I was spoiled! Been lucky enough not to "have to do" anything but pay taxes and be Black! These people were in better circumstances than most, but all they do is complain! No one wants to hear that in their ear day in and day out! What choice does Abby have but to be cold, mean, and retaliatory? The moms hitting below the belt with her being unmarried, fat, and whatever else they beat her over the head with unmercifully only justifies her behavior! I've always been the champion of the underdog I guess!

    ***Season 2 was when the show started to lose its original charm for me. Yet strangely, I continue to watch... Yeah, the girls were so cute when they were little. Now they're going through the awkward years.***

    They're replaying season 1 on LRW and Kelly is complaining about the pyramid since an acro number doesn't feature Brooke! Was this woman ever happy about anything? Why sign up; "miserable sod?"

    ***If I remember correctly she was upset that Brooke wasn't on top of the pyramid since that week's number was acro. Which made no sense because the pyramid goes for the week before.***

    I'm just making an observation that Christi and Kelly were never happy and should have left ages ago! I have little or no sympathy for them; esp. Kelly who knows how Abby operates! Did they think the show would make Abby more pleasant and accommodating? Idiots!

    ***I like Paige too. She's so upbeat and funny. When they were having one of those reunion shows (not sure how they can call them that since they're never apart). Abby was asked what Kelly was like as a kid. She said she was a lot like Paige: bubbly, and something else I forgot what. And oddly enough, she actually made it sound like a compliment.***

    People just aren't listening! Abby always brags about Kelly as her student; beautiful, talented, but later was only looking for fun! Dance is hard work, so she gave it up for cheerleading and Brooke tried to make the same mistake! Abby's not treating her kids any differently, but it appears to be the case because she isn't happy with the results! I can still see Christi losing her mind at Abby when she should have been chiding Chloe for either forgetting her dance or having a lackluster performance!

  11. ***I've noticed that certain ex-AUDC dancers show up on DM, mostly on Cathy's team (Abby has only snagged 2; Kalani and Asia).

    - season-1

    - season-2

    Zack, Hadley & Jojo have shown up on DM.

    But we've never seen an actual competition performance and so many things about Cathy's team are complete fiction:

    1: Cathy hiring Chloe for a commercial for her husband's beef jerky store wearing a leotard covered with meat, was an utter lie from beginning to end, even though it made int'l news:

    - -video_n_1325979.html

    Yet Chloe herself tells the truth:

    Chloe did the commercial for Candy Apples just for the show


    There is no store, there was no commercial. It was just a figment of someone's (prob Collins) diseased mind to create controversy. (Why Chloe, y'think? Cathy has her own team to pick from. Why demean Chloe? Anybody see a pattern beginning to form?)

    2: Maddie's "skipping CD" controversy: I have found 4 comments from dancers who say they were at the competition and swear Maddie's music skipped. Even more people say they were there and it didn't.

    Lifetime has addressed this issue. Starquest and Thunderstruck are the only competitions shown that have banned [Collins Avenue film crew]. The reasoning you posted came right from Starquest’s press release. Thunderstruck had completely different issues w/ Lifetime, the main one being that they lied about the premise of the show and were entered under the studio name Collins Avenue, which is the production company for the show, instead of Abby Lee Dance Company. They made it clear in their statement that Abby Lee Miller can come back any time, but Jeff Collins is not welcome back.

    Yes they are limited to certain competitions b/c some do not allow any outside cameras whatsoever. This does not mean they are “banned." Filming locations is a common problem all reality tv shows face.

    People who were actually at the competition said that the CD didn’t actually skip so you are wrong about that too. Yes, it was staged for the show, obviously, but really don’t talk unless you know what you’re talking about. ...

    - ("comments" section)

    So if Maddie's music skipped during competition, it's the one time we've ever seen an actual competition performance! At a competition where they weren't allowed to be in the first place, much less film! Do I have that right?

    - This is from

    Maddie’s music skipping in season 2 was just for the show and she was not actually being judged during that performance


    Yet here Maddie says the exact opposite:


    I guess my point is that people shouldn't take out their feelings on the girls. It's not their fault. We're being lied to, but it's nothing that will affect any of us personally, just a minor nudge to our gullibility.

    I feel bad for the girls. Anybody who saw that last episode walked away from it feeling like they needed a shower. It's obviously one big, fat whopper and the producers are more than willing to throw little girls under the bus.

    Thoughts? Opinions? Btw, the bridge in the title is still available. Just go to San Francisco and drive north on Highway 1. Can't miss it. Price is, um $100 million. Yeah, that's it.***

    I don't understand people's desire to blow holes in this show! If they find it so objectionable, "don't watch!" The kvetching is getting so old! As seriously as some think I take the show, I still don't parse it to death!

  12. ***I don't trust Christi's word when it comes to these things; esp. after she thought that a fake account was her own husband and then said this:

    - -

    I'm sure Christi thinks that it's true, but the only way she could really know according to the actual evidence would be if Melissa or Melissa's sister told her; which I highly doubt. I'd be willing to bet that Christi "knows" it's true b/c a bunch of fans tweeted her about it 2 years ago, but I'm sure that she doesn't have any more evidence than anyone else does. And it's very apparent by now that Christi is more than happy to believe the worst when anything involving any of the Zieglers is concerned.***

    I found it hilarious how from "day one" Christi was all too anxious to accuse Melissa of lying all the time! I watch the past seasons on LRW and no one lies or misrepresents drama as much as she does! She screeched about her daughter "being set up to fail" when she's holding 2 Nat'l titles! She's truly delusional and caused more drama than anyone it seems; Kelly running right behind her, out of control knowing how things operated at the studio! Both silly, pathetic women!

    ***The thing that made me really not trust anything Christi has to say was her fight with Kelly a few seasons back. By the time the ep showing the fight aired it was a well known fact that the walkout which lead to the team being replaced was due to contract negotiations, but during that fight Christi made Kelly out to be a bad friend by insisting that she had walked out in support of Brooke and Paige. Christi used the lie the producers made them say on the show (b/c they're not allowed to talk about the fact that they're on the show) to try and make Kelly look bad on T.V, knowing that Kelly had no way to defend herself.

    I also found out later that when that thing happened where Maddie's music skipped the reason Abby told her "if your song skips keep dancing" was b/c when Maddie performed her dance the first time for just the judges the music hiccuped, but didn't skip so Abby knew it might happen. ...But, b/c the 'perfoming twice' thing is an open secret, Melissa and Abby had absolutely no defense; just like what happened w/ Kelly.

    In this case the fact that all of this happened 2 years ago is highly suspicious to me. We all know that Christi likes to resort to personal attacks (like talking about Melissa's affair) to win arguments, so I suspect that that's why she's tweeting about this now.***

    That's what makes Christi such a wretched woman; resorting to high school tactics when all else fails! It's obvious she's not very educated and shows how classless she can be going after children and their mothers alike! Christi says "I would never ...," and before the episode's over, she's doing just that! [I]"How many times has my daughter beat your daughter?" [/I]My mouth just went agape! She complains about Abby screaming in kids faces! What the hell was she doing after having a fit that Maddie had 2 solos? There was nothing new about that, but she made it seem like it was a first! The kids were hysterically crying, but it didn't stop her rant! She's a liar, hypocrite, and too juvenile to take seriously; ever! Kelly isn't much better, losing her cool over costumes and Abby not paying as much attention to her children when she complains about that when she does! How do you bitch about bad choreography, then get PO'd when another guy is hired to put her girls through their paces? Neither women make any sense all too often!

  13. ***Abby creates this hostility by playing favorites and building resentment. I'm at a loss for words when Maddie or any child becomes a target. They're children. The adults are the ones who need to know better: stirring the pot and favoring one girl over the entire group isn't beneficial for the group or the favored girl.

    Abby guilt-trips Christi and Chloe over Chloe not being as committed to dance as Maddie and this is reflected in her treatment. Abby uses Christi's behavior as her excuse for short-changing Chloe, which I half-agree, Christi is out of line when she antagonizes Abby and is openly jealous of Maddie, but Abby has shown she'd short-change any child whose parent dares to question her like Holly.

    I agree I also think Maddie becomes more of a target than anyone else due to her playing favourites. She needs to have a separate system rather than punish the child for the mistakes of the parent. If any other teacher did that they would get fired.***

    Abby explained it more than once why that's I the case! Maddie's the only one who works that hard, comes prepared, performs consistently well, and of course Melissa doesn't create drama for the sake of it! With the other moms and kids, there's always something! Skipping class for "meet and greets," questioning everything the teacher is doing when they have no idea what they're talking about, and of course interrupting class with their constant whining about their child being screamed at all the time! The music's blasting, so Abby has to scream to be heard! As for being "fired," these rotten women could have taken their kids somewhere else "years ago!" They wanted the exposure and opportunity w/ they're personal "15 minutes of fame!"

    ***I agree with you on the women choosing to be in Abby's Institute. They know what kind of teacher Abby is and if they didn't want their children to be yelled at, they could leave. However don't they have a signed contract which forbids the women to leave? This is why Kelly took the abuse for as long as she could b/c she couldn't leave. I would like Christi owned up to her being on Dance Moms for the fame. She knows the more she fights Abby, the more famous she becomes and this is what drives these women into putting their daughters in dance institutes: fame.

    Maddie doesn't have a life besides dancing. Isn't she and Mackenzie "home-schooled?" Enough time for Melissa to have her daughters dedicated to dancing 24/7. Melissa is the worst, b/c as much as I dislike certain habits from Christi or Jill, I know they love their child. However Melissa is cold to her girls, esp. Mackenzie. She became angry at Maddie for crying and was horrible to Mackenzie when she didn't sing for an audition.***

    All true except the moms and kids had "an out" very early on! Firstly, the kids have been under Abby's care since they were toddlers! The show wasn't even imagined at the time and they continued to bring their kids to that studio! Abby hinted several times, they could have left very early on w/o penalty; but again, they sucked it up and continued! When a mom acts out, they're suspended, but still can't wait to come back; making apologies, etc.! They're exaggerating the hold this show has over them to explain what rotten mothers they are letting all this happen so they can have their own fame; clothes, bags, travel, etc.! They need to look in the mirror and take a deep, penetrating look at themselves if all of a sudden they think their kids are being taken advantage of and abused! They are famous, financially secure, and should think about other kids w/o a roof over their heads and food to eat! I really resent their "bitchin' and moaning" when they have alternatives that others don't!

  14. ***What happened to the contract Abby made Christi sign in the 1st season after she had her first major freak-out?***

    She signed it probably, being the "fame whore" she is! "Chloe wanted to go back;" that's what Christi keeps saying over and over! I have no sympathy for either! This is an extra-curricular activity, not conventional school! They had alternatives and if they say differently, they're liars! What else is new? Christi made it perfectly clear on day one that Melissa was such a liar, but I've found Christi to be the worst! She conflates events, blames others, and deflects from her own culpability in these drama filled situations!

    An example was that "she would never" mention Chloe's accomplishments to elevate herself! Let me count the ways! Trying to deflate Jill's ego, she searched and found programs from the past that showed Chloe beating Kendall and making sure all knew it! "Kendall was in 10th while Maddie and Chloe were at the top!" My mouth went agape! Jill had done nothing to her, but Christi felt she had to put Jill in her place I guess! She also got in Melissa face at the end of season 1 ranting "how many times has my daughter beat your daughter!" Again, shocking high school behavior IMO! I could go on; love watching those past seasons! I find it hilarious to see grown adults behaving like this in front of their children; screaming, using profanity, then blaming it all on Abby!

    ***Cathy likes to say Candy Apples is different from the ALDC, however this speaks otherwise:

    - - ***

    I remember it well! I thought it hilarious because Cathy makes it a point to tell her kids, "we don't act like ALDC!" The thing is, CADC are the villains, going after ALDC, following them around the country, picking the same music to psyche out a dancer, entering a child too old in an age category, and more! Cathy's full of shit and her moms are more vindictive and evil than any of the other moms; esp. Bridget! I saw her in action in "Dance Moms: Miami!" She's bent in more way than one and she's going to ruin her "meal ticket;" errrr kid, Lucas!

    ***I saw the last episode of "Dance Moms: Miami" and I remember Bridget. She's the one who nearly got physical w/ Leo and who could blame her? Leo came into the program, acting as if she was Jennifer Lopez and provoking the rest of the women w/ her digs. Nobody said anything to her, she began mouthing off and when Bridget responded, Leo began to cry and played the victim. Maybe Bridget is the worst, but in the episode I saw her in, I was on her side.***

  15. *** Notice how the network has been backpedaling and doing specials to try and pretend this show isn't awful for the girls. It's not working very well but I'm sure lifetime will continue to pretend Abby isn't a horrible person. - Like the one special centered on Chloe versus Maddie? Good way to make sure you're not creating conflict btw children by dedicating a full special to something which has been milked to death and created the majority of the conflict between the women.

    Yep, that special was incredibly stupid. Not only that, but notice the digs towards Chloe and Christi and the way Jeff painted Melissa as a saint and Maddie as perfection. And it only used season 1 for the special so it was complete revisionist history. Another example was "Girl Talk." It's not a mistake that Chloe was the host and that along w/ Maddie, most of the special was geared around making Abby seem like an ok teacher, pretend that Chloe doesn't look sad or cry on tv, and that Maddie and Chloe haven't had conflict this year. The girls didn't say anything that probably was edited or cleared by Jeff Collins.***

    Oh please! Talk about revisionist history! What fault could you possible come up w/ Maddie and to label Chloe some kind of sacrificial lamb? Christi is the one making her own daughter miserable, telling her to ignore Abby's abuse when it's Christi who causes the conflict challenging the teacher! She has this stupid, smug look on her face when she thinks she's made Abby upset, then is shocked when Abby takes it out on Chloe! That's how it works; the way it's always worked! Melissa plays it the right way; "shuts up and let Abby do her thing!" She obviously knows what she's doing or people wouldn't pack up and go to her from "cross country!" Get a grip and see what's actually happening!

    ***Lifetime is responsible for ALL the drama on "Dance Moms." The producers are the ones who encourage the fighting and even worse, the Maddie vs. Chloe drama. ...Lifetime does all the editing and all the prodding of everyone to create drama. If they didn't want to portray Chloe as a victim, they wouldn't. If they didn't want to play Maddie up as the favorite, they wouldn't. If they didn't want to portray Abby as mean and unfair, they wouldn't. If they didn't want to portray the moms as crazy, they wouldn't.

    Lifetime has complete control over the (mostly) made up storylines and what they choose to let us see. It has been discovered many times that certain comments from all of the players (Abby, the moms, the girls, Cathy, etc.) have been edited out of context for the sake of "drama." And yet, we're the poor saps who buy into all of it.***

    I'm just going by the hateful and vile comments coming out of their own mouths! When Christi swears out of control in front of everyone, I doubt she was told to do that; come on! How classless can you be to do such a thing with so many kids around; even for money? Christi and Kelly are disgusting human beings who appear to have barely gotten through high school; had no clue who Anne Frank was! Idiots! Even Maddie knew without hearing it in school! Some of it could be editing, but it can't be all; don't know people as dense as these women!

    ***Trust me, I'm with you Fiero. I have never been a fan of Christi or Kelly.***

  16. ***Yes, I know, Abby is the considered the villain on Dance Moms by many. But I side with her much of the time and here's why:

    Love her or hate her, Abby is a respected dance instructor who has spent years in the business and has produced some very fine dancers. There will be those who say she's not that great or not that respected in the field. And true, she surely isn't the best. She's is still very knowledgeable and credit should be given where credit is due. With that said...

    The moms (most of whom have produced nothing of note, other than their kids) have NO right to question Abby or give her shit about anything concerning dance; "Zilch." Is she a tough teacher? Yes. Is she overwhelming at times. Certainly. But Abby is the expert here, not the moms. I'm a successful teacher (music, not dance) and what I say goes concerning my craft. Any good teacher must and does operate this way. Abby deserves credit for what she teaches her students and if the parents aren't happy, "leave." No fuss, no muss. But staying and constantly bitching is unacceptable. I myself never have and never will put up with that.

    I find it appalling that these moms don't simply sit back and let the expert do the job she's being paid to do. And Abby only explodes when the moms interfere. Yes, I know it's a show and a lot is for drama, but some of these parents need a good scolding more often than not. I actually wish the parents weren't under contract, so that Abby could call the shots, in terms of who comes and goes. That's the "real" reality of what any teacher would do.***

    I like the way you're thinking and will definitely make you part of my blog! You made the cut; thanks! I taught kids tennis back in the 70's, but couldn't get away with that tactic! They were just starting out and needed reassurance that they'd get better over time! These kids on DM have dealt with Abby since they were toddlers and it makes no sense for the moms to lose their shit since the kids are experience and want to excel! If they're embarrassed by how they're coming off under the scrutiny of the camera, they should have left early on before making such a commitment!

    I just don't understand their behavior; have it all with gorgeous, talent children, but they're so envious of others and act out w/ little apology! It's so ugly even though Kelly is stunning; hair, eyes, and more! When she starts acting like a juvenile, unable to see how wrong it was to let Brooke go try out for cheerleading w/o saying anything to Abby; I was appalled! Why a grown woman has to wait for a teacher to ask "where's Brooke," shows she's not all there IMO! I think Brooke should find something else to do since it appears she's breaking down w/ all that contorting!

  17. ***I admit it. I know many like the dancing, but I'm over it. Abby's choreography is too repetitive, the same dance moves over and over again. The music is ghastly; bubble-gum pop. Of course Abby includes occasional dance numbers dealing w/ darker subject matters dealt in such a superficial way it is equivalent to Punky Brewster finding met-amphetamines. I prefer to see Christi and Abby fighting, Cathy and Abby at it, Holly overreacting about Nia being stereotyped into ethnic roles, and Leslie acting like Kathy Bates in Misery.***

    That's where most of the entertainment lies; the dance performances a distant runner up!

    ***I am not sure why I even watch this show? When we last left off, I didn't know half the team and now it is just a load of specials - At least we had one with only the kids. Much less drama.***

    Seasons 1-3 a lot more entertaining on LRW cable weeknights and sat.! I don't particularly care for the new team and won't be watching them over and over as I would if earlier episodes! I do like McKenzie's performance of "CRY" and watch it on video tape and online, but the rest I can skip! Cathy's team doing "The Last Dance" isn't bad; esp. seeing them crack up and emplode when Lucas called another dancer outside of his name! So offensive; esp. with him lying about it! "I swear to God I didn't!" He's gonna burn! That's Bridget's influence no doubt; when busted, lie through your teeth, regardless if tape proves it!

    ***I remember that scene, don't worry God will forgive him. I think it's worrying that the kid can be put on trial so easily; "let's go to the videotape." It was a silly kid, spare of the moment thinking to do, you could see he was sorry. Anywhere else he would have just been made to apologise and then move on. But no this is Dance Moms; round 2 ding ding.

    I wouldn't say they have NO right to question Abby about anything she does; they are their kids after all. I.E., I would have never allowed my 9 or 10 year old child to wear the Electricity costume and their hair and make up like that. I get that dancers ae generally scantily clad, but the context of the dance and what they were wearing was inappropriate. I would certainly have a right as a parent to speak to Abby about that and pull my kid from the dance. I then, of course, have no right to complain that my child didn't get to dance that week.

    I also wouldn't mind Abby yelling at my child about dance technique or being lazy, or anything having to do with dance. However, calling them stupid, sneaky, or a slut is over the line of where her authority ends. I think that there s/b a sit down talk before contracts are signed as to exactly what will be required. I don't want my kid dancing until 11 p.m. on a school night. If you tell me that will be happening ahead of time I will find a different studio. But, certainly no swearing or screaming needs to be done on either side of this equation.***

    The problem is they were quite aware of all this before they signed those contracts! The moms have no right to be upset; more like embarrassed letting the world see what rotten parents they are allowing all of this to go on! I have no sympathy for any of them! These girls obviously have heard it all and know too much as it is when you see how out of control Kelly, Jill, and Christi get right in front of them! The profanity is obscene and it comes so naturally to them! My mouth still goes "agape" when they go on a rant! My parents would never speak to someone like that in front of me, even after I turned 18 much less at 8 or 9! Where's CPS? Someone should have reported them all by now! Even Holly's culpable letting this go on for years!

  18. ***I was speaking in a more general sense. That there are times when a parent most certainly should speak up. But, you'll note that I said swearing and screaming were not acceptable. And that if you do pull your kid from a dance due to an unresolvable issue, you have no cause to complain about your kid being left out.***

    That's the thing which is so unsettling with these moms; they're never happy! They nag about their child not getting a special part in the dance, then complain about it when they do! Holly even went off the deep end when Abby wanted Nia to "play the bully!" That was ridiculous! She isn't even satisfied when Nia gets a solo; "why isn't she given an opportunity to be in the trio?" Nia has enough trouble with the group dance, but she's looking for more! I could go on! I just SMH; as if these moms have little common sense amongst them all! Abby explains to Kelly that if she has another person choreograph Paige's solo, she would be out of the group! All you heard from her was "I want, I want, I want!" She's obviously not very educated and accustomed to getting away with murder! Abby's the only one to say "NO" and she can't deal with it! Where was her whining when Brooke was the featured dancer and got all the attention? She had her run so "shut up and collect your money and fame!"

    ***Here's the link to the prostle-tots number; it's awful. I would have never allowed my 9 or 10 year old to do this and I would have liked to have seen someone try to sue me over that.

    - - ***

    I still don't understand the furor over this number? The makeup, hair, and stockings were extreme, but they've all performed with a lot less clothing! The content was risque, but the girls didn't understand what was the problem! I had to laugh when Christi mentioned the girls "opening their legs!" She was more obscene than the actual performance; but I still laughed out loud!

    ***I never got the big furor over it either. To me it just looked like young girls dancing to an uptempo dance song and wearing tacky outfits. It's not like they were simulating sex or doing anything particularly provocative. Also, there's nothing inappropriate about the song lyrics, they're just about dancing. But it was one of their worst dances ever, for sure.

    Obviously the girls did understand if Maddie and Chloe begged Lifetime not to air it. And it wasn't so much the amount of the clothing, it was the total context of the clothing, the hair, the stockings, and choreography. It was just 100% inappropriate.***

    Whenever the kids truly speak up, I think it's their moms talking! I don't believe the girls had a legitimate complaint; all on the moms IMO!

    ***Ah, yes I remember this. I was thinking it was a duet or something that they goofed. Totally inappropriate- can't imagine any mother willingly letting their daughter of any age performing that! Thanks for linking me.***

  19. ***Kelly CONSTANTLY leaves "the team" (just to prove a point to Abby - what that point is, I don't know) and disrespects Abby in front of the girls, then she expects to just waltz back in whenever she wants and still get the same privileges as the other moms/girls who stayed? To quote Leslie: "Who does she think she is?" Kelly keeps bringing up the fact that her girls have been there since they were 3 yrs old and all this hoopla about loyalty, when SHE is the one who keeps pulling them out and getting other choreographers - talk about loyalty, eh?

    True, Leslie and Payton are "fill-ins", but if Payton wasn't as good as she was, she wouldn't have been invited to join the team to take Brooke/Paige's place. How is it fair for Kelly's girls to keep their spots after ditching the team on so many occasions? Yes, I understand it's their mother doing it, but they could have someone else bring them to practice. Kelly's the one ruining things for her girls, if their true passion IS dance. I know Brooke wants to get into music, fine; then put her in music and take her permanently out of dance (don't bring her back for another season). Don't keep yo-yoing the girls around.

    I love how Leslie speaks her mind. I didn't really like her in the beginning, but this time around, she's spot on w/ her "accusations". Christy asked her one time "Why does your 15-yr-old want to dance with our 7-yr-olds?" (indicating that Payton doesn't fit in). Well, Brooke is almost Payton's age and they don't find anything wrong with that - Christy and Kelly are getting super ridiculous, and Jill's no better jumping on the "Boo Hoo Kelly" bandwagon.

    *EDIT: Just caught the part where Melissa called Abby and Abby says that she'll return "When Brook and Paige get the hell out of my studio". Yes, it was harsh, but I don't know why Kelly was crying. I mean, SHE's the one constantly ruining it for her girls - she came in when she knew Abby wouldn't approve of it, she had Brooke ask for a solo, she always does things "her" way as if it were HER studio. She cusses Abby out and calls her names, then she has the nerve to act like the victim? Is she on something?***

    In a word; "YES!" I don't think it's an accident that Kelly and Christi have been busted drinking incessantly; even when they should be preparing their kids for a performance! I had to laugh when Abby called her out interrupting class on occasion and "mouthed" up to their viewing area, "are you drinking? Are you drunk?" Then tipped her head back a couple times simulating drinking! I roared and was surprised Kelly took offense since it's obviously one of their favorite past times!

    ***There was an episode where Abby caught Christy and Kelly at the bar when they should've been preparing for the competition. Then when Kelly got back, she accidentally burned Paige's arm with a curling iron. I mean, that pretty much said it all, didn't it? I hope to Grace that Kelly felt super guilty for that!***

    Yep; that's the one occasion I though of! I don't understand why she needed such a hot iron for fine blond hair? I even heard the skin sizzle! It looked like a professional "Plimatic" I might have used on my hair back in the 80's and 90's; when I actually had some hair! Lucky I never burned myself in anyway; besides the hair I guess!

  20. ***Hell, if I was Christy or Kelly I would need a drink too w/ all of Abby's craziness and Melissa annoyingness. Cheers!***

    They had opportunities to leave and kept coming back for more! I have no sympathy for these people since they've been there since the kids were toddlers! You can't keep bitchin' and moaning about abuse if you keep coming back; including abused wives! That's why they go to jail more than not! There are too many options these days to put up w/ it! Cry me a freakin' river!

    ***When I was a competitive figure skater, my mom always sat back on the bleachers and kept her mouth shut. She recognized who the experts were. She paid attention to the corrections she gave me, and when I was off the ice she would reiterate what they said, not bitch about it and tell me they were wrong. And if I ran off the ice crying b/c they were tough on me, she either ignored me or told my butt to get back on. My mother raised two star football players as well, so she wasn't going to let me quit a sport she knew I loved just b/c my coaches were "mean." Dancers like Chloe and Kelly's kids don't get it. Christie wants all these accolades for her kid, but she doesn't want to get Chloe to the studio as often as she should be. Maddie is at that studio 9 hours a day (not saying this is normal or right) and Christie is delusional enough to think that Chloe puts in the same amount of effort and therefore deserves the same rewards. If you're going to put your kid in a sport, get them to practice, have them shut up and make sure they're listening hard to the instructor.

    My parents were just like yours, they never interfered with the instructor's job and if I complained, I was told to brush it off. I'm HAPPY this was the case. I was a competitive figure skater too, competing for 15 years. While I was never the greatest at it, I was good enough to make it to US Nat'ls 4 times (even though I never won anything there). So I was pretty serious about it. Like you, I had coaches that were very tough, yelled at times and--yes--often hurt my feelings in the process. I got over it quickly.

    In my real profession--music--I had teachers that were even harsher than Abby and my own skating instructors and, frankly, they HAD to be. This was my chosen profession and from a young age--esp. from a young age--you can't dick around w/ it. You have to be disciplined, apply corrections immediately, practice hard and do it right, or don't bother. There are too many other kids that ARE passionate and disciplined, so if you're not totally serious, someone else is. That's where Abby is absolutely right: everyone's replaceable.***

    Brilliant posts! Thanks guys! Finally sanity being expressed! lol! You guys are more courageous and patient; I tip my hat! I was rather spoiled I guess and couldn't take that kind of abuse and taught myself how to play tennis! It was enough to just get out there everyday, watch technique from the pros on tv, and just let the chips fall where they may! I was never good enough to play on the tour, but I was obviously skilled enough to teach and trained kids and adult alike in local clubs! I did win a few local events, but never considered making it my life to take it to another level!

  21. There are so many haters; I stopped listening ages ago! They only see the girls and moms as victims, but I can point out too many occasions where they bring on the drama themselves! Watching the repeats, I gain more sympathy for Abby's plight over the kids and moms esp.! She's just doing her job trying to make them as good as they can be! If they weren't serious, they shouldn't have signed up! I totally side with Miller; my namesake by the way!

    ***I agree completely Fiero. - B/c if Melissa moves Maddie she won't be the center of the universe anymore. I don't think Melissa could handle that fact. Think about it: Maddie gets everything, is the feature every week and doesn't have to do much to get the best of everything. That's not the reality at other studios where Maddie would be just another dancer b/c there would be tons of kids more impressive than her. Put her in club dance and she would grow but she wouldn't be the center all the time. I think Maddie would like that...Melissa not so much.***

    I think she knows she needs to be pushed, but Abby is probably protecting her and keeping better dancers away!

    ***I agree Fiero. I think Maddie knows that. I don't think Melissa would like it, but Maddie would probably love it. B/c no one lets Maddie be challenged anymore. Kalani and Kamryn were the best dancers to try and challenge her, but of course they danced against Chloe. I think if they asked Maddie, she would welcome the challenge, but Melissa wouldn't know what to do.

    I get the feeling that's just for the show though. I could be wrong but I think the show is scripted in that regard by her keeping better dancers away and not letting the better dancers compete against Maddie so Maddie can always seem like she's the best dancer when she competes, but in actuality I'm willing to bet that Maddie is probably pushed a lot, or at least I'm hoping she is b/c if not she's in for a rude awakening when she leaves ALDC.

    She does compete against better dancers at 'non-show' comps, but Maddie could do that on the show too. At her stage she should be challenged often b/c it makes her better. It's not realistic to paint her as infallible for the makes her look bad and it makes Abby/Melissa look even worse. But even in the 'non-show comps, why is Maddie always the lead? She always has a solo. How is that realistic? In competitive studios not every kid has a solo week after week. And I know when I danced we had to compete for leads and if someone wanted to challenge for the lead role we did that too. Kept us on our toes for sure. I'm just saying the show takes away time from when Maddie could be pushed harder. Right now only Chloe, Nia and Kendall are pushed on the show and the show takes up the majority of their dance time.***

  22. ***...Maybe try not watching the show for hours a day since it gets you so upset. Take a break before the new season starts.***

    It hardly gets me upset! I find it hilarious grown women can act like this on tv for all to see! The girls must be very embarrassed; later in life if not now! The last season wasn't half as funny since Abby took charge, became more stern, and started threatening to replace the girls all the time! I loved the performances though; even CADC's "The Last Dance!" If I didn't know better, I'd swear Abby choreographed that lyrical number for them! It probably would have won against any other team at the time!

    ***...There are all kinds of teaching styles and all kinds of students. Some teachers yell and scream a lot, others don't. Some students actually thrive w/ someone yelling and kicking their butt to get results, others do better with a quieter approach. I thrived under harsh and demanding teachers. They hurt my feelings all the time, but it toughened me up quickly and I became less sensitive to their insults. I did feel that they were on my side in terms of wanting me to perform to my potential. I never had the feeling that they were my friend--or even that they cared much about me as a person--but I wasn't there for love and friendship, I got that elsewhere. I was there for their expertise and wanted to be the best I could be. It worked for me. I tended to work less hard under mild-mannered teachers. A harsh approach wouldn't work for extremely sensitive students.***

    I don't think people understand how cruel it can be at auditions; you're just a piece of meat and they don't stroke you as they cut you to ribbons about your look or lack of grace! It just makes more sense to read these people the riot act so that when something comes along where they have to really work for it, they'll be tough enough to handle appraisals and rejections!

    ***Your so right, Fiero. There's much more rejection than acceptance when it comes to auditions. By the time I was starting out as a young professional, I'd had such tough teachers that rejection, nasty comments, or a bad review pretty much rolled right off me. On the flipside, I had many friends who weren't ready for the cruelty of the real world in the performing arts. Many of them became self-destructive as a result, and in most cases, gave up entirely.

    Favorite male dancer on the show? We always talk about our favorite dancers on the show, but we never talk about the recent influx of new male dancers. I know he was on DMM, but I love Lucas. I think he's adorable, even after his fumble last season (throughout the Miami show, he was sweet and kind to everyone). He's got talent, but I really like his facials and stage presence the most. - Gino. Very skilled, great stage presence.***

    Gino's older brother is a stud; what is it "Kevin?" He danced and lifted Brooke in the senior company at a competition last season! Justice and Lucas are adorable, but have to stick with "what's legal!"

    ***Yep you're thinking of Kevin!! He's what a male dancer should be: strong, showcases the female lead and technically/emotionally great.***

  23. ***Kelly and Abby's legal issues - I found this:

    - -

    But that was in March, nothing since. We probably won't hear much about it until it's over.***

    It'll probably get dropped altogether, but Kelly deserves to go through the process of being a criminal! Her behavior for all 4 seasons has been reprehensible and I don't feel sorry for her or the kids! They always have excuses for their antics and they deserve to be inconvenienced! Maybe if she laid off "the sauce," she could act like a responsible human being and mother!

    ***Honestly, it won't get dropped. There is too much actual video evidence to substantiate Kelly's claims to drop the case. It will probably work it's way through the system unless they settle.***

    Kelly's claim? You really can't seriously think Abby was trying to "eat" her face? Well we know what side you're on! Kelly doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as I'm concerned! She stood there and lied about what Abby said just a minute before; please! By the show allowing the telecast of the incident also gives credence that it was staged; so Abby has nothing to worry about!

    ***No I don't (lol, but I'm just imagining Abby biting Kelly like a dog), but there are a ton of claims in her lawsuit which is why I said that. Also the issue of the girls not being paid for their remaining episodes. Chances are Lifetime will probably try to settle, but I could see this at least going to the initial stages of court. - They should cancel this show; it's a piece of garbage. The only bigger piece of garbage is Abby herself. Screaming at and degrading children - she's nothing but a bully.***

    That's the entertainment of it all! I'll miss it when it's gone! This past season hasn't been as much fun w/ Abby threatening to replace everyone! I was hoping it was a motivational tool, but those odd little kids came in at the end and beat her regulars!

    ***9 times out of 10, it will all get dropped. A vast majority of these cases on reality tv tend to get dropped.

    I don't think it will be dropped. Even though Kelly has acted horrible throughout her run on DM, Abby has acted just as horribly. Maybe going through this will humble them both...unless Abby wins, then I think she'll be even worse. Kelly will fade out and we won't hear much from her or the girls.***

  24. Everything's A Conspiracy in the eyes of Christi and Kelly!

    ***ITA w/ you! Christi and Kelly start ALL the drama w/ their petty jealousy over a CHILD (not sure how old Maddie is at this point, 11-12?)! Whenever I see Christi rolling her eyes at the mere mention of Maddie's name, I just wanna smack her!

    And Kelly; she's constantly, I mean like every other episode it seems, pulling her kids out of the studio so they miss out on practice, then she gets mad when Abby puts them at the bottom of the pyramid b/c they didn't dance as well as Maddie, who's ALWAYS at the studio rehearsing. I've never seen a grown woman act so entitled.

    THEN, when they're given an opportunity by Abby, they complain that Abby's "setting them up to fail." I mean, come on! Why would Abby set up someone to fail when they're representing HER? I just don't understand the way these 2 women think? Their daughters are more mature than they are, and hopefully they will go far in life by not acting like their spoiled, immature mothers.***

    Thank you! That's exactly how I see it! I just hope these women are playacting! If they're like this for real, I feel for the kids; esp. Brooke and Paige! That is not how real life works! Normally if you walk out, "you're done;" never to be allowed to return! That happened entirely too many times for them to get away with! How these people act so profane; it's a wonder CPS hasn't stepped in!

    ***I am watching the full "Electricity" dance and I know that that was supposed to be inspired by DP's "Single Ladies" dance that had made major news, but I thought it was okay. Nothing as mind blowing or eye opening as DP's dance. I didn't understand why they put in the ballet moves like the tour jete and the turning arabesque w/ all the "sexy" dance. It didn't flow very well.***

    I never understood the hoopla; then or now! They're wearing more than some numbers like "Nip/Tuck" and other performances! How teased hair, excessive makeup, and stockings made it inappropriate is still beyond me! You had these "reaction shots" from other dancers backstage and moms in the audience; WHY? I think it was just played up to the hilt and since it was in the first season, scandal was used to draw people to the show as far as I'm concerned! They've replayed it many times, making it seem like it was obscene and never telecast again; total lie!

    ***When you go back and watch the reactions of the spectators, you can tell how fake they are. As for the costuming, I think the thigh high stockings are a take off of adult dancers who wear them hooked to their panties to make them look "sexy" and so by dressing children up like- as Christy, whom I know you love and adore, would say- "prostitots," makes it a bit unnerving; esp. when it's your child. Some parent's don't see the harm in it and judging by some of the interviews I have seen regarding the negative reactions towards the single ladies dance, some of the DP parents just see the "production" aspect of the dance and say that the costume ispart of the performance. I understand to an extent, but still seems over the top. When you have your own kids and you bring them up from birth, it's hard to think of your baby doing or portraying anything as "sexual," ESP. when they aren't even 10 yet. Granted the kids don't see the harm, assuming they haven't even been exposed to sex aside from maybe the basics (female parts, male parts and hopefully the truth that babies DON"T come from the stork). But as parent's and adults who have been exposed to sex, you see the situation completely different than the kids do.***

  25. ***I saw the full dance of the Electricity dance, and IMO, I thought it looked better during the shorter version showed on the show. The girls had no energy. Nia was behind everyone else and stood out like a sore thumb. (this is during first season when Nia was easily the worst dancer of the group). It looked sluggish and not very hot jazzy like the DP and even CD girls do.

    - Here's the full dance: ***

    OMG, the short, cut version is so much better! Nia truly was awful and didn't have a clue! How Holly can get all bent out of shape when Abby doesn't give her more opportunities is beyond me! She wasn't off by just a count, she forgot a full section or 2, not going down to the floor w/ the other girls! They didn't lose b/c it was risqué; it was just bad!

    ***Just saw the promo for Asia's new show. It starts the same day as the next season of "Dance Moms." It's called "Raising Asia." Apparently, she's going to be singing as well. I know she's talented, but I have to believe it will be more about just her; at least I hope it is. I would hate to see it all go to her head (esp. since promo called her a diva). Hope it doesn't turn her into an out of control spoiled brat that turns everyone off. She's still a child. I believe she has hit double digits in age. I just think it's sad to raise a child from the time they were just out of diapers with the attitude that you're a diva and hence better than everyone else.***

    Asia was born in '05! She still hasn't turned 10 and she's always been called a Diva; esp. by Abby! I had no idea, but I probably won't go out of my way to see her new program! She's a marvel though; even more so than Maddie!

    ***Opinions on all the Male Dancers from Season 3 onwards (All from Cathy)

    1. Zack Torres
    2. Gino Cosculluela
    3. Jalen Testerman
    4. Brandon Talbott
    5. Bryant (only appeared once)
    6. Nick Daniels
    7. Lucas Triana
    8. Gavin Morales
    9. Evan Gorbell (Will appear soon)

    Bonus. Justice Mccort***

    What's your opinion? I have none since Cathy didn't really train any of these boys! They're all hired guns who obviously learned more elsewhere; even choreographed by others! I just wished I knew why these moms would allow themselves to be used in this way; all in an attempt to beat and humiliate Abby? Oh how they must feel after all the juvenile behavior and psyche games, they still lose 9 times out of 10!

    ***I haven't paid enough attention to all of them to make a ranking, but I liked Zack's dancing the best.***

    Well he was the oldest, had the most experience, and worked professional jobs!

  26. ***But Maddie did lie. Christi's mistake was to confront the child and not the real monster, Melissa. Maddie won't breathe until Melissa tells her to. The irony is that Christi makes such a big deal out of Abby screaming at her kid when she's doing the same as Abby, taking out her frustrations on Maddie by accusing her of being a liar (which was true, but the responsibility was Melissa's) and a bully and spending the last 4 years whining about Maddie being #1 and Chloe never getting a fair shot.

    But there's no irrevocable proof that Maddie lied. Christi just made a bunch of statements that she never backed up. I'm not saying Maddie is a saint, but she got so much hate over that. I can't tell you the numerous times I've been called a liar just b/c of misconceptions or hearsay. People will think whatever they want and cast aspersions just b/c they're bitter and quick to blame others. I agree w/ you on the ironic part. Christi is a huge hypocrite and so antagonistic; I'm surprised it took this long for someone to hit her. Then again, Abby had it coming way more than anyone else on the show. That woman is deplorable!

    I agree, esp. since Chloe apparently asked Maddie in the studio before the girls ever left for competition and, since they competed at Jump that weekend, Maddie and Chloe wouldn't have even seen each other again until the morning of the competition for the show. I don't believe that Maddie and Melissa lied, but Christi is always happy to believe the worst where the Zieglers are concerned.

    I just hope that they don't turn Maddie's wonderful opportunity into a plotline for the show; though it seems like they're already going that direction. I'm guessing Christi will be the one to complain about it since she's the only one of all of the moms including Kalani's mother who didn't tweet anything to congratulate Maddie on anything Chandelier related and I've heard that there is supposedly some kind of a fight about something to do w/ the video. I know it's not about the way that Maddie was cast though since Sia didn't hold auditions or anything - she just tweeted Maddie and Melissa to ask Maddie to be in it. So at least we know that the moms can't accuse Maddie of only getting the job b/c of Abby's interference or anything.

    Sia didn't pick Chloe or any other little dancer Maddie's age b/c she was a fan of the show and said that Maddie is the one that stood out to her the most and the one whom she thought was best able to portray a character and tell a story on stage. Also, Maddie (who was playing a young Sia) does resemble a young Sia quite a bit. Sia's Twitter background used to be a picture of her when she was about 2 and she looked a lot like Maddie. At any rate Sia literally created the idea for the Chandelier video w/ Maddie in mind so I'm guessing that w/o Maddie she would have gone a different direction w/ it, but if not I'm sure she would have hired another little dancer who resembled her like Brynn Rumfallo.***

    Thank Gawd someone's rational about the whole video thing! Abby has "NO" control over casting and Christi and Kelly need to get over it! Producers and agents couldn't care less about Abby's input, seeing for themselves how well Maddie would work out! It just infuriates me to hear them both "kvetch" talking about a "fair chance" when auditions are obviously there for all concerned! If their kids aren't picked, Abby has "nothing" to do with it! I don't believe Maddie or Melissa lied either; they just didn't know until the last minute! That was all on Abby; her decision! Calling a child a liar is so reprehensible! I think Christi truly needs to go on meds and stop drinking! She's so out of control for all to see!

  27. ***Maddie is still an undeveloped little girl. Chloe is very tall and has boobs now. Maybe she wanted an innocent little kid look. Sia references her "inner 9-year-old" in some of her interviews. IMHO, Maddie could pass for 9.

    Christi is also my least favorite mother. In general I dislike Kelly a lot too, but she has had moments that make me think she's not so bad. I remember a few seasons ago Kelly was complaining (again) to Melissa about how Abby always runs Maddie's routines before she competes them, but she doesn't do that w/ her kids. Maddie was there and she turned to Maddie and said something like "it's nothing against you Maddie. I just think that my girls should get the same attention." Melissa said that she agreed w/ Kelly and Maddie also immediately said that she agreed. I was so happy that one of the moms finally took the time to explain to Maddie that they weren't blaming her for Abby's treatment of her. Of course she did something to make me dislike her again shortly after that but still...

    Christi, on the other hand, has proven herself to be very cunning, using show secrets to make herself look better, and has also shown time and time again that she thinks nothing of demonizing and trying to publicly shame a child on tv. I love Chloe, but I just can't w/ Christi.***

    Christi has "cried wolf" so often, no one takes her seriously anymore! If Abby does something legitimately to hurt Chloe, people will reference Christi's past behavior! Nothing will make up for her indiscretions, profanity, ranting, and raving in public for all to see! I'll be so glad when she's gone along with her bestie Kelly! I heard Chloe's training somewhere else so at least she can't whine about her daughter not getting enough of a workout! If she doesn't take her to that, she can look in the mirror when Chloe underachieves!

    ***If their is a dispute between Abby and a parent it should stay between them. There is no need to involve any of the children. Even the parents say that they do not involve children in their arguments and the team respects each other. Abby however has stated that a child's position on the pyramid is due to "their mother's behavior" which is completely ridiculous. If she wants to do that she should have a separate pyramid for parents.***

    Normally I'd agree, but Abby felt she had to do something to keep these vindictive, evil women in check! As you can tell, they're still out of control, so as a result I have no sympathy for the kids! After insulting Abby about her weight, Christi and Kelly are so smug with evil smirks; "sorry Chloe, Paige, & Brooke!" I laugh at it all! Melissa behaves herself and lets the teacher teach! In school, you don't have this kind of behavior; the kid would be suspended as well! That would be the result of a parent losing their minds in school! Sorry!

  28. ***Picking on the Kids - As far as teaching goes, Abby pushes them, she doesn't sugar coat it, and she really wants them to win. ...I've had to tell my friend this, who is also a dancer, that if she doesn't check her attitude, the company she's w/ could so easily say "I don't think so; bye bye, next girl."

    But how she picks on the kids b/c their mothers are a bunch a catty bitches, that's not fair. These are all adorable, hard working, kind and very mature children, but they're constantly punished for their mothers behavior. The moms don't have to be there. If they ask too many questions, interfere too much, and upset things, send them out and focus on the kids. I know this wouldn't work for the show, and isn't really how they do things in real life, forcing the drama, but it's beyond ridiculous.

    In the 1st season, she tells one of the moms that if they don't like it, they can go and get a job, and pick their kid up at the end of the day, but in the 2nd season, Holly, who's made some great accomplishments and works hard and Abby is yelling at poor Nia that her mother doesn't care about her b/c she's off at work. This is disgusting, really.

    Kelly should have been banned from the studio or something, so Abby could have worked w/ Paige and Brooke w/o the constant air of a fight hanging around. And all the jealousy towards Maddie, some of it is completely ridiculous, but I think a lot of it isn't even directed at her herself. I think Maddie is amazing, and I love watching her dance, but as a viewer I sometimes find myself hoping she loses to 1 of the other girls. ...Melissa's so convinced Maddie's the best thing ever, and yet she throws money every which way to give her a better chance, as though she couldn't do it on her own. Melissa, like the other mothers, causes others to pick on her daughter the way they do.

    Their are quite a few points here I agree w/. I've now decided that there needs to be a separate pyramid for the mothers, which is only reflective of their behavior. I like Holly, she's defiantly the rational one. Watching Kelly mid series 3, it seams to be that she's looking for the underlying motive in all of Abby's actions. As for Maddie, luckily the children are mature enough to notice that yes, she has talent, but they don't think of her as the centre of universe as the adults seam to. I feel sorry for her b/c she's the one that really wants to be a dancer so there is this hold over her; "I want her to beg, for this solo." You can see though the show that it's Maddie who gives the most in group support and pep talks.***

    You guys covered it! I wouldn't call it "picking on" as much as retribution for their silly mothers! I've said it before, they have options, but they keep coming back! When Christi and Kelly act out, I don't find anything wrong w/ Abby taking it out on the kids; moms obviously don't care or they wouldn't misbehave! Christi actually goes out of her way to antagonize situations and has this smug look on her face! Calling Abby names, mentioning her weight, and saying the kids are being set up to fail is so uncalled for; very high school! The kids keep saying they want to come back, so they should be accustomed to what happens! I would have told my mother to stop; a little more courage w/ boys to have parents stay in check! If I wasn't happy w/ the conditions, I'd say so! Brooke, Paige, and Chloe act like deer in the headlights for some reason! I know they're more outgoing and speak up when not on tv so I just don't have a lot of sympathy for them! Brooke going off to see what cheerleading was like really PO'd me; at least say something beforehand! Kelly didn't help the situation by allowing it, then Abby has to go hunt her down for an explanation! Who does that? The moms cause ALL the drama since they are so resentful of the teacher! Cry me a river!

  29. ***Portions of the proceeds go to charity; Christi keeps some of the profits and obviously the rest covers for their flights, security, etc. Do people really think Christi and Chloe would travel to other continents just to break even? Christi is a business woman; she's all about that profit. Why else do you need to charge $150 for 1 ticket?

    Remember when Paige broke her foot doing a back tuck and Kelly was the one who yelled at her to 'get it over w/' when Abby was warning her not to do it b/c of the cement underneath? Christi screamed at Abby and vehemently blamed her for that situation and said that Abby was the one who 'made' Paige do it. Christi's also the one that yells at people's moms and their kids for excluding Chloe when Christi is the one who chooses to ostracize herself from the team; everyone else was at "Dancing With The Stars." Christi wasn't. She was invited, but she chose not to go.

    Also, when Chloe and Kendall's placement was switched during that competition where they both had solos, Christi feigned confusion at first, but when Chloe admitted to asking for the director to change the order, Christi acted like it wasn't a big deal and everyone was just trying to get her.

    Looks like they're still showing S 4 once a week here in the UK, but I'm already ahead of them. S 3 was cut short for something called "Vanderpump Rules." Luckily I have already seen the end of S 3 so no real loss. Feel sorry for anyone who has not though, maybe this is just a U.K. thing and the show is not doing so well over here.***

    Oh you poor things! Here in The States, it's always playing; 2 eps weekdays and 4 on sat.! It's practically on a loop so we get through the seasons pretty fast! I'm not as entertained by S 4 w/ how much Abby has threatened the kids w/ replacement and bringing in another team! I was hoping it was a motivational tool, but they wound up showing by the end of this past run! I prefer watching the older seasons, esp. S 3 w/ the so called boycott! The girls brought in to fill the schedule were great and it was a shame they had to deal w/ the hateful behavior of Christi and Kelly when they returned!

    ...Brooke going off to see what cheerleading was like really PO'd me; at least say something beforehand! ...The moms cause ALL the drama since they are so resentful of the teacher! Cry me a river!

    ***Some things like Brooke not letting them know beforehand, or at least how it was dealt w/ all the moms knowing, but not telling Abby, sounds a lot like the kind of drama they cook up for the ratings. If Abby seriously started a rehearsal before stopping them b/c she realised Brooke wasn't there when she's the featured dancer of that number... that doesn't happen. And you don't take "retribution" on someone by picking on a child. I would have told my mother to stop, but only when she's calm. ...What Abby does to the kids for the teaching side of things doesn't work for everybody, but when it does you get kids w/ this talent doing amazing things. For her to be extra harsh or mean to them b/c of their mothers is unprofessional. Like I said, if it weren't for the show, those moms wouldn't have been there, or would have been made to leave.***

  30. ...The abuse will continue which only the producers really want for the drama of the show!

    ***I'm sure the fact that Abby hates Christi is 100% true. And it is truly pathetic that by now Christi has not come to the realization that she is 1000% the reason why Abby doesn't like Chloe. If Christi would ever sit down and shut up, Abby would probably be nicer to Chloe. Christi is simply too ignorant to figure that out so continues to scream like a banshee and let Chloe take the heat for it.

    I'm pretty sure that Lifetime has manufactured ALL of Abby taking the moms' bad behavior out on the kids. In fact, I think Collins and the rest of the producers put Abby up to it. Why do I seem so sure?

    1) If Lifetime did not want to portray Abby in this light, they wouldn't. They'd either tell her to stop, or just not air those segments. But they do air Abby's taking out her frustrations w/ the moms on the kids, so Lifetime WANTS this to happen.

    2) Pretty much everyone agrees that Abby was tough but okay in Season 1. I think this is the real Abby. It's also the Abby we see on "Abby's Studio Rescue" (which is great, by the way).

    3) As Fiero has noted, Abby can't throw Christi out of her studio b/c of the Lifetime contract.

    4) Lifetime--well, Jim Collins--recently hosted "The Rivalry Between Maddie and Chloe" as a special. That wasn't Abby's doing. So this "rivalry" is clearly manufactured by Lifetime (and it's so stupid).

    I'll bet that Christi and Chloe--as well as the other girls and moms--are in on much of this "drama" before it even happens.

    Although I do personally believe Abby has a genuine beef w/ Christi and has also taken it out on Chloe. - I'm sure the fact that Abby hates Christi is 100% true. And it is truly pathetic that by now Christi has not come to the realization that she is 1000% the reason why Abby doesn't like Chloe. If Christi would ever sit down and shut up, Abby would probably be nicer to Chloe. Christi is simply too ignorant to figure that out so continues to scream like a banshee and let Chloe take the heat for it.***

  31. ***I just wanted to come back to this b/c spoilers from today's Nat'ls show that the CADC group dance is called "Chandelier" and there is a picture all of the Candy Apples girls wearing Sia wigs, so we're definitely going to be hearing about the video on the show.***

    Cathy is obsessed with following Abby's girls in so many ways! It's truly sick!

    ***It seems as though the producers made Cathy do a Chandelier dance from what McKenzie and Gavin Morales' mom said on Tumblr. Cathy apparently tried to make it a good dance rather than focusing on mocking Maddie, which I think the producers wanted, but I still hate to see Maddie's great opportunity being used in this way.

    Apparently Lifetime did make them dance to Chandelier, but their costumes do not include Sia wigs. She acts like the wigs just randomly happened to be handed out and had nothing to do w/ the Chandelier video.

    - the-wigs-were-not-our#notes -

    I definitely take anything that Gavin's mom says w/ more than one grain of salt. I could totally see Maddie giving up her solo to be nice, esp. b/c ALDC has it's 'real' nat'ls next week, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something else. Gavin's mom also said that she was 'told' that Abby pulled that playing w/ fire # b/c she didn't want to compete against CADC and was 'told' that Abby is the reason that Maddie always wins. She can be a good source of info, but she seems to have something against Maddie (which is weird, b/c apparently her kids are friends w/ Maddie) so it's hard to just take what she says at face value.

    She is also known for posting one thing and then, when confronted about it, acts like she's been misinterpreted and people are mean and crazy for thinking that she meant things the way they sounded. I do agree that the kids probably didn't see it as making fun of Maddie (other than Lucas) but the adults in that situation should have known better and since she's also said that her kids aren't under contract and since Lucas refused to wear a wig people aren't buying the 'producers made us do it' excuse.

    I don't know what she said exactly, but many fans have said, "fix your eye" is what she told Chloe. This may, or may not be true.***

    Regardless, Christi still brought Chloe back year after year! Contract or not, she had options! Her being a fame HO is her real problem, not giving a care about her child so spare me! Abby's always been as horrible, but both Kelly and Christi brought their kids to be trained by this woman so they have the final say about the abuse! As for the name calling, "all" the moms have insulted Abby's appearance so cry me a river! That's their go to reaction when they're frustrated; calling her fat, ugly, unloved, and mean b/c of it!

  32. Holly; Queen Of Superfluous Statement! - I tried to give the woman every benefit of the doubt, but she really bugs me how she can't just let events go on without saying something so unnecessary! I can't watch her behaving so high school like when she's interrogating Melissa about taking off her ring! You could see Melissa was uncomfortable, but Holly persisted by asking what the kids thought about it! "Mind your own business woman!" There are other instances, but I'll let people make their own posts on it for now!

    ***...Just FYI though, Chloe does not have a lazy eye/wandering eye which is when the actual eyeball will go to the side and wander off. She has ptosis which is just a droopy eyelid.***

    Don't forget the "confused" and "deer in the headlights" looks! People say Abby picks on her, but she obviously has comprehension problems! She's berated when she make mistakes; easy way to handle that is not make them! Dropping the hat was a no-brainer! She didn't tuck it on her head in the least; almost as if she propped it up there to fall on purpose! These things are only happening to her so either something's wrong with Chloe or her own mother is setting her up! Christi still brought her back again and day after day; who's fault is that?

    ***...I totally believe she witnessed Abby making fun of Chloe. She has no reason to lie about that of all things. She also stated on her tumblr that the hug btw Abby and Lucas was staged for the show too. I believe it.

    I absolutely can not stand Christi. She's by far my least favorite mom b/c of the way she behaves towards Maddie and any new mom that comes into the studio. I also don't think that her animosity towards that little girl is fake b/c she tries to make her look bad at "meet and greets" too. It also makes her seem like a huge hypocrite b/c she calls Abby a terrible person for treating children badly, but then goes and does the same thing herself. I was actually happy that the reunion was finally not skewed in Christi's favor as I feel it has been every time in the past (at Melissa's expense usually). But even I will say she's not always in the wrong.

    I think most of her issues with Abby are valid, but she goes about them in the wrong way. I think there was a point, probably all the way back in season 1 when Abby still really liked Chloe. If Christi had done things differently she could have fixed her relationship w/ Abby and made things a lot easier on Chloe, but that didn't happen and now it's too late. Abby and Christi remind me of two bitter divorced parents attacking one another and poor Chloe ends up being caught in the crossfire.***

  33. They just repeated when Asia arrived at ALDC! Kristy and her daughter did nothing but show up and the other moms went on the attack! Christi was just disgusting as always and couldn't help herself even though the only threat was to MacKenzie who fained an injury w/ her mom's help! Christi just went at this woman again and again! It just made no sense! She should have gotten smacked on a couple occasions! That's why I have no sympathy for her or Chloe; too evil for words!

    ***Sorry but why are you calling Chloe "evil?" She's just a child! I don't think it's right to judge a person based on their mother. I'd hate for people to do that to me considering what my natural mother is like.***

    Chloe's not evil; just not too bright, regardless of her test scores! Her first reaction to a question or adversity when it concerns ABBY is to look to her mother! That isn't independent thought going on with that child! I could speak for myself; she doesn't! She could stop a lot of this drama by asking her mother to "STFU" and let her dance! Christi can't do that; like it's something new w/ Abby's way of doing things! I have no sympathy for any of these people since they knew what they were getting into before signing contracts; esp. Kelly who trained under Abby as a child! Cry me a freakin' river if they aren't happy now and feel "put upon!" Others would love to take their places, but they won't leave b/c they're all "fame HO's!"

    ***Well I know if I told my grandmother, (who is more of a mom to me than my mom which is why I say her instead of my mom) to STFU it would be a guarantee slap in the mouth even now. I can't imagine what would happen if I did it when I was Chloe's age, but I do agree w/ you on everything else though.

    Christi really is the problem here; holds the reins so tightly w/ Chloe I do feel for the poor girl. Isn't it interesting that, on one hand, we've got Christi, the foulest mouth on the show, who will stop at nothing to pick a fight and scream her head off at everyone (and let's face it, who has NOT screamed at), undermines every new mom that comes along, calls "unfair" at the drop of a hat, lies indiscriminately, bitches about being "part of the team," and then is the 1st to go off on her own carting Chloe all over the world to cash in on "meet and greets," etc., etc., etc. ... and then we have Chloe, who almost never says a word, even when asked a question.***

    Tight reins is right! I keep watching the past seasons and Chloe recedes more and more into the woodwork, not saying anything, and not making a move w/o looking at Christi! Even during awards at the end of the show, her name or # is called by the announcer, and Christi has to scream at her, "that's you!" I have to laugh looking at that amount of control she's exerted on her own daughter she can't react to the simplest of things happening around her w/o checking first! It's so bizarre! Christi and her sycophants love to whine about Abby mistreating Chloe, but if you listen to the confessionals, she's always making comments about "talking Chloe off a ledge" before a performance, "she gets into this headspace!" At the beginning of the season Christi went as far as threatening her on camera that she'd take away her phone! My mouth just went agape! I can't explain why I just love watching this show as much animus as I have for the mothers who do nothing but complain, bitch, moan, and whine about everything! Maybe that's where my amusement comes from; esp. Abby's retribution when they do!

    ***Yeah. I've seen Chloe look at her mom for answers too. That scares me b/c she won`t always have her mom there to answer for her.***

  34. All they're doing is watching their kids practice dance; then a performance over the weekend! We're talking hours and hours of doing nothing; maybe checking their phones for messages! I can count on one hand how many times my parents even saw me play tennis in a tournament and I played almost every single day! They weren't bad parents, but it wasn't important to me!

    ***Rumors have been swirling that Chloe and Christie will not be returning after S5.***

    So much for being the fan favorite; esp. in "meet and greets!" "Don't let the door hit you in the arse Christi! We'll miss you; NOT!"

    ***Chloe IS a fan favorite. She's prob the most popular of the girls. She's a good dancer, graceful, beautiful, and a nice, quiet, polite personality. I'm glad she's getting out of that toxic environment and I haven't watched since the Hylands left, but I would be willing to bet that ratings will go down when/if Chloe leaves.***

    Chloe leaving is incidental when it comes to the ratings; we'll miss the banter and fights btw her mother & Abby! Those are the facts! No adult was watching this show to see the girls dancing alone unless they're perverts; more into the interaction of the moms w/ the teacher! That's where the real entertainment lies!

    ***I'll definitely miss Chloe if she leaves; she's a nice kid and an amazing dancer and I'll miss Christi too. - I can understand Abby not liking Christie and that's fine they are adults, but I don't understand what Chloe has ever done to Abby!***

    Chloe's not taking responsibility to do or say anything and keep her mother in check! Maddie makes a stand at times, goes away on comps w/o her mother when the other moms get on her nerves! There's a big difference and Chloe's punished for it; nothing new! Abby has no reason to do either any favors! She's done a lot for both and they do nothing but disrespect her in their own way; Chloe rolling her eyes like her mother and Christie's disgusting, profane persona! Abby's no saint, but Chloe's brought to her knowing what's what! They should have no complaints IMO! Don't sign up if you can't take it, I always say! I wouldn't put my child in that position! It's all on Christi; the good and the bad!

    ***Um... you lost me, Fiero. Last time I checked, it's not Chloe's job to control her mother's actions and it never will be.***

    It's Chloe's extra curricular activity not her mother's! I played tennis and didn't allow my parent's input even though they're paying for the clothes, rackets, and balls! It's not for Christie to butt in the way she does; Abby's the pro!

    ***The main thing that you don't seem to understand is that if Chloe talks back to her mother in public, THEN CHLOE IS ACTING DISRESPECTFUL TO THE ONE PERSON WHO IS GIVING HER THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE LESSONS! If Chloe acted like a brat, Christie, as her mother and legal guardian has the right to take her dance lessons away. And she has every right to be angry w/ Abby b/c she's proving more and more that she's a petty person outside of the show. I personally know what it's like to deal w/ somebody who behaves like Abby, which is why I can never understand you empathizing w/ Abby and excusing her behavior.***

    You think they don't talk about these things outside the studio? Christie's a control freak and Chloe looks for her every time something happens; it's so sad she's so dependent or made to be so any way! If she had any guts, Christie s/b told, "please don't embarrass me like that! I can handle the situation and I want to be here!" Nothing disrespectful in saying that! I'm not "empathizing" as much as accepting Abby's behavior! Some teachers are just like that! She's been that way from the beginning so where's the confusion?

  35. Just watched episode where Nia was chosen a featured part; the bully in a performance! After all the whining about Nia not getting a chance to shine, she takes it away just like that! Such hypocrisy and stupidity; "it's an act lady!" I haven't even gotten to the episode where Nia's given the part of Rosa Parks! Holly was all smiles and assumed it was Nia's regardless if she could portray the part or not! So much for being upset with stereotypes! As I've been saying, all these moms are irrational; each can be picked apart for different events during the seasons! It never stops!

    ***It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Christie is 100% the reason why Abby does not like Chloe. So if CHRISTIE had any brains at all, she would sit down and shut up instead of stirring the pot every single chance she gets. ...The "meet & greets" are not the problem. The constant shit talking of Abby, her students, her paying customers, and her studio that take place at them are the problem. "Keep stirring that pot, Christi. It will surely get your daughter ahead."***

    Thank you! When Christie and Chloe were suspended, I didn't miss them at all; sorry! It was a peaceful week of "no eye rolls, no looks of a deer in the headlights, and little profane language!" Chloe's a sweet girl, terribly talented, but as long as she has that crazy mother, she'll end up being a head case herself!

    ***Member privileges? Not being able to attend comps and 'meet & greets' I understand since she is not a member, but seriously don't fool yourself into thinking that music videos and Teen Choice Awards are 'member privileges;' Reign dance Company isn't that important. These girls are getting these kinds of opportunities b/c they're on the cast of "Dance Moms" which Chloe happens to be part of which is what Christie is talking about. Chloe keeps getting these opportunities b/c people want the "Dance Moms" girls NOT ALDC members, but Abby makes sure to shut that down. Don't confuse yourselves people, the fact that she isn't an ALDC member has nothing to do w/ it b/c she is still a cast member.

    Sia's 'Chandelier' viewed 50 million times! Listen to Jimmy Kimmel introducing Maddie, before he and Guillermo learn the dance from her.

    - - ***

    OMG, knowing Christie, she has got to be PO'd! Anything Maddie got or achieved, she believed rightfully should have gone to Chloe! I can give example after example of her delusional comments in that respect! 'Kimmel' was some very nice exposure for Maddie considering I haven't seen Chloe doing much of anything outside the old seasons of the show! Both mom and daughter have got to be chewing the insides of their mouths! Abby must be as proud and happy as anything!

  36. ***...Wrong, Chloe is not a member of the competition team and only competes for "Dance Moms," but she still takes other classes/lessons at the studio and has confirmed this multiple times. As far as the opportunities go, 'DWTS,' Kids Choice invites arise only b/c of the show "Dance Moms" which Chloe IS a part of. She films and competes just like the other girls so yes, there is no reason she should be excluded. It's not as though Abby is being chosen for all of these opportunities for being a great dance teacher, it is b/c of the show; that's obvious. SO-everyone who is in the show should have equal opportunity to participate.***

    Normally I'd agree, but Christie burned all her bridges concerning this show w/ her own foul mouth! She saw how her daughter took the brunt of her ugly behavior, but didn't seem to care! I have all the sympathy in the world for that child, but until she sits down w/ the old shrew and tells her to let her handle things, she will continue to be "blackballed!" It's how the business works! Talent doesn't mean as much as personality and a willingness to get along w/ others! I can name so many brilliant performers, but can't get work b/c they are difficult or their handlers sabotage their efforts! A-Rod was supposedly the best baseball player in the world 10 years ago; his last contract almost never got signed b/c of his agent! When it was negotiated, the guy wasn't allowed in the meeting! That never happens! The same thing is happening w/ Christie and Chloe is suffering and excluded b/c of it!

    Just saw episode where Nia's given a solo, but it wasn't enough for Holly! She insisted on having a duet or trio to go along with the group #! If Nia gets all that, her mother complains about "it's too much pressure!" She really needs to make up her mind; shheeshh! She gets into argument with Abby, storms out taking Nia with her, then misses practice for the next day as well! Idiot!

    ***Haha, now Dr. Holly is an idiot? Your posts continue to be completely wrong. Just give up.***

    What did I say that as wrong? I just watched the episode and she has to be a hypocritical idiot if she thinks her daughter can handle all that! She can't have it both ways; either not enough or "it's too much!" She never learns or is happy! She's lucky to even be a part of this group from what I've seen of Nia; sorry! That "Electricity" # is thought of as being so scandalous it didn't place! It didn't make a mark b/c the girls were awful; esp. Nia! The timing and choreography was way off on stage!

    ***You could bring up potato chips and he'll find a reason to hate on Christi and Chloe.***

    There's nothing I've said that isn't agreed upon by others here! You just don't like it because Chloe's your fave! That's your problem not mines! Get over yourselves! Christi's been a hateful shrew since day one and you can deny it all you like; it all comes out in the repeats! From my blog, you should see I know what I'm talking about! It's all documented!

  37. ***Awww that's cute -- you and other posters regularly go into positive Maddie threads to bring up how awesome and mistreated Chloe is, yet you have an issue w/ Fiero bringing up the possibility Christie is jealous (which probably isn't too far from the truth since she's always going on about Maddie not deserving opportunities). He can post whatever he wants -- it's a discussion board. You're just a whiny wench who's attempted to run off anyone who doesn't agree w/ the echo chamber known as the "Dance Moms" board. Just like you've deemed Melissa worthy of your scorn, Christi has done plenty to have viewers not like her. It's hilarious that Fiero gets to you guys-- you've turned this thread, which is supposed to be about Maddie and her success, into another "pile on Fiero" thread by engaging w/ him all to defend your precious Chloe. I get secondhand embarrassment for you b/c you're always talking about your kids (like anyone cares), but how does someone w/ kids (I doubt you have a job) have so much time to post here day in and day out? If you can't handle difference of opinion maybe you should act like an adult and put him on ignore instead of derailing literally every thread and making it about "Poor Chloe/Dumb Fiero."

    Also, maybe he points out their transgressions so much b/c the show and other posters completely gloss over Christi's abhorrent behavior. Christi is the only other adult on the show besides Abby that is constantly confronting and talking bad about other people's kids. To act like his post is irrelevant to the topic at hand is intellectually dishonest, esp. since you specifically are in about almost every Maddie thread saying she's "not that great" of a dancer or that she doesn't deserve any of the opportunities she gets.***

    Hypocrisy is the American way! Some people just can't help themselves! Thanks!

    ***Its been speculated numerous times that the girls and moms are locked into contracts through 6 seasons. Since we are getting a S5, 6 seasons seems to be correct. The speculation came from some of the moms talking about contracts and such during S2 and S3 on Twitter.

    Chloe no longer has a contract w/ the studio. Since she was a title holder for S3, this season was the 1st where she could opt out. Christi did not sign a contract at the beginning of this season. Therefore Chloe takes classes at the studio and films, but is not part of the competition team.

    Thus when Todrick came to do a project w/ the DANCE MOM girls (DM not the ALDC) he wanted all of the girls in the video (for obvious reasons). Francisco Thurston who was w/ Todrick when filming the video confirmed that Abby made a huge fuss about Chloe being in the video. She used the lack of studio contract as the reason even though it was a DM project. The lack of studio contract does not allow Chloe to do any project within the studio which is also why she cannot take master classes from visiting instructors. Francisco confirmed all of this on the afterbuzz tv recap.

    The rest is just what I assume would happen if the moms try to break a contract. Chrsiti and Chloe are fan favorites. If they decided to try and break their contract, I would guess that there is some sort of penalty and fees to pay. To put it in perspective, to break the studio contract the fee was $100,000 to Abby. I assume for Lifetime it's way worse since its a major network. Plus I've had a friend do a reality show (singing competition) and the contract he had was iron clad. No joke.***

    I watched the video for the first time! It made me smile! Kenzie is really coming along nicely! It was good to see everyone again; nee Christi and Kelly! I have to say again, it's got to be eating them up that they couldn't control themselves so they could have all this exposure! It was a nice piece of work:

    - - Todrick video with "DM"

  38. ***Sia's Chandelier nominated for MTV video of the year - I hope she wins!...who knows w/ Sia being so "anti-fame," maybe she would let Maddie accept on her behalf...that would be soooo cool!***

    ...and kill Christi! We all know she constantly makes comments to the affect that her daughter is more deserving of something!

    ***Yes I really hope she wins. Great exposure for Maddie. She deserves it. - Is anyone else horrified Kendall is en pointe? What are they thinking letting Kendall do this? ...the only time I saw people en pointe were the much older girls; the much more advanced ones.***

    I've seen several of the younger girls and even Zack go "en point" w/o ballet shoes; esp. Chloe who seems to be the best at it! Love the end of "Black Swan" where she takes 3 or 4 steps on her toes; quite lovely really!

    ***That's not en pointe, that's forced arch releve and you can do that before your feet are ready for pointe shoes. - All the girls are en pointe and pretty much everyone didn't have the feet for it besides Chloe (which I still say she was too young though). There are pictures from their pointe dance at the recital and it makes me cringe at the technique of ALL the girls. They weren't even over their box...yikes!

    What the hell do these mothers think their daughters are going to do one day? What sort of future are they prepping them for? I understand (but don't condone) putting them in commercials, TV shows or films, hoping they'll be a huge child star and then a famous actor or actress. But what is the point of dancing? How many famous dancers are there? It's not like they're doing ballet either, which could possibly lead somewhere. Maybe I just have no idea what I'm talking about, but it seems like a dead end, unless they're going to be dance instructors.***

    Well w/ Maddie Ziegler, it has gotten her gigs on tv and in music videos; Sia's was the last one which led to extended appearance on Jimmy Kimmel! She's quite talented and is on course to be a child star! The rest are wasting their time, but Chloe and her mom are making money w/ "meet and greets!" She won't amount to anything doing that, but it makes her mother, Christi Lukasiak feel justified in what she's doing to her child!

    ***I forgot that they are reality "stars!" I think it's a great thing when children have hobbies, and when they're very good at those hobbies, but this just seems insane. It seems like it's entirely driven by mothers w/ big egos, who live through their children's accomplishments.***

  39. ***To a certain extent, I agree w/ you Fiero. I wish Kelly would've just let her kids perform, instead of pulling solos all the time. - Even though I don't always agree w/ you or particularly see why you side the way you do, I agree here. Kelly never made her stand up for themselves or handle situations on their own and you could see it; esp. Paige. She allowed Paige to just cry her eyes out and not stand up to Abby. I think that's why Paige had such anxiety. I think it was set on by her mom always batting heads w/ Abby and Paige being caught in the middle. Even though she was fun to watch, I often disagreed w/ her views or reasons for doing things. Christi has gotten to that point now. I think she cared more about Kelly and her friendship w/ her that she inadvertently screwed Chloe over. Don't get me wrong, I love Chloe and see so much potential and may be she doesn't need ALDC to jet start her career, but the show doesn't hurt. If Christi hadn't pulled Chloe out of the company, she'd have had the opportunities that the other girls got. At the very least she should have kept Chloe in the company for the length of the show to at least let her experiment in the industry. But at the same time, I don't think Chloe really wants to be in the entertainment industry. I see her more as a teacher or an author. Idk why.

    As for Chloe, I think it was smart of Christie to pull her out. Yes, she's missing out on some opportunities now, but she's getting better training on her off time at a different studio. She's seeing less of Abby, who is always insulting her and in the long run she'll be better off.

    Kelly made lots and lots of mistakes. Brooke was over dancing. Whether or not that had anything to do w/ Abby or not, I can't say. But not every little kid who wants to be a dancer becomes a dancer and that's fine. Since Kelly made the colossal mistake of committing her kids to Abby for however many years, she shouldn't have been pulling them out of rehearsals when she got mad at Abby. I love Paige, but she needed all the rehearsal time she could get. if Kelly wants to pull her out at 10 or 11 at night so she can sleep, that's fine. But not b/c Abby had a different teacher working w/ her, or b/c she thinks the choregraphy isn't winning. "That's not your job, Kelly, that's what you allowed Abby to have control over."

    She should not have pulled any of Paige's dances at competitions. Esp. the one where she just did it b/c Abby entered Maddie at the last minute. "It doesn't matter if Paige doesn't win, Kelly. It matters that she gets the experience dancing and that she tries her hardest." She shouldn't have changed Pagie's choreography. One, she knew Abby would be furious. Two, it's disrespectful, not that Abby necessarily deserves respect, but you teach your kids to respect everyone, regardless. Of all the things that Kelly wouldn't allow Paige to do, I would have found it much more comprehensible if she would have refused both girls' participation in "Electricity." Teach your kids to stand up for morals.

    She should not scream and swear at Abby, esp. in front of the kids. If you think you have a legitimate issue, go and talk to her in private like a civilized adult. As for the kids not standing up to Abby, they are scared of her, and none of the kids stand up to Abby. Not even Maddie would dare to say anything that she thought might anger Abby.***

    Color me shocked people! That's all I've been saying for all this time! You covered it all; even w/ examples I gnash my teeth over! Kelly was being unnecessarily dramatic, pulling the girls for stupid reasons, and most of all being profane in front of everyone! Bravo!

  40. ***I think we all agree that Kelly certainly didn't understand the benefit's of ass kissing. It's unfair to really put Brooke down for something she couldn't control. Had the show never come around, at this point Brooke probably still would have quit cause when the show began she was over it. And Maddie would NEVER have been able to dance in music videos or travel around the world; none of them would. The show is to thank for Maddie's career sailing at the age Brooke was when the show started. If Brooke had stuck w/ it and still loved it, she probably would have offers from Cirque Du Soliel and other things like that.

    Many good points you made here so let me go through them one at a time:

    1. It's nice to see a mom who isn't fame hungry to the point where they throw aside their kid's mental health to achieve it and I believe that if Chloe wanted it she will find a way. She doesn't need Abby to make Chloe a star.

    2. Brooke wasn't in it for dance anymore. But I think she liked the fame that came from the show. I think she's like every normal teen who wants to be famous, but doesn't want to work for it.

    3. I also agree, Kelly did nothing good for her kid's pulling their solo's left and right. It didn't teach them to fight for their dreams and it didn't teach them that winning in the face of adversity is much sweeter than winning in the face of expectation.

    4. I think she should have been thankful to have other choreographer's come and teach her kid's new dances. Why does it matter who teaches the kid just as long as they got to dance? If Kelly hadn't raised so much hell about Abby tossing them to another choreographer while Abby worked w/ the golden goose Maddie, just believed in her kids, and put trust in the choreography, Paige wouldn't have choked on stage and made herself so upset. Kelly played a major role in Paige's mental breakdowns.

    But at the same time, I think it's sneaky and undermining of Abby to throw Maddie out there behind everyone's back b/c she wants to win. I don't understand why if winning was that important, that she would give Paige solo's and threaten her to win, then turn around and say that she could never win. Why even waste people's time? If she wants to win, then give Maddie all the solo's and screw everyone else b/c we all know she's the only one who will ensure a win every time. So in that regard, I do agree with Kelly. But I think she was irrational a lot and always jumped off the deep end instead of really thinking things through.

    That's why I always liked that even when that happened, Christi never pulled Chloe. She voiced her displeasure, but then told Chloe to go out and do her best. That's what Kelly SHD; tell Paige to do her best even if Abby is unfair. She would've benefitted from that. - ...Was Peyton just the sacrificial lamb b/c Leslie is about the only person that Christi would have a bar fight w/ and thus giving the plot to "kick Chloe off" allowing her to go to her M&G. But why would anyone in their right mind give up a potential Nat'l Title to meet a bunch of 12 yr olds? ...Why did they schedule it during competition hours?***

    The thing is both Christi and Kelly are wusses who couldn't defend themselves against even a child! They expect others to take their abuse w/ no fisticuffs! I guess I'm still shocked Kelly assaulted Abby the way she did b/c it was totally "high school" and juvenile! Abby was not trying to bite her face, finger, or abuse her daughters! Kelly misrepresented what Abby said and she and Christi do it a lot; they're both habitual liars! They constantly conflate events and can't be trusted to replay them back for their audience!

  41. Maddie's First Kiss - So Gino has left CADC to work w/ Abby! Why he was over there in the 1st place made little sense since his older brother Kevin was already in Pittsburg being trained by Abby! They made a small deal of the father sneaking over to speak to Abby about him coming over last year, but I only saw the clip once! Funny how Lifetime can take out a confessional or small clip from the show so it's never seen again! I remember Holly commenting on the power of the "Rosa Park" # when Maddie stepped on the back of Nia, but I only saw it the one time! What was the big deal? It was the truth and I wasn't offended! Anyway, Maddie's making too big a deal out of a "peck" during a duet she's doing w/ Gino in next week's show! Running out of the studio covering her mouth was so over the top! The cameras around might have something to do w/ it!

    ***Gino and Kevin are actually from Miami which is where they are based and trained. Kevin was at ALDC b/c Gino was a guest at CADC during season 3. And for someone who has never kissed anyone, it is a big deal. Maddie is only 11 and she's being forced to kiss someone she knows likes her for a dance. It would make anyone uncomfortable.***

    Thanks for the info! Kevin's going to be a hottie from what little I saw of him last season! At 17 he was quite manly, but I guess standing next to the diminutive body and persona of Brooke, any boy would! lol!

    ***Lifetime has made her villain character up so much that she is hard to even be likable. Even if Disney movies they have characteristics in their villains that make them a likable hate. But Abby is a bully and a bitch. She is so damn hungry to be famous that she doesn't care who she hurts to get her name in lights somehow. She put down Maddie and her teammates when they came in second and told them that life sucks. She tried to sabotage Chloe's win b/c she can't have that girl win anything so that she can continue to beat her down. ...I get it, she hates the moms and so she does anything in her power to ruin those girls careers. She acts like she isn't doing those things, but we all know she is. ...She choreographs dances for the select ensemble to ensure that they will win at no costs. I don't know how the parents and the kids can trust Abby. I'm sick of Abby's blatant hatred towards the original girls and doing anything to see them fail.***

    You had me until you started railing about her being fat! Why go there? You made cogent points, made sense, and I was totally on board until you went juvenile "mean girl!" I think Abby depends on that and it turns her into the victim every time! Come on; I'm sure you're better than that! Christi and Kelly always hurt themselves "going there!"

    ***...Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made a comment about her weight. I realize that was insensitive. However, Abby's gone off the deep end. She's off her rocker. She's NUTS!

    Agreed. but I would say the fact that she went from 3 shows to 1 is showing that people aren't huge fans of her. I mean her 1st solo outing only made it 2 episodes before being yanked. The recent press hasn't been great to her either. I would say that once DM is over, we won't hear much from her anymore. She's no Blake, Anthony or one knew her from any other good competition studio before the show and her choreo isn't that great.***

    So far she's gotten good reviews even from her detractors like Christi and Holly! Abby does ok!

    ***She does okay, but she gets by w/ a little help from her friends.***

  42. ***Abby has done some nasty things in the past, definitely. - But what did she do in last night's episode that was so bad? I didn't notice anything.***

    She did more to help the 'select team' by overlooking Christy's assault of another mom when normally she would have dismissed them both! She needed the younger kids so her teenage members could outperform her elite team and Maddie! It's was kinda sick! She sabotaged them w/ ratty costumes and under par choreography giving all her attention and knowhow to the select team!

    ***I agree that she should not have overlooked the "new" mom's behavior. But it was the original moms who made all the accusations of sabotage and favortism. I didn't even like the costumes or the choreography for the new team, while I loved the dance for the original team. As for their costumes (playing ouija at a sleepover), their costumes were appropriate for that dance. Despite the usual b!tching of "being set up to fail" by Christi, Jill and Holly, I saw no evidence of that. What was so bad about the original group's choreography? I thought it was great and Chloe was terrific in her starring role.

    Then, Jill complains that they'll never beat the new team. Waah, waah, waah. They want to be competitive dancers, right? Then step up to the plate and start being competitive. Posters on this board have bitched and moaned that the original ALDC team is good, but not that good, and if Abby had any sense she would put them up against tougher competition, for their own good. Well, here it is! Just what everyone wanted, right? But no, now Abby is evil for bringing in these high level dancers. Sheesh.***

    Well that's the American way; "hypocrisy"...damned if you do and damned if you don't!

    ***Wait, hold on you guys... I finally agree w/ you, Fiero! I think this is a 1st. But yes, well said! - Did you watch the episode? Cause I name a few things. But that whole end scene w/ the girls upset for letting her down and she goes and barks at them? Who does that? You can be upset about their loss, but they were set up for 2nd and if you don't believe that then you're obviously blind. She was outright NASTY after the competition and even making a barking, biting face at either Chloe or Christi when she walked out of the elevator.

    I'm not mad the new team is there contrary to other people. I liked the choreo for "The Rapture" way was on another level. "Light as a Feather" was great and dark, but I wish it had MORE something ya know? More turns, extensions, etc. but Jill had a point last night...the girls on the new team are 13-15 w/o the youngest 2 and it showed. I like that they are getting tougher competition but, normally they wouldn't be against each other. I was more annoyed at the fighting, hypocrisy from Abby, and worrying that Maddie is going to have another meltdown w/o her approval. I liked watching the new team dance even if the moms are annoying.***

    Abby's lost me! I was the last holdout trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but that was cold-blooded! I just don't enjoy the show like I used to; and it's all on her!

  43. I've been disappointed by Abby's behavior all season! It's like she's a raving lunatic, threatening to replace people even when they won 13 straight group #'s! ...Lucky the older seasons are played on a loop; LRW and my own VHS tape! ...Abby's being terribly irrational since her mom died!

    ***Wow Fiero... I have read your posts forever. I think the pod people have gotten you. I have never, ever, ever seen you come down on Abby before. I'm impressed. I think it shows growth and maturity that you are able to now see what we have been saying for a long time. Please keep this new Fiero alive and posting. I will be curious to hear your input since your change of heart.***

    I tried to give Abby every benefit of the doubt b/c the moms were so horrid from the 1st I came on board! They were true "mean girls" commenting on Abby's appearance and conflating events when replays showed they were either wrong or outright lying! Abby's been busted and I'm done! The show hasn't been any fun for a while w/ both sides taking their shots w/ the kids smack dab in the middle! I still have little if any sympathy for Kelly and Christi b/c they exacerbated situations out of control w/ their juvenile behavior and classlessness! Melissa and Jill are the consummate stage moms while Holly's still the master of the superfluous statement and would do better to just sit, observe, and judge from afar like she normally does! She's probably too educated for the show!

    ***Fiero... words I never thought you would say! - Did anyone else notice Lifetime has been trying to soften Abby's image, probably for her makeover show? Anyway, her promo image as always been harsh and mean: Abby as the Black Swan, Abby breaking the 2nd place trophy, Abby as the strict teacher w/ the pointer. The current image? Abby surrounded by pink pointe shoes, smiling and warm.

    Kalani gone - It really is BS. I guess they figure that most viewers don't know the real story. Just goes to show how much the "story producers" (of which there are seven!) manipulate the drama on the show.

    If Christi and Chloe are indeed gone after this season (which Christi has been saying for over a year), ...I mean--come on--we all know they're leaving, but Lifetime will feel compelled to come up w/ a "reason" for the unsuspecting viewers.

    Any thoughts on what they'll come up w? I figure it will be something like:

    1) They'll have Abby pull Chloe out of the lead role in a group for Nat'ls, causing Christi to explode and say she's leaving and never comes back.

    2) They'll have Christi do something to undermine Abby, such as taking Chloe to another studio or choreographer. Then Abby will "throw them out."

    3) They'll have Abby say or do something nastier than ever to Chloe, which will be the last straw for Christi.

    4) They'll have Christi herself do something so unacceptable that Abby will have to throw them out for good.

    What do you think will happen?***

  44. ***...Sometime during the 2nd season, Christi hired an agent to arrange her own "meet and greets," just for herself and Chloe (which is interesting because Christi always prides herself on being a "team" player, but not in this case). For Christi, it has become a money-making venture for herself and Chloe. What's more, Christi and Chloe have traveled extensively, doing these "meet and greets," causing Chloe to miss a great deal of ALDC practices.

    So Abby sees Christi as a selfish golddigger, even though she does think Chloe is a talented dancer. But Abby feels betrayed, b/c she made Chloe into the dancer she is, at least to this point. Over the past couple of years Chloe has missed many rehearsals--due to going on her own "meet and greets"--while Maddie and the others are in the studio, working their butts off. Abby no longer sees Chloe as a loyal member of the team, or as a dedicated dancer.

    Also, while Abby has been really awful to Chloe since this happened, Christi started much of the trouble by saying really hateful things to Abby (not to mention juvenile). If an adult called me "fatty, ugly, and disgusting"--even once--I would have a hard time forgiving and forgetting. I think most of us would. And Abby hates Christi b/c of it.

    But Christi and Abby have both signed contracts w/ Lifetime, so they're stuck w/ one another until the time is up. Either one of them could threaten to walk, but they would risk being sued by Lifetime. I'm sure Christi and Abby are both are counting the days until they are rid of one another for good.***

    I agree totally! Christi has a lot of nerve playing the victim after all she's done! She needs to take responsibility when Abby takes it out on her daughter; why be surprised? That's when I don't blame Abby for acting boorish; esp. when it concerns Chloe going off the reservation with those "M & G," then her mother speaking poorly of the person who got her into that position of a good dancer!

    ***- i6hz50EA1tg7isjo1_1280.png -***

    This is what really piss me about these evil moms! They think they can talk the way they do in a vacuum, acting as if it won't ever get back to the kids! What made it worst is that they say a lot of this stuff right in front of them, not behind the scenes; the profanity, yelling, then say to Maddie's face "this is not about you!" Who else is it about then shrews? I hope they see these tirades later on tape and feel some shame, but knowing Christi and Kelly, they'll continue to justify what they did; "I was just protecting my child!" Yeah, right!

    ***It always comes back to the producers. They are the ones creating these situations and the ones throwing gasoline on the fire. And they can edit the footage however they want. They take sound from different things and footage from something else to create fake drama. They don't care about Maddie or Chloe; they just want ratings.***

  45. ***I really just don't like Holly. Everyone loves her b/c she has the least amount of drama, but I find very few redeeming qualities in this woman. Most of the time she just comes off like a complete snob to me. The best examples of her snobbery are when she demands to be called "Doctor Holly" or when she gets offended by anything having to w/ money.***

    Of course she's a snob! She's worked hard to get where she is and will not allow anyone to undermine her accomplishments! I was just as bad, but she lowered her status by being a part of this show unfortunately! These women are "common;" esp. Christi and Kelly! They're not very educated and I'm shocked Holly considered them friends! When they didn't understand the dance about "Anne Frank," Holly was embarrassed for them! It was sad b/c even the most dimwitted of persons know that story!

    ***Holly's reaction to Maddie crying really irked me. What gives her the right to tell a little girl, who is not her daughter, to stop crying?! What makes her think she can just order Melissa to make Maddie stop crying? What's wrong w/ crying when you're upset? All these moms act like it's a sin to cry, but when their own child cries it's no big deal. Nia cried over her headpiece coming loose and holly didn't make her stop whining over that. Practice what you preach Doctor Holly.***

    Hypocrisy is the American way unfortunately! You forgot how unhappy Holly was when Kendall was allowed to use the choreography and costume for her CADC performance that beat Nia! The tears were flowing then before Abby told her to "suck it up kid! Save those tears for your pillow!" I would never forgive Jill for that if I were Holly, but she gets over everything! That was Nia's first and best chance for a crown! I think I saw a posting that she finally did it this season, but we've yet to see the performance! What aggravates me the most is Holly being unhappy with the doling out of assignments; never happy! If Nia gets a solo to go along with the group number, it's too much pressure; then she ticked that she didn't get a duet or trio as well! "Which is it HOLLY? What do you want?" Kristy nailed it when she was there last season!

    ***Mackenzie's reaction to winning 1st place was too cute. She looked genuinely shocked when they announced 2ond place and it wasn't her.***

    She's my new fave and I just love her performances; esp. in group numbers with that huge smile on her face with such confidence! "Bollywood" and "Arabian Nights" performances are classic to me!

  46. ***Christi has no reason to trust Abby and she was right to pull Chloe from the team. She hasn't gotten anything from it except to be miserable.***

    From day 1 I saw Christi and Kelly undermining Abby's instruction, telling the kids to ignore this & that, etc.! I've never seen or heard of such a thing! What's the point of going if you just accept what you want, then practically tell a student what to do which was counter intuitive or instructive? It was the same w/ Christi telling Chloe that "Maddie's no longer your friend!" Chloe really needed to buck up & tell her mother to stop her hysterical BS! She can't keep looking like a deer in the headlights! I know if my parents tried to control my extra-curricular activity we would be going at it! I guess it's easier for a guy, but I've heard bitchy enough girls; why not stand up for herself? Brooke & Paige acted the same way, but out of the studio they spoke up freely!

    ***Actually that was Kelly that said that. Christi never said Maddie wasn't her friend.***

    Besides Kelly pulling her kids' #'s on several occasions, she actually changed the choreography; and promised to do it again if the steps were too easy! Explain and forgive that type of behavior!

    ***I never excused that behavior. I said in a thread last week that Kelly pulling the #'s made no sense to me and it was wrong. That's where Christi had it right. B/c no matter how unfair she thought it was Chloe always got onstage at the end of the day to dance. That said, it doesn't excuse Abby's behavior either.

    Viewership for this episode is 1.44 mil, which is a low for the show. Typically the show pulls low to mid 2 mil.***

    I've been saying all season it hasn't been as entertaining! Abby's being a tyrant, acting very irrationally with this new team concept, and I just don't watch it over and over like I used to! I can go back to the first 3 seasons and laugh my ass off even when I know what's going to be said, but it truly stinks of late and it will end up getting cancelled unless they make a drastic change; IMO!

    ***I've felt this way for the last 2 seasons. This weeks episode was the first I watched in its entirety since S4 started. I just watch the dances usually.***

    S 3 was hilarious to me! At the start, the moms went on strike, supposedly due to treatment and banishment of Kelly's kids, but it really had to do w/ renegotiating their contracts! They were replaced almost immediately and I loved Sophia, Ally, etc.! The "momma drama" continued w/ the new mothers when Glo decided to enter her daughter for a solo w/o asking Abby! They went at it "tooth and nail" as w/ old times when Christi and Kelly challenged Abby's decisions; too funny! Sophia was even better than Maddie, so I didn't miss her at all! They ended up having to crawl back to ALDC and Abby punished them! Maddie & Melissa had to be on her bad side for a while and I thought it was appropriate! Abby got them to positions where Maddie's performing in videos, in magazines, and having a worldwide following! I was totally on Abby's side, but she's gotten so tyrannical I haven't had any fun! Even Christi's keeping her mouth closed a lot of the time; she's so on guard to what Abby might do to her and Chloe! No one likes to live in fear, but they put themselves in that position as far as I'm concerned!

    ***Christi was actually the 1st one who said that Maddie wasn't really the girls' friend, but she said it to the moms and not to Maddie herself:

    - -

    I definitely think Kelly's repeating it in front of Maddie and all of the other girls was way worse though; at least w/ Christi's comment Maddie didn't have to hear it and defend herself in a room full of people.***

  47. Christi really needs to get a life of her own! She looks ridiculous making comments about the show, making money off her children like any stage mom; just a horrible woman at these "meet and greets!"

    ***Kind of agree w/ you there a bit Fiero...don't know if Chloe likes these things or not. She's very shy and awkward and always looks to Christi to finish the answer.***

    I've been calling it the look of "a deer in the headlights!" I hope the poor kid can break away somehow! What is she going to do, live w/ her mom for the rest of her life? Girls normally break away from that kind of control; esp. when a tv personality! So far, Chloe has none and I think her mother is stifling her to death!

    ***My guess is that she doesn't want to say something that could get herself or her mother into trouble w/ the network. Or maybe she knows what she wants to say, but can't quite get the right words together and instead of faltering she looks to her mom for help.***

    ...and where is the poor husband while his girls are traveling the world? A question has been asked online, "is divorce on the horizon?" Typically happens! Probably a done deal! You can't have this kind of dysfunction for this many years and not have a break up!

    ***He's actually on the UK tour w/ them now, but yea he has a job.

    Let's say Chloe was being taught at the Joffrey Ballet School and Christi was upset b/c other students were being featured, or even favored, over Chloe. Let's say that Christi did not like the choreography of a dance given to Chloe, and that she decided to complain about all of it, and call the instructors "fatty," "disgusting" and a myriad of other nasty names. How do you suppose the instructors at Joffrey Ballet would react to that? They would, w/o a doubt kick her ass out of there so fast her head would spin; guaranteed. Word travels fast--it is probable that they would blackball Christi and Chloe all over the dance world.

    THAT is the biggest problem with Christi. She can't back off or shut up. If she does that w/ Abby, then she will do it with any instructor where she feels she's not getting her way. I've said many times that I do not condone Abby's taking her frustrations w/ parents out on the kids. But I do feel for Abby, being stuck w/ Christi b/c of this stupid contract. If Abby was THAT bad, why did it take Christi 10 years to get out? Here's why:

    Abby was never that bad. For all the "stories" you've heard about Abby being worse off-camera, there are just as many quotes from dancers saying Abby is quite nice. There are also a # of testimonials online of former ALDC members who now dance professionally who credit Abby for making their careers possible. Don't believe everything you see/hear on Dance Moms.***

  48. ***I agree that Christie should not yell, scream, swear, or name call. None of the mothers should. I do think that there are times that when it would have been very appropriate for them to respectfully voice their concerns. These occasions do not include who is getting solos or featured in the group dance as that is totally Abby's call. However, I do think a mother has the right and the responsibility to speak out if she thinks her daughter is in too skimpy an outfit or if the choreography is too suggestive. Again, politely, no screaming. I think it's perfectly acceptable to politely excuse your child from rehearsals at 10 p.m. if they are still going on. If the teacher pulls them from the # b/c of it, so be it. Kids have homework and they have to sleep.

    I think it's OK to tell the teacher not to call your child stupid or other names or insults that have nothing to do directly w/ dancing. Perhaps if Christi and Kelly had said these things respectfully, and left out complaints of favoritism, Abby would have listened to them. Maybe not, but then at least you have a legitimate complaint.***

    What drove me insane was when Kelly or Christi would allow the kids to do something outside of dance, then wait for Abby to wonder "where the hell is Chloe, Brooke, and Paige?" Abby would have to call up to these slugs to ask, then they would let her know! What's up w/ that? Christi complained about Melissa allowing Maddie to lie about that duet with Kalani, but what did she do concerning Chloe and that overnight field trip? Such hypocrisy! I could go on, but I'll just get too worked up; esp. by the defenders of this rotten behavior!

    ***Yes, that was stupid. Christie should have told Abby in advance that Chloe was going on that camping trip. And Kelly should NOT have allowed Brooke to quit mid-week to try out for cheerleading esp. since she had the lead in the group. What was that teaching that kid? Of course, seeing as how the cameras were at her tryouts and she was back in 2 weeks, and they were apparently able to choreograph a compleltey different winning # the morning of the comp (yeah right), I think the producers had a little something to do with that one.

    ...Abby hurls insults at Kendall quite often and then picks on her when she cries. - When has Abby hurled insults at Kendall? She's tough on her when it comes to dance ("Point your feet, how many times do I have to say it?!?"). Little girls cry all the time. At a certain point it becomes manipulative ("See, you made me cry! Now you can't say anything else to me.") Many people do not tolerate crying, unless it's from physical pain or a death. When my students cry (doesn't happen often, but sometimes w/ girls), I simply tell them to collect themselves and stop. They do. Then we continue w/ the lesson.***

    Kendall's definitely being manipulative and trying to gain sympathy by crying! She's a spoiled little brat who's mother pumps her up higher than deserved and so she looks all the worse for it! What is she crying about? She has it all; looks, talent, home, family, friends, but it's not enough! She wants adoration and nothing but praise and that isn't how real life is! She should be stronger by now, but she acts like a baby even though she's been under the tutelage of Abby for a couple years now! McKenzie's younger and you don't see her blubbering every episode! "Save your tears for the pillow!"

    ***I'm just saying that it hasn't gotten Jill anything except a child who is a nervous wreck 90% of the time. So playing into Abby's games haven't gotten her much.***

  49. ***Kendall is far from the weakest...she is improving Abby has said in the past; Kendall is nipping at Maddie heals" for top spot. She's getting tougher and not a crybaby as much. lol***

    Abby said that of Kendall over a year ago! lol! It was more an incentive comment than truth! I still crack up at video of Kendall being paired w/ Kalani! Abby was almost apoplectic trying to get her to dance properly; "Kendall leap, my Gawd what is wrong with her?" lol! It was hilarious and Jill couldn't do or say anything! She just wasn't picking up what was to be done! On another occasion Gia told Abby, "not one of those steps is correct! It's been a battle!" That time Jill went nuts and came down from the gallery talking about 2 grown women picking on her child! Again I laughed when she argued with Abby saying "that's bullshit!"

    ***This guy is much better off w/o her; his dance studio is better than Abby's and his choreo isn't stale yet like hers.***

    Cathy must hate losing to that stale choreography time after time! She's losing her mind as well w/ frustration! Talking about Paige like that at a competition, then trying to get Kelly's goat by mentioning Brooke so loudly at the Joffrey wasn't worth the pay the producers gave her! It was so disgusting I haven't even gotten over Anthony's comments to that little girl! It was truly retched behavior on their parts!

    ***...Most people here hate her. She has maybe 3 true fans on thus board, but they post nonstop defending her. Her biggest supporter, Fiero, also likes to attack the moms multiple times every day too. We have discovered that these people are either trolls or incapable of reason. ...But don't worry. Like attracts like- a nasty soulless loudmouth like Abby will attract other nasty soulless loudmouths. So they exist, but they're in the minority.***

    You have trouble reading I guess! I've said more than a few times that I haven't been happy about her persona this past season! It's been irrational, tyrannical, and w/o mercy for some strange reason! Maybe since her mom died she just hasn't been the least bit patient w/ differences! You're being another "Abby," lashing out w/o reason and I don't appreciate my name being invoked like that! Get a grip girly!

    ***Does anyone know what Abby whispered in John's ear? I completely missed it. Something about "walk away." But I didn't catch the rest.***

    I think I'm gonna start using that! lol! One thing I do which some would consider rude is when someone asks inappropriate questions on the phone, I'll hang up w/o any explanation; esp. if it's a stranger! When Melissa would call Abby and someone else answered the phone, I didn't think it appropriate to be asking all those questions and I would have hung up for sure! Abby was probably sitting right there! I would have hated lying saying she wasn't there! I would have thought to myself, "bitch, I don't know you!"

  50. ***One of the biggest misconceptions about “Dance Moms” is that Miller’s only goal is winning competitions. In reality, she prefers to attend conventions, where the focus is on education.

    “It never felt like a competition studio,” says Mark Myars, an ALDC alumnus who’s currently a dance supervisor for Broadway’s Wicked. “The main focus was taking classes and getting to know teachers and choreographers at conventions across the country. Two Broadway shows I’ve done, Footloose and 9 to 5, have been with choreographers I met w/ Abby as a teenager.”

    Miller says one of her proudest moments was seeing Myars in opening night of Footloose. She prides herself on the relationships she maintains w/ her former students.

    “Abby has always had a star quality,” says R.J. Mitchell, associate director of Rolann’s School of the Dance in Longwood, Fla, who’s been close friends w/ Miller for more than 2 decades. “She’s taken control of every room she walks into, even at competition. That’s just the kind of person she is.”

    “It’s not real life. It’s for entertainment value,” says Gary Pate, founder of Starpower Talent Competition, who has hosted “Dance Moms” at his events. “She’s always been a tough cookie, but on the show she’s portraying a character. People don’t want to watch a goody-two-shoes dance teacher. They want to see dysfunction.”

    If the professional success of students is a reliable measure of a teacher’s abilities, Abby Lee Miller must be doing something right. The lobby of her Pittsburgh studio is filled with headshots of alumni currently working on Broadway, film and tv. Here are just a few examples:

    - Miranda Maleski was a Top 20 contestant on “So You Think You Can Dance” Season 8. Since then, she’s danced w/ Kanye West and appeared in the Disney Channel pilot “Zombies and Cheerleaders” and ABC Family’s “Elixir.”
    - Mark Myars is currently dance supervisor for Wicked internationally and on Broadway. He’s performed in 9 to 5, Footloose, West Side Story and Wicked (dance captain) on Broadway.
    - Jessica Swesey is currently dancing w/ the Broadway 1st nat'l tour of West Side Story. Her other credits include the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, Tokyo Disney, HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire” and several commercials.
    - Kirsten Bracken made her Broadway debut in Hairspray in 2002, and she recently played Young Phyllis in the 2011 Broadway revival of Follies.
    - Allie Meixner has been featured in commercials for GM, L’Oréal (w/ Beyoncé) and Sony; she’s danced w/ Katy Perry, P. Diddy, Snoop Dogg and Toni Braxton; and she has appeared in ABC Family’s “Elixir” and Across the Universe.
    - Rachel Kreiling is a member of the Alison Chase Performance company and teaches for NYC Dance Alliance and Onstage New York. She has also danced at Tokyo Disney, in Mike Schulsters’ tap show Revolution and w/ Rasta Thomas’ Rock The Ballet.***

    Thanks for the background! People wonder why she's so prominent in the business! She obviously knows what she's doing and is highly respected!

    ***Pyramid - bit of a shock seeing Maddie near the bottom and little Sarah in top spot, but Abby loves her new dream team probably as much as the original team it seems, and Sarah's probably there to stay w/ all the drama Christ-y brings to the show. lol***

    What's out of character is that most of these girls are so much older than she's been dealing w/ the last several years! Kelly's one that said she runs them until they're burned out, but these girls have obviously been trained somewhere else and Abby's taking advantage of their maturity!

  51. ***...There have been lots of posts on Abby's Facebook page from former students saying that their exp. w/ Abby was great. But, of course, Facebook posts change daily--and there are so many of them--so it would take hours to try and locate them and single them out. But they exist.

    Sophia Lucia was never Abby's student, all her training is from elsewhere. And if she really liked Abby as a teacher, she would have stayed more than a month. They left pretty quickly. - Well, she worked w/ Abby, even if for a short time, and she had nice things to say about her. - They also left w/o notice, and I remember her mom looking very horrified for most of the last episode they were on.***

    There was a huge "row" after the original DM's returned in S3! It was WWIII and Jackie was appalled by all the screaming, ranting, and raving! She was history after that! I still remember Christi losing her mind at the desk w/ all the other moms & screamed at Abby; "shut your mouth!" I didn't blame her! The other moms didn't have anything good to say about her anyway; grilling her from day 1 about some mythical article she supposedly wrote about another little girl! Christi's absolute scum & doesn't deserve any sympathy! Kelly said she'd heard things about Jackie as well instead of befriending her to find out if she liked her or not! It's what I always say about women; esp. if they're jealous cows, "women hate women!" They rip each other all the time as if these confessionals won't get back to each other! Some sick ass broads!

    ***Scripted and staged Fake show - I don't think all of it is, but some definitely. - Abby's admitted it***

    Maybe so, but I can watch the first 3 season and still be very entertained! I watch all the repeats on LRW and have taped some of their best fights, rants, & performances to see later! It can be hilarious; esp. when Kelly storms out, comes crawling back the next day, and repeating it! Christi wasn't much better in her interaction w/ Abby & just made herself look just as foolish playing the victim! She'd insult Abby's appearance, weight, and lack of a man all the time so she can "cry me a river!" They were horrid people who hypocritically acted out as much as Abby for the show!

    ***Fiero, you're right. In most cases (if not every case), the moms/girls who have come and gone have left b/c of the animosity of the other moms, not Abby.

    Gino has been around for awhile, kind of switches back and forth btw ALDC and CADC ...Evan and Alyssa are just ringers Cathy brought in so she doesn't lose in her home state yet again to Abby. lol***

    If Cathy thinks she's so good, why does she need to bring in ringers throughout her tenure as episodic villain? It kills me how she talks about having so many more students than Abby, but has to rip off other studios for her entire team! What an embarrassment that she still loses again and again even if staged! It must be driving her crazy; a short trip if you ask me!

    ***The producers are the ones who give Cathy the ringers. She literally just wakes up, goes to her studio, and says "Oh; hey, Lucas! You're here! How are you, Gavin?." and then "Oh! Who are you? Evan and Alyssa? Nice to meet you!."***

  52. Gino Was Great - He's grown up, is cute, and performed well regardless of what Abby thought! That opening spin in the duet was magnificent! He's really come a long way since CADC!

    ***I thought so too. Gino is a great dancer. He wasn't the reason the duet got 2nd. The other 2 were just the stronger duo.***

    I hope his confidence isn't shot w/ Abby's comments and Maddie acting up b/c of the kiss! It was rude on both their parts! He would have been a nice addition and he wanted to be there! Oh well, the producers probably only wanted him for this 1 event!

    ***Totally agree! Gino seems like a sweet kid as well as talented. The other duo was just more fluid and mature. I was amused by the Dad too. I wish they would just do a Dance Dad episode already; take a break from the moms fighting.***

    The preview for next week's shows Christy probably mouthing off a little too much at Abby! She may have talked herself right out of there; a suspension at least! Why is it someone that's supposed to be so much "with GAWD" is such an obnoxious "tool?" Sarah is such a sweet little girl! I wonder how long that'll last with such a mom?

    ***Christ-y is so not Christlike that it's funny. She's the prototypical fake Christian who mainly uses it to pump herself up and to try to control and dominate other people. Compared to Christ-y, Jill is an angel. She's also a lot more likable. Jill seems a lot more educated and sophisticated than her.***

    Let's not sugarcoat it; Christy's a pig in more ways than one! She can't keep her mouth shut for a moment, is always trying to advance her own interests and desires, and goes out of her way to hurt others! She's truly disturbed!

    ***B/c that's what they do, they fight w/ Cathy whenever they see her. They collect their paychecks, she collects hers; ignore each others existence until they meet up again to do it all over again.

    I'm sure Abby had nothing to do w/ the Sia video; you are totally right about that. But if you watch the premier from 2 weeks ago, they talk about what everyone did over break during pyramid and Maddie says, "I shot a music video for Sia." - Yeah, I can't see how Holly or Jill let Abby manage their kids.***

    Manage what? They don't work as hard and aren't as good as Maddie! That's not Abby's fault! Both mothers exaggerate their child's ability all the time, then stress when Abby tries to give them more responsibility w/ a solo, duet, or trio! They can't handle outside opportunities and Abby has nothing to do w/ it! Casting is totally up to the discretion of others and it really ticks me off hearing Jill and Christi telling their kids Abby's overlooking them! It's ridiculous; esp. w/ that talent agent who checked them all out and they choked! Maddie performed well, impressed him, and he logically asked Melissa to let him know if they're in NY! Christi of course flipped out whining about everything is set up to make Maddie look good when they had the exact same opportunity to shine! Idiots!

    ***Right, but even Abby hasn't gotten Maddie anything. I think LA agents got her the sketchers commercial & Sia reached out to Maddie for the video. So really Abby has only done anything for Mackenzie and that is a flash pan success b/c that wave lasted a few weeks. Kendall could model and Nia would be great in hip hop/funk videos b/c that style suits her and she has amazing stage presence.***

  53. ***The Jimmy Kimmel performance was a day or 2 before the last episode of this season (the 'nat'ls' ep.) was filmed so that's still a ways away. And7579 is correct that next week will be about Maddie's Ellen appearance. Also, Christi was the only mom who didn't tweet something to congratulate Maddie for being on Ellen (Jill, Holly, Kira and even Payton, Leslie and Jill's daughter Ryleigh congratulated her) so I suspect that this is a sign of things to come on next week's episode.***

    This so called rivalry is all in Christi's head! She starts it, puts words and thoughts in Chloe's mind, and is totally responsible for any animus created w/ Maddie and Abby! That woman really needs to grow the HELL up! She's totally satisfied when things are going her way, but if Chloe falters, it's Abby's fault! You can see in her reaction to stuff that happens and she tries to rub it off on her own daughter! It's so disturbing and disgusting!

    ***Wow… why is she so hateful? Why does she do these things and then complain on the show about Maddie and Chloe not being friends?***

    It's Christi's inner "mean girl" trying to escape and infect her daughter! She's one sick broad!

    ***It looks like they are setting it up to look like Abby had a role in getting Maddie the video. From the previews it seems like the story is Sia (or her reps) contacted Abby for any dancer and Abby made it seem like Maddie was the only one available at the moment so Sia had no choice but to contact Maddie. Or at least that's what the preview made it sound like. I guess we'll see soon enough what they came up w/ for the show.***

    I personally hate the whole story arc of another team! Abby's constant threatening of Chloe, Nia, and the rest was so over the top and unnecessary; esp. since they were winning! I think they had 13-14 straight group wins before this backup team was formed of older, more experienced dancers! I wasn't impressed for that very reason! Abby complained about Cathy using older girls, and what does she do to undermine her comp. team; bring in these girls w/ Sarah as a counter-balance to her mad scheme! I've been pretty much disgusted this entire season!

    ***Didn't Abby do an interview around the end of the 1st or 2nd season and she admitted that off the show, her and Cathy were actually friends?***

    I guess so! I watched a clip on YouTube where they were being interviewed and Cathy returned the "bee costume!" She obviously didn't give it to "Goodwill" after all; or she retrieved it!

  54. ***I use to work at a restaurant in Beverly Hills that Abby frequented, and always made sure to seat her and her guests. Her guests were always people from lifetime. She is a huge diva and very rude. ...She was very candid w/ me regarding Chloe and Christi. She asked if I was a fan of the show and what dancer was my fave. Once I told her I thought Chloe had beautiful lines and technique, she went off.***

    I'm sure Abby feels betrayed, but Christi does exacerbate the situation! She did it while part of the show and does it more now that she's off of it! You would think she would be more adult for her daughter's sake, but she's proved to be childish, petulant, and vindictive! I've never liked Christi from Season 1! It was a constant refrain of victimhood; hers and Chloe!

    ***Everyone from DM attended the Teen Choice Awards, w/ the exception of Chloe and Christi. When they were naming the nominees for Best Reality Tv show (the category DM was nominated for) they played a clip of Chloe falling in the "Broken Dolls" dance. Of all clips, why would they show that one? How embarrassing for Chloe :( I wonder if Abby had something to do with that?

    Chloe was probably invited b/c she is on the show, but I'm guessing Christi is avoiding any extra time spent promoting the show. I mean why would she? And of course Jeff probably chose that clip...the show hasn't been that kind to Chloe ever since the rumors of her leaving started.***

    Well it was funny! What in the world was Chloe doing to "slip and go boom" like that? Must have really reinforced Abby giving both Chloe and Christi a hard time! The dance saved though; won!

    ***I'm not sure why you would be happy that Chloe slipped and fell when she could've hurt herself. Do you feel the same joy when Maddie did the wrong flip and fell in her solo? B/c neither of those situations were funny and they both could've been hurt. They were mistakes and kids make those sometimes. It's how people learn.***

    There you go, exaggerating what happened and my intent! I said nothing about being happy, it was more funny! Get over yourself girly! That slip was nothing like Maddie's aerial mistake which could have been a lot more devastating to her! Chloe's slip was "nothing" and like people said, she recovered well and moved on! Maddie's mistake could have been a lot more serious and I said nothing about it for that reason! Again, get over yourself!

  55. ***I wonder if anything will come from what looks like lying on either the part of Lifetime or Christi about the Sia video? Christi said or Lifetime edited it to say that Sia called the studio looking for girls and Maddie was the only one available - yet we all flat-out know Sia reached out via twitter to Melissa.

    Everyone knows how Sia got in touch w/ Maddie. Christi saying she could've done it this a producer script. She knows Sia got in touch w/ Maddie directly. Even Melissa said Christi congratulated Maddie in person. So yea its stupid.***

    Christi pulls this victimhood card all the time as if Abby has something to do w/ casting independent projects outside of the studio! She doesn't have the power to do so, but Christi keeps saying it over and over that the other girls are set up to fail! That's crap and this is why I have no sympathy for her plight in this situation!

    ***Too bad Christ-y couldn't keep her mouth shut and/or let Sarah go alone. I like that she spoke up and asked Abby if she could be in the group. Christ-y doesn't make sense. She must have known that would have happened so that was stupid. Or was it already planned in advance that Sarah wouldn't be in the group and Lifetime worked up this story for extra drama? I don't know which situation is worse, Christ-y being so stupid and selfish, or Lifetime setting up the situation and in the end disappointing Sarah.***

    I was surprised Abby gave Sarah a chance to go on her own! Normally she would punish the kid for what the mom said! I didn't blame Abby at all for telling her she was finished! Who does this woman think she is that she would talk to a teacher like that? The woman is certifiable IMO!

    ***I actually agreed w/ Abby. She gave the option for Sarah to go to the competition still. If it were me Sarah would not have had the option at all. - The only thing I liked about this episode was the group dance and Sarah asking Abby if she could still be in the dance. The rest was the same old fake stuff. I did not like them implying Kendal won b/c it was Maddie's solo, poor Kendal. I also found it funny that Jill says it's not the solo; it's the work put into it that made Kendal's solo the winner, but when Maddie wins she joins in w/ the others saying it's b/c Maddie got the best solo.***

    It took me back a little; w/o the other team looming over the whole episode! At least we got rid of Christ-y for the week! That's was the most amusing part; seeing her act out even though it disappointed Sarah! "Blame your mamma girly; not Abby!"

    ***I mean Christ-y can't be THAT stupid and selfish can she? It's one thing to be mad Sarah doesn't have a costume, but going further and saying they need to take out the trash is beyond stupid and selfish if that wasn't set up. She's been in the school and watching the show long enough to know what would have happened.***

  56. ***I noticed this most recent episode that Chloe's flexibility has diminished...and thought what a shame b/c she used to do the best tilts. I don't know much about what she does outside of dance, but if she's doing as many "meet and greets" as you say, then I think that is crazy. What is the point? Does she need to be doing all these? Why not focus on her talent instead of the "needs" of these fans?***

    I've noticed Chloe falling behind as well! The lack of flexibility and barely getting off the ground in her leaps! Of course Christi won't admit to any of this being totally enamoured w/ world travel and having her own bit of fame! She's all smiles at these "meet and greets" and it has little to do w/ being away from Abby and the show! Chloe and Christi are getting all the attention and that's the way she likes it!

    ***Before every competition, the mothers of the soloists always list the reasons why they think their daughters are underdogs in the competition, like:

    *Inferior costume, *Less practice time w/ Abby, *Not as much practice time as Maddie, *Inferior routine

    It never fails. In the last episode, Holly insisted that Nia was the underdog b/c she had a hideous "underdog" costume. Jill said Kendall was the underdog b/c she had to dance a routine that was designed for Maddie. Both Holly and Cristi said their daughters were underdogs b/c Kendall was dancing a Maddie routine and wore a Maddie costume. And Cristi said Chloe was the underdog b/c her costume was ugly.

    Then they all assert that if their daughter wins, despite being handicapped by Abby's choices, it will solely be due to the daughter's talent. Christi is the worst. It monotonous to hear these pre-competition rants and excuses. Obviously they can't all be correct. Time after time, Abby has shown herself to be knowledgeable about what is needed to win.***

    They're all full of shit! Such hypocrites and liars! All they know how to do is bitch and moan, but they keep signing contracts to come back for more! Kelly's the one that bothers me the most since she knew how Abby was as a child, but couldn't wait to bring both her kids back to her at 2 or 3 y.o.! Which is it w/ these broads? Idiots and losers!

    ***We get it, you hate Kelly, she was stupid. But you can express it differently. Calling them names makes you look ignorant and it makes it hard for anyone to want to agree with you. Even if you don't agree w/ their choices, you don't need to call them idiots and losers. Also, you don't know the entire back story as to why Kelly chose to go to Abby's studio, so calling her out for that is again ignorant.***

    I don't care what the backstory is! If you complain about mistreatment, you have no right to keep whining about it if you keep coming back for more! What rational person would subject their children to abuse she considered so bad when she was growing up unless she's an idiot?

    ***Agreed. I think Christi and Melissa both are in it for the fame too. After all, it was Christi who wrote to Lifetime that they need to come see this crazy abusive dance teacher, and they made a show out of it. So of course they are in it for the fame and are using their daughter's to get it. Melissa wants her daughter to be famous and somehow believes that some woman in Pitts. will get that for her. If the show never existed, nobody would know who Maddie was. ...So, Idk what makes her think Abby is the only woman in America who will make her child a star. Maddie is talented and driven and she works hard for it, but at the same time, Christi can't go off galavanting the world w/ Chloe while Maddie is training, then come back and raise her hands like why is Maddie getting all this fame when Chloe is just as good. It's not fair to Maddie when she's clearly putting in the effort and Chloe's not. It's not always a matter of who's more talented. It's true, Chloe has the talent, but she isn't working hard to improve her talent.***

  57. ***I dunno, Chloe had some amazing height in the some of her leaps in the last episode.***

    It was just a first impression where I only saw it once! I just wasn't impressed at some of her maneuvers! I've seen her better! I watch more of past seasons since this one has not been as entertaining! At least that backup team wasn't present which helped, but I still prefer to look at the rants, raves, and performance from previous seasons!

    ***I agree to a point. Chloe does "meets" on the weekends which doesn't affect her training. What does affect her training are a few things:

    1. When Christi pulled her studio contract, Chloe was still taking class at the ALDC. But she just started taking classes elsewhere in the recent months. And I think that has to do w/ whatever contract they had with lifetime. It probably restricted her ability to dance elsewhere if she wasn't w/ Abby. She gets less freedom b/c she is no longer a studio member.

    2. She's miserable at the studio. If she actually liked going to dance, she would be at dance. But she doesn't so of course her training suffered. I wouldn't be surprised if she took a break.

    3. She travels in the summer. Honestly Chloe has only been out of the country twice which would be the only "meets" that affected her training. But she took classes while she was in Australia and the UK so yes she was in class. So she's done just as much as the other girls (they will be in the UK next month) in terms of out of country travel.

    4. The other girls travel just as much as Chloe. If you follow them online all the girls constantly travel. Now if Chloe wasn't restricted she would travel for outside comps too. But she can't b/c she isn't on the team. So why is it that every cast member does "meets" and only Christi gets bashed for it?

    Now should she be in class? Yes, but I don't blame her for not wanting to be at the studio. Not only that, but she is clearly taking classes now b/c Chloe has danced much better in the recent episodes than she did last season. And for everyone who says her flexibility is less, of course it is! Have you ever danced while going through large growth spurts constantly? I have and it's very hard to work through. You're constantly stretching your body to keep up w/ the changes. Chloe grows more than anyone on the team. So while I agree w/ Abby that Chloe should be in class. We aren't getting the entire story. Even when Francisco was at the studio, he put to rest the rumors that Chloe doesn't dance there. She does just not as a comp member.

    Well I get why they say that about the solos. Maddie gets the best choreography hands down week after week. That puts you on another playing field when competing. Kendall performed well, but I wasn't wowed by her performance. I liked Chloe's personality, but the dance wasn't stellar to me. Nia's solo had no chance, no matter how well she danced.***

    Jill's always been the biggest hypocrite; contradicting herself in the same conversation! I wasn't surprised Christi made her usual underhanded speech, undermining everything Abby does! If Chloe had won, she would have sat there as proud as any mother would, but disappoint her, she lashes out! She at least was quieter about it and wasn't screeching at the top of her lungs! I appreciated that anyway!

  58. ***Last night, as I was listening to Abby praise Maddie to the skies for just BREATHING, something struck me (and I do like both Abby and Maddie):

    Abby's constant worshiping of Maddie last night seemed almost forced and over the top, even for Abby. She must have mentioned how wonderful Maddie is at least 20 times. I can't help that this is Lifetime's doing. Here are my reasons:

    1) We have been told that Lifetime films 50 hours of footage for each episode, so less that 1 hour of that footage makes it to the show. If Lifetime did not want to put all of that excessive Maddie praise into the show, they wouldn't. I think that Lifetime encourages Abby to say as much as she does about Maddie.

    2) Lifetime had an entire episode in the late spring about the "rivalry" btw Maddie and Chloe. They even titled the show that way. If they didn't want viewers to buy into that, they wouldn't have aired it. Also, I think that Lifetime has encouraged Abby to be esp. mean to Chloe in order to make viewers fall for this drama.

    3) We know for a fact that Lifetime has 6 or 7 "story producers" working on DM and that they have made up fictional stories for the show: the ridiculousness surrounding Melissa's engagement, including the fight w/ all the moms and Melissa having a lawyer serve notice to them; the moms' walkout; last night's stupidity about Abby "choosing" Maddie for Sia's video and not giving any of the other girls a chance; the jerky commercial with Cathy, where they had Chloe dressed as a hot dog and Abby being livid about Chloe's taking part in it; Kendall being a member of CADC (when she was with ALDC the whole time), etc.!

    4) There was a HUGE difference btw the Abby of Season 1 and the Abby of Seasons 2 and 3. No one changes THAT drastically within a few months. As Season 4 progresses, Abby is not as acidic as she was. My guess is that Lifetime wanted her to be vicious, but it went too far and their plan was starting to backfire.

    5) Bottom line: Lifetime creates these storylines for each episode and creates characters out of Abby, Cathy, the moms and the girls. The whole CADC thing is ridiculous as Cathy simply brings in outside dancers and choreographers, none that she can take credit for (even though she does). Abby has done that too, but at least the core group are her stdents and she does do most of the choreography.

    While I think some of what we see is real, I believe that most of it is hugely exaggerated and part of it is absolute fiction. What do you think?***

    For my own amusement, I try to take the program as telecast for the most part! It's hard to say all of it is phony and edited to shape the drama when we see the moms flipping out, being quite profane right in front of their kids; Lifetime has no control over their rants! They aren't telling Christi and Kelly to go off swearing for all to see and hear! That's all on them as far as I'm concerned! I'm sure editing can influence what we think at times, but I prefer to think most of it as real!

    I do have a problem when it appears Abby shows too much favoritism, almost ignoring the other girls, but they don't apply themselves as much as Maddie! I've mentioned before that I taught tennis for years and it's natural to have favorites who have a desire above the others; arrive early, stay late, you give them more attention and care! The moms are concerned about the kids being kids which means going to school full time, going on field trips, and missing voluntary practice at the studio! Maddie doesn't do any of that stuff b/c she knows it takes a lot more work to be successful to get where she wants! The moms and girls need to look in the mirror and quit blaming Maddie and Melissa for applying themselves more to get to the professional ranks where people are calling them for videos, interviews, and the like!

  59. ***Chloe and Christi's confessionals have been mixed new vs two seasons old. It's so obvious.***

    It would help to give an example! Chloe's grown so much over the years, I guess I wasn't looking closely enough! She so seldom has anything meaningful to say besides "getting over her nerves!" Normally it's Christi putting words and thoughts into her head! I think Chloe and Maddie are rather close, but all too often you have Christi trying to alienate that relationship by making it out that Melissa's cutthroat and is sabotaging Chloe's success by taking more of Abby's time! I got that from the 1st season confessionals; after making her accusation, she then says "I don't want to talk anymore!"

    ***I don't put much faith in the interviews; esp. where Christi is involved and when it is in regard to Maddie. Why? B/c while Christi may have issues w/ Melissa, and may blame Abby for her bias, she has ALWAYS been supportive of Maddie. She has never blamed Maddie for the "success" she gets. Her complaints are always of Abby playing favorites or Melissa being devious. She has never taken any of her frustrations out on Maddie.

    That's not always true; she has crossed some lines before, but Melissa confirmed that she congratulated Maddie in person and that she wasn't talking about the video.***

    How many tirades has Christi had in front of Maddie concerning supposed favoritism? She says she would never tout Chloe's success, but I seem to remember one rant after Maddie performed 2 solos in season 1 where she went off; "how many times has my daughter beaten your daughter?" That was in front of all the kids w/ Maddie and MacKenzie bawling their eyes out in shock; 8 and 6 respectively! I'll never forget or forgive that one if I were Melissa! Like Abby said, "you are out of control! Stop drinking!" I guess some of these explosions has to do w/ Kelly and Christi's alcoholism!

    ***You saw them drinking a little and now you're claiming they're full blown alcoholics?***

    I can go months w/o drinking anything! These women are drinking in just about every episode! They may not be alcoholics, but they drink a lot; believe it! I've seen wine, cosmos, two-fisting on the street, carousing w/ college kids in a bar w/ Jill taking money out of the pants of some guy! Did you miss all of that? Come on; don't defend that kind of imbibing w/ their kids; driving them, etc.!

    ***They haven't had drinks on the show since the finale where Christi and Leslie "fought." Before that they hadn't shown drinking for quite awhile. And they NEVER showed the moms drinking while driving.***

    So you think they walked to the bars? You can't be that naïve, silly, or unaware! I haven't seen drinking of late, but the first 3 seasons was full of it; at home, at bars, and on the street! You are in complete denial; give me a break!

    ***I don't think Christi and Kelly are alcoholics, but they have been pretty damn toasted more than once (and with more than one drink). The pilot episode was pretty bad. And in a reunion episode (last year?), Christi was drinking martinis the entire hour and started to get sloppy.***

    Thank you! I swear some people are in complete denial! Both Kelly and Christi were absolutely "sticking" in those early episodes a few years ago! When Abby had to actually go find them during competition, laughing loudly in the bar, my mouth was agape! But no, they aren't alcoholics! That episode Chloe's headband slid down her face in the trio and Christi was like nonplus! Abby lost it; rightfully so!

    I just can't relate! I'm older than all of them and I just never got into that habit! My parents come from the cocktail generation and I just promised myself never to get caught up in drinks after work, wine w/ dinner, or brandy afterwards!

  60. ***Don't forget the Leslie/Christi blow up. Both had drinks then I believe. I'm not saying they never drank, I'm just saying they're not alcoholics. You can't (not you) make a determination like that by watching an edited TV show or assume they're driving their kids around while drunk/buzzed.***

    That was the season 3 finale and Christi was "stinking drunk!" I couldn't believe she was trying to spin it the next morning that it was Leslie's fault for calling her a drunk! She was drunk! To me that's evidence of a serious problem on her part! She ran off Kristi and Asia for Nat'ls and didn't seem to have any embarrassment over the situation; saying "hot damn" as Chloe and her were sent packing by Abby! Chloe should have been devastated since she was the defending champion and it was all on her stupid mother who can't hold her liquor; AGAIN!

    I just can't relate! I'm older than all of them and I just never got into that habit! My parents come from the cocktail generation and I just promised myself never to get caught up in drinks after work, wine w/ dinner, or brandy afterwards! I don't begrudge the moms drinking themselves into a stupor, but I've noticed they seem to be holding a libation a lot of the times! They have to be loaded sometime and driving the kids home! Just an observation from the editing that I've seen over the years!

    ***I do have a feeling production is partly to blame for the drinking. Most, if not all food and drink is provided and paid for by production during filming. They are all adults, no one is force feeding them alcohol. But if you are a little nervous or not used to being on camera, that's an old trick for a producer to bring out a glass of wine. I heard a rumor that on set they actually refer to it as "mommy juice" lol.***

    Well I feel about alcohol the way doctors feel about dessert! Just b/c it's there doesn't mean you have to eat it! The country is getting fatter and we have to take that into consideration; even if it's free! lol! The moms seem to have booze w/ every meal and whenever they go out socially! I've seen them drink on tv more than I have in a year! I don't mind a buzz periodically when going out w/ friends, but I'm not a parent! I just shake my head seeing Christi crinkling up her hooked nose over a cosmopolitan or martini, kicking people out of other people's home w/ a drunken tirade, and of course her famous confrontation w/ Leslie in New Orleans slapping a drink out of her hands! To me, she has a problem; sorry!

    ***I'm the same way you are, I'm not a big drinker and have never understood drinking everyday or having to drink while eating. So I totally get that and agree w/ you. The only reason I have some sympathy in this situation is from being on set. I've seen actors drink to take the edge off many times. And esp. for season one, you have a bunch of people not used to being on camera. I can understand why they would drink. lol. It would be nerve wracking to have a whole camera crew following you around 50 hours a week. But the New Orleans scene was a mess. Remember when Melissa was flashing people? All the moms were acting like they were on Spring break. But even when they are at a restaurant/bar, production is most likely buying those drinks too. Not saying it's an excuse, but at this point it's pretty clear the producers want the moms to be acting as outrageous as possible. Supplying the moms with lots of liquor is an easy way to manipulate them. Holly is the only one to play it smart, she usually just orders a soda.***

  61. ***Update on Abby/Kelly lawsuit - if anyone still cares or remembers that is, lol

    - -***

    Thanks! The way I saw it, Kelly didn't have a leg to stand on! She was totally fabricating what Abby said about replacing her girls! She's always had a problem w/ re-telling what actually happened or what was said! Like Christi, I think it's the drinking that makes them lose it! Abby didn't say anything about Kalani taking Brooke's place; it was "are you letting your mother speak for you?" She misrepresented what was said and the assault was totally unjustified talking about Abby trying to eat her! I'd laugh her out of court with her countersuit and the judge is likely to do just that! She's a fool! All you have to do is go back to the tape where she irrationally pulled her kids' performances again and again! It had nothing to do w/ Abby! She wasn't happy w/ the choreography, or the costume, or the fact that Maddie had 2 solos! She's whacked! Good riddance to bad rubbish! Brooke didn't want to be bothered anyway!

    ***One little revelation that surprised me was Kelly's breach of contract suit. On one hand, she complained in the lawsuit that she was locked in a contract that wouldn't allow her (and her girls) off the show. Now we find out she also sued b/c they kicked her off the show. As I said at the time, she hired a lawyer famous for nuisance suits, where you just bombard the defendant(s) w/ every conceivable complaint in what's called a "kitchen sink" lawsuit and "leak" the details to the media, in hopes they'll settle out of court just to make you go away.***

    If it was that simple, Christi would have done it! Just proves what I've been saying about these crazy women! They complain about the treatment, but at the same time are fame HO's and didn't really want to go; even though unhappy w/ how their children were treated! Total hypocrites; not surprising at all!

    ***I totally get that you don't like Christi and Kelly, but they did help make this show successful, and Kelly and her kids deserve to get paid for the work they did. Can you picture season 1 and 2 w/o Christi and Kelly? Love or hate them, they made an interesting show. If it was just an hour of Abby praising Maddie and nothing else, that would not be as interesting.***

    True enough, but it was the irrational behavior that bothered me so much! Abby was not setting them up to fail, had nothing to do w/ the casting of Maddie on tv and videos shoots, and most of all they never admitted their kids didn't work as hard as Maddie! She performed well the most b/c she lived at the studio! The other kids wanted to be kids, which is fine, but don't bitch later when Maddie performs better! Abby gives the girls good enough choreography, but if they fall out of spins and leaps, it's not Abby's fault, it's theirs! The moms just seem to want a fall guy instead of looking at their own kids and saying, "this is all on you!" They're hypocrites and liars and I just can't forgive that! Being "mean girls" talking about Abby's weight and appearance was just below the belt and too low to forgive or forget!

    ***It will be interesting to see how this pans out. I never expected Kelly to win this, but she probably does deserve to be paid for any back episodes owed to her by Lifetime.***

  62. ***...and the girls love Abby back in return...yes even Chloe. Chloe was very sad when Abby's mom passed away and they do still hug backstage after performances. She may be a tough teacher, but she does have fun and laugh w/ them at times, and they do that # chant thing when they win; although they haven't been winning much lately.

    Maybe that's why Abby's trying to make as much money as possible now - No, she's getting tons of money from Lifetime and countless tv/radio appearances.***

    Abby doesn't need to bring in new students as long as the show supports the studio! More power to her! She makes the show, not the kids! When they were replaced, back up dancers and moms filled the void quite easily! I loved Jackie and Sophia, Kristy and Asia, the mean moms (Glo & Marsha) and their kids!

    ***This is one of the promos that Maddie did for the VMAs:

    - -***

    As I always say, "this has got to be killing Christi!" I can see the rant behind the scenes! "Abby totally set this up for her precious Maddie!" You would think she'd realize how ridiculous that is when it comes to casting!

    ***I think my problem w/ Christi's constant complaining about how unfair things are is that you can't control what other people do. In life you don't get a say in how much time other people put into things and while it may seem more unfair b/c Maddie goes to the same studio. ...What I'm saying is that its a bit counterproductive to be complaining about how Maddie gets this and Maddie gets that when Christi has no say in what Maddie or any of Chloe's competition gets in way of advantages. And rather than complaining about it all the time she should be looking for ways to overcome Chloe's disadvantages and find some advantages of her own.***

    Then what is Christi whining about all the time then? She can throw all this in Melissa's face later! How many times did she say "it isn't fair?!" It's so "grammar school!"

    ***Christie does whine a lot, but wasn't it established that certain clips of her "confessionals" are repeats. Keep in mind, they might also be scripted. She might genuinely be fed up w/ the show, the dance studio, etc. But Lifetime might coax her a bit to say certain things or exaggerate her frustrations. I've always thought her comments (as annyoing as they can be) are funny and clever. Her sort of dry sense of humor is right up my ally. She's always been one of my favorite mothers. I just have to ask while we are saying she complains too much, how much of that is her, and how much is it the puppeteers hand behind her.***

    I can accept just about all of it but her hypocrisy; loud and profane in front of the kids! I don't think Jeff stands off camera demanding she does that again and again! lol! Kelly, Jill, and Christi often 'went off' w/ their kids standing right there! To this day my mom would "pardon my French" when I'm standing there; and I'm 57! How do these moms get off screaming about Abby's mistreatment and abuse when they're 10 times worse? That is where my amusement comes from; watching and listening to them "lose it!" "This dance is artistic, it's interpretive, it's bullshit!"

    ...How would you like to make someone's kid an award winning dancer and all they do is bitch and moan about "my kid doesn't get the opportunities" or "where is my child's solo?" Christi knows there's retribution going to be heaped on her child if she acts out, but she does it anyway! That's why I don't have as much sympathy for either! It's only human to want to get back at someone for being maligned or taken to task instead of being grateful!

  63. ***uh; none of the old moms are welcoming to the new moms...***

    Ain't that a kick in the head; the nerve really after how they treated new moms in the past! I don't even want to go down the list of how ugly Christi and Kelly were to anyone that invaded their space! Jackie was being ripped w/ rumor and innuendo! Why Holly went along w/ it and not calling them out: inexcusable! The Kristy hate and jealousy over Asia was too much! Even Jill gave her a shot w/ a shady comment about Asia's persona! Questioning the character and motives of a 6 year old was so ridiculous! Talk about insecure! Asia was no threat to Kendal or Chloe! If anyone's buttons were being pushed it was MacKenzie's!

    ***...Some people are so much on the "Abby is a monster" bandwagon that, not only will they never give her credit for doing anything good, they will make anything she does into some sort of negative issue; whether it's warranted or not.***

    Yep; Abby and President Barack Obama! He can do no right even if he agreed w/ past conservative practices! It's never enough for them and they beat him up relentlessly; including his wife and kids! They're all devils who have no right to be in the White House!

    ***Most teachers want to have winning groups, I don't see how that's so hard to understand. In this last episode, Abby chose not to put Mackenzie back in the group when she had the chance (which would have given ALDC a better chance at winning).

    People have "accused" Abby of doing anything to win. In this case, she kept the girls against Studio Bleu, knowing they probably would get beaten. Abby claimed they needed to go up against really good dancers. Other posters here say that all the time, so shouldn't everyone be happy? And Abby has given all the girls plenty of chance to compete as soloists. If she only wanted to feature her best, then Kendall, Nia and Mackenzie would never be compete in the solo categories. Abby does give them chances.***

    Well you know how it is; like Christi and Kelly, they'll never be really happy! lol! I used to use a term that defines it all; hypocrisy! No matter what Abby does, contrarians will pounce!

    ***All of the girls on the show are straight A students. The Zieglers are getting an education in addition to taking dance classes and I would say that their schooling is more consistent then the girls who are in school. I remember reading that Maddie and Kenzie missed 31 days of school the year before Melissa decided to home school b/c they were traveling to film the show; which of course means that all of the other girls missed the same amount and Chloe might even have missed more b/c she does 50 million "meet and greets" all over the U.S and the world in addition to filming the show. So, if dancing doesn't work out for any reason, Maddie and Mackenzie will still have their educations to fall back on.***

    Only Maddie seems to have that drive to make it a profession! MacKenzie's getting the same opportunities, but I'm not sure she's "DRIVEN" yet!

  64. ***Abby thinks that if they come in 2nd it's b/c the girls mess up and were sloppy and blah, blah, blah. She just can't admit that maybe the group that won had better choreography. - A couple of them may need counseling. Primarily due to their mothers.***

    You know it! People love to go by the editing showing Abby terrorizing the girls, but supposedly they have some other very funny and heartwarming moments that aren't seen! They've really worked the angle that Abby's the main abuser, but if you check the moms, just by signing away their lives for this show proves they're just as culpable; esp. Kelly since she'd been taught by Abby as a child! What possible reason would someone take their "sensitive" children to such a bully; twice?

    ***I'm also done after Christi and Chloe leave. I'm happy she's leaving b/c that will give me the excuse to stop watching the show.***

    Good-Bye! Later! Adios! We'll miss ya; NOT! It still has it's moments! I find it hilarious people are talking about a Christi edit to make her look bad! Hell, she's doing it to herself looking so wretched! She has to own up to the constant bitchin' and moaning about the same ol' crap! She can be an adult and just roll w/ it since she's responsible for the situation they're in; both Chloe and her! No one put a gun to their head to do ANYTHING! When will Christi look in the mirror and say "I did this?!" It won't happen in my lifetime! Always beating up Melissa about deflecting; she would know! Christi's been doing it since episode one!

    ***I do sometimes chuckle at all the posters who "threaten" to stop watching when Christi and Chloe leave. There are a number of story producers on this show: they invent and instigate the majority of the drama. I'll admit it: I mainly watch DM b/c of Abby and her interactions w/ over-zealous moms. As a respected teacher of talented students myself, I've dealt with my share of "momsters." So--even though I realize much of this is over-dramatized and at times even fictional--it's interesting to me. And there probably is a small percentage of it that is real. How much of it? I don't know for sure and I don't really care. I've never behaved as badly as Abby sometimes does, but--honestly--sometimes I've felt like it lol! For me, it doesn't really matter what moms or girls are on the show, I'll keep watching as long as it's on. I enjoy fiction mixed with a hint of realism.

    When the moms were standing out on the parking lot and saying "stand on OUR side" and "no stand on OUR side!!!" I was like really?? You people are acting like children! I thought I was back on the elementary school playground; heck those kids are more mature than them!***

    Who would want to put themselves in the position of acting like that? It's so sad; esp. w/ Doctor Holly being involved!

  65. ***...When Abby said "I have to do this" and walked over to her, I thought she was gonna show some human emotions and hug the girl, not pull her off her mums lap and tell her off for it.***

    I don't understand being surprised really! Abby hates seeing these girls sitting on their "mommy's lap" blubbering; happened too many times to forget! Kendal's the worst offender followed by Paige! In the past that used to be the funniest scenes; "I don't understand the tears! 'Grow up,' and save your tears for your pillow!" I agree about these kids should feel fortunate to be in their situations! As Abby would say, "what are they crying about?" They're so entitled already! Truly, there are kids w/o a roof over their heads or food to eat! Abby's only seeing the big picture while the moms and girls are being totally self-center; big time!

    ***Except when Maddie was upset, Abby held her on her lap, rocked her and cried w/ her.***

    That's her baby! Hypocrisy reigns supreme! Abby also takes in consideration how the other moms treat her and Melissa; animus, jealousy, and at times true venomous disrespect! Editing can't be used as an excuse every time; esp. when the poison's coming right out of someone's mouth!

    ***LOL, ABBY is the most self centered person on TV...she let's winning and losing affect her more than the kids, except her emotion of choice is anger, not sadness. Is one better than the other or more permissible? I don't think so. Kids cry, it happens and for a little girl totally out of her element trying to please her teacher, crying is quite a natural emotion. How in the world is it being self-centered to cry out of guilt and sadness? How can Abby preach on being thankful for what you have when she NEVER is? She is constantly looking for the next best thing, wanting to replace people, never content.***

    They're all culpable and hypocrites; admittedly! Just telling you where Abby's coming from even if she's not being fair! Heaven knows it's said enough!

    ***...MacKenzie's new video....hmm wonder if it's about living in Maddie's shadow. lol

    - -

    Sarah might be taking the place of Chloe.***

    Well hasn't she? It's been all about Maddie since day one with Abby! As I've said, it's normal for a teacher to have a favorite; one that's prepared, has more drive, and deserves the extra attention! Happens all over the world! - It doesn't seem like Christ-y has any self-control! Abby's not the least bit forgiving and won't take "the mouth" of that woman for too long before she'd have to suspend her again!

  66. ***I like Maddie and enjoy watching her dance, but the last episode was too much. A song writer writing a song just for Maddie was overboard, along w/ all the accolades of her having "genius." Now I think Maddie is very naturally talented, but saying she has genius is just going too far. I also found it uncomfortable watching the faces of the other kids and moms while all of that was being said. Two things are ruining this season for me. The excessive Maddie worship, and the introduction of a second Abby team, which is completely unnecessary.***

    I was not thrilled by the new team either! The non-stop threats about being replaceable was becoming a bit old and tired! From another poster, it was hinted that this was Abby's alternative to a 3rd season of "Ultimate Dance!"

    ***"Dance Moms" has used lots of her songs for their routines in the past...Abby would prefer to use more Broadway and showtunes on the show, but unfortunately they can't secure the rights to use them. So they hire talented lesser known composers...they just made it seem like she hero worships Maddie just to create more drama for the show probably. lol***

    Mission accomplished! Just something else for Christi to "roll her eyes" ever more!

    ***I think Abby must have some disdain for tall, skinny blonde girls. She hated Jordyn and Paige; now she hates Chloe and Ava. Anyone else notice this?***

    Even if I give you all that, the moms wrote some of the drama w/ the way they act around and treat Abby! Who would put up w/ "hs mean girl" tactics being used on a professional? Abby's appearance was their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd line of attack when all else failed; "old, ugly, fat!" Did you miss all those tirades? Lucky me, I was a bit of an athlete, playing tennis almost every day; all day! Acting out like that on someone never crossed my mind, but juvenile delinquents like Christi and Kelly bring havoc on their own kids if Abby feels helpless against their insults! She admits to "messing w/ your kid" if certain behavior persisted! Why are we surprised Chloe, Brooke, and Paige took the brunt of her ire? Get real people! You have to look at both sides of this issue! It's so easy to dismiss Abby, feeling more compassion for the kids, but this doesn't happen in a vacuum! A lot goes into the forming of this kind of drama; scripted, inflamed through editing, etc.!

    ***I will always feel compassion for kids being abused by an adult! No matter what their parents did, the kids don't deserve that treatment!

    100% agree w/ the OP. I don't care what Abby says - every professional dancer has had a prop screw up on them at some point during their professional career. They have slipped, fallen, had a prop go wrong; it happens. How they deal w/ it is what is important. Abby blaming Ava for the umbrella malfunction was ridiculous. But even worse, she did not recognize that she recovered quickly and continued to dance w/o missing a beat. Stuff like that impresses me, esp. when the performer is only 11. I truly felt sorry for her when Abby told her to "suck it up." Of course, she was crying. She knew she'd get yelled at and humiliated by Abby (on nat'l tv at that). I am getting so tired of her telling the kids that when they cry.***

    It was horrible; agreed, but I still remember Ava and her mom coming into the dressing room last or early this season "talking $#!t!" Both still have a ways to go w/ me after that scene! Insulting the girl and getting "into it" with Kalani's mom! It just made no sense to me and Ava didn't seem to mind what her mom was doing and saying! So now "cry me a river!"

  67. ***But we've also seen numerous examples of Abby being able to watch 30 or more dancers and spot every mistake. We know she can do that, that it's not a set-up for the show. It's an extraordinary ability, gained from a lifetime of practice, experience and talent (her mother started the studio, after all).

    For her faults, Abby as a teacher is almost beyond reproach. She stresses the basics. Technique is always more important than flash. Her dancers always learn the proper nomenclature (that means "names of the moves, positions and forms." As a choreographer, I don't know. I'm not a dancer. In a way, that helps. Some of her stuff is just breathtaking, but I wouldn't know what constitutes good choreography from applesauce. So yeah, in the context of the show, Abby is slightly sadistic, esp. toward moms (or their children) who dare question her or her methods. Good teachers are usually like that, in my experience, and most of them never meet your parents much less have them in their faces about the most trivial matters.***

    Like Abby, I'm from the old school of teaching and havent' graduated to the new theories of teaching tennis! If able, I would still stress the basics; keeping the ball deep, concentrate on footwork, consistency w/ the serve! These days most say "if it works, do it!" Top players of today have some atrocious technique out there, but fundamentals help the 2nd tier make a good living!

    ***Maddie's good, but I think she's average. The whole ALDC junior elite team dances at or below their age level; esp. when compared to the west coasters. If Maddie had not been on "Dance Moms," she wouldn't be getting the same adulation. I like Maddie, but I think she's average b/c she's not being challenged. - Abby's routines are getting boring. There are clearly stronger studios who have beat Abby's many times. It would be nice if Lifetime could show us those winning routines.***

    Well, what does that make the other girls on the show? Chloe "had it," but may have lost it due to her own mother's instability! She's a beautiful little girl, but not half as mentally strong as Maddie for obvious reasons! They all had the same opportunities w/ videos, commercials, "meet and greets," and Twitter handles to get solicited by musical artists! Why all the hatin' on this little girl?

    ***Maddie has drive and face. Also, the constant Abby hyping put her name in many houses across the nation. Maddie is equally as mentally tough as Chloe. Chloe gets a constant barrage of hate. ...I'm happy for Maddie and all the opportunities she's getting. The best dance she's ever done is for the Sia via. It showed she has some real potential, but again, dancing at ALDC stifles her growth. There is no "hatin' on this little girl" here. Just speaking my mind.***

  68. ***I don't like Abby at all (and never did tbh) but, if I'm correct about what happened, I actually side w/ her on the whole Brittany Pent situation. From what I understand this is what happened:

    Christi and Chloe were doing 'meet and greets,' but could not offer class along w/ them the way that Abby does when she takes the other girls to her 'Master Classes.' So Christi enlisted Brittany for help; Chloe and Christi would have their 'meet and greet' and then Brittany would come in and teach everyone one of Chloe's dances from the show. The problem is that she was teaching Abby's choreography and charging people for it. Abby's choreography obviously belongs to her and so using it, esp. when you're profiting from it, is stealing. This is apparently why Abby 'blackballed' Brittany in the dance world.***

    Nice to know Abby isn't being totally vindictive for no reason! Christi still haunts a room like she's totally clueless even after all this time! Every time I see a clip of one of these "Meet & Greets" I cringe and just feel so badly for Chloe! The woman wants fame so badly and she's a talentless hack! That amateur hour they had when on strike proved it all! The dance in the mall w/ the girls was very embarrassing as far as I'm concerned! I still laugh at Christi's rant at Abby talking about much more talent she had! That was a huge joke proved quite easily after just a couple weeks!

    ***This makes sense to me, esp. when it's a proven fact that Christi took Chloe out of the Master Classes/Meet and Greets w/ the other girls, to go on their own and charge their own fees for it. So, it sounds like it was a way for Chloe to get in some practice when she was away from the studio (although it was unethical for Brittany to get paid for using Abby's choreography).

    ...Then I think Abby said 'stop' and Holly, Jill and Melissa listened and started doing stuff just w/ Abby, but Kelly and Christi continued doing their own thing. - Yep. And Christi and Chloe are still doing their own.***

    ...Which can't sit well w/ Abby! I don't agree she should take out her frustration on the kids, but they contribute to being harangued b/c their moms are obnoxious, bitchy, and out of control! What is Abby supposed to do; allow them to talk about her like a dog, but reward their children anyway? I don't think so! Before someone comes back posting about how Abby abuses their children, the moms signed up and well knew how conditions were before putting pen to paper; esp. Kelly since she was a past student! "Cry me a river!"

    ***Nia is now being homeschooled b/c of the crazy schedule the girls have and Kendall only goes to school until lunch. Maddie learned the entire routine for Chandelier in 2 hours. - Remember Christ stated on Twitter that the reason Chloe missed something was b/c she was driving from school and she now lives almost an hour away. So she's defs still in school full time.***

    Hypocrisy reigns! The way they lambasted Jackie and others for home-schooling, I'm just shocked! I shouldn't be since they never really stick with their rhetoric; until it's convenient to do otherwise!

    ***Very true.***

  69. ***Maddie modelling for Dazed magazine - Don't fully understand why they used over 9000 photoshop filters and chose to make her look like a 30 year old crackwhore. Missed opportunity really, they could have actually made nice pictures.***

    That's why there's almost no age limit to start them in very suggestive pics! I've seen 5 and 8 year olds in very provocative ads; esp. abroad in Europe!

    ***I have a feeling this Abby/Christi/Chloe thing is bigger than any of us really know. Yes, we know that Christi took Chloe away from Abby's 'Meet and Greets' early on, and went on their own (they still do). Abby has mentioned in interviews that she was angry about it, esp. b/c Chloe has missed so much dance class. And we know that Christi was the 1st to start badmouthing Abby in really nasty ways (profanities, mean comments about her appearance), which would not sit well w/ anyone. But still...

    I've noticed that, during certain interviews and reunion shows, that when someone asks Abby about her treatment of Chloe, she clams up a bit, looks uncomfortable and usually dodges the subject. And in another thread here, about the recent ALDC 'Meet and Greet' in London, it's written that when Nia talked about being at Chloe's house, that Abby shot her a look as if to say, "No, you can't mention that." And has anyone else noticed that Christi has had NO interaction with Abby recently (at least on the show)? None. Oh sure, Christi still complains about Abby as much as ever, but only to the other moms and in confessionals.

    ...Maybe much of Abby's meanness to Chloe is a storyline invented by them. Maybe not. Abby is quoted as saying "The producers are devils." For all we know, Abby could want out of "Dance Moms" just as much as Christi does. Sure, we can easily put this all on Abby's being mean to a young girl (and she is), but there has to be more to the story than that. I have a feeling we'll find out a lot more once Christi and Chloe are off the show. I hope that happens soon, b/c the dynamic that Lifetime has chosen to promote has backfired (Abby's treatment of Chloe; favored Maddie vs. victim Chloe). Yes, it gets people watching and talking about it, but it's now beyond uncomfortable.

    I think you're right; there is something bigger going on here. The reason I posted this example is b/c this is off the show, beyond the story producers and from Abby's account. So even if there is something bigger going on (and I fully believe there is) the recent examples have come from Abby herself. So she can't blame the producers for this behavior.

    Everything else on the show can be shared blame. How much blame? I guess we shall see when this is over. It sounds like Christi will no longer hold back when she has no binding contract to do so.***

    You know it has to be huger than huge! This isn's Abby picking on Chloe, it's retaliation due to her silly mother! No way in HELL I'm gonna sit up here and say with any kind of feeling that Abby's trying to punish Chloe; that's ridiculous and just plain STUPID! "Get over yourselves people! This is bigger than you'll ever know!" Thank you! BTW, when has Christi ever held back? From S1, there was animus going in both directions; Christi a drunk and Abby "a fatty!" It never stopped! They hate one another w/ a passion and Chloe's just the innocent bystander! I still put most of this on MOM! She signed up and could at least keep her mouth shut when it concerns something she has no knowledge!

  70. ***...Says the guy who spews constant hate for 2 of the mothers.***

    At least I back up my rants w/ facts! You can't be surprised why I have so much animus when it comes to Kelly and Christi! They're both hypocrites who have played the victim since day 1! Was Kelly unhappy when Brooke was the fave and featured in every #? This has more to do w/ the kids' standing than being yelled at by Abby! Maddie's caught HELL from Abby at times! Most have bought into it becoming "The Maddie Show" when it's still very much about Abby and the girls! The moms come off poorly IMO regardless of their personas! Who wants to just sit like that for hours on end? Of course things are going to get spicy at times!

    It's the hypocrisy of the moms where they're loud and profane right in front of their kids! Heaven knows how it is for them at home; can really cut loose then! I still find it terribly amusing to see grown women behaving the way they do and have the nerve to criticize Abby for what she does! Their "mean girl" act is funny; esp. since Holly's supposed to be above all that kind of petty behavior but she is; just a more subtle "DM" but 'Dance Mom' nonetheless!

    ***Your 'facts' come from the show and it's always the same 'reasons.' Abby's behavior has been documented other places than the show. Yes, we have seen the moms curse and be lunatics on the show, but other places people say they're nice and polite...all the moms. I don't agree w/ cursing in front of kids, I think it's immature, don't agree w/ name calling either. I also don't agree w/ a grown woman yelling at kids or making them feel inferior, scared to death of making a mistake. To me that is much worse, it's destroying a child's sense of self worth.***

    Well at least you're paying attention! I don't particularly care for Abby screaming at the kids, but some do it that way; esp. in other countries! I keep saying, I wouldn't sign up; 'they did!' I'm not going by just the show, Twitter, ISTGRM, and other medium as much as "what comes out of their mouths!" There are true victims in this world; these people don't even come close! They have celebrity, earning power w/ just "showing up" somewhere! I just don't want to hear any whining from these people! This isn't happenstance; all planned out, foreseen, and in their contracts! They need to just shut up, enjoy what they can out of the experience, and set an example for their kids! This show is going to be so embarrassing for all concerned when they pull it out in 10-20 years; esp. for Christi and Kelly! lol!

    ***There's a huge difference btw a child crying b/c they did not get their way and a child crying b/c they knew they would be berated and humiliated (on nat'l tv, no less) by someone they were wanting to impress. There was nothing manipulative in Ava's crying, just as any other child who cries b/c they know they will be humiliated.***

    I'm not favoring the tactic of "tough love," but the girls do need someone to be like that to save them from themselves! Performers have to be professional even at 4 years old! They all fantasize being dancers as a job and casting people can be a lot more brutal than Abby! You have to expect and overlook the worst they can offer! They can rip you down from your hair and body to how much makeup and the outfit worn! It shouldn't make a big deal, but it does! This show may be "nothing" in comparison to real life in the entertainment business, but all concerned signed up for it!

  71. ***So what happens when Christi leaves (rumor is she and Chloe are done now) and Abby doesn't change?***

    The show will continue! I haven't been thrilled all season! Abby hasn't been the same since her mother was on her last leg! She didn't get much sympathy from the crows above seeing what they wanted to see and acting out accordingly! Season 3 proved the show could go on w/o the original cast! There are plenty of other talented little girls and all moms turn into stage mothers; comes w/ the territory! The "OM's" are as bad as any we've heard; the exploitation, the glomming on to fame, even peripherally! They're all going to look back and cover their faces w/ shame; all of 'em!

    ***...Chloe is constantly being made out to be the victim even though she comes out on top week after week; well she used to. She just doesn't cut it anymore due to her mother's constant whispering in her ear that she is being set up to fail. Poor kid doesn't know what end is up. The only one that is being set up to fail by the producers is Maddie, yet she persevered not b/c of Abby, but b/c Sia saw something in her and now she's well on her way. They should give the kid her own show now.***

    You got it all covered! It's a shame Maddie has been limited in a lot of ways! Asia and Sofia really got to travel and get a taste of a lot of perspectives in teaching expertise! I still remember Joffrey calling Maddie out on her releves! Too bad she never got to take them up on their summer program offer!

    ***I thought it was awful when Abbey made Chloe dance her solo to "We Don't Want Your Kind Around Here." What is she doing to these children? Why is she psychologically torturing them? She must get off on it. I know all the other gangs are fine w/ how Chloe is being treated as it's not their child and they're fine. This type of woman will not stop picking on children when her main victim is gone. She will find a new one b/c that is what these type of people do. - I have a feeling that if Chloe leaves, Mackenzie might just be Abby's new punching bag.

    I don't agree w/ Christi egging on Ava's mom, but Jeanette still had a choice. She didn't have to go talk w/ Abby, regardless of Christi's advice.***

    Just one more reason to "hate" on Christi! She's a real piece of work! Always the victim, but is always stirring the pot behind the scene! What a horrible woman!

    ***It's funny b/c Christi is the lone wolf right now. She clearly doesn't trust the other moms and clearly they have been bashing her in the confessionals. It's kinda funny that Jill of all people has something to say b/c before Kendall was the odd girl out. ...Kendall is the next on the block b/c at the end of the day who's really going to be #2 w/o Chloe? Kendall isn't near Chloe in terms of ability. The group is going to be even more lopsided if they don't add someone in comparable skill to Chloe. If not it could be Mackenzie if she doesn't keep up the music thing...b/c she lags behind too.***

    I think Kenzie's coming along fantastically! I can't take my eyes off of her in the group numbers! She's right on schedule as far as I'm concerned and has passed by Nia and soon to eclipse Kendall!

    ***I'm sick of the Maddie prevails plot every single week. ...Maddie will never make it in the real world where things aren't tailored to allow her to win. And she is going to have a break down. I'm kind of done w/ "Dance Moms." It's run it's course.***

  72. ***How can the moms bicker, scream, argue , make accusations about each other and then meet at restaurants and each others houses and giggle and act like BF's??***

    Money, fame, hypocrisy! No way would I allow someone to talk to me the way these mom do to one another, then go out for drinks, dinner, or wade over to their homes for more abuse! Christi was like everyone's mom; even at Kelly's place, she's kicking people out, calling someone a "troublemaker and a bitch!" I would have crossed her name out of my directory a long time ago! Just watched repeat when Leslie is kicked out of Kelly's BD party, then Christi has the nerve to cry and look for sympathy after she leaves! That woman is psycho; in so many ways!

    ***Honestly they remind me of middle school girls. It's a combo of immaturity, mean/cattiness, hamming it up for the camera, coming back for the money, re-acting old fights for filming purposes when they've made up, the stress of being together all the time, and being forced to always have to come back and work together. That's the very bottom line- even when they fight, they still have to spend hundreds of hours a week together- and that is a lot easier when you drop the grudges.***

    ...or stay "drunk" most of the time like Christi and Kelly! Every libation has been ordered; "Cosmo, wine, shots, beer!" They truly are alcoholics! They've drank more on tv than I have in my entire life; BET! That obviously isn't hyperbole since Leslie and Abby have exposed Christi and Kelly; "this drunk!" Usually happening around the kids at the moment or "later!" A brawl was precipitated in New Orleans by imbibing too much! The funniest couple scenes has Abby mimicking Kelly drinking; "are you drunk?"

    ***Definetly Middle School behavior - Last night while I was watching Ava, I thought she looked anorexic. Not lean or slender--but boney and unhealthy. She's the only girl on "Dance Moms" that I feel may have an eating disorder.***

    She just looks a little out of place dancing w/ other children though; so tall and gawky thin!

    ***I was disgusted by Holly's comment about Maddie. I understand that she's just frustrated for Nia, but does she have to be cruel? This is the 2nd time she attacked Maddie for no reason. I think it's good that she is sticking up for Nia, but at the same time, you don't have to defend someone by putting someone else down. It sucks that Abby is constantly praising Maddie and criticizing the other kids, but Melissa and Maddie have no control over what comes out of Abby's mouth.***

    I feel the same way! Holly's been no better than Christi having so much animus towards Melissa and Maddie b/c of how Abby treats them! Her major problem is like Jill, her daughter's not being utilized to the fullest of what she considers right! You can't win w/ them either way! If Abby overlooks them, they're resentful, then if they're given duets, solos, and group dances, it's too much pressure! I've never been fooled by Holly; always been a DM, just kept her mouth more under control! Her daughter will never be as good as she envisions, but that's not Abby's problem! She can only put in what Nia puts out! She's been given chances and it's worked out in limited occasions! They should be happy; both of them!

  73. ***I think both girls got a lot of attention the 1st season. MaK was around 6-7 at that time, right? She's older now and needs less coddling. I don't feel sorry for Mak b/c after Maddie, she is the most doted on kid in the group by Abby. Abby adores her and has helped her to pursue other activities like singing and making music videos.

    It's hard to judge how Melissa is as a mom because we only see a heavily edited reality tv show. We don't see how she relates to her girls inside her home when the camera isn't rolling. Melissa seems to be in professional mode during 'DM.' She is focused on their dancing. I imagine that fun time comes after rehearsals. MaK is actually my favorite kid, and I enjoy watching her dance the most. I think she's a happy, outgoing kid who takes things in stride.***

    She became my new fave at the end of last season! She's come a long way and can compete almost equally w/ Chloe and Kendall! She needs a little more seasoning and maturity, but she has all the tools! Love her in the group numbers now w/ her own special parts falling back in sync w/ the other girls! Nothing better than "Arabian Nights" and "Bollywood" to show off all her acro-talents! "Cry" still my favorite performance of either Ziegler!

    ***It was annoying that all the moms were so jealous that Maddie got all the attention; all the solos and was on top of the pyramid. Like you don't put Michele out in front if you got a Beyonce ! It's just how it works.***

    It's crazy! The moms just aren't rational! They need to get over the victimhood card; can't have it both ways! Maddie works harder, she's better, and in turn Abby has more faith in her! If the other moms want their kids to have normal lives, don't blame Abby for selecting someone more dedicated! I've talked about teaching tennis for years way back when; I had my faves; gave them extra attention! It happens to every teacher out there! Bosses have favorite employees; Christi probably had one so she should know what we're talking about!

    ***I didn't watch 'SYTYCD' this season, but I remember when Victor was in the top 20, he was amazing. I'm in agreement about 'DMM.' Bridgette was horrendous, and Jessi's mom was awful too.***

    The moms were a real piece of work on "DMM!" Bridget couldn't handle her baby be upstaged in that last episode they keep replaying on 'LRW!' Jessie's mom was horrendous! Talk about bitter; she missed out and wants to make sure her child has every advantage and works her to death!

    ***I almost made a thread about how everyone on the show named Christi (or variation of it) was crazy, but I fell asleep; lol. - Abby never bullied anyone into dancing injured. She's very protective of her dancers in that way. She never threw a chair at all. She was holding a chair and simply dropped it on the floor, while glaring at Kelly. You really need to revisit these episodes if you're going to state these accusations as proof.***

    They're all "bent" in different ways! They have to justify the HATE-fest even if it means making up stuff! Kelly ad Christi did it enough; video clips showing they were usually wrong, exaggerating, or outright lying! Christi still blames Abby for Paige's injured foot, when she was warned about cement being under the carpeting; all on her own mother say so! "Go ahead so I can go eat my lunch!" Kelly never seems to correct it!

  74. ***...Since Cathy always hires guest choreographers and auditions many students who are trained elsewhere to compete against ALDC, I am not really sure what she can do. How is the stuff she does herself w/ her own students?***

    Cathy can whine and complain later about how the show was scripted and she didn't have any control, but the stuff that came out of her own mouth was so vile, I'll never get past it! In the 1st season after leaving ALDC, instead of being a gracious loser, she assaulted the whole group saying "I can go back and fix what we did wrong, you can't fix stupid!" Stupid was *bleep'd* for some reason; maybe to make her look worse!

    I never understood the satisfaction Cathy would get out of winning over Abby if she did so little to get the team ready! Using the same music as Chloe really made her look like "Cruella!" I think she's the most delusional of the moms; putting Vivi in those group performances basically as a "human prop!" Disgusting! At least we know MacKenzie's training and getting better all the time!

    ***Cathy is is obsessed with Abby - Yeah I feel like I'm watching a cartoon w/ Cathy as the villain. Where at the end the villain always goes "I'll get you next time!!"***

    The only question I have is about Vivi performing in the group numbers! Is Cathy delusional or is Lifetime making her do that too? It's quite embarrassing to see whenever CADA went against ALDC in those early seasons! There's no comparison to MacKenzie who's excelled week in and week out!

    ***There used to be 17 kids in Maddie and Nia's company before the show, but they all left. Maddie was mad at Abby for making her kiss Gino on T.V. - she wouldn't talk to her after it happened and she was so upset about the kiss that she cried about it that night. Abby said she wanted to produce Kenzie's videos specifically as a 'ha ha' to Kelly.

    I know some people are upset that Chloe is excluded from everything the other girls do, but I don't think she's missing out on much at all. What I hear from people who have attended the ALDC "meet and greets" is that Abby is very controlling, rude and she gives the girls dirty looks when they say something that doesn't represent her in the best light possible.***

    Blame the moms! They signed the contract that sold their children to Lifetime and Abby personally! Why isn't that brought up each time? Talk about showing something in the best light possible; the kids' victimization by "Cruella!" Come on; the moms have a huge say in what's going on! They need to fess up and stop it!

    ***Ok, so how do the girls benefit financially. I heard the moms are paid, but are they getting paid something that's worth all this? Does anybody know how much they're paid?***

    Not enough for the amount of bitching we've gotten since day one! Christi and Kelly were PO'd from the jump! Why did they keep signing up every year? Idiots!

  75. ***And so what if Kelly is talking about Abby? Point being she's not doing it on social media, so Abby's the one looking like a jerk, not Kelly.***

    Absolutely NO ONE looked as bad as Kelly from day one! She played the victim even though she knew the tactics of Abby before signing up! Kelly or her fans don't have a leg to stand up on IMO! Get over yourselves!

    - She pulled her kids' performances time and time again for stupid reasons like the costume was ill-fitting or Maddie was entered at the last moment

    - She drank like a fish and was called out more than once for it by Abby

    - She was loud and profane on several occasions that can't be overlooked

    - She stormed out screeching to the top of her lungs b/c Abby didn't back her up when she told Paige to "mark" steps that hurt her foot in rehearsal; slamming doors at the studio

    - Like Christi, she exaggerated, conflated, or outright lied about what Abby said or did; Abby asked Brooke "if her mother was speaking for her," but Kelly took it as an attack to replace her kids w/ Kalani

    - And finally the assault and battery we all saw earlier this year

    ***Fiero, you're absolutely correct. Let's not forget about the time Kelly, of her own free will, walked out on the team and then showed up at a competition expecting to sit w/ them. When Abby wouldn't comply--and come on, who would?--Kelly acted like a fool by standing next to Abby in the aisle and refusing to move.

    It's amazing to me how people dismiss Kelly's behavior. There have even been lots of people who have defended Kelly's slapping Abby and pulling her hair. If the tables were turned, and Abby had been the one to slap Kelly and pull her hair, I can't even imagine the amount of backlash Abby would have received for that. But Kelly was just "defending herself."***

    Selective memory no doubt about it! ...Brooke should have left ages ago! She hasn't looked like she wanted to be there since day one! Paige is much too sensitive to deal w/ tactics of Abby! All the more reason Kelly shouldn't have signed either to do the show from the beginning! What is she screaming about?

    You can't fault Abby for not featuring poor Nia more often! She's been selective in and done well in certain situations; "Rosa Parks!" Why Holly loses her mind at times b/c Nia isn't doing more duets and trios is beyond me! She has enough trouble with a solo and the group #! I still say that scandalous performance "Electricity" was no more revealing than other numbers, it just wasn't performed well; namely Nia was way out of step on several occasions, not even bending down a couple times w/ the other girls! She may never get to that level of grace Chloe and Maddie have in abundance!

    Going on to Kendall, Jill took it to a new level of delusion! Her little girl will always be better than Abby think in her mind! Again, Abby wins! Now getting to poor Chloe who was catching it from all sides; her mother and Abby! Christi felt her daughter was being overlooked and dismissed b/c of Maddie! Nothing could be done to placate her feelings except Chloe winning it all! Her mom would be smiling from ear to ear! If Chloe made a mistake or forgot her dance, it was Abby's fault and drama would ensue!

    ***Never try to talk sense to Fiero, he hates Kelly and Christi w/ a passion and won't believe anything good about them. I commend Kelly for taking the high road and not saying anything. I wonder though if it's to do w/ the gag order? I do think that Abby needs to be under one as well.***

    At least I back up my rants! Some of you; who knows? Why should a victim of an assault be made to stay quiet? She's not on trial here? Kelly is b/c she was "out of control," drunk, or both!

  76. ***I think Abby should just let it all go. Is it really important to get your digs in while you can and that person can't fight back b/c of a gag order? Or should you just pretend the person doesn't exist? I'd go w/ the latter.***

    You're kidding? Kelly's probably still telling herself, "I was just defending myself! Abby was trying to eat my face!" Believe me, she's still talking about Abby even if you don't hear and see it! From day one Christi and Kelly did nothing but complain, bitch, and whine about Abby, retaliating by calling her filthy names! They're all vile creatures tell you the truth!

    ***I've gotta admit, Kelly's saying that Abby was trying to eat her face--and people buying into that--is probably the funniest (and stupidest) "Dance Moms" quote I've heard throughout the entire series! - Abby is just as "obsessed" w/ Cathy if not more. Except why would the owner of a rinkydink dance school in Pittsburgh be obsessed w/ the owner of a rinkydink dance school in Canton? It's all just for show.***

    I hope you're right! It would be bad enough to be paid to act so boorishly, but to do it for real; I doubt I could! The open animus, the childish name-calling, insulting children and other mothers to their faces, causing a scene at the Joffrey! That was all so ridiculous!

    ***I didn't realize Jalen was the one who performed w/ Super Crew,...'DM' did do much for him...which is a shame b/c he's got real talent.? are so brainwashing by reality T.V which is fake the only thing not fake are their names.***

    If you enjoy "head-spinners;" I don't btw! Never cared for that genre going back 30 years! If I had a big piece of cardboard in tow, it was for a slide; I may have been 8!

    ***Why no male dancers on Abby's team? - That age group, esp. when the show started is hard to incorporate boys into. You've seen it on Cathy's team, the girls at that age tend to be taller than most of the boys. Makes things awkward, esp. during lyrical #'s like Abby likes to do. It isn't worth the "eww boys cooties" drama. Abby might not be comfortable choreographing w/ boys. Not all choreographers can do it. Rather than admit a short coming Abby may just elect not to have boys.***

    I go along w/ the idea of focus being taken off her prize student! Kevin, Nick, and Gino obviously did well, but Abby limits the use of boys on the elite team and it won't change!

  77. ***Dance Moms competitions, the truth about what really goes on - It is still fun to watch even though we know its staged!***

    I have many scenes on tape so I can watch them again and again! They just don't get old! Christi going off the deep end over Maddie's perceived favoritism is priceless! She's embarrassed herself from season 1 w/ the tirades, profanity, and accusatory tones right in front of the kids! Is she performing? Christi often plays the victim even when she kicks people out of Kelly's home; actually crying as if she's been picked on! No one more bent; what part is the real Christi?

    Same w/ Kelly; is she a real drunk? That would explain the screeching and profanity, yanking her kids out of class every other week, then coming back as if she had nothing to do w/ the drama that ensued! Is she playacting?

    ***Christi knew her characters role right from the beginning. The original concept and layout for the show were discussed on her home a way Christi is the real star of the show. She's funny, has great one-liners, and can spew F-bombs better than Joan Rivers. lol

    "Maddie, you little snitch! Did you really just tell on the moms?"***

    It's stupid to antagonize Abby! She let it go for the most part, but Abby has the power to just eliminate a performance! How would each of these idiots feel if their daughters lost an opportunity? Real idiots!

    ***I love that Abby acted like they were bullying her by not including Maddie on the board. And she was "protecting" poor Maddie from the moms "meanly" pointing out how differently the kids are treated.

    She didn't snitch. The moms said that the girls did not know what the board was for and if it was some kind of secret from Abby then they wouldn't be parading it out in the open like that; they wanted her to see it and know what they were doing and the second Abby actually came up and asked about it they happily told her. It seems like everyone downstairs was trying to figure out what the moms were doing and Maddie was just the one who figured it out.***

    Chloe asked her stupid mother to take it down! Of course Christi couldn't care less, knowing her daughter will catch HELL for the disrespect of this woman! It kills me to see these people play victims, but signed contracts, get paid, and bathe in the glow of the spotlight! They need to get over themselves!

    ***Christi should have taken it down the second she saw that it upset Chloe. Chloe is such a wonderful girl and I feel so bad that she always gets punished for what her mother does.

    Thank you for being the voice of reason. This thread is typical of how rumors get started. One person accuses Maddie of "snitching," and others start jumping on the bandwagon. And it wasn't true to begin with.

    Thanks; I feel like Maddie esp. tends to be edited as badly as possible on this show so I always try to consider that whenever I see something about her.***

    Gino has really come a long way! I was quite impressed with his technique and performance tonight! I almost hoped he'd win after what Abby did and said about the poor kid; "booty shorts?" Abby's so mean and evil!

    ***I thought Cathy's team dance # was pretty good.***

    If CA starts performing this well, I might have to start being a fan! I liked all their dances; esp. Gino's! Better get MacKenzie back out there; I'm fickle! lol!

  78. ***If I were an instructor, I may have also punished the kids b/c the moms were trying to undermine my authority. The other kids aside from Chloe aren't consistent when it comes to dancing.***

    Well you all covered all sides of it; "pulled," but only after being disqualified for using the lighters! ITA w/ the OP; it was a justified scenario w/ how ignorant the moms were behaving! No teacher wants to be undermined like that in public! Would a school teacher allow some random mom to walk in anytime she felt like it, screaming about a grade, being profane? Why should Abby put up with it; and to carrying around that board to the competition? .."Go somewhere else," better yet they shouldn't have signed up to begin w/; esp. Kelly since Brooke had been there for years and Holly's supposed to be above petty drama! They know there will be retribution if they 'act out!'

    ***But Holly said, all they were doing was documenting Abby's actions so they would be visible. The best way Abby could have handled it is "Girls, your moms for some silly reason are keeping track of who I give corrections to. You s/b embarrassed to see so many marks next to your name." Abby would have then been able to stand by her "principles" and "teaching styles" and shoot down the moms in the process.

    PS School teachers get publicly criticized for their teaching methods all the time by parents, the community, administrators, politicians, everyone. It is worse in private school where the parents actually pay for education (rather than pay for it through taxes). I've known a few private school teachers who have been forced to change grades after parents complained. So yes, school teachers deal w/ it, and allow it, all the time. ..If they applied Abby's method of teaching, the child would be in detention b/c the parents complained, which would never ever fly in a school.***

    Abby's done that already! She often asks the girls if their moms embarrass them w/ the language, being loud, and in general "losin' it!" I've already said the moms and girls are terribly over-rated when it comes to the ratings of this show! Last season when they were on strike, looking to renegotiate their contracts and pretending to stand up for Kelly and her girls, I DIDN'T MISS THEM at all! I loved the replacements; including the moms! If they never came back, I would have been fine w/ it! Abby makes this show as far as I'm concerned! As for other teachers, parents ranting may happen, but I said they wouldn't like it! They can punish w/ a lower grade and not giving them the benefit of the doubt!

    ***Fiero, well by agreeing w/ me, it seems you should never have children. I understand the whole contract situation w/ the mom's and the show, but if you don't agree w/ the authority figure tending to your children, you talk to them. If they are not reasonable you get your kids out of the situation. And it's not like they were acting out against a reasonable person, it was Abby. I'm amazed every week how the mom's act like this is the 1st time they met Abby.***

    Exactly! Never had kids or would! I dote on my nieces and nephew though! I could never handle 365 days a year care even for a plant! I've killed several cactuses over the years! I used to like to travel too much to be responsible for a kid! I wouldn't go out of my way to put a child in that situation, but I'm not Chloe or Paige's parent! They appear to be away from home all day, into the night! I still remember Christi bawling early on in S1 (paraphrasing); "I have cereal on my floor, laundry to do, I need to go home!" lol

    She's about to take Chloe w/ her, but they talk about it in the parking lot and poor Chloe came back to the studio w/ her mom promising to return and pick her up! It was depressing and funny at the same time! It's not like they were over-powered, brought over on a ship to pick cotton for GAWD-sake!

  79. ***It's interesting that you get on Fiero about tearing down the girls, yet constantly say horrible things about an 11 yr old whose actions are normal, to rational people, of an 11 yo girl. She's allowed to feel happy when she knows she's done a great job and she's allowed to think boys are gross. You're just angry she's more accomplished than your fave despite all of your whining.***

    Maddie got a hug from J-Lo at the VMA's! (Picture inset)

    - e-ziegler-a-hit-at-the-mtv-vmas/

    ***That chart was so dumb. I cant even believe that a group of adult woman would come up w/ something like that. I don't think it accomplished what they wanted. Abby knows she's mean to the girls, she doesn't need a chart to tell her that b/c she does it consciously. IMO the only thing the Chart accomplished was...

    1. Distracting the girls
    2. Encouraging the girls to see themselves as victims instead of teaching them to be strong and not let those comments bother them.
    3. Making Abby mad, which they know by now only results in Abby punishing the girls.
    4. Making themselves look childish
    5. showing how often the kids make mistakes.

    Also, Abby missed opportunity to turn that around on them. She could have pointed out that they just charted how often their kid makes a mistake or needs to be corrected. They just made their own kids look bad!***

    Regardless; still the "stupidest" thing so called grown ups could do! When Chloe "mouthed" for her mom to take it down; NOTHING! This is why I have no sympathy for anyone in this circus called a show! Christi and Kelly understood, knew, and were warned, if they "act out," their kids would pay for it! I'm not saying it's right, but "choices" were made in full knowledge of all concerned! Holly and Melissa have it and Jill acknowledges the need for restraint for the most part! Abby has the future of their children in her hands! Obviously Kelly and Christi decided they'd re-write the rules to suit themselves, totally disrespect the professional they signed up for, then go totally "high school" with insults, jabs, and other name-calling referencing age, weight, and intellect! Who's more to blame in this circumstance? I say the mothers b/c they could shut up, deal with it, and just bathe in the glow of their semi-fame instead of going "Saved By The Bell" on national tv! When these women see these videos down the line, I'm sure they blush and say "it's the editing!" The rudeness, insults, and profanity laced tirades weren't scripted I'm sure! They said that stuff in front of their children! Abby was loud, hurtful, and not the most nurturing person around, but that wasn't her job! That's why the moms were there! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't take a child to Abby if that's how it really is in real life, but I didn't sign up; they did knowing full well what was what!

    ***For the record, I think the whole thing w/ the board was devised by Lifetime. But anyway... If this were real, any teacher/coach would have thrown the moms out on their asses for that stupid board. We see Abby yelling at someone to point their feet (or stretch their leg, etc.) and up goes a point! Wtf?

    And even for any "points" that went up b/c of a comparison to Maddie, that's ridiculous. I agree w/ those who are sick of the constant Maddie comparisons, it's become wayyyyyy over the top. My theory has been--for awhile--that this excessive Maddie-love has been encouraged by Lifetime for the sake of drama. I personally don't like when a teacher compares students and I avoid it like the plague. But some coaches think it's inspirational, I guess. Still, the moms' creating that board was crossing the line IMO. And I agree with you, slytherngirl, that it just made their own kids look bad, not to mention themselves.***

  80. ***I just want to say that when you say 'roughing her up,' it conjures up thoughts of Christi putting her hands on Chloe...that hasn't happened ever. I can see getting frustrated w/ talking your child 'off a ledge,' b/c you believe in them and you always gets upsetting when they have zero confidence in themselves at all times. You want them to see themselves as you do (as a mother) -...And that ladies and gentlemen is how a teacher teaches successfully.***

    Not that we've seen! I didn't understand the frustration! It seemed so irrational at the time! Chloe was just about to go out on stage when Christi "went off!" - If you don't like Abby's technique and demeanor, it doesn't take away from her knowledge! She can pick bad form in a huge group; call you out and pick your bones clean! She would be right too! I can tell you boys and the teams they join have to deal w/ a lot more tyranny w/ their male counter-parts! Back in the 70's, I was playing tennis and a mother heard a baseball coach "going off" on the kids! She marched right over there and gave him a piece of her mind I guess! To me, it's something boys have death with going back to ancient times; be tough, take it, and it'll make you a MAN! There's a double standard here again I guess!

    ***They used to have the girls do confessionals all the time and we'd see them chatting w/ each other. I miss those days when they actually liked being there and learning.***

    The last chat I remember was Maddie talking to MacKenzie in the episode where "CRY" was going to be resurrected! Chloe wasn't in that category, but for "the overall," it went against her allowing Kenzie to follow Maddie in 2nd place! In the immortal words of Abby: "...and ya got beat by a 9 y.o. in a hand-me-down dance, in a hand-me-down costume!"

    ***Did anybody see Lucas last night? When I saw that his mom, Brigette was there in the audience w/ Cathy, I wondered if Lucas was there too. He was. Lucas got 3rd place for his overall solo.***

    Over the years, you'll see some of these people even when not featured for some reason or another! I've even caught some of the girls from "DM: Miami" on the stage! You just have to keep an eye out for them! Lucas and Gino show up a lot!

    ***Yeah, Gino and Lucas were both shown together once after Gino joined Candy Apples and Lucas was done w/ 'DMM.' Evan Gorbell was even there way before he joined Candy Apples. Gino got 3rd, Lucas got 2nd, and Maddie got 1st. You could even see Brigette in the audience.

    Group dance: 7 Dancers - What was that? They looked like a bunch of kindergartners at recess.***

    That was Abby proving she could win w/ total "schlock" if she had to! It may have looked cheesy, but it wasn't simple! The girls still had to move in unison! Turned out ok!

  81. ***...That was before they started the anti-Chloe story lines, too.***

    It's been "tit for tat" for as long as I can remember! Abby punishes Chloe for Christi's attitude and insults, then Christi insults Abby some more, stirs the pot w/ the other moms, and it becomes this vicious cycle that is so out of control! They signed up for this circus, knowing Abby was a 'task master' and very demanding; esp. Kelly! They still signed on; then have the nerve to be surprised at the vitriol that goes on daily! I love how Abby's supposed to be the "grown up" and ignore the disrespect she gets from these evil mothers! I don't condone the animus, but I understand it!

    ***When Chloe--unable to participate in the dance due to injury--said it made her realize how much she loves dance and that she has taken it for granted, it was a nice moment. - So sad to see her crying, but I know she will bounce back and be ready for Nat'ls!***

    Her real lament was not putting a reign on her mother! She could have told her to stop "acting out" and arguing w/ Abby! I know I didn't let my parent run my "extra curricular" activities in any way! They could watch, but not contribute instruction or anything like the way Christi loses her mind! As a boy, that's easily said I guess!

    ***...Christi is tactless.. but she's also right. Had any other girl (besides Maddie) fell out of her turn like Kamyrn did, Abby would've slaughter her them for it.***

    I wonder why there's this double standard? I thought Christi at least made one comment of contrition saying she got Chloe kicked out of Nat'ls last season in New Orleans! I thought she had redeemed herself until the original, snarky, evil Christi reemerged! She's worried about everything outside of Chloe working harder and perfecting her dance instead of attacking Abby and the other moms! She's so vile and I hope she sees these videos later and feels some shame!

    ***Christi is very manipulative. What was Kamryn's mom supposed to say? "Oh yes, Christi you're right! My daughter is not that good." Come on. If Christi had a problem w/ Abby's critique, she s/h/t it up w/ Abby. She wouldn't have, I know, so she bullies Jodi instead. Frankly, the way any child performs--other than Chloe--is none of her business.***

    The woman must seriously drink! She doesn't make any sense for the most part! She instigates conflict w/ other moms, suggests they confront Abby, and continues to play the victim for her poor child who's so undervalued as a dancer by Abby!

    ***Agreed. I've always felt that those who support Christi do it b/c she does have the occasionally funny line and, more than that, she's Chloe's mother.

    ...Looks like Gino is the type of person that follows the crowd. It's just hard to believe that he's 13 and handling rejection like this (if that's what this is).***

    He's a little guy who dances! Obviously you must not have had too much peer pressure or you wouldn't have been so cavalier w/ your comments about Gino! Other boys and girls think they should be running everyone else's life and extra-curricular activities unfortunately! I was accustomed to being an outcast so I couldn't care less what people thought of me playing tennis all the time; teaching it later! If you didn't like it and got too close, I had a ready made weapon! What do you want, Gino to spin on someone's forehead to get through the day?

  82. ***If this injury is real, then Christi is being a hypocrite. When Mackenzie injured her foot, Christi constantly accused Melissa of lying about the severity of the injury. According to Melissa, Mackenzie's injury was just an over-use injury; it was not a broken bone or fracture and the doctor said she could dance as soon as she felt better. Christi believed Melissa was lying about Mackenzie feeling better and accused Melissa of forcing her to dance before she was done healing.

    Christi made a huge deal out of it (which was not her place to do at all) and she made Melissa out to be a crazy stage mom who will put her daughter's health aside to win a competition. Now Christi is doing the same thing except this is worse b/c Chloe has a real injury! And Christi is actually trying to convince everyone Chloe is going to be fine in a week just in time for Nat'ls. Now who's putting their kid's health on the back burner? If this is a real injury, and it's not just something the writers made up for drama, then one week is not long enough to heal a fracture. Even a minor fracture needs a few weeks to heal and if you're going to be dancing on it, you should wait a month at the very least! Just more proof that Christi is the worst stage mom on the show.***

    This is why I have so much animus toward Christi! This woman has been the worst from season 1 on; a liar, a hypocrite, and made it her duty to make sure things were fair for all concerned; as long as she got an advantage of course! I decided a while ago, she has to be drinking and just doesn't realize how ridiculous she's performed over the years! Absolutely everything she says can be dissected and brought back to haunt her, but I don't think she cares! In her mind it was ok to ATTACK Melissa again and again, then play a victim later and actually cry! Something's wrong w/ this woman!

    ***The thing is, she doesn't need to stick up for Maddie, b/c Abby and Melissa treat Maddie like she walks on water. The same for Kamryn. If she thought Maddie was being mistreated or treated cruelly, she'd probably stick up for her too. She's comforted and pep-talked Maddie many times since the show started. Her big problem is Melissa and Kamryn's mom don't stick up for the other kids...Abby picks on the dancers, tearing some of them down while building others up. TURNS s/h/b written in letters 3 inches high on the top of Kamryn's notes. I don't know how any teacher doesn't immediately jump on that; a judge would. That performance would not get Abby a 1st. Of the 4 solos Kamryn's would clearly come in last. But Abby acted like it was wonderful. Any of the other girls would have been ripped a new one.

    ...wasn't Christi made b/c she thought McKenzie was only using the injury to get out of a dance she felt was too difficult? I'm not a Christi fan, but I don't think the situations are very comparable.***

    Christi made it that MacKenzie didn't want to compete against Asia! She stoked that fire for a little while getting right in Melissa face daily! She can't just worry about her own kid, she has to run the show for everyone! Christi's just one evil, vindictive woman! They got their money's worth out of this villain! How her marriage is holding up is beyond me!

    ***...I think it's amusing how people ...and saying Jill "set Christy up." Where were you the other 20 X's this has happened? It's a classic tactic the moms have used since S1E1 to throw the new mom under the bus.***

    Yep, old tactic! Christi was so disgusting, she joked about getting popcorn when she suggested to Jill go down and interrupt Abby in class! Kelly wasn't much better! Christy's in her own little world; sorta like Leslie! They know better, but they can't help doing something they know will make Abby "lose it!" No one disputes Abby w/ impunity more than those 2; even above Christi who has some common sense if she isn't "loaded!"

  83. ***It was crystal clear that something happened btw Abby and Christi and she wanted her gone. It didn't work trying to fight w/ Christi so Abby decided she would ice out Chloe. I could see it. Instead of taking her daughter and leaving (same with the Hyland's) Christi decided to escalate the situation and make it God awful for her child and build a story line around it using Chloe. Chloe went along w/ it instead of telling her mom to stop. I saw her crying and thought to myself there had to be a reason why she was crying other than she couldn't dance that night. ...Anything that Chloe got was all due to Christi's behavior...she was collateral damage. She was caught in the crossfire b/c she didn't speak up like the other girl's did and tell their mothers to stop, or at least ask them to. I believe if Abby saw Chloe trying to get Christi to stop, it would have went down way differently. Chloe would have still come out on top every end of the season and Christi would be tolerable, but it didn't and they're far as we know that is.

    I just want to add that I think the real turning point for Abby and Chloe was when I believe Christi and Kelly had Chloe go up to Maddie and Kahlani and ask them if they were dancing and then called Maddie a liar. That came on the heels of Chloe switching her position w/ Kendall the week before....which again I believe was on Christi's orders. I just don't think that Chloe has it in her to be that vindictive. I believe she was put up to those things by Christi and Abby saw that she was going to be just as bad as her mother therefore she no longer wanted her at her studio. This is just my guess...b/c I know if I had a student like that, I would want her out!***

    Abby probably loved Chloe as much as any of her students, but Christi truly sabotaged her along the way! Abby was open and honest about her behavior and said what would happen out loud for the chronic disrespect of her mom; "sorry Chloe!" Christi just smirked and went about her business not caring one jot about it! Who expects great care from someone if there's open hostility like that? Chloe's tears really should be for having such a stupid, silly, and vindictive mother who caused her to have to leave her friends! B/c of their lack of control and possible alcoholism, original members of the cast had to go! Will Kelly and Christi live this down? They don't care! They'll continue to blame it on Abby alone w/o reflecting their contribution to the drama and conflict!

    ***Whilst appearing to defend Abby, you are portraying her as a psychopath. How on Earth is harassing the child to get back at the mother any better than harassing the child so she doesn't perform well?***

    If anyone was psychotic, it was Christi and Kelly! They kvetched about mistreatment of their children, but continued to bring them to Abby daily! They obviously pacified themselves w/ booze and acting like JERKS in the "peanut gallery" making ugly comments about Abby's weight, appearance, and life! How great can their lives be? That's how they went about their existence, sitting around watching their kids in dance class, seeing them bullied, but came back the next day for money, fame, and to "torture Abby!" They said it out loud enough! Who's the true psychopath here?

  84. ***Based on what's shown on the screen; Abby. All the adults have thrown insults at each others, but only Abby is shown to behave appallingly to the children.***

    Hmmm, from almost bankrupt and closing down her studio to being a celebrated teacher, choreographer, and hostess; I'll take Abby's psycho-path than the psychopath of Kelly and Christi who are on the outs, have hurt their children, and will be lucky to become a trivia question one of these days!

    ***Celebrated by whom exactly? She's been thrown out of the Dance Instructors Assoc., the only interaction I've seen her have w/ professional dancers was on 'Dancing with the Stars' where she was greeted w/ derision by the professional dancers and I've seen nothing she choreographs beside the short routines on the show which its by no means clear she herself does anyway. Hostess? - Abby was failing in her chosen profession and has little to no peer support for her current activities.***

    You're in such denial honey! Since I'm retired and have no life so I have tons of time to watch tv, surf the net, and blog w/ people! W/o even looking for it, it's been nonstop Maddie and Abby for weeks! Every place I look or check out, there's some blurb about them, their assoc. w/ Sia, pictures of them w/ her, even an evaluation of Maddie's outfit on red carpets! I've caught several interviews of Maddie on local news, and of course the extended guest appearances on Ellen and Kimmel! If Abby is the "Devil incarnate" by being a hanger-on, then fault all mothers, friends, and managers of any celeb! I'm no fan of Abby as a person and wouldn't go out of my way to associate w/ her, but I'm not going to demonize her any more than I would others in the same situation!

    ***She's definitely following the money; has been so for a few seasons now. She couldn't care less about tact or professionalism. She is getting the money while the getting is good. ...

    It's not disrespectful to sit down and ask your mother to please stop w/ the 'F' bombs; the fist fighting and the trashing of the other mothers and girls on tv and esp. of the dance teacher that holds all the power to make or break your career. ...I am in no way suggesting that Chloe knock a drink out of Christi's hand (someone should though), but she needs to stick up for herself like the other girls do.

    Maddie is performing on 'Dancing w/ the Stars' and hanging w/ Channing Tatum, all b/c of Abby Lee. Chloe was in fact Abby's 2nd fave until Christi blew it for her. She is now reduced to "meet and greats" and 12 year old fans who will outgrow her. Maddie and Chloe had a jewelry line together; they were close, but Christi pulled her away b/c she thought she knew what was good for Chloe's career. This is why Momagers should be outlawed lol.

    IMO, Christi took the "Chloe is a victim" way too far and Chloe seems to play along; it's bothersome to a lot of fans of the show... Chloe always came out on top at the end of the season, always...until last year when Christi got drunk and started a brawl in the streets and Chloe paid for it. Yet Chloe still doesn't speak up to her mother when she says those terrible things about the other dancers and their mothers.

    Maddie is on "Dancing w/ The S's" and hanging out w/ Channing Tatum b/c of the Lifetime Network and Sia where she's basically known as "That girl in a wig on the music video." Sia approached Maddie for the opportunity after seeing her on tv. Chloe's working w/ some of the movers and shakers in the dance industry and is touring on a well-regarded workshop circuit; people who wouldn't work w/ Maddie if it meant Abby was involved too. Abby hasn't gotten Maddie anything except by loose association. She just takes credit for it.***

  85. ***I know that someone abusing or abandoning their children would be classified as a bad mother. But is that it? Or would you say that Christi is a good mother who sets bad examples for Chloe? ...(I personally question Christi being a good mother, but that's just my opinion.) I'm just curious here: what would be the differences btw a good mother and a bad mother?***

    I have a serious problem w/ the entire premise of this show; making them all "bad mothers!" These people are so in need of fame and money, they signed their lives and the souls of their own children over to Collins! Kelly and Christi s/h/k before signing anything due to being members before casting, so no one can say this just became intolerable since the show began! Kelly, who was a past student mused about Brooke being the favorite and systematically "burned out" by Abby! Abby's since moved on to Maddie and MacKenzie, but Melissa's bad b/c she's treated better! Was Kelly complaining about things as much when Brooke led the groups and was "the FAVE?" Why sign up if not "bad MOTHERS?"

    Christi sold her business and Holly took a leave of absence from her work after finishing her doctorate! Who are these delusional women to pick at Abby for not understanding what it's like to be a mother? I didn't even hit on the obvious alcoholism going on w/ these people! They've had more drinks on camera than I've had all year; maybe the last 3! What these kids must have to deal w/ when the cameras are off; esp. w/ the profanity when they should be "on guard!" Trash! My mother never talked like that in front of me and wouldn't allow it of others! It's routine w/ all these moms; not Holly as much I guess! The others have FOUL mouths!

    ***Fiero, Abby truly favored Chloe as much as Maddie and you could tell at 1st. ...Then the whole staged walk out regarding standing by Kelly's side was about contract negotiations and Melissa was part of it and that's why Abby iced out Maddie too and didn't let her have solo's either.

    ...Of course they're always going to blame Abby for their bad behavior. Why would they take responsibility? They're the ones who caused the big brewhaha's and yet it will always be Abby's fault. Would I do it the way Abby did, hmm...maybe, but not so loudly. I would bench any of the girls whose mothers where underhandedly going behind my back to the producers to hijack the show or speaking about my personal appearance like that. After their behavior in front of the children on that show, they have no room to talk. Wasn't there a case of them drinking in the dressing room the first season and making the girls cry? I remember the girls always crying when Kelly and Christi would cause a scene, but I think the show received so much backlash they started to keep the girls out of the room for the drama.

    Good bye to bad rubbish is all I can say about Christi. She is a horrible Dance Mom. She isn't doing what's best for Chloe, she's doing what's best for herself. Even on most of Chloe's meet and greets it says "Come and meet Christi and Chloe from Dance Moms" She bills herself 1st.

    ...Right now she's hanging out w/ Brooke and Paige doing nothing; a few "meet and greets" by herself. The other girls are rocking Red Carpets, songs on itunes charts, making videos, hanging out w/ movie stars, and visiting foreign countries to a plethora of fans just to name a few things. Kelly's words still ring in my ears "Brooke will be a famous pop star and Abby will have nothing to do w/ her career thank you!" Umm....Where's Brooke?***

    I feel exactly the same way! That's why it's worth it to put up w/ a lot of shit, but Kelly and Christi wanted everyone to kiss their ass along the way I guess! Now they're on the outs, w/ their children looking in, and hopefully regretting some of their choices!

  86. ***...What did I say about Chloe? I said she doesn't speak up to her mother like the other girls do and she repeats what her mother says in her 'talking heads.' ...It's not her fault she has a crazy mother that instills in her head that she's a victim. She's not a victim and if she is, it's of her own crazy mother.***

    Abby's pointed out that Kelly sticks her hand up the butts of her kids and works their mouths! I've felt the same about Chloe; sitting there and just allowing her mom to put words in her mouth again and again! The worst was when the talent agent, Cesar R. arrived to check out Abby's dancers! From the beginning, Christi and Kelly were putting in everyone's ear that he was only there to see Maddie! In the "talking heads," I can still see Christi w/ Chloe at her side saying "it hurt!" Why would Chloe legitimately say anything hurt b/c the guy only talked w/ Maddie and Melissa? They all had an opportunity, but Christi couldn't accept it; dragging her child into the muck with her!

    ***...Chloe is not a victim. I just believe that if she spoke up like the other girls have in her own defense, things would have gone a lot different for her.***

    Preach! Christi knew exactly what to expect, but still signed her soul over along w/ Chloe's to Jeff! No one put a freakin' gun to her head! From season 1 she's done nothing but whine, complain, and pass blame for Chloe's supposed victimhood! "Yeah, armed guards were physically bringing both back to the studio daily!"

    ***Both Chrsti and Kelly were making those little girls cry and cling to the nearest adults and I was shocked they were allowed back to the show. She also states to this day if you try and bring your child to that studio, she will chase you out of there. As crazy as Christy Ray is, she gave Christi a good smackdown and boy did Christi back down and good for her! ...Christi just complained, whined and blamed Abby and Maddie for Chloe's downfalls. She's shameless!***

    Those scenes were horrifying and entertaining at the same time! When you see that kind of boorish behavior, you would think the mother would come to her senses and try to behave better; not these shrews! It empowered them to lose it "literally" at the drop of a hat! If I were Collins, I would have penalized or fined Kelly and Christi each time they went "postal" like that in front of the kids! It's one thing to get into a battle-royale w/ Abby, but why start a screeching, profane rant for the kids to be terrorized? The thing is, if they are willing to "act out" like this on videotape to be replayed again and again, how bad is it when the season is over? I can only believe it's worse!

    ***There are numerous instances of Chloe being the victim that my fellow posters can elaborate on. There are incidents both on camera and off. I will agree that Christi brings these up too often, but she is only defending Chloe.***

    Kelly and Christi wanted everyone to kiss their ass along the way I guess! Now they're on the outs, w/ their children looking in, and hopefully regretting some of their choices!

    ***You said a mouthful; it's so true and so sad! I see the Hyland girls on Insta and Twitter and they literally have NOTHING going on. Christi and Chloe have some M&G's, but she's taking her out of school for some of them (umm hypocrite! Trashed Abby on twitter over Chloe!) Also like I stated, Christi bills herself first on most M&G's. Who's the star here? As you said, they are on the outside looking in. The other girls are living a charmed life.***

  87. ***I can't recall a time when Christi asked the girls to leave during a rapidly escalating argument. Holly (and maybe even Jill), yes. More often than not, Christi is a part of those arguments. I will say that Christi has defended the girls as a team when they're attacked by Cathy or anyone else.***

    If it happened, it was edited out! lol! Christi normally goes about her tirades regardless of who's there; including her own child! That 1st season "free-for-all" is almost haunting! I just can't believe someone could possibly work themselves up into a frenzy to lash out at all concerned b/c Maddie performed 2 solos! My mouth still hangs agape at that scene w/ Maddie and MacKenzie being terrorized by this woman going at their mother! I give her credit for being out of control b/c she was drinking, but even if it was scripted, I found it horrifying that adults could "go off" like that in front of their kids! I guess they aren't surprised if this sort of thing has been going on for years before the show was even proposed!

    The moms constantly say in their "talking heads" that Abby's been the girls' teacher since they were 2! Why are they surprised by anything; esp. favoritism? Again, Kelly confessed that Brooke was "the favorite," had weekly solos and led the group #'s! Was she more calm then when she was getting "the treatment?" That's why I say "sour grapes!" Again and again she tries to explain her frustration, tears, and "fits of anger" as a product of Abby's doing! And again I ask Kelly, 'if Abby's so horrible, why sign up?' Same w/ Christy! Melissa handles it well and obviously supports anything Abby thinks concerning her daughters' future in entertainment! They would all love that treatment, but they also want to disrespect the teacher; behind her back and to her face! NOTHING can justify some of this stuff; money, fame, and perceived security wouldn't be worth it for many of us I'm sure! I'm embarrassed for these people down the road when this stuff is still being replayed daily! Putting it all on the "editing" just won't cut it when the words and screeching is obviously coming right out of their mouths!

    ***I vaguely remember that Fiero... Christi insisted that Abby was setting up a girl to fail (and she wasn't) so Christi set her mother on Abby and got the girl kicked off. Christi was preaching it and then to hear it come from a 12!

    I was a little shocked to hear Chloe make herself out to be a victim and to speak badly of Maddie b/c Maddie never speaks badly of the girls. Again, it was almost like Christi was off camera mouthing the words. What a shame... I like Chloe too.. such a pretty girl. So much potential, but I loath her mother and I just hope the rumors are true and she is gone.

    Wow Lazaka, you are just making up things now. Post some links, shill. Would love to see these moments that never happened on the show.***

    You are in complete denial or you're making up things! Absolutely every word LAZ mentioned is on point and correct! Christi had drummed so much "hateful" crap into Chloe's head, she was repeating it verbatim! Be their fan and apologist if you like, but she's not innocent and she's no victim; at least by Abby! Look at her MOTHER all the way; from signing Chloe's soul over to Collins to filling her head with trash, animus, and suspicion concerning her teacher!

  88. ***...Haha it's crazy what people will do to be on TV show for the publicity...look at Jeanette. Her daughter Ava is incredibly talented and would be an asset to any dance school, but yet here she is stalking Abby and begging to be on the team.***

    That's why I "roll" my eyes w/ the constant complaining of Christi; and Kelly in the past! You had mothers from all over the country wanting to join the studio and the show, but all they did was 'kvetch' from day one! I don't think they realized how lucky they were until they were "on the outs looking in!" Brooke and Paige missed out on so much; now Chloe is too, all b/c their moms have little or no self-control! Idiots!

    ***Yes, Holly used to be one of my favorites, now it seems she has gone in a completely different direction. What a little bit of fame will do for your moral compass huh?***

    I noted that Holly's gone through a transformation a while back! She started buying more clothes, hair extensions have improved since season 3, and she's definitely mouthing off more to Abby; knowing it only exacerbates the drama! Some feel she's trying to fill the void that Christi's leaving! Their "back and forth" w/ that 'grease board' noting Abby comparing each student to Maddie was hilarious! Holly went for the underbelly, insulting Abby, and of course does this in front of the kids when she used to push them "out the room, out the room!" lol! Time and circumstances have truly changed!

    ***S/B interesting to see Cathy's team version of Chandelier...pretty risky move since it's such an iconic and signature dance for Maddie. Will the judges be kind or harsh?***

    The CA MOMs actually said that to Cathy, but this script was etched in stone! No way were "DM" producers going to miss out on abusing Maddie's new found fame w/ Sia throughout the show! They've really gone overboard w/ Cathy stalking the team and acting out like she's on the schoolyard playground! "Grow up OLD LADY! You're making a fool of yourself; for what, a little coin?" Big coin couldn't make me act like this!

    ***Oh calm down. All Cathy is doing is playing a character.***

    You're being more hysterical than me! I just stated a known event! The CA moms objected to the song, "Chandelier" being used! They are the ones who used the word 'iconic' referencing Maddie! What's your excuse? lol!

    ***...If they spinoff this show w/ an LA edition I think it will more than jump the shark. Although they jumped it when Kelly and the girls left.***

    So overrated! I didn't miss them at all at the beginning of Season 3 in "renegotiations/strike" mode! I loved Sophia, Ally, and those substitute moms! The same dynamics were going on and Abby didn't pull back in the least even though they were all new! The only thing more entertaining was watching the original DM's swallow what little pride they had left and "gave up in disgrace!"

    ***If Chloe Leaves Who is Still Watching? - I might tune in to watch MacKenzie from time to time.***

    Kenzie's been my new fave this season! She's really come a long way since her insecurities w/ Asia! In the group #'s going back to "Kinky Boots," I look for her; doing a lot more in the dance w/ her acro, falling right back in line w/ the other girls! I couldn't be more proud of her than if she were my own child! She's great!

  89. ***I have never cared for Bridgette ever since she was on "Dance Moms: Miami." Standing there w/ that weird grin and expression on her face trying to stare down a bunch of kids; made her look crazy. No, I take that back, made her look creepy (a "creeper" as my teen would say).***

    Bridgette is creepy! She did what so many of these 'Dance Moms' have done, given her life over seeing Lucas advance in DANCE! She gave up her marriage and didn't seem to look back, taking up w/ Blake for a while and going full on w/ Cathy in Canton! She was a real piece of work on "DM: Miami!" She was the Christi of that show; always stirring the pot! She had a way of really playing the other moms; esp. against one another! Too bad it blew up in her face in the last episode!

    ***...That whole exchange btw Cathy, Abby, and Melissa was so laughably sad to me. It's as though they forgot the song, Chandelier existed before the video. It is not a song exclusive to Maddie and from the way Abby was acting you would think she choreographed it!***

    So you didn't think something was wrong in the head of Cathy when she decided to use music that Chloe was supposed to perform to last year in competition? Even if she's scripted, it still makes Cathy look bent playing with the emotions of a kid! Would she want someone to do that to Vivi? She better hope some psycho like her isn't out there to prey on her little one like she has for years; even if it is playacting for money!

    ***If you can't see that Chloe lost her passion for dancing a long time ago b/c of Abby then you are blind. It has nothing to do w/ Christi. Abby could have been the bigger person and just treated Chloe like a normal kid and not take what her mum says or does out on her, but no, she had to resort to full on bullying. Say what you want about Christi Fiero, but you can not deny that what Abby has done to all of these kids is down right school yard bullying, even her favourite Maddie gets bullied sometimes! Why? B/c Abby is a bully. Plain and simple.***

    All true, but the problem is everyone concerned keeps going back! They actually backstab one another; pacts been broken left and right! They say they defend one another at times, but nobody helped out poor Jill on several occasions and the moms let Christi walk right out of there! Nothing was said; nobody cared by that time! People say they felt terrible seeing Chloe mistreated, but it didn't stop her crazy mother from exacerbating situations because she has no self control! She'd rather insult Abby than take care of her own child's happiness! What I was getting more upset with was Christi's vindictiveness; making everyone else's life as miserable to go along with her! Did she even smile this past season?

    ***'s their fault; at least in Fiero's mind. For normal people...we can see Abby squashed that girl down every single week.***

    You're damn right; it is all their own fault! NO ONE PUT A GUN TO THEIR HEADS TO sign contracts and torture their children for years! I admit it, it was wrong of Abby to take out her frustration w/ the moms on the girls; they still kept coming back! Who's fault is this really, the old heavyset woman or the silly mothers who wanted their own 15 minutes of fame through their children?

    1. I see you mention repeatedly, over and over that you think Lucas's mom was having 'trysts' with Blake the choreographer, and can you just like stop or something because he is OPENLY gay you need to move past this random idea you have come up with?! They were friends, like what is wrong with you? Don't you rant about the show being scripted anyway, and yet you have built a whole storyline in your head about them based on one throwaway line about him taking her to a club?! Like wtf..... stop disrespecting his sexuality and her engagement, it's so just weird and irritating.

  90. ***I know Abby favors Maddie a lot, but it's annoying that these moms say it right in front of her. There is a sense of jealousy b/c when Maddy competes; usually does come on top. ...The kids seem to get along fine, but it's these stupid women who always have to start the drama.

    Omg YES!! ITA w/ you... That is what got me watching this show actually. When I saw how much these moms were attacking a LITTLE GIRL and how much was said right in front of her and how jealous and cruel they were about their jealousy... towards a CHILD, my heart hurt for Maddie... so I kept watching b/c I wanted her to succeed despite their ugliness, and she did and continues to. It's still really hard to watch a little girl be attacked by middle aged women (like when Christi literally screamed at Maddie and said right in front of her that she wasn't Chloe's friend or the way when Maddie earns her way at the top of the pyramid by being so exceptional. The mothers scowl right in front of her and she knows no one is happy for her, but she stands there anyway.) I feel so bad for her, but I think it will just make her stronger in the end.***

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is probably the 1st post I've seen since last night that "told it like it is!" The 'mother drama;' them acting out in obvious jealousy was the thing that sucked me in! I probably started watching in mid-season 3, but was able to catch past seasons on repeat on LRW! It was hilarious to see these grown women say they're only defending their daughters, but it was all about JEALOUSY and it was so obvious! It was "MADDIE, MADDIE, MADDIE" with all of them really; even Holly would chime in w/ the same refrain! It was funny and sad at the same time! I felt for the kids b/c they had an opportunity that people would kill for, but here's their moms up there sabotaging their futures!

    ***How are they are attacking her? By now, everyone knows Maddie is the favorite. It's just so blatant, it doesn't even need to be pointed by the moms.***

    But that's what moms do on these shows, again and again! I watched ALUDC w/ Asia and a couple of the more vocal mothers repeated that "Asia a great performer, but she's not a dancer!" This was their rant each time another child was cut and Asia made it to the finale! They hated that; esp. Zac's mom who actually raised her hand and talked about how unfair it was that Asia competed w/ much older dancers; hence knocking out her son!

    ***Haha, this poster must be watching a different show. The same one that Fiero watches.***

    I guess other people have seen the same show I have for a couple years! You guys must be watching something else b/c ITA that Christi found negatives regardless if Chloe won! There are the constant eyerolls, insulting Abby behind her back and to her face, and of course the occasions when she beat down Chloe herself; "I'm tired of talking you off this leg! I swear I'll take your phone away!" That wasn't Abby speaking; it was Chloe's own retched mother talking to her daughter before a performance! That's some pep talk!

    ***... Chloe is playing the victim, which is learned behavior, and she learned it from the person who has the most influence on her--her mother.***

    You got it F_C! When you have someone undermining a teacher, the moms need to take responsibility for their own children being victimized! Remember Kelly changed Paige's choreography? Christi would make a suggestion for the end of a performance that she had to know would infuriate Abby! There have been countless occasions where the moms are more responsible for their own kids' misery!

  91. ***...Treat all the kids fairly regardless of their parents actions and you'll have less parent problems.***

    I wish it was that simple! The problem is we're talking about people who are always looking out for #1! Even if things were as balanced as possible, "these" moms would find a problem; didn't care for choreography, someone got 5 extra minutes of private instruction, or someone got an opportunity outside of the studio that only went to one dancer like Maddie! Women can't help in the end turning an activity into their own vanity; living vicariously through their children! My mom constantly raves to friends about what I may have done in the past; parents do that!

    ***...I don't believe Christi never says anything positive, just that the producers won't allow it to air. (For instance, they've repeatedly shown Christi helping various girls with makeup, hair, and costumes, which she nor the other moms would tolerate if she was pure evil.)***

    Even if it were true that editing only showed Christi being negative; the problem was she still was a "negative nelly!" She kvetched, accused, and made up all kind of stuff to inflame situations! Do you think Jeff dubbed her profanity and obnoxious behavior in front of the kids? Sooner or later Christi has to take responsibility for her own action! Her confessionals were so hate-filled, I wondered why she signed up to begin w/? Same w/ Kelly; esp. since she was taught years ago by Abby! What's their excuse except they're fame HO's that care more about their 15 min. than their kids!

    ***Lifetime could sue the Lukasiak if they don't up for filming. It's in the contracts.***

    They're done! Like Kelly earlier, Christi will probably show up for the reunion and that'll be the end of her FACE on the show; HOPEFULLY!

    ***They already filmed the reunion, and yes they were there for that. - Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Christi has all but confirmed she will be bringing her child back for more abuse. It's more important to Christi to have her mug on tv than to have her daughter in a calm and peaceful dance environment where she can flourish and once again regain her passion for dance like she pleaded w/ her last night. Good parenting Christi... Anyone who thinks that she can be sued is fooling themselves...not a court in the world would endorse that contract. They would probably scold Christi for asking for more money after she claimed Chloe was a victim of Abby's abuse and turning around and signing a new one! That's just an excuse people and/or Christi if she said it, are making up.***

    That's what I believed! A parent can't sign over a child like that for multiple years! It's the same thing David Cassidy went through years ago before "The Partridge Family" aired! He was under 16 when he was signed up to a contract and he broke it successfully since his parents couldn't just sell him like Christi has done w/ Chloe! That was total BS that their house would be taken away or some such CRAP! Thanks! Christi was definitely looking for more money a couple years ago and doesn't have a leg to stand on! FAME HO!

    ***In Abby's new book, she says at least 5 times that a coach should never favor just one pupil and parents should never ever go to a studio where one kid is the star while the others are compared and belittled.***

    "DM" is a show and they had to make it worth watching which means screaming, profanity, and kids crying while seeing their mothers fight with Abby!

  92. ***There have been so many performances of Maddie and Sia together and Abby's been at most of them. I don't think Sia would allow it if she hated Abby. Sia is a whole lot more popular than Abby. lol.***

    Any one who takes Cathy seriously about anything is a true KNUCKLEHEAD; sorry! She's not reliable, she's told to do stuff, and she's done her job well being the villain; NOT ABBY in the end!

    ***Care to explain yourself? I am seeing this as a slap in the face?***

    Explain what? - [slap] - Maddie didn't come from someplace else as far as I know! Do you know better? Abby has been her only real teacher and manager from what I've read and heard! Who can take responsibility for her talent if we've been seeing her since she was 7 or 8 at Abby's studio! Take the slap and be thankful that's all it is! lol!

    ***I agree...she does it to stay relevant on the show. I really wish she would just go back to the Candy Apple Studio portion of the show. It was more fun to watch and a whole lot more healthier for the kids! She's so out of hand now! Also, I miss Vivi; she always had a nice eyeroll when her mom was acting ridiculous. lol

    Select team - ...My guess is maybe she will rent out space and pretend it's a legit studio in LA.***

    I think I read that the only reason they had the "Select Team" (behind the scenes) was to replace production of "AUDC: Season 3!" You can't outdo Asia in the 1st season, so they must be dropping it for good!

    ***You do know that it is the producers who scout right? They called up Lucas, Alyssa, Evan, Gavin, and McKenznie. Cathy has nothing to do with that.***

    Oh I heard they foist these dancers on her studio and comp. team! I'm just talking about her act; the voice, the enmity she has for Abby, and her willingness to try and psychological attack children of rival studios! Regardless is she's told to do it; it's still VILE!

    ***Cathy mentioned that Lucas is not very good at pirouetting. In the group dancer, all of them were turning and turning so much yet all Lucas did, as always, was just put his leg up. ...Evan is 14, Lucas is 12, and Gavin just turned 10 a few days ago. I'm starting to think that Gavin is a much better dancer than Lucas even though Lucas is almost 3 years older. I know Evan is better than Lucas.***

    OMG, Gavin is the "Maddie" of his team! He's obviously worked hard, his spinning is magnificent, and the emoting is matchless on that team! He and his sister are great, but since they're part of this CADC farce, they aren't a fave of mines! After all that time spent in Miami w/ Angel and Victor, he still can't spin worth a damn! That was why Cathy was going to nix "the Head-spinner;" could only do a double! Lucas didn't even try that! lol! "Bridgette, you're not maxing out his exposure!" Supposedly both were close to Blake; what happened? He couldn't pick up anything btw trysts w/ his mom? lol!

    ***What did she say about Chloe in regard to her eye or something? - Get your kids eye fixed.***

    In the past Abby's also told Holly to fix Nia's hair when her "TIPPY Longstocking" braids were distracting her! It was COLD, but Abby was right! That hair was out of control!

  93. ***IDK, Chloe knows she's talented and it would be a slam against Abby as well since she was her teacher for 10+ years. The eye thing is something that Chloe can't help, she was born that way. Either way, Abby shouldn't be putting a child down like that either way.***

    Honey, you shouldn't be putting anyone down, but Christi and Kelly did it all the time! Calling Abby fat and a HO made no sense but to hurt her; which it didn't! All it did was solidify Abby's animus and her only recourse was to punish the kids! I've said I don't condone it, but what is Abby supposed to do? No punishment just allows them free reign in her business! I'd lash out too; more like tell them to "get the fuck out! If you're that damned unhappy, take your little monster somewhere else and go!"

    There was also relentless insults and rhetorical comments sent Melissa's way; often right in front of Maddie! I was done then and didn't care what happened to Chloe, Paige, and Brooke! If there moms couldn't control themselves better, screw 'em! Can you imagine how that house is run if these VILE women can talk the way they do on camera w/ other people's children standing right there? A more self-respecting person would have left; but that's too much for this classless group!

    ***The reason she did is b/c at that point Abby wanted to manage all the girls and clearly for obvious reasons Christi did not want that for her daughter so she decided to do the "meet and greets" alone w/ Chloe. It wasn't so much pulling away from the team and more not wanting Abby to manage Chloe. Honestly, unless your last name is Ziegler, having Abby as your manager is a pretty dumb move.***

    Funny how Christi and Kelly have VOWED never to let Abby manage their kids; they're DOING NOTHING! Maddie's all over red carpets, having interviews around the country, meeting celebrities, and her future's limitless! Brooke's gone nowhere w/ her singing even though Kelly touts it's placement on iTune; HUH? Never touch the stuff! Paige and Chloe are missing in action besides Christi "whorin'" her daughter out around the world! That won't pay the bills for much longer! You can only be CUTE for so long, then you start looking like your mother; SORRY!

    ***Hmm, and here I thought Maddie was the favorite b/c Melissa saved her ass from bankruptcy. I mean, I'm sorry if Melissa shelled out thousands of dollars to save my ass; I'd make her kids my fave too!***

    It helps that the girls are terribly talented! I love MacKenzie now and can't take my eyes off her in the group #'s; esp. Bollywood performance! She's so confident and really keeps up w/ the older girls even though she's still so small in comparison to the giants on the team!

    ***See Fiero, that's where you and I agree, but others seem to forget. Season 1 started out great: Abby was tough, but not abusive; the girls were sweet and the moms created the drama. Fine. But the real problems began when Christi (followed by Kelly) began to hurl very hurtful, personal insults at Abby.

    If someone called you "fat," or "fatty," or "ugly," or a "b!tch," or a "whore," or made jokes about you, saying "ewwwww" ... how would you react? I highly doubt any of you would be able to just "let it go." I know I wouldn't. In fact, that person would pretty much be on my sh!t list for life, unless I received a sincere apology. They are horrible, nasty things to say to anyone. Not only that, but there were never any apologies. Yet this is exactly what Christi did to Abby (and Kelly joined in), on SEVERAL occasions. And this was before Abby started retaliating against them by punishing their daughters.

  94. ***The other moms have attacked that poor child throughout this entire series, it has been heartbreaking to watch and disgusting to say the least. All these girls are remarkable at dance, every single one, and Nia and Kendall improved so much it has been amazing to watch (I know Paige would have too even though like all of them, she was already great, its sad that they left the show, but Kelly was horrible). But despite the overall talent of all of the girls on the team, Maddie and McKenzie are my faves. McKenzie is ADORABLE and such an amazing little dancer, she is perfect, but I am excited to see her grow into more mature dances like the other girls.

    But I had to make a post just acknowledging the fact that Maddie is an AMAZING dancer, the other mothers are jealous, but the truth is Maddie is the best dancer on the show and the best child dancer I’ve ever seen! She is like watching art which is what dance is, but it is just so captivating to watch her dance. She puts her soul into it and it is just beautiful and epic and truly moving.

    It sucks that when you happen to be exceptional, others want to tear you down, even adults when you’re a child. it’s so hurtful and grotesque. I know what that’s like and many amazingly talented people know what that’s like. So I’ve always really felt for her. Personally, though Melissa, like all the moms, annoys me sometimes, I respect her for sticking by both her extraordinarily talented daughters side instead of abiding the cattiness of a few selfish, jealous adult women. She has done the right thing and it's hard to watch the bullying on this show. I really wish things would be called out for what they are on this show more!! That is what Melissa s/b doing. You have Abby who does, but she goes WAY TOO FAR and is just horrible herself.

    Anyways, imo if these mothers would just stop being jealous of someone who TRULY puts her soul into dance and has an amazing God given gift and lets it shine, they could focus on their own amazing daughters and stop teaching them to self victimize themselves and taking away from their daughters' own AMAZING opportunities and beautiful gifts.

    But enough ranting, this post is really about giving props to Maddie's extraordinary dancing. I'm a huge fan of Sia, but I tend to ignore music videos as I find they usually take away from the music (with some epic exceptions like Tori Amos' cornflake girl videos) so I didn't get around to watching the Chandelier video until recently and I'm glad I did cause the dance was so freaking unbelievably epic!! Perfect emulation for this song, it was absolutely brilliant! Can't believe Cathy tried to outdo it... LOL, she is a tool.***

    I hadn't seen this in a while! Caught the video since Afterbuzz mentioned it!

    - - 'SYTUCD' - Allison Holker and Maddie Ziegler perform "Chandelier" w/ SIA!

  95. ***Lets not forget that Cathy said she would choose Chloe above all of them as she didn't think Abbey knew what a hidden pearl she had in Chloe.***

    Abby well knew how good Chloe was, but her animus for Christi and their constant battles alienated her from the child! She just wasn't going to allow Christi to say and do what she wanted in her studio so Abby was willing to actual take out her frustrations on the girl; unfortunate, but expected! Christi obviously didn't care; she kept on exacerbating all situations! One of the funniest scenes came from a couple years ago! Chloe, Maddie, and Paige had practiced a routine over the summer, but when the season began and they were rehearsing, the girls kept making mistakes and Abby flipped! It was hilarious though unsetting to most!

    Abby: "Ding dong, it's 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 8 is the last count, not 8 and a 1,2! Ridiculous, make them do it again (saying to Gianna)!"

    She lost it, sent them out and told the girls and moms to go! "They're distracted and yawning in my face! They better go home before somebody gets hurt!"

    Christi of course was holding Chloe in the hall, then the den!

    Abby: "Are all the tears gone! What are the tears about?"

    Christi: "Because you're screaming in little girls faces!"

    Abby: (Mocking tone) "...little girls faces! GROW UP!"

    Christi: "You grow up! ...One of these days you'll realize what a great dancer she is!"

    Abby: "I made her! I know it!"

    Christi: "Bullshit, were you pregnant for 8 months? I made her!"

    Paraphrasing from what I remember! It was just one hilarious scene! lol! It's unfortunate these were routine scenes from the time I began watching!

    ***No, no it is not unfortunate but expected that a grown woman takes out her hatred of a woman out on her daughter! Chloe is a lovely and kind little girl and Abby is paid by Christi. This is something I know about and you don't, you watch a show about dance, but do not live it. I'm a qualified dance teacher and have been in the world years. There have been some Mothers who I haven't been fond of and some children who had some nasty qualities, however I wouldn't dream of belittling them or insulting them or calling them stupid.***.

    ...for the show "ding dong!" lol! This is a reality show and they have to do something to keep it entertaining! It shouldn't be funny that a grown woman berates children like this, but for the show the moms obviously don't care enough to be careful about signing lengthy contracts selling their kids off! Get over yourself; no one cares about your expertise in this situation! It's TV!

    ***Cathy is gross and irrelevant - As for Vivi, her daughter (is she adopted btw?) I feel so bad for that poor miserable kid! She's carried around like a little puppet or doll. And you'd think someone who had a dance studio and had access to some great choreographers would want to give her daughter the gift of teaching her an amazing skill like dance, but instead she just worries about winning and if she's not using Vivi as a prop, she just throws her aside to bring in real dancers.***

    They don't bring it up, but I'm sure Vivi has to be adopted! That's why I was shocked when Cathy tried to make fun of Abby when she was coaching Kenzie in the hall! She was being attacked by the old hag; "coaching in the hall?" Abby said, "yes, I'm coaching my daughter!" Cathy made comment of an "immaculate conception!" She has no real kids, but there she is signifying about being barren or childless! This retched woman does this stuff not just in front of Abby and her kids, but her own studio kids and moms! Why would anyone take Cathy seriously, regardless if she's being paid to act like an ass? She's useless, talentless, and clueless!

  96. ***If Abby was right about anything; its that jealousy is a ugly, awful, disease! I agree Maddie is the best child dancer I've ever seen. In fact, IDK many adult dancers who are better than her. She's truly talented and it's such a shame that 90% of the drama on the show revolves around the fact that people are jealous of her.

    They are not jealous of her.***

    Be it as it may, Maddie was still the best and ITA she's one of the better dancers I've ever seen at her age or older! She picks things up so fast, works hard, and seems to be well-adjusted; even w/ all this chaos going on! I feel for Melissa, who's only done what she could to get her daughter where she wants to go. Be more concerned w/ the work ethic of their own children! Brooke & Paige missed so much practice; were destined to fall! What did she want, permanent residence at the top when Brooke is being taken out of class for auditions, interviewing agents, and to undermine Abby at the worst possible times?!

    ***Christi is Chloe's MOTHER, and as such bears 100% of the resp. for her daughter. If even half of this show is unscripted and Abby really made Chloe lose her passion for dance, then Christi's parenting is to blame for keeping Chloe on ALDC for so long. Yes, there was a contract, but contracts can be broken. Yes, there would have been a financial loss, but you do what you have to do to protect your child. Christi has enjoyed every moment of her and Chloe's "15 minutes of fame" from this show--which is why she didn't pull Chloe from ALDC a long time ago. I'm sick of Christi's negative, bitter attitude and am very happy she is leaving.

    Finally, I've said countless times that Christi is the worst person on the show. She's a stage mom and is ruining Chloe's life basically.

    - Christi only cares about herself. She just wants MONEY and FAME

    - She gets fame by complaining about everything and starting fights even though she knows that Chloe will pay the price; IMO is the worst thing that she does

    - She gets money by pimping out her daughter by/via "meet & greets." The other moms do it too, but not nearly as often as Christi and they do it while promoting the show and the ALDC

    - She gets angry when Chloe doesn't do well and takes it out on Abby and Melissa

    - Her jealousy causes her to lash out on both children and adults

    - She tries to bring Maddie down by attacking her character (b/c she can't make her a bad dancer) and she continuously says horrible things about this little girl and makes ridiculous accusations about her on nat'l TV out of jelousy (which a lot of kids who watch this show buy into and then bully Maddie on social media)

    - She openly talks trash about Maddie, Kendall, and the Aandy Apples' dance skills

    - She's rude to every new mom that walks into the studio, even when they did not do anything to provoke her

    - She throws temper tantrums like a 5 year old

    - She makes comments that are rude and immature

    - She bullies the other moms and manipulates them into doing what she wants so as to keep them in line behind Chloe (like making them agree not to go to AUDC)

    - She's raising Chloe to feel sorry for herself and not take responsibility for her own mistakes or shortcomings

    - She's encouraging Chloe to be catty and gossipy. (i.e. when she and Kelly accused Maddie of lying. She successfully drove a wedge btw them and Chloe was visibly upset w/ Maddie for no proven reason

    - She would rather put her daughter through this abuse then hire an attorney and get out of her contract. Theres always a way out. They are obviously not trying

    - I said this already, but it's worth saying again; Christi would rather get the last word in, fight w/ people and insult Abby rather than keep her mouth shut for Chloe's sake. Chloe could have been Abby's favorite if not for her mother's arrogance.***

    OMG, you guys covered it for me! I couldn't have posted anything better!

  97. The way I saw it, the entire cast of kids were being "beat down" this season; unrelentingly! They won week after week, but Abby couldn't find it in her heart to praise them to the hilt and give them a break from the constant pressure of "Select Team" and the obvious advantage that was given to them! That disappointed me more than Abby seeming to take out her enmity of Christi through Chloe! That was more controllable when you consider the mother went out of her way to undermine a teacher all too often! It may not have been right, but it was something that could have changed simply by CHRISTI, S'nTFU! The other mothers learned their lesson ages ago w/ only Kelly taking it to the limit!

    Normally I would never watch something like this! I helped take care of my sisters triplets for the first year! I would never had signed them up for something like this, even w/ guarantees of all kinds of path openings! All of these people knew Abby before the show, but they took the gamble to go forward! They probably shb warned, they sold their souls for as long as Collins thought show was worth producing! If it had failed the first year, they all might be free at this very moment! Unfortunately for Kelly and Christi, they felt trapped and acted out progressively worse as time went on! This animus was evident in the very 1st episode! The moms continued to sign Abby's contracts yearly until Christi balked; making them part-timers at best this past season!

    The vitriol was going back and forth in person and over social media! Again, this is a choice! If Chloe was hurting as much as Christi thought, why couldn't she control herself a little more? All she had to do was ride it out and more than likely Chloe would still be Abby's #2 girl! That's what was really bugging her, I think! She thought she was being set up to fail b/c Maddie had passed her for good! Chloe is still a beautiful dancer and w/ my only experience "going to the ballet" as a child, I can tell the difference btw a gifted dancer like Chloe and what's being forced by a stage mom in Kendall! She may want to excel, but she's nowhere near as good as Jill thinks and she needs to get that in her head sooner than later! This show is almost done and all will be happier for it; including it's detractors all over this board!

    ***...said that Christi "attacks Maddie's character, continuously says horrible things about her, talks trash about her, and makes ridiculous accusations. ...You say that Chloe was visibly upset w/ Maddie and I don't recall that. How was she acting towards her? Is it not fair to assume that if she were upset that it was b/c she learned that the duet was added in the last minute to beat her and Paige? How did you come to the conclusion that she was mad at Maddie in particular and not just upset by the situation?***

    What are you watching; CC'd? Chloe was practically assaulted by her mother, telling her that her bff had "stabbed her in the back!" Chloe couldn't or wouldn't even look at Maddie; just staring ahead as usual taking it all in! Christi did undermine Maddie's character saying "she lied to Chloe's face!" She had to go all the way and actually put that wedge in place! Chloe was not as animated when Maddie was paired w/ her again a few weeks later! She was sorta cold, even though Maddie openly thought they did a great job together! Melissa saw the good in it and said "they're back!"

  98. ***I hate that whenever someone doesn't like something, they are immediately accused of being jealous. It's like the go to response. It's incredibly annoying to listen to Abby, Melissa, and even posters on this board accuse the moms of being "jealous of Maddie's talent" or say "they're jealous of an 11 year old." The mother's criticism has always been the same. Maddie receives considerable favoritism from Abby and they want it to be fair. They point out the inconsistencies in Abby's dealing w/ each child. How does this make them jealous? I believe Holly said it best on twitter:

    @DanceMomHolly: WRONG! Jealous is not the word! That is a simplistic statement & POV coming from a person of privilege!

    I believe this was in response to Melissa accusing the moms of being jealous of her child. I just hope that Maddie can understand that her peers and their mom's aren't jealous of her.***

    What's the difference btw "being jealous" or "being resentful" another child is getting what they want for their kid? They can water it down all they want; that is that! If you want to use Holly as a reference, she often asked why Nia was "either or" when it came to performance assignments! The poor girl had enough on her plate w/ the group and the occasional solo, but her mother complained either way; "it's too much pressure" or why doesn't she get more? Like all the other moms, she was never happy!

    ***I've always thought the same thing about Holly. She either says too much pressure or Nia isn't given enough chances to shine. You can't have your cake and eat it too! That's the only thing that really bothered me about Holly since s1. Nia is at the age now where she should be able to handle the pressure Abby puts on her. She's not a little kid any more.

    Could Maddie have even used that "Chandelier" dance? A parody constitutes fair use. - Yeah, but the scheduled solo wasn't to "Chandelier," unless I'm thinking of another competition. Wasn't it "Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Maddie" or something like that?***

    I can't remember the title; may have missed it, but it definitely wasn't "Chandelier!" After it was found out CA was going to use the song, then for Bridgette to come into the dressing room playing it, I was PRAYING one of the girls would go over to Abby and tell her to put Maddie in to show up CA! The competition wasn't over yet! Late additions and scratches happen all the time I would think! That's how Maddie won 2 titles in 2 hours a couple years ago!

    ***...take turns pinching each other until you bleed since you seem to think that's an acceptable way for an adult to behave. And then you can post how it's all Christi and Kelly's fault, lol.***

    Honey, if that was actually going on, why wasn't it addressed before? Kelly's lost her freakin' mind when Abby just tossed a chair or screamed at Paige for not counting out the proper steps! No way would that have happened; to bleed! That's BULLshit! Kelly and her shyster attorney are making up crap now! If I were the judge I'd penalize them in some way! We already know she's been dismissed as irresponsible and was compensated fully until she assaulted Abby! That crazy bitch has not a LEG to stand on! "Just keep making your weeping kids into victims Kelly! Way to strengthen their character after you said Abby's demolished it! Fk'n Idiot!"

  99. ***When "all the girls" were in Brooke's video, Christi hadn't yet severed ties w/ ALDC. No big mystery.***

    I can't believe people didn't see that audition as a reality tv set up, totally scripted for our benefit! Chloe couldn't be in the video since Chrisi had already cut off her big nose to spite her stupid face!

    ***Which has exactly what to do w/ Abby's treatment of Paige?***

    You've totally fallen for Kelly's victimhood scenario! What girl wasn't being abused by Abby if you want to be technical about it? All of them went through the same treatment; normally catching HELL if their mothers were obscene or disrespectful! What is a teacher supposed to do; just let it roll off her back and say "thanks for coming?" I don't think so! It's cruel, but the MOTHER has to take the lion share of the blame! They came to Abby studio for years; nothing's new! She's loud, overbearing, and vengeful! What did Kelly and Christi believe would happen if they "acted out" the way they do; even when warned ahead of time? Screw 'em both and their spawn! The kids are victims, but it isn't of Abby's training; more like their own mothers greed and need of "15 min. of fame!" "Look in the mirror girls! No one broke your arm to sign those freakin' contracts; NO ONE!"

    ***Wow, I must say that Abby and Kelly aside, I really do feel sorry for Paige. Why do you & Fiero lack empathy & sympathy? Even Chimps care more for their own than you two.***

    I feel for the child too, but it isn't Abby's problem! Kelly's the mom who sold her children to a network, didn't yap much when Brooke was the fave, kept signing new contracts along the way, then had the nerve to demand more money after s2! Sounds like all concerned were accepting of the circumstances! The mother had the ultimate control; Abby's just a business woman trying to make a living and to help achieve goals set by her kids! Same for Christi who probably put that bug in the moms' ear to strike! I loved how Abby went out and created another team overnight; loved Sophia, Ally, and their moms! I didn't miss any of the originals at the time! So they came back w/ their tails btw their legs! "Good job ladies; you really made a difference for your kids!"

    ***Since Abby was the producer of the video for MacKenzie, she had every right to choose whomever she wanted for the video. Spiteful? Yeah, probably. But she didn't owe Christi or Chloe anything at that point. Plus, we all know that's how Abby rolls. Cross her and you're on her shitlist. Unfortunately, she's not unlike a lot of showbiz people in that regard. Consider this: if you were in charge of a project like this and some kid's mom constantly called you insulting names and left your studio, would you jump to put them in?***

    I'll never understand people thinking it's ok to insult and undermine Abby; then she's supposed to treat the kids with respect and compassion! I personally would have kicked them to the curb and found someone else more appreciative! It stopped being as entertaining when Christi and Kelly constantly caterwauled about just about everything! They couldn't be satisfied with what they got out of Abby and their kids ended up catching HELL for it! It's not like they didn't see this happening; unless they're total mohron!

    For a recital Abby tried to teach Paige a new number (spending her time) and gave Brooke an opportunity to sing one of her lame songs! Kelly still wasn't happy! They just couldn't be satisfied and happy! There's more than a few of us that can see the other side, but some will be totally blind to the kids' misery; which I feel is the fault of the moms!

  100. ***This seems to suggest that mental and emotional abuse are somehow acceptable, whilst physical abuse is not.***

    Obviously; the moms sat, watched, and allowed it to happen for years!

    ***Abuse is the fault of the abuser. Failing to prevent abuse does not take one iota of blame away from the abuser.

    Chloe is not Christi and she's not responsible for anything she says or does.***

    If Christi had shown just a little bit of control and not lashed out at everyone else so often b/c she was frustrated w/ circumstances, things would have preceded as normal! The thing is, it was probably worse behind the scenes! I can imagine Christi being even more "over the top" if the cameras weren't there to catch it! I wouldn't have given her the satisfaction of even participating in outside projects!

    ***I think this lawsuit proves Kelly is just grasping at straws.***

    I'm just wonder how honest her attorney could be to get roped into something this hopeless! The world saw Kelly assault Abby on tv again and again! Abby did not try to replace her children in that dance w/ Kalani! As usual, Kelly's feeble mind was working overtime and she heard what she wanted to hear and "went off!" Funny Kelly would make jokes about other people being off their meds; no one more disturbed than she was doing that in front of her children and others! Psycho mom actually thought she was within her rights! Sick bitch!

    ***No one thrives in an environment of bullying and harassment.***

    So you don't think Kelly's at fault in any way? Seek serious help babe! I feel for your limited perspective, seeing what you want to see, and relating events that boister your argument w/o reflecting on the culpability of the moms! Same here I guess! lol!

    ***Aside from emotional distress ... Paige claims she was worked like a horse in Central Park -- 60 hour weeks and 12-hour days were routine.***

    OCO, 60 hour weeks and 12 hour days? If that's the case, why is she so mediocre? Kelly's accusations only make her look bad; either way! She sat there the entire time regardless; watching it all! Who's more at fault, Abby or her mother?

    ***Kelly has made a statement to a court that 3 different lawyers were employed to try and get them out of that contract. That is a pretty serious attempt to get her children out of clearly very difficult situation.***

    I keep asking the same question, "why did Kelly sign those contracts in the 1st place?" If she studied w/ Abby, she knew how hard she was on dancer; not to mention Brooke had been there for years after that! I don't care if she hired "OJ's dream team," WHY? The experience must have been worth it to her and I will always hold her more responsible as "the mother!"

    ***Well Abby will be in a better mood next year since she'll have a bunch of butt kissers for moms left. lol***

    Maybe; at times! We've seen Holly being more demonstrative of late and you know Jill has her moments! We'll see! I'll be watching!

    ***True, and even Melissa has had some arguments w/ Abby in the past. Maybe arguments is too harsh, more like concerns maybe lol. She did join that sit-out w/ the other moms to support Kelly although all that got was Maddie being benched for several weeks.

    I for one will never watch it again. I'm going to watch the reunion just to see if they ever talked about it or pretended it didn't happen. I'm happy though that Chloe is out of that toxic environment.***

  101. ***Christi will only stick up for you if it means she gets camera time and she gets to yell and scream. She's always trying to bully the other moms into following her actions so that their kids will get reprimanded by Abby just as much as hers. And Christi has talked crap about Kendall's dancing before, it was just convenient for her to stick up for Jill last night. ...Nobody owes Christi anything, she can handle her problems herself.***

    You covered it! Christi looks out for #1, regardless of her "mommy hugs" in isolated instances for Maddie, Paige, and MacKenzie! I remember each time and it's more for her own image than actually feeling for the kids! If she cared as much as she portends, she wouldn't be so loud and "profane" in front of them when she goes out of control in her rants at Abby!

    ***...I think you're right, but of course they will somehow manage to bring up Christi when the next season airs despite being gone. - Even Kelly gets brought up and she hasn't been there in forever.

    Um b/c anti-Abby posters keep posting about that stupid lawsuit. YOU keep bringing her up. A lot of us are happy she's gone and would rather not see 7 page long discussions about her litigious butt and her mediocre daughters.***

    You see how ridiculous and hypocritical these people are too? lol! Yeah, it's only me that brings up Christi and Kelly! lol!

    ***This show is filled with nasty women and a whole lot of hypocrisy and S T U P I D I T Y…. blatant, blatant stupidity. If these mothers would spend half of the time they spend on attacking a little girl and bullying a mother for not holding her child back for the sake of theirs, nurturing their own daughters' personal strengths, their kids would be that much HAPPIER, their dancing would only IMPROVE, and the team would only be THAT much better. ...And I think Abby has even said something similar, that if the moms spent half as much time worrying about their own daughters as they do worrying about Maddie, their daughters would be better dancers for it.***

    You covered it; as usual! I keep saying the same thing; why don't these people worry about their own children and not be so concerned w/ what Maddie's doing? Seems like jealousy and resentment to me! Fair is not a word used in entertainment! There are plenty of talented people out there and plenty of losers that get all the breaks! Maddie's proven hard work got her where she is while the other girls are just in the same car going for the ride! They shouldn't blame a child for their own lack of self-worth!

    I just saw clip of Abby telling Kendall she won't be doing her solo b/c her mother didn't bring the costume she promised! What is Abby supposed to do when Jill bypasses the costume offered to put her own child on a pedestal? What was funny after Jill stormed out w/ Kendall was what Abby had to say to the kids when she left the room!

    Abby: "I find it humorous that the moms sat out in the parking lot for Brooke and Paige! Now that Kendall's not here, it's like 'screw you honey,' every man for themselves! Look at Brooke and Paige; they didn't shed a tear!" That is hilarious!

    ***B/c what is being done for Maddie is at their children's expense?***

    You mean when Sia asked personally for Maddie, that's taking away something from their children? If she's the best and Abby wants to win, I suppose she should sacrifice all and put in a dancer that may have forgotten her dance or does what they want in the way of choreography? I understand there's resentment when Abby puts Maddie on a pedestal; happens all the time! It's something to strive for, but I guess you want and expect Abby to just hand over opportunities even if the kids are absent, insolent, or their moms lose their minds in a rant! I don't think that's how life works! They better get used to it! MOMMY won't be able to bail them out in life experiences forever!

  102. ***'s easier to complain than to put the work in and improve. In the 1st season the girls are fairly similar in skill level and the routines not as difficult as they are nowl, but the difference is Maddie puts in the extra work that was required over the years and now she is one of the most famous pre-teen dancers in the country. Kelly thought her kids good looks would make them superstars, but it's proving to be not the case. And this lawsuit appears to be nothing more than a desperate cash grab while they can b/c Paige's dance career is basically over.

    So you don't think the lawsuit has anything to do w/ Paige being abused by Abby? The emotional abuse and panic attacks we were all witnesses to? This goes way beyond dance and which kid was the better dancer.

    They spend so much time at the studio, Abby is allmost like a 2nd mom to them, so I'm sure occasionally there will be fights and disagreements like all parents. I'm sure your's yelled at you sometimes, even when you feel it may not be deserved, but you learn from it and it makes you stronger in the long run. How about the time when Kelly (possibly drunk) accidentally burned Paige with a curling iron. That seemed far worse than anything Abby did I think. Sure Abby is no saint, but I don't think she's any worse or better than other dance instructors and they must love her somewhat if they've been there so long.***

    That's all I've been saying; thanks! So much for Christi and Kelly's level of recall when it comes to bad incidents! Such selective memories around here! lol!

    ***I don't recall enough about the incident to be able to discuss it. W/ some other posters I'd accept their version as being correct, but your recollections of incidents I do remember never even comes close to what I saw on the screen, so there isn't really a lot I can say on the point.***

    You are out of your mind! I have never misrepresented events on this show! You're full of crap and just don't have a reliable or credible reply! Just say "I don't know;" not attack my veracity! I know this show backwards and forward! I'm not the one to accuse of such a thing! I may not like the moms, but I don't need to make up how horrible they are; all on tape to be seen over and over again! Just go look at YouTube! Plenty of clips out there!

    ***Leaving Chloe out of both Kenzis and the Freakes video was. As was demanding that they act as understudies in case Maddie wasn't available rather tham working w/ them in their own right.***

    Sorry, but Chloe and Christi had one foot out the door already! They weren't entitled to "ANYTHING" since they weren't under contract to Abby! Abby owed them NOTHING! I would have done the same thing! I'm sure that was Jeff who set them up to look pathetic at the audition; put that on him, not Abby!

    ***They were still used in that the show and the girls were the springboard. It wasnt ALDC girls wanted, but 'Dance Moms' girls.

    And if the show doesn't get cancelled, you are correct in blaming all the moms for signing up for this mess; esp. all the new kids whose parents watched this show and still signed the contract lol.***

  103. ***Ha, I figured it was actually Fiero w/ a different name.***

    Honey, I don't need to waste my time playing games! I've been very consistent in my writing style and punctuation! My brain would short circuit at my age trying to be the least bit deceptive! I'm sorry if my animus for certain characters just bleed through and my fingers are shaking just thinking of the hypocrisy and shamelessness of some of these women; Abby included believe it or not!

    I honestly don't appreciate what she's doing, but I understand her feelings; single, heavy, only her mom and dog in her personal life these last tumultuous years! Heaven knows I put everything into my work dealing w/ computers before retiring! Sometimes you are set in your ways and you don't suffer fools well! I put up w/ nothing from people I thought unqualified to tell me anything! Abby's probably being more patient w/ these women than in real life! Some teachers don't want to hear anything out of someone's mother! You are to entrust that child w/ them completely or go find another teacher!

    It's unfortunate that the kids are caught right smack dab in the middle of all this "world wind drama," but that was a choice the moms made and Abby shouldn't be penalized or made to change her methods j/b the parents can't take it! It's not like they couldn't walk and just be part time like Chloe these past few months, but some handled it better! Kelly and Christi didn't and they have no one else to blame but themselves! I watch the show too much and these women's antics get me shaking my head, laughing, and angry in layers! Still like a lot of the performances regardless of how they got there!

    The order of jumps and patterns Maddie has in these performances shouldn't make you think any worse of her! I think she just has too much on her plate; appearances, responsibilities, other projects besides the show! I think that's the reason people think she's being repetitious, but she does amazingly well interpreting this music on the fly; within a day at times if you believe the editing! The Sia video shows her versatility and creativity and she probably took more time w/ it! Figure skating is a lot like this; a pattern of jumps, but bringing life to the music is still achieved outside of the tricks, jumps, and floor work!

    ***Christi apparently will be revealing the truth...It will be so nice to hear them speak w/o that creep Collins watching them and monitoring thier words. He always ruined all the reunion specials for me.***

    So Christi rants in front of all concerned wasn't real enough? That's the reason I have no sympathy for this woman; out of control in public only tells me probably worse in private! I don't know anyone that uses that level of profanity; esp. in front of children! Excuse it if you like; it's trashy, disgusting, and unnecessary! You know what they say about someone that resorts to that type of language; inarticulate and crude in my book! Just keep excusing it; maybe tells us a lot of how some on this board may talk around kids if they feel it's excusable!

  104. ***I have never been a Christi supporter. I can't wait to see her gone from the show, but the implication that it was really Abby's fault was not something she said during pyramid in front of everyone, but something taped separately, so who knows...***

    Well you almost got it right! Christi actually did accuse Abby of having Paige do that standing "back tuck" when it was proposed that they have a routine with that trick in it! Christi went off the deep end, screaming that Abby had Paige do it and got injured! From then on, I couldn't believe a word the woman ever said! Collins' editors would allow her to say something stupid then show the video-clip showing she was full of crap; happened a lot!

    ***But yeah, now I remember Christi blaming Abby for the injury. Christi was saying Chloe wasn't ready and that the last time Abby made someone (Paige) do it she injured herself. And Abby asks something like "who made her do it?" I remember thinking "hang on, didn't Abby tell Paige NOT to do it" and then they showed the clip RIGHT AFTER proving that it really wasn't Abby's fault LOL. Yes, Christi did change the events in the past and the editors did show that she was lying (or mistaken?) right after.***

    Just like when Kelly accused Abby of wanting to replace her kids for that last group performance w/ Kalani! Abby said nothing like that and Kelly misrepresented what she said not even 2 mins. later! They're both wholely unreliable to tell any past events! I think they're drunks; partial blackouts!

    ***I like Cathy, and she can hold her own against Abby too. NP***

    Both personas are disconcerting and offensive to an extent; Cathy more so of course! I'd watch it as much as Abby's "Rescue" show! Oh, is it still on?

    ***We all make mistakes and get in stupid fights, but these women have producers feeding them alcohol and egging them on to be outrageous. The show creates these situations and encourages the dramatic behavior.***

    That really tickles me; Abby brings up the moms' drinking at times! Loved when she made comment in a confessional after Kelly changed Paige's choreography! Abby: "...Oh, mommy-ography! Kelly, ...stick to what you know best!" [tipping her head back simulating drinking] Cracks me up every time b/c it's obvious most of the women have a drinking problem! It does make it easier for them to "go off" cursing and being loud all the way! I can tell you, I know my mother was too classy to ever embarrass herself in public like that; or private for that matter! Kelly and Christi have been "out of control" too many times to count right in front of their kids and others! Oh, the shame a few years down the line when people are still talking about how trashy these people can be!

    ***Anybody who believes the allegations of a nutjob who got booted from a reality show for attacking a teacher needs to have their head examined. Is this a sane person: ***

    Funny, this episode actually played on LRW today! They just started repeating s4 last week! I'm not sure, have to go back, but Christi could be heard, but not seen saying she "didn't see anything!" Why was she covering her mouth in shock then? She's a real piece of work! You would think she's 50 with Alzheimers! She can't reflect back on recent history w/o spinning it!

  105. ***Cathy usually says nice things about Chloe. - She only tries to steal dancers when they are already good to join her team. She tried to embarrass Chloe w/ that stupid beef jerky commercial. ...she was lucky enough to have Kendall on her team at 1 time and she ended up losing her to Abby. Stupid move to let her go.***

    Kendall wasn't getting much out of the move to CADC after a couple plum assignments! Jill had those kind of expectations and they slowed down making her child just 1 of the many! As much as Cathy thinks, I was never impressed with her presence as a teacher! Being nice and giving kids compliments when they really aren't accomplishing anything doesn't do them much good! Sooner or later you have to back up the confidence with actual talent and skill! Maddie's proved herself; few others have yet to do that with all kinds of advantages and opportunities in the past!

    ***...The underlying story here is getting way more interesting than the actual show. ...I feel like Chloe leaving is a turning point and now people are finally realizing the whole show is BS. I think the big drama is real, but viewers don't know the true story! I'm pretty sure the reunion is going to be pure crap. ...IDK if I want to watch the reunion. I feel like I'm just going to get annoyed. They should lay out the facts and deal w/ their lawsuits.***

    That's what sucked me in a 2 years ago during s3! Normally I'd never watch something like this, but the dynamics of Abby and the moms were absolutely hilarious! Even though I know the dialogue forwards and back, I still crack up! When Abby was choreographing the "Trapped" #, Christi went off the deep end as usual! "I'm sure Abby's using this as a parallel to last week and I find it really offensive! ...Oh she'll say it's interpretive, it's art, it's bullshit!" Neither Christi or Kelly were ever satisfied and their battles w/ Abby and the other moms just kept me in stiches! The show hasn't been as much fun this past season w/ Abby's constantly threatening the other girls w/ replacement, but after I heard the "Select team" was only a storyline to have since they weren't going to do s3 of "Abby's Ultimate Dance Contest!" I relaxed a little! I'm not sure it has any more gas to propel into another season; we'll see!

    ***Poor Chloe looked uncomfortable the entire last episode. All the Dance Moms are tense and seem like they are biting their tongues. Maddie was SO funny when she busted into the Chandelier Dance. She's kind of a diva, in a cool way. She was wicked funny on Jimmy Kimmel. She seems kind of bratty/competitive in a normal kid way. She looked PISSED watching Candy Shnapples . I thought it was a cool interpretation and those kids did well. ...

    Abby clearly was edited. She said something about Chloe's eye. Christi's reaction was intense. You could tell she was going into mamma bear mode. She is a miserable woman. "Keep your chin up Chloe. You are gorgeous inside and out." Her behavior is disgusting to me. Seeing Chloe crying at the end is heart breaking. If ANYONE on that show is cool with Abby then I am amazed.***

    People were all on edge b/c so much of the scenario had already played out! Chloe was already part time, studying at another studio, only showing up on the show for performances for the most part! All bridges had already been severed and this was all staged as far as I know! Those kids would have been a lot more hysterical w/ Chloe leaving if they didn't know already! The whole thing was awful, but it was destined to only get worse if changes weren't made; ultimately Chloe's dismissal along w/ Christi! The back and forth over social media was so vitriolic and juvenile! All this over a child's well-being! I've never seen such a spectacle; maybe w/ "The Lohans!"

    ***I can agree with that. The whole thing was...awkward and tense.***

  106. Chloe performed in Nia's leaded group # "Tribal Council" and trio w/ Maddie and Kendall! I wasn't sure they would bother after the ugliness of that last episode; truly shocking! Christi keeps attacking how Abby crushes Chloe's spirit and undermines her talent, but it was easily parried; "and you keep bringing her back!" As Jill says so often; "just saying!" Chloe also did solo, "Lucky Star!"

    ***Chloe was still under contract. She HAD to show up. She isn't back for the next season so far. - Hmmm, do you have a dance background? Just wondering. I would like to hear from people who know about dance as well.***

    Oh, didn't you know? This board is loaded w/ experts; teachers, students, and performers! I'm sure they're as knowledgeable as the moms when they choreographed that "hot mess" for the mall when they were on strike! How embarrassing! lol!

    ***...I'm talking about Chloe's attitude toward Maddie after their last duet together. This was the week after the "secret duet' incident. Chloe was upset over a situation that was blown up by her mother. There was no need to be upset b/c no one admitted to lying and no one provided any proof that they lied. She's starting to adopt her mother's dramatic, victim mentality; whether or not she was mad AT Maddie or mad at the situation. And those are JUST the terrible things she says about Maddie. Christi has also said things that were rude about the Candy Apples, Kendall, Zack, and the guest dancers. There are way to many examples of this and TBH I don't remember all of them at the moment.***

    It's all conveniently forgotten! Christi and Chloe are the victims, everyone's against them, and the editing is making "momma" look like a witch; typical! The woman has so little self-control! She was flailing away all night; actually rubbing off on Holly who's now the hysterical one! I thought she was supposed to be so composed and only spoke up when necessary! "Hmmmm; just about screechin' there Doctor Holly!" She can't get everything she wants; "sorry lady!"

    I had forgotten about Hall video, "Freaks Like Me!" Another project poor Chloe had to be excluded from b/c of her silly mom! Nancy Grace on CnnHLN featured a couple segments on Paige Highland lawsuit against Abby tonight! They put a picture up of Kendall, labeling it Paige! lol! She lists 60 hour work weeks, assaults on other kids, berating her in front of other students, and throwing a chair! Mom still brought her back day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year! Hmmmm, the violins are playing! Kim "...Of Queens" chimed in about this being ego driven and money! Most of the blame is going onto the mom; "SHOCKING!" Nancy makes notice that "if the hours are so long and so much abuse, they're sitting right there, why are they allowing it and cashing a big, fat check?"

    ***Maddie was destined to be the fave. Not only is Maddie talented (they all are really), but her mom had her boyfriend pay off Abby's debt and save the studio. If I were Abby, I'd be kissing Melissa's ass too.***

    Notice the moms are ready to expose Melissa for everything else but the fact that she helped keep the studio open! Why does Christi keep going personal when it comes to Melissa? I applaud her for not retaliating; I know I couldn't just let that "trash talk" just roll off my back! Christi is "filth!" I guess that's why she keeps invoking Greg in her tirades!

  107. ***...I think part of the reason Christi is so dynamic against Abby is b/c of her childhood and how she wants to make sure Chloe's is nothing like hers was. She touched on it a bit in the first few seasons.***

    The problem is that she's still a horrible woman; loud, profane, vindictive, and can be just as abusive as Abby! She does this all in front of or to Chloe, so she's not doing that great a job at being a better person!

    ***Could you provide some evidence of this? I've never seen Christi do anything even remotely approaching the abuse Abby piles on in every episode.***

    Early this past season, Chloe was being her normal "doer" self, head cast down, worry in her eyes, and Christi "went off" saying she was tired of "talking her off a ledge!" She threatened to take away her phone and everything! If she's like that in an unguarded moment on camera, it has to be worse in private when they're at home! Anyone who thinks differently is in complete denial!

    ***According to Fiero, Christi standing up to Abby is actually abusing Chloe, so I'm sure he has tons of examples.***

    Sweety, you know me so well! lol! Besides the direct assault, Christi knowingly started up arguments w/ Abby, totally exacerbating the situation she had to know her daughter would be in! It's not like Abby made a mystery of her tactics! She said it out loud; "if you mess w/ my business, I'll start messing w/ your kid!" Spare me the rebuke; I didn't condone it, but she was totally honest w/ the repercussions of the mothers acting out! THEY ALL SIGNED A CONTRACT to that affect, so Christy is responsible for the abuse received vicariously through her juvenile, profane, and obnoxious behavior!

    IDK of someone her age that insults people by calling them fat, ugly, and unlovable all the time! I wouldn't associate w/ someone that uncommunicable! That's the last refuge of someone marginally illiterate IMO! Same for the HS dropout Kelly; neither being "burgeoning brain surgeons!

    ***Abby is the star, but people want to see her causing drama like that Gordon Ramsey guy people watch to see him go crazy and curse at the restaurant staff. If he was nice all the time, no one would watch; same w/ Abby.***

    I so appreciate smart people being around here! I feel so alone at times!

    ***'At least I had 2 parents!' - And Abby says Christi goes for the jugular. I don't think there's anything more hurtful that could have possibly been said. Jeez.***

    Abby's mother just died and CHRISTI actually made comment of her "rolling in her grave!" Honey, nothing was more low than that; PLEASE!

    ***When Sophia Lucia joined the team, her mom was so nice. But Christi just HAD to bait her (she actually says "all new dance moms have to go through me!"). Umm... since when?? Go ahead, call me one of the Christi haterz. Can't stand the woman, good riddance.***

    Oh I remember it well! Christi loves to play the victim saying she was "nothing but nice to" that mom! Total BS! That attack on Jackie was so ridiculous! I would never put up w/ that kind of interrogation anyway, but Christi went right to accusing her of posting something unfavorable about another little girl in California! Kelly did the same kind of thing and it made no sense unless they were being prompted by producers! It was so obscene and disgusting for all new moms to go through these attacks out of nowhere! Any sympathy either were looking for was lost on me even if their kids were the true victims! If their mothers wanted to "act out" like that, I shifted to others!

  108. ***For all that Abby's done, dying alone is the least of her worries. I wouldn't be shocked if she's received a few death threats in the past 4 years; certainly in the last 2. - She's not Public Enemy #1, people. Geez.***

    In their eyes; yes indeedy! I knew it had gone over to "the dark side" when they started talking "letter campaigns" and the like! I just wanted to say "whoa people; why aren't the parents to blame just a little?"

    ***I thought she was engaged? I remember reading an article about it.***

    I think Abby admitted somewhere, that story was for her mom's "last days" so it would appear there was someone to look after her baby after she's gone!

    ***...Fair enough. I'm just pointing out that the nasty comments started, unprovoked, w/ Christi. - At what point did you see them unprovoked and first? I was thinking about the praying mantis comment towards Ava. I was wondering what provoked that?***

    Jeanette attacking Abby in the studio, making demands will get a vicious comment from her every time! Saying Ava's arms are like "a preying mantis" was cruel, over the top, but hilarious at the same time! The way Ava is being carted around trying to get her "somewhere" was so unrealistic! She's a gorgeous dancer, but still just a "dime a dozen" talent and Abby went off trying to "put them off" for good by saying something terribly offensive! It didn't stop Jeanette from flying 'cross country to join the team and embarrass her daughter again on nat'l tv.! That was more obscene than anything Abby did; including the "peel" of Ava's jacket!

    ***Christi began the nasty comments toward Abby in s1, ep. #2. They got worse from there. Abby started retaliating against her in s2.***

    I blame it on the booze; which seemed to be the case very early on! These women drink! I guess if you're twiddling your thumbs for hours on end, living vicariously through their children, it makes sense to be inebriated! lol!

    ***Personally what I think is that Abby deep down isn't such a bad person, but let herself be swept away in all the fame and Jeff letting her do stuff and montaging the show in such a way that makes her look extra bad. When you look at Kelly Hylands court statement, it also states that Abby in the past wasn't so bad, but ever since this show started she got this "crazy." And that it is Jeff who's out for ratings and just doesn't care how he makes people look.***

    They all changed if you look closely! They went from working housewives to "Real Housewives Of Pittsburg" in a blink of an eye! Even Doctor Holly went "Hollywood" with hair extensions, the clothes, and make-up! She gave up her professional life when we all thought she had more sensibilities!

  109. ***...Christi isn't attacking Maddie's technique directly, but she knows that there are impressionable kids watching and if she tells them that the only reason Maddie wins is b/c of what Abby gives her. She knows that will make people think 'it is not her talent that gets her the win.' She keeps saying in the 1st 2 seasons "Maddie ONLY wins b/c of her choreography." ...I don't think Christi actually thinks Maddie is a bad dancer, but I think she is trying to dim her light a little by putting this thought in people's heads that Maddie isn't as good as Abby makes her out to be. Maddie's choreography is just as bad as the other girls. She does the same exact same things they do; she just makes it look better....***

    This is why I have a huge problem w/ Christi! She plants all this stuff in Chloe's head and as is said about other moms, she sticks her hand up her butt and the words are parroted back to us! Chloe being or seeming to feel victimized comes directly from her mother; no one else! This is all about Christi's standing and her ability to stand toe to toe w/ Melissa as top 'DM!' I look at past episodes where instead of questioning the mistakes of Chloe's performance, she attacks Melissa for Maddie having 2 solos! If Maddie wasn't participating, Chloe still made mistakes or "forgot" and didn't place! There's this tunnelvision by all concerned including us and we miss the obvious faults at times!

    ***...Since it came as a direct response to Kelly saying "Well, now you know who your friends are." I figured it was Maddie being hurt and just saying what Kelly was implying.***

    Kelly and Christi have been merciless from the beginning speaking their mind on "the Maddie situation!" Talk about child abuse! Kelly thought she was softening it a bit by looking Maddie right in the eye and saying, "this isn't about you Maddie!" Yeah, right!

    ***... Read the court statement from Kelly Hyland, seriously, it has the full backstory on how Jeff turned Abby in to the rancid monster she is today.***

    Watching repeat of early s4! It's a real eye opener! The moms say Abby just sits there like a slug and the girls win w/o her! The Select Team got more of her attention and now the tune has changed; "we need you Abby!" Such hypocrisy all around! They just looped back to s1! Christi complained of spending $16,000 a year to train Chloe at Abby's! That has to be a real burn; pay and hate it all at the same time! Wow!

    ***How does Lifetime make Abby appear "saintly?" She's the most hated dance teacher in America, based on her behavior on the show!

    From the way people talk, off-camera Abby must be dipping children's hands in piranha tanks and duct-taping their mouths and locking them in dark closets w/ no food for 2 days!***

    This reminds me of Bill O'Reilly on Fox News who spends half of his show talking about how left-leaning MSNBC is and how their ratings are in the toilet! This schpeal goes on every night; why do they care if such a poor "anything?" Sounds like more wishful thinking of repeating the negative enough times, it'll stick! Heaven knows I do it w/ Christi and Kelly; no mothers worse in the "herstory" of "reality tv!"

    ***True. I love how when rumors against Abby aren't shown on the program, it must be b/c Lifetime is trying to give her a good edit. Lifetime has had no problem giving Abby airtime that makes her look bad, nor does Abby seem to have a problem being hated. If they wanted to make Abby look good, they would do so. All they would have to do is not show her yelling at all; ever. With 60 hours of footage a week, they could certainly make Abby look like an angel in a 42 min. episode if they chose to do so.***

  110. ***Todrick wanted Chloe in the video, but Abby said the other girls couldn't be in the video if Chloe was. He really had no choice.***

    Chloe missed out on a lot for obvious reasons this past season! Being vindictive, juvenile, and petty was a trait that went both ways concerning this child's exposure; or lack thereof! "Thanks MOM!"

    ***They signed up for a show in which Abby was not yet cast. Having said that though, up until then, they were in a relationship of equal power; Abby taught, they paid. If Abby's behaviour upset them then there were plenty of other dance schools out there. ...She realised that they couldn't leave and she couldn't get rid of them and so, in her own words, she 'went for it.' The timing of that change can be seen well enough in comparing the Abby of s1 w/ the Abby later on.

    Checkout the SNL spoof of the Chandelier video featuring Jim Carrey. -
    - - ***

    Thanks! Funny they referenced "that child dancer from Sia's video Chandelier video!"

    ***...and Iggy Azalea dressed like Maddie too lol. That was cool since she was competing against Sia for Video of the year.***

    What has come this close to notoriety; Lady Gaga maybe w/ "Poker Face" and/or "Bad Romance?"...I just can't think of anything off-hand that has been satirized, spoofed, and talked to death about in recent memory; maybe Michael Jackson w/ "Thriller" and Prince w/ "Purple Rain!"

    ***I'm over this song and the artist, Sia, is annoying how she doesn't perform the song properly. Just show your face; IDK if she has a phobia of performing in public or something, but if she does then she shouldn't be a pop star- it kind of defeats the purpose. She can't always have people dance while she's singing w/ her back faced to the audience.***

    IDK the woman and didn't pay attention to the song until Maddie's contribution! Sia isn't in hiding or phobic, it's the gimmick of her being faced away and clothes on backwards that will make the song even more iconic I guess! If you surf the tv channels, the song is getting played to death; in backgrounds of scenes and commercials, then of course referencing Maddie!

    ***...We know Abby was never one to accept handicaps (I can imagine her saying "Hey, I put you on stage doing head shoulders knees and toes in concrete boots in the teen division, how dare you get 2nd place") it does feel like Kalani is being set up to fail.***

    True enough, but according to what I've heard, Abby's kids are supposed to be triple threats; dancing, singing, ...the works! I got a little tired of Christi saying that something wasn't a forte of Chloe's! Why wasn't she training more in acro, tap, and hip-hop so she wouldn't feel "set up?" That was a constant refrain heard from Abby; "Chloe, Brooke, and Paige needed to get to class!" Sounds as if they sabotaged themselves; just saying!

    ***While I agree that Abby says she wants her students to be able to do it all; however, I think the problem was that she would give dances to Chloe and not work w/ her and teach/show her what to improve on. To me, anyway, it seemed like she gave Chloe her solo and that was it.***

    Well it seems Chloe and Christi should have been more appreciative since they got more opportunities and time spent with Abby than most; ie: poor Nia!

    ***While she did get a lot of opportunities, I doubt she got much time w/ Abby improving her dancing/technique. More time with Abby than most girls, yes, but it's not like Abby tried to make sure Chloe looked good on stage. Like I said, it looked like Chloe was given a solo, ran it a few times to make sure she knew it and that was it. I'm sure it was frustrating for not only Christi, but the other moms as well when their daughters don't score high enough or get yelled at when it was Abby that didn't put in the effort to fix her girls during rehearsals.***

  111. ***Maddie's modeling career is really taking off; Elle cover-shoot soon! Maybe she's the future Kendall Jenner and someday earn insane amounts of high fashion money...***

    After all this world-wind fame for Maddie, will Melissa finally be vindicated? I would hardly condone it, but that's me! Everyone had a right to raise their children to the best of their ability! We can only hope they become happy, productive human beings! Not all lifestyles work for people! Heaven knows I appreciated having a lot of diversity in my upbringing! If Maddie's a real brat, she's keeping well under wraps! I'm more concerned w/ the psyche of some of the other kids who aren't getting all this publicity! They all went through the same doors for a longer period of time in some instances! It's all in the timing; a lot of luck as well, but TALENT prevails!

    ***The moms feel like they can't be thrown off the show by Abby. They have way too much power which would never be tolerated w/i another studio (outside of tv).***

    Oh, they could be thrown off and if not totally released from their contracts, be made to show up upon demand outside of rehearsals like Chloe this past season! Abby had her yearly contracts and Jeff had his 6'r! Abby controlled things having to do w/ performances and could take someone out if she so chose! I remember years ago Abby warning the moms; "if you mess w/ my business, I'll mess w/ your kid!" Christi was quite aware of the repercussions of her actions, but it didn't stop her! That's why I had little sympathy for her plight up until her final dismissal! Her lack of self-control and really being more concerned w/ her own status, not of her daughter's! Same for Kelly! I found it so humorous when both Christi and Kelly would make comments to Abby as if they were performing themselves; "we'll do the choreography if and when....!" Who are they?

    ***It just seems like whenever Chloe does anything, you want to bring something negative in it that has nothing to do w/ her. This post was made discussing this amazing video that Chloe made and I don't know why something that Christi and Kelly did has to overshadow that?***

    Isn't that Christi's MO; event occurs, she has to rain on it w/ some evil comment! Think about it! She's been like that since s1; deny it if you like! I can give you example after example of her hypocrisy, profane, and obnoxious ways! She deserves no sympathy from anyone around here! She caused her own daughter's destruction!

    ***Since both Maddie and Kalani got a perfect score, how did they determine their placement overall?***

    Like figure skating, they either look at the technical or artistic score to break ties! A couple years ago, Chloe was tied w/ Zack and I think her tech. score was higher, so she took 1st!

    ***It's common knowledge that what we see on the show are invitationals, but I'm curious to know how well they do at the real competitions. I tried to look them up, but of course googling their names brings up articles about the show.

    I wouldn't count sheer talent b/c they are friends w/ the people that run that competition and it isn't a great. But the girls do well at Nuvo and Jump and depending on the city they fluctuate on how well they do.***

  112. ***...As I said before I could see Abby wanting to take a dig at Chloe and Christi; heck she took digs at the Hylands and they weren't there. I could also see the producers doing it too. It would bring in ratings.***

    Going all the way back to the 1st season, I don't understand the hypocritical "digs" that each take out on each other! It's never made any sense; Christi and Kelly berating Melissa for not stopping Abby from making a decision they didn't like is just one of many evil acts from these shrews! Christi alone would kibitz to encourage moms to confront Abby as well! My animus grows just thinking of her behavior over the years, but only taking responsibility for getting Chloe kicked out of Nat'ls 2 years ago! I find it funny people can fault me for "so called" defending Abby when that isn't the case at all! I'm just pointing out the behavior of the moms; 2 way street in the drama that went on! I can't imagine a teacher putting up w/ these bitches at all, much less allowing them to question methods! If they were that unhappy when the kids were "2," maybe they shouldn't have kept bringing them back, then signing up for the show in the beginning!

    ***I have noticed some of the kids left. Aren't these kids and their moms getting paid big bucks to be on the show? Most people world agree that Abby is a bad teacher so I would assume that the other moms allow there daughters to take lessons at Abbys studio just so they can be on the show and earn the big bucks.***

    IMO, the 2 evil broads that have left were bellyaching since season and day 1 anyway! Both Christi and Kelly were so unhappy w/ their overly sensitive spawn being at the studio, it's a wonder they hadn't left a lot sooner! They finally just got themselves "kicked" to the curb and it was about time! The kids weren't as bad, but the mothers were out of control juvenile and ridiculous w/ the name calling and consistently weaving conspiracies concerning them! ...It can't be that bad a life since Holly, Melissa, and Jill are still there "full time!" Kira fits right in, but is only there part time b/c she doesn't want to sign her daughter's soul away for the privilege! Abby can't be that bad if some parents have been bringing their brats to her "since they were 2!"

    ***Two of the moms (Christi and Kelly) had been trying to leave since s2. Before the show the moms didn't have much to do w/ Abby. Abby was busy w/ her senior dance group and had little to do w/ the younger groups/kids. When the show started it was a little rough, but nothing either side (moms and kids/Abby) couldn't handle. When they got to s2 Abby started getting meaner and the moms got a little bitchier too.

    I can see why they left, w/ Abby's blatant favoritism of the Zeiglers (Maddie in particular), the moms became dissatisfied w/ Abby's treatment of their girls (yes some of it was their doing). Abby can't seem to separate the girls from their moms. She can't get back at the moms so she takes it out on the girls. Moms were stuck in their contracts, Kelly was let loose b/c she and Abby got into a physical altercation, and Christi's contract w/ them was presumably up. I don't see them letting her go otherwise.***

    I had heard all this stuff, probably posted sometime in the past, but good to have it out there again fresh! I just wish the moms had acted like adults! Regardless of their circumstances, I can't ever get past the profane behavior right in front of their own kids! ...Kelly and Christi should have just worried about their own kids and not paid attention to what was going on w/ Maddie and MacKenzie! I did read or hear that Melissa and her new husband were responsible for keeping Abby's studio open; so maybe that's why they hate her so much!

  113. ***Well I'm not going to get into a Christi debate with you, but remember Lifetime/Collins controls what we see, don't believe everything you see or hear on that show. It's all highly edited to make them look bad. She could very well have rolled her eyes, but fact is we just don't know.***

    True enough, but Christi gives production so much material to make her look bad! She does it to herself! Christi just can't be happy and roll w/ what was going on! It has to be Abby "setting her up," giving Chloe bad choreography, and killing their spirit!

    ***I'm saying that Lifetime is perfectly capable of editing 2 totally unrelated events together to create drama where none actually existed.***

    You need to get over her! Christi's a bitch who showed her true colors the 1st season! I came on board in the 3rd when she really was out of control, but from the start, conspiracies abounded and she was only happy if Chloe was doing well! If she wasn't, she was resentful, even of the other children and mothers, no matter how much she would deny it! Her smile was only there while her child was performing! If she didn't win, it was Abby's fault and she would pick at everything else that was going on like it mattered; Maddie having 2 solos, someone else getting the lead that she thought entitled to, etc.! That woman was loud, thought nothing of using profanity in front her child and others, and embarrassed herself the entire time she was on the show! I think she was drinking a lot of the time and they probably should have reigned her in a while back! She's a bully and truly a VILE woman overall!

    ***It's funny that you have so much hatred for a women you don't even know. I don't even like Christi, but your rants are just getting ridiculous. We get it, you think Christi is a viral and worthless human being. We don't need to read in every post. - I find some people's obsession w/ profanity bizarre. Its as though you can do anything; screw up marriages, lie, cheat, harass, bully, steal, etc. and it's all ok so long as your language is clean. - Also laughable that you call Christi a bully yet Abby is not? Yelling, screaming at kids, calling them names, pulling solos, throwing a CHAIR at a child is bullying too you know?***

    I never said Abby wasn't a bully! I've even admitted it was terribly unfair for her to take out her frustrations on the kids! The thing is she told the mothers that would happen! Most of the them took that to heart, but obviously Christi and Kelly felt empowered to retaliate in this situation they had little control of! I have no sympathy for them b/c of their own lack of self-control cost their kids verbal abuse from Abby! I would say to Chloe's face, "Abby was terrible, but you well know why there was this animus! Your mother flaunted her disrespect for her! No other studio would put up w/ that type of behavior and you normally would have been gone! Feel fortunate that your actual ability was able to overcome the handicap of your mom! Good luck!"

    We all can see the dynamics of Christi and Abby's relationship, but w/ Kelly, there was a lot more going on we may never find out about! I do feel that her kids were held out entirely too many times to rehearse and actually perform to have any complaints about how they were treated! Again, there's this obvious lack of commitment to the studio if Brooke is out producing a demo or Paige is having catalogue pics taken when both are missing time w/ Abby and the other teachers! Of course Paige is going to forget choreography of Abby and people she hires! It's a "no win" situation if both sides are unhappy w/ their situation! It was destined to blow up as it well did for all to see!

  114. ***The ratings have been getting lower w/ each season. Chloe leaving is definitely not going to help.***

    That's your opinion! Abby makes this show no matter how much people want to think the kids and mom make up the ratings! I didn't miss those people in s3 when they held out for more money! Loved it when Kelly took her kids out; ya get tired of her whining! They are only there b/c of the money and fame; the kids be damned if you really look at it dispassionately! Christi was only happy when Chloe was winning and doing well! As soon as she bobbled or looked bad, it was Abby's fault with bad choreography! I say if you perform what's given to you, you'll win! Falling out of turns and forgetting the choreography does not have much to do w/ Abby if her mother keeps taking her away, doing other things than rehearsing! Those 'meet & greets' are mercenary and people ought to start looking at the parenting, not the coaching by a teacher!

    ***Abby makes the show? Hmm that's not what you said to me, 2 or so weeks ago Fiero, in fact I do believe your words were "w/o the MOMS, there would be no show!" So which is it? Are the mums the star of the show or is Abby? :) ***

    I'm talking about "those" moms and kids babe! Abby's still the star w/ her mouth, bad fashions sense, gaudy jewelry, and of course her girth! I know what I've said; replacement moms and kids were just fine! The same dynamics existed in s 3 w/ Jackie/Sophia, Shelly/Ally, etc.! I didn't miss these other bitches or their kids!

    ***I like the direction the show is headed...filming partly in LA, going to tougher competitions, having talented young dancers like little Sarah, Tia, Jojo, etc. It brings a fresh new dynamic and variety. The show would be declining even if Brooke and Paige were still there. They are teenagers now and Brooke is like 16 or 17 so it doesn't seem realistic that her mommy has to bring her to dance class anymore when she probably has her own license now or is more than likely dating someone who has a car.***

    True enough; would have had to replace the Amazons of the group anyway! Kelly would look even more ridiculous coming to her kids' aid at that age! Talk about "mommied" to death! The performances are a lot more special w/ young kids, not teenagers!

    ***...Yeah. Its just amazing how often it happens to Abby's girls in spite of them having a full technical crew available to them.***

    It sounds like a lot of you have some suspect lives and character, always willing to believe and hype some conspiracy or other such nonsensical BS on this woman! Abby's this uneducated, small town, all so limited big woman, but she's smart and conniving enough to sabotage a students music so she can win! Fk'n idiots! Why do I bother? How soon we forget Kendall's music skipped and she didn't even place! So Kelly musing about Abby doing this on purpose is not infallible! Did you losers accuse Cathy of trying to help her student at the time? I doubt it!

    ***I don't recall it ever happening with Kendall, I don't believe it did. The music skipped w/ Maddie, but it's been said (perhaps even by Maddie) that it was a fake, invented by the story producers (not Abby).***

    Kendall's 2nd performance for "The Candy Apples" had the music skipping! It was the same competition where 1 of her teammates broke her ankle at the end; IIRC! I had no sympathy for her or Jill after they stole a win from Nia w/ Abby's costume and choreography! How disgusting is that for a teacher? I know it's just reality tv, but Cathy has really made herself look the worst; lying about caring what Abby does mostly! She's all too pleased to win; even if by only a 10th of a point! Pathetic!

  115. ***Latest on Miller-Hyland lawsuit - Apparently, most charges have been thrown out by the judge and it's not scheduled for trial until 2016 (if it even gets that far):

    - t-dance-mom-abby-lee-miller-dance-mom-lawsuit-dance-mom.htm - ***

    Thanks! Kelly and her kids don't have a leg to stand on! They wanted out for so long, and when they are permitted to go due to the assault, they expect to be paid! Idiots! Kelly and Christi are drunkards so I don't know how she thought she was being defamed! I've seen them drink more on the show than I have all year easily! If they're not drinking, they're saying they need one! I'm so glad those bitches are gone w/ their kids! Watching their act; esp. sneeking back in when Abby was away just infuriated me w/ the hypocrisy of coming back again and again! Who takes them seriously when they act out like this for the world to see? TRASH; pure drunken, stupid, "mean girl" trash!

    ***You're welcome. Interesting that it's no longer Paige's lawsuit against Abby (an obvious desperate tactic that fell flat). I found the following quotes from the article very telling:

    The Judge was not convinced on the allegations of Kelly that her daughter, Paige suffered emotional and mental anguish caused by Abby since there is no psychiatric evaluation that supports her claims. According to the Judge "That's assuming nothing else goes on in the life of a young child."

    The Superior Court Judge is also not convinced that Abby defamed Kelly when the former called the latter a bad mother and a drunkard.

    Judge Kwan even stated that the Jury will have a tough call in deciding the defamation issue based on the evidence presented. The bottom line: Abby was not charged w/ child abuse b/c she isn't a child abuser. She was also not charged w/ assault. What we see is what Lifetime wants us to see. Doesn't make it true.***

    Some people want Abby to "go down" so badly they're actually fantasizing about it! Very wishful thinking on their part; losers! I still say the Hylands don't have a leg to stand on; esp. after Kelly assaulted Abby for all the world to see! I really HATE this woman! She has beauty, 2 talented kids, a husband, and a big house, but it wasn't enough in the end! TRASH! I'll never understand people like that!

    ***If Abby gave the other girls half the attention and flattery she gives Maddie, they can be just as good or close. It's stupid to always feature one person when you have tons of other dancers. A good teacher brings out the best in all of their students, not just one; and not by saying "Be like so and so...."***

    I've said it before and I'll say it again; "all teachers have favs who do exactly what they're told and are rewarded! Sorry; that's life! How many times did Abby say Maddie arrives prepared, hair in a bun, and really works? She's not the best, but Maddie obviously works harder than the other girls no matter what people think! I taught tennis and definitely gave more attention to 2 students who had more desire than the others!

  116. That's funny, 2 or 3 times w/ the drinking! You obviously are not a frequent viewer of the show or you're being dishonest! I can go down the drinks and at what places; beer, wine, margaritas, and cosmos at restaurants, bars, and at the competitions where they were getting "lit" before it was over; s1! Abby actually had to go and drag them out of there; just boozing away in the middle of the day! I've never and IDK anyone who drinks as much as these women! DRUNKS!

    ***LIFE-TIME and Jeff Collins pretty much saved her business. Which is why I never understood "Abby's Studio Rescue" either b/c she never rescued her mothers studio, she just had Collins save hers by doing this show.***

    Ancient history; only negative nellies who can't stand Abby even care about this crap! Ya'll need to get over this woman; stop watching maybe! Thought about that? At least my rants about Kelly and Christi made sense; they're both gone for obvious reasons! Abby's going nowhere people! She's the star regardless of what you think about her! Funny I'm defending someone I wouldn't want to know, but if people don't like bullying, maybe they should leave this poor, pathetic woman alone! Like she says, "get over yourself!"

    Christi cut her own throat and exacerbated drama which only affected her daughter Chloe! Like Abby said in so many clips, "you are out of control. Stop drinking. 'you're an uneducated mess; u'r done'!" She's trash and I have little to no sympathy for her plight and kid! She's the most responsible for any friction that occurred late into their relationship! Repeatedly using profanity in front of everyone is still the most disgusting thing a so called "mother" could do IMO! She's a pig! I feel for her fans! I wonder how Chloe will grow up; maybe thinking it's acceptable to be such a cretin in society? IDK why I let her work me up like this; definitely not worth it!

    ***If you are right, then next season is going to be an oasis of peace and calm rationality w/ no rows or bad behaviour now that Christi's gone. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen, but it might. Sooner or later you have to get something right.***

    Oh please; Holly's been puffing up her chest getting into it w/ Abby more than ever! There will be no absolute peace as long as there are MOTHERS like these living vicariously through their children! Melissa's the only one who has any real self-control! I'm still sorta shocked at Holly getting belligerent and ugly! She ought to feel fortunate Nia's even allowed to stay this long; been such a disappointment IMO! She's done well of late, but there's still a lot of awkwardness and the basics are still lacking! That's why HOLLY should "get over it!" Nia will never be great and as soon as she realizes that the better!

    ***Yes. I thought you'd find someone else to blame.***

    So what are you saying; Holly isn't acting out more and more? She bitched about the pajamas the "team" wore in comp. against the "Selectives!" It doesn't seem to matter to Holly that Nia sometimes doesn't even place, but Abby should feel obligated to throw her a bone periodically; but it's never enough! That incident w/ the "grease-board" probably made sense to her, but again, she signed up for this and volunteered to bring Nia to Abby! Who's fault is that?

    ***Yep. As I said, all the drama still around. If Christi is no longer there but the drama continues that does rather suggest to those of a logical mindset that the root of the problem may just possibly be someone other than Christi.***

    Probably, but that didn't excuse her lack of self-control! Only 2 or 3 moms lost their freakin' minds; Kelly, Christi, and of course "Miss 900 voice," Jill! Shelly, Kristy, & Kira just took their daughters out; no screaming, no dramatic out of control scene and I appreciate that kind of class!

  117. One moment Kelly or Christi will say something, then totally go against what they said! And they say they aren't drunks or liars! They replayed S3 finale where Leslie and Christi got into a scuffle in New Orleans! Of course Christi took no responsibility at the time; later she did to Chloe saying it was her fault she couldn't defend her title! After Abby sends Leslie and Christi home w/ their kids, Kelly pipes in saying she didn't understand why Abby just didn't send the moms home! All this after both had just said it was so irresponsible of Melissa to leave her kids in Abby's care! Do they even listen to their BS? Such hypocrites and so full of shit!

    I seem to remember Cathy saying "this isn't supposed to be synchronized swimming" and her stuff is "cutting edge!" Her last season or so, that's exactly what she's been doing w/ her troop, moving in unison w/ little real dancing going on; which is why Abby wins! That voodoo # was awful and not worth a victory!

    ***...What oh what could the moms all have in common that might possibly have caused this reaction in all of them? Could it possibly be that there is one person there who will still be around next season causing all of these problems for the mothers and their daughters?***

    What's your point? The whole world knows Abby's a tyrant and things have to go her way w/o question! These stupid MOMS still signed up! I have NO sympathy; esp. for Kelly since she knew Abby as a child! They have to be special kinds of stupid to expect anything else! I don't care if the dynamics wasn't expected since Abby mostly taught her senior company! They knew her beforehand! They continued to sign those yearly contracts; and for what? Should have just gone PT like Chloe at the end; only coming in for performances/taping if they were that unhappy!

    ***As for Abby's behavior toward kids, this was published about a year ago. In my eyes, it doesn't excuse everything she does, but maybe it provides a little insight:

    If she inherited her mother’s love of dance, she got her abrasiveness from her late father, George. “You are dumb enough for twins,” Miller recalls her father, a railroad-yard master, telling her. Another kid might have crumbled under such a withering attack. Not young Abby. “I rallied and proved him wrong,” she says. “When I say things to the kids, I want them to get some backbone and prove me wrong.”***

    I was thinking she must have had a strict and lonely childhood to be so "hard" and start her own dance company at 14! Mother abusive and a father absent or insulting when he was around! That's one of the reasons I give Abby every benefit of the doubt, but these moms don't care, attacking her w/ their poison; calling her fat and unloved! Christi & Kelly are just worthless trash IMO! In my entire life, I've never attacked someone's looks like that! Christi's no beauty herself w/ that HOOK on her face! Unfortunately there's no justice w/ Kelly who's quite stunning in a lot of ways! She takes away from her beauty bitching and crying all the time over the least little inconvenience! She's probably the most self-indulgent of the group!

  118. ***MacKenzie & Sia at "Annie" Premiere***

    Who was it, Cathy keeps saying all these people hate Abby; esp. Sia? They're so full of shit and this proves it! Such jealousy, they can't stand it obviously! It's not like I'm a fan of Abby's; really wouldn't want to know her, but the childish attacks make me side w/ her! The attitude and actions of these so called "adults" makes my mouth gape in shock! The editing has nothing to do w/ the vile and disgusting words that come out of their filthy mouths; esp. if it's in front of their own kids! Like most people, they don't seem to understand kids pick up bigotry, prejudice, and infantile, spoiled behavior! These kids may be doomed; esp. the Hylands & Chloe! IDK people as "ugly" as they have performed over the years dealing w/ a teacher! Even Holly's beginning to lose it! She should feel fortunate they even accepted Nia; as she's nowhere as skilled as the other girls! Abby's done fabulously, creating choreography that has worked for that child and Holly should be all smiles instead of bitchin' so vapidly! I'm sure we all expected better of her!

    ***Well said, Fiero! - Christi on Facebook:

    'Funny they're saying that Kel & I are out to "destroy" a certain studio when we could actually care less abt that woman.***

    I feel for these 2 so much; so uneducated w/ a true lack of common sense in them to "move on" and leave this women to their backs! It's "couldn't care less" to make sense! I love how Christi thought Abby s/b adult and 'move on' when they would insult the woman to her face! I understand their frustration, probably feeling powerless, but in the end the whole scenario dragged them down into the gutter and people actually have sympathy for Abby!

    "DM Chatter" w/ blogger & comedian! Both Christi & Kelly came out w/ drinks! Someone thought they didn't drink that much and I wager they're hammered most days; just to get through their retched lives! The very 1st ep. had them 2-fisted in the bar in the middle of the day; OMG!

    ***Lmao, you know 'who' is going to jump right on that. - The problem isn't that you watch the show, it's that you seem consumed by it. You're always posting about it, always posting about how crap Christi and Kelly were/are, how the mothers are bad mums/bitches, etc.***

    It's just more entertaining than watching the dysfunction of DC during this budget process! It plays everyday and get's me going! Can't help but rant about how awful Christi and Kelly are since the show's been on hiatus! What else can I comment on until the new season begins in a few weeks? We'll go at it all fresh after we see how crazy the show continues to be even w/o the shrews! Holly's losing it, Jill continues to be crazy, and Abby is just being Abby!

    ***Billboard ranks 'Chandelier' as "Best Song of '14" - I think Maddie made the song better. I don't think anybody can listen to the song w/o seeing Maddie dancing in their heads. If this song just came on the radio, you might think it was good, but Maddie dancing in the video made it what it is.***

    Few want to accept that around here! Maddie's even referenced on other shows like "SNL!" Funny how some thought any of the girls could have done it; total BS! Kelly and Christi mused again and again that these opportunities are handed to her through Abby instead of "she's earned it and they wanted her!"

    ***Hate to ruin it for you, but I can totally listen to the Sia song w/o Maddie. Heck, not a lot of people know Maddie. They know the "Chandelier Girl;" sad, but true. Congrats to Sia on the #1 spot.***

    Funny how some go after me saying I undermine the kids, calling them brats; see who just "cut" Maddie's accomplishments and bit of fame! I can only SMH w/ the hypocrisy!

  119. ***Christi and Chloe had most of the fan focus. They've got to try and keep that somehow w/ attacks like this if by no other way.***

    Heaven knows who'd care if they dropped off social media altogether! Insulting Abby's their last vehicle to stay relevant in any way! As long as the show's in syndication w/ constant rotation, I'll do my part to make sure they're never forgotten though!

    ***TBH, your support would probably be more damaging to them than your enmity. - Exactly! Love Christi or hate her and in this case, he hates the living shit out of her. The fact is he can't stop talking about her for 5 minutes. Christi makes for good tv and Chloe gave heart to the show. From Christi's FB: "To the haters who can't wait to watch the show w/o me: have at it! Glad to be gone! Hope ur happy to support a BULLY! Nice morals.***

    Christi would know about BULLYING; did it enough at the studio, at competitions, and in the homes of other moms! How many times did she kick someone out of Kelly's house like she owned it? How many mothers have been run off by her bullying tactics? Christi s/b the last one referring to someone else being rude, abusive, loud, and profane! Hypocrisy and pathological lying runs deep in that woman; same for Kelly btw!

    ***No mothers have been driven off by Christi. Abby openly admitted that she had no control over who was and was not part of the show. If she couldn't get rid of anyone, Christi sure as hell couldn't.***

    I'm not speaking literally; more on her evil "DM" persona attacking them out of hand! I know damn well she didn't actually run ANYONE off, but if she could, it's obvious who would be at the top of her list! Please don't play dumb; U know exactly what I'm talking about! She was rude and abusive to some women who did NOTHING to her including Caya, Jackie, Kristy, Shelly, Jill (returned), and Jeanette! She would actually encourage them to confront Abby knowing what would happen, so that shows her malicious intent! Producers can't have made her do all that on her own; PLEASE! Like she was spitting at Melissa a couple years ago; she was looking in her clown mirror saying "you're a bitch and a trouble-maker!" Definitely self-loathing at it's best! I must know of what I speak right? - BTW, what mother jokes about being roofied, sabotaging someone's eye-makeup, and scratching another mom's car or slashing tires?" I didn't find that funny; esp. w/ the intent behind it! Christi and Kelly are very small people morally; indeed!

    ***...I only query b/c I can't see how anyone but Abby can be to blame for what Abby choses to do or say.***

    Ok, ok! I see you have rose-colored glasses on and won't see any other view but your own! I can admit Abby's tactics aren't the best, but at the same time, these women didn't need to sign up in the 1st place! This is a free country, but for some strange reason, we're supposed to feel sorry for some self-entitled broads who have gained fame, money, and exposure for their kids! Sorry, just not gonna happen here; not in this lifetime!

    ***Abby's excuse on why Chloe left - ...Now I'm wondering if Abby will come up w/ some fake excuse about why Chloe is not returning to "DM?"***

    Producers might have her say something gratuitous we know to be made up! This is a reality show that everyone knows is borderline scripted; esp. concerning events going on behind the scenes! Whenever Brooke or MacKenzie was dismissed, it was never that simple w/ both doing training elsewhere or performing with the "Seniors!" I do believe I've heard all this a while back and it'll continue as long as it works for the fans! When the moms had their strike in s3, we all knew it was about money, not trying to save The Hylands! It's all a crock, but still entertaining!

  120. ***The mothers should either put up or shut up. There are plenty of dance schools out there, but yet they continue to come back to Abby. Why? B/c they know it's the perfect platform to get the kids ahead in the "industry." If they are willing to put their kids through this to achieve fame and notoriety then I have zero sympathy. BTW Kristy is a viper. Always negative, rude, and ready to attack. I'm appalled by her behaviour towards the kids and the other parents and I'm so over those facial expressions.***

    The MOMS really need to stop being upset w/ what's been going on since day 1! Don't complain about her teaching methods, then get bent out of shape when she stays away! You just can't make any of these bitches happy! Kelly and her kids object to Abby, but still fail miserably w/ an outside choreographer!

    ***There were rumors that something went down regarding Mackenzie M (CADC) and her mom just confirmed it. Interesting thing is that apparently it was ALM and another mom from CADC involved. ...- My guess is that it was Abby and Melissa behind this b/c it seems to stem from placing that Maddie got compared to MacKenzie. I wonder what was personally said about her if it had nothing to do w/ her dancing.. Ugh these moms/Abby.

    I wouldn't trust Cathy and those rotten apples as far as i could throw them!***

    After that "Sia" business using "Chandelier" last season, I believe CADC is capable of anything; including disparaging a child! They are far from innocent; esp. Bridget! - No amount of money could get me to behave like Cathy! She's either delusional or totally crazy; saying one thing and doing another! Abby's not supposed to be important in the grand scheme of things, but it seems like everything centers around beating and embarrassing her; failing miserably time and time again! Nothing more disturbing from a couple years ago when Cathy tried to rattle Chloe using her music for her student's performance and actually thinking Justice w/ Vivi would even place, must less win the event! I thought a straight-jacket would be coming out after that; esp. when she insulted the kids to their faces after losing! "I can go back and fix what's wrong; you can't fix stupid! My mouth still goes agape at that one! It was just one of the most disturbing things I've seen practically planned while the kids looked on! Even Christi and Kelly being profane wasn't as disgusting as a "grown adult" doing and saying something like that to kids!

    ***I wouldn't necessarily say the door is closed on Chloe possibly returning to the show. I know that sounds far-fetched, but Kalani and her mom supposedly left on bad terms last year; are back again.***

    The dynamics are totally different though! Kalani and Kira hadn't been under the thumb of Abby for years! Christi was becoming more and more confrontation, hence why Chloe was getting abused in retaliation! It wasn't like it was some mystery even if it wasn't fair, but warnings were given! Christi knowingly acting out, knew what would happen makes her just as responsible! I can't see them coming back even if their salaries were doubled! There was real hate being acted out for all to see! I wouldn't have put up w/ someone abusing my child, but you'd hear Christi in confessionals saying she'd "stay just to torture Abby!" After that I really couldn't care what happened to all concerned! Adults were looking pretty bad on both sides, but it certainly is entertaining since I'm not emotionally invested!

    ***I would never take my kids to see such an egotistical monster at a "meet & greet."***

    Is that Christi or Abby? Either would fit if we're truly honest about it! lol!

  121. ***If Abby is scared/intimidated by anyone it's Melissa. She doesn't CARE if the other mums and kids leave; proven w/ Kelly and Christi, but if Maddie and Mackenzie left? There goes 90% of Abby's enterprise and businesses - the other 10% is her studio which COULD survive w/o Maddie or MacKenzie now that it's more well known. Although I wouldn't be telling Abby that Melissa saved her bacon b/c according to her she did it herself. lol!***

    I think at 1 time, that was all true, but the dynamics have changed so much over the last 2 years! Maddie is very well known now, but still gets a lot of training from Abby's staff IMO; stuff we never see! I think that's why MacKenzie's so good now; can't take my eyes off of her in those group #'s! We're just waiting for Nia and Kendall to excel; still waiting!

    ***Did you ever watch Abby's studio "Rescue" show Fi? In one of the episodes she tells the owner that she was just like her; studio was failing, students weren't coming, new clients were nowhere to be seen b/c she left all the financial stuff up to her dad. When her dad died, Abby had no idea how to manage a business at all and so the studio started failing. She then went on to say that she learnt how to manage a business and was finally able to pick herself up and get herself out of debt; taking the credit for something she didn't even do is definitely Abby's style.***

    I barely surfed by those "Rescue" shows! I thought it reflected her own studio to a tee; esp. how cluttered and dirty in places! You would think w/ the success from "DM," she could afford someone to at least dust and organize those supplies! When Abby came back from doing "Rescue," she made note of not making those same mistakes; maybe that's why she got even more strict and intimidating! I wrote that I wasn't happy w/ how often the kids were threatened even though winning again and again! I understood motivating them and keeping the moms in check, but I couldn't imagine it being any fun w/ the "Sword Of Damocles" hanging over their heads relentlessly! The only thing that kept me going was the fact that it did precipitate "cleaning house" of the real poison! I feel badly for their kids, but it just made no sense for Chloe, Paige, and Brooke to continue! They looked miserable and it couldn't be entertaining to see their moms acting like drunken idiots week after week!

    ***I imagine the girls are mortified by the way their mums and Abby behave towards each other, but after 5 seasons the girls are (sadly) probably use to it all by now. It would be nice if Lifetime just went back to how thing's were in S1 - more about the dance, less about the drama. I miss the girls confessionals, esp. little Mackenzie. I still laugh at her "I could've gotten lost at sea!" comment. Tomorrow night is the S4 reunion here so looking forward to seeing her do "Cry" again.***

    OMG, "Cry" performance is almost hypnotizing; esp. when Maddie and MacKenzsie are transposed and dancing side by side at the beginning! The pivot leg is different so each appear opposite or mirrored without 'video magic' being employed! Enjoy the show! I tape the performances to VHS tape even after all these years of obsolution, so I can watch it anytime!

    ***I think it's sad that Abby and Melissa wanted her to be like Maddie. ...I'm sure if Abby could have a whole team of Maddie clones, she'd be thrilled. It's also sad that Christi comforted Mackenzie and told her to be the best MacKenzie she can be - that should have been Melissa's job. That poor girl is put on the back burner b/c all Melissa can care about is Maddie.***

  122. ***Now that Christi is gone, who'll be Abby's arch-nemesis? I don't see Jill putting up much of a fight after the debacle w/ CADC.She knows she's replaceable. The only mom whom Abby occasionally fights w/ is Holly and I can't imagine she providing the kind of theatrics Christi gave us. She's too composed and civil. I hope the alleged story of Christi and Kelly bent on taking down Abby turns out to be true.***

    Well if you look at that preview, Holly gives it her best in being a "crazy stage mom!" You would think she'd stay in control, but the hysterics and crying will begin in good time! The more Nia has to do, the more reason for Holly to "lose it" it seems to me!

    ***Why do you always insist on insulting people?***

    Like was said, it's been asked a 1000 X's and it's insulting! Believe it or not, I'm no fan of Abby's, but I hate bullies and idiots! No matter how much I dislike someone, I have never taken them to task for being fat or ugly; unsympathetic morons around here do it all the time!

    ***Why is it a disgusting question? Maybe you should realise that not all of us spend 24/7 watching the show OR posting on here, reading every single topic that comes up. The OP can't be expected to shift through all the pages trying to find out if the question has been asked before. Also HILARIOUS you're telling someone below that they're idiots for that Maccas comment, yet you yourself have NO problems insulting people in a lot of your posts. I can see why you like Abby, you're so much alike in many many ways.

    Abby is now slimmer than Leslie and Christ-y. She looks to have dropped close to 100 pounds since the beginning of Dance Moms! 'Good job, Abby!'***

    That's what was so ridiculous about the comments from the moms:

    Kelly - "500 pound hog" after saying 400 the previous week!

    Christi - "Leave a trail of burgers for Abby to find her way back to the studio!"

    Holly - "Dancing, seeing Abby, that isn't a pretty sight!" Her hips are massive, but she still talks shit!

    Jill - "I'm not going to let that big....come on Kendall!"

    These bitches are so disgusting, it's hard for me not to lose my cool even thinking about them! They are vile and their kids will gain nothing by having them as mothers! They just don't censor themselves; profane, loud, insulting!

    ***...Abby has said they are possibly in the works for a Dance Moms production on Broadway. So despite all the forecasts of doom and gloom now that Chloe is gone, it seems to be just the opposite and the show may become bigger than ever!

    A lot of the show's success rided on Abby and Christi's long-running feud and in the public's sympathy for Chloe. Chloe was the underdog who constantly got punished over her mother's well-intentioned but misguided meltdowns and fights w/ Abby. W/ Chloe and Christi gone, who do we have to root for? Christi was the only mom who created fireworks and went toe to toe w/ Abby. There's Holly, but she's too much of a lady to lower herself into a screaming harridan.***

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, this show revolves around Abby and how they produce this show! When the moms decided to go out on strike in s3 for more money under the guise of trying to get Kelly and her kids back on the team, I didn't miss any of them! The substitute moms and their kids kept the exact same drama going; "DMs" are "DMs" regardless who it is after a while! I loved Shelly, Marsha, Gloria, and the others w/ their kids, Ally, Bella, etc.! The same dynamics were there; just DM's always wanting more for their kids! As a matter of fact, if they never came back, it wouldn't have been a big deal! I've always had resentments for people who have opportunities, but it's never enough! All you heard was cater-walling when others would gladly take their place! These 2 families that left just have no idea what they gave up!

  123. ***W/ Chloe and Christi gone, who do we have to root for? - Ummmmm... all of the other dancers? Mackenzie, Nia, Kendall, Ava, little Sarah... they have all been the recipients of Abby's wrath. Even Maddie got it for a few weeks during the staged "Moms walk-out" period. I'm sure the drama will continue, as it's the entire premise of the show.

    I know I'm in the minority, but I got really sick of the Chloe-victim storyline. I wish Chloe well and respect her talent (can't stand Christi), but the whole thing got old fast. I'm happy not to have to see that trainwreck of an attempt to "touch the hearts of the viewers." It was, to me, a lame and twisted storyline which was pushed way past its limit.

    Abby cares for the girls. I also believe that Christi is a loud, foul-mouthed woman who loved her camera time. But I feel sure that she, like Abby, has been forced into certain melodramatic situations by the producers. - So I assume 1 of the remaining moms' kids will be Abby's new whipping boy.***

    It's going to be the exact same show; more focus on Holly losing control trying to defend her daughter! I don't blame either side; Holly for unrealistic expectations and Abby for not giving Nia a break seeing as she'll never be much better! SORRY! To this day she's behind in the count w/ atrocious feet, legs, and arms! Those are the facts; it's unfortunate the truth may hurt! Chloe probably was better than Maddie initially, but the environment was toxic and she began to slip while Maddie practiced her butt off! I'm happy enough for her; hopefully Christi can amuse herself somewhere else during class! Outside drama will be coming from Kelly and Christi who are reportedly trying to bring Abby down; Paige's countersuit notwithstanding!

    ***...They were the ones who started yelling at Abby about setting up the girls to fail (when have we heard THAT before?). The yelling from the moms (Abby kept her cool) made Maddie start crying more. Then Holly yelled at Maddie to stop crying. In the new season preview that Holly is shown crying. I wonder who should tell her to stop? What a hypocrite.***

    Oh my, the preview has Holly losin' it; big time! Everyone assumes Holly and Nia are the "whipping boys" since Christi, Kelly, and their girls are gone! She's turned her own life upside down to accommodate this show; is it an act to get out now? Abby has said some terrible things about Nia, but face it, a lot of it is true; SORRY!

    ***I don't think Holly was out of line just cause poor little Maddie is sensitive. They all get told to stop crying, but of course they aren't Maddie so it's okay.***

    Holly was out of line b/c she has 1 daughter in this group; NIA! Some mom other than a teacher screaming at my kid, she'd get screamed at as well; by me! That's not her job to be overbearing and a bitch to my kid; that's Abby's job! lol!

    ***Holly summed up the issue there. She asked Abby if all the girls could share their audition and work experiences, not just Maddie. She was told no. And Christi is actually quite right about Abby deliberately targeting Chloe w/ those videos. She left her out of MacKenzie's original video and told the "Freaks" people that they could either have Chloe or the rest of the group, but not both.***

    Christi is a colossal liar; most times all the kids have an opportunity that Maddie has! It's not anyone else's fault except the kids when they aren't chosen! For the "Drop Dead Diva" audition, every girl got a shot, but people like Christi and Kelly love to play the "victim card" saying only Maddie got a chance! That's BULLSHIT!

    By the time Abby started cutting Chloe out of projects was when her mother wasn't fully on board! She was not bringing her daughter in for practices and privates, only showing up for taping! Why would anyone reward Chloe in that position? I'd do exactly the same; "you do favors for enemies?" I know I don't!

  124. ***I think it says a lot about both you and Abby that you list a 12 y.o. child as one of her enemies and justify that attitude.***

    You're a fool! You've been here long enough to know Christi was the bane of my existence watching this show! Chloe, as stated above was only caught in the crossfire! Get over yourself! I clearly stated parents cause their kids all kinds of grief in this situation no matter how talented! Producers can't be bothered w/ temperamental, loud-mouth parents; Christi our big example here!

    ***Christi wasn't the one left out of the videos and shows; that was Chloe. Therefore the 1 being attacked wasn't the mother, but the daughter.***

    In life "you reap what you sow!" I'm not sure what goes on in scenes we don't get a chance to see! It could be horrible w/ Abby actually flying around on a broom, but nothing, I mean absolutely nothing can justify the behavior of CHRISTI; esp. when other children are present! My mom would have lit into her outside my presence WITH what Abby says: "you can be profane in front of your child, in your own home; not acceptable here in front of others!" That woman is disgusting and deserves no sympathy; only Chloe, but as I said, she's paying for her own mother's crimes! It's unfortunate, but that's how life works! Melissa goes the other extreme, but at least she's only harming her own children if that's the way you want to think of this production!

    ***Christi's no innocent victim here; dug her own grave w/ Abby and, yes, she's indeed the evil one. Christi has undermined other moms, other girls, other competitors and parents time and time again. She has also behaved liked a loudmouthed fool, taking over on at least 2 reunion eps, while drinking throughout the hour. No class and pure evil. - As for the video, here is a direct quote from Francisco Thurston, who also worked on the Freaks video regarding Christi and Chloe:

    We wanted ALL of the girls to be in it. We auditioned ALL the girls at the studio. However, you if you don't sign Abby Lee's studio contract, you don't reap the same benefits as her students. We used her space to rehearse, to audition, to what she says kinda goes.***

    Thanks! Everything Christi and Kelly said turned out to be BS; all the time! "My kid is being 'set up to fail!'" Chloe was moved to the "Select Team" and they won! Christi blamed Abby for having Paige do a standing back tuck which injured her! Videotape showed it was Kelly who screamed out "go ahead so I can go eat my lunch!" Kelly and Christi both said that anyone who has music that skips and is interrupted wins; Kendall didn't even place when that happened to her while at CADC! They are just horrid women who obviously don't have a complete brain btw them if they think everyone's stupid enough to believe anything they have to say! They're pathetic liars; all the way! The judge even threw out Kelly's countersuit and admonished her!

    ***I know, and it made my day when I found that about the judge. Abby did say that she would indeed take her issues w/ the moms out on the kids, as it was her only form of retaliation. (For the record, I don't agree w/ doing that; never have.) One thing Abby did say--very pointedly--was that she felt Chloe was a phenomenal talent, but since Christi took her away for so many "Meet and Greets," she missed a great deal of practice and was not living up to her potential.***

  125. ***... I'm referring to Abby admitting in an interview that she deliberately started targeting Chloe.***

    Yeah, it would make sense of Abby to reward Chloe when repeatedly being undermined by her mother!

    ***Abby did say that she would indeed take her issues w/ the moms out on the kids, as it was her only form of retaliation. One thing Abby did say--was that she felt Chloe was a phenomenal talent, but since Christi took her away for so many "Meet and Greets," Chloe missed a great deal of practice and was not living up to her potential.***

    So if Chloe wasn't progressing as fast as Maddie and MacKenzie; who's fault is that? HER MOTHER's! I don't blame Chloe for staying in school or even Christi becoming a stage mom w/ those ridiculous "M & G's!" It was the victimhood that perturbed me the most; the constant "woe is me!" She had no one to blame but herself and I'm so glad she's gone w/ all the "eye-rolls" and instigating of drama w/ the other moms!

    ***I never said what Christi did was right either. I don't even like Christi. I was talking about people saying that Abby treated Paige, Brooke, and Chloe poorly b/c of the stuff that Kelly and Christi did. They make it seem like Abby was ok doing that b/c of their mothers' actions. ...I feel that Abby shb able to seprate her feelings about Christi and Kelly from their daughters.***

    Both Jgrv-1 and I have said we don't agree w/ what Abby was doing, but it wasn't like Christi or Kelly shb surprised w/ the retaliation their children received when they under-minded a teacher! It was the only thing she could do to keep those bitches halfway in line! How bad could they have been w/o Abby holding the children responsible for their own mothers being out of control?

    ***Chloe did get a lot more opportunities than some of the other kids. And if 1 of the parents said that "you're a pig w/ lipstick" or blew in your face and swore at you, you would allow them to continue at your studio?***

    LRW repeating those early eps back in s1; so sad! I wonder did Jeff take Christi aside and told her to stop the melodrama w/ her home life? It was absolutely tearjerking to see both Christi and Chloe so miserable! Early on, they had an "out," but didn't take it knowing the benefits of the show! I felt terrible for them both at the time, but over the years it got ugly on both sides!

    ***Thank you. I'm a respected teacher myself; have been for several years (music). I'm tough, though I have never resorted to Abby's tactics other than occasionally raising my voice. But I demand and expect a lot from my students and most of the time, they deliver. I've NEVER put up w/ a pushy parent telling me how to teach. I have years of success and experience and have worked hard for it. If a parent is asking for me to be in charge of their child's music training, I'm happy to do that. But it's my way or the highway.

    ...If it weren't for the Lifetime contracts, I'm sure Abby would oust the offending moms in a second. She is powerless to get rid of these moms on her own due to contract. So she takes it out on the kids. No, I DO NOT agree w/ or endorse Abby's doing this, but I can understand why she does.

    That's right Fiero, and it's a good point that most people don't even consider. Fans like to say that Kelly and Christi would have gotten off the show in a second if it weren't for those 4-season contracts that held them hostage. Well...The original was for the 1st 6 EPs of "DM." ...Christi & Kelly were awful right from Day 1, picking fights, swearing, drinking when they shouldn't have been, undermining Abby & other moms. I think both Christi and Kelly got carried away w/ THEIR own tv fame and loved their nat'l exposure as "moms who weren't going to put up w/ Fatty Abby."***

  126. ***...So Christi & Kelly had no problem signing the long-term contracts. Then, when Abby had enough of their BS and retaliated, it backfired on them. Horrible people and horrible mothers. Good riddance to them both.***

    It would ruin the scenario for Christi, Kelly, and their fans! They never seem to acknowledge the truths about the moms and their complicity concerning this "so called abuse!" No one put a gun to their heads to stay; fully aware of how overbearing Abby was, esp. Kelly since she studied under her as a child! It was like "cry me a river! You knew what was what before any contract was signed! You loved the hair, make-up, clothes, and meal allowances which included all the booze you could suck down!" For them to resent Abby for making an issue of their drinking was a joke! They never had a scene outside of the studio w/o a big, fat glass of something; Cosmo, beer, wine, shots! Who do they think they're kidding? True alchey's! They've drank more booze in this show than I have all year!

    ***And let's not forget Christi drinking and acting obnoxious at not 1, but 2 entire DM reunion shows (when everyone else was drinking water). The woman is a train wreck.***

    Jeff Collins got all he wanted out of Christi and more... a true train wreck! When the woman finally sobers up, what will she have to say to people who ask about her behavior? It's going to happen eventually; tickles me to death! Those had to be drunken rants; I have to believe that! It's so hard to have any sympathy for a woman that resorts to playground insults; hurling them at a teacher in front of her own child and others!

    ***So you think it's ok for Christi to roll her eyes and pull faces while Maddie briefly explained her experience on "The Ellen Show?" You don't think it's being immature? Would she have liked it if the other mothers did that while Chloe was talking?***

    Of course not! Christi would "call you" to task for sure! She reacts to everything; absolutely everything! She thinks she s/b able to roll her eyes, pull on her face, and smirk at everything done and said by others! Christi's a real piece of work! The video proves it; regardless of her delusional thoughts on the matter! Kelly isn't much better, but she's even more deficient than Christi! The "Ann Frank" thing blew me away! People don't have to of read "her diaries" to know of the story! Brooke jumped on the "dim" train w/ both not understanding why the story has anything to do w/ dance! Duh, who thought Rosa Parks was doing side aerials waiting for the bus? Nia still did a great job portraying her a couple years ago!

    ***I'm yet to watch an ep. where Christi has not complained.
    Chloe's costume
    Chloe's routine
    Chloe going up against the new girl
    Chloe not given enough time
    Chloe's choreography
    Chloe being picked on
    Chloe going up against older girls
    It goes on and on and on every single ep. That woman has victim issues and she's passing them on to her daughter making her feel like the world is picking on her.***

    I swear Christi had to be bringing Chloe down herself by "downplaying" what she did accomplish; holding her unnecessarily and tearing up as if disappointed in something! It was odd to say the least on many occasions; even at the beginning! What I found the most humorous was the complaint from both Christi and Kelly that their kids don't get the same opportunities as Maddie, but won't acknowledge their kids had enough trouble getting their 1 solo "down pat!" So Maddie should hold back so they don't look bad? I don't think so!

  127. ***Before every Chloe performance, Christi would give a list of reasons of why Chloe probably wouldn't win. Reality check; every dancer in the world isn't always going to win. There are always going to be situations where not everything goes your way. A dancer may be sick, or a little off that day or not have the best routine. It happens to all dancers. But Christi likes to give the impression that it only happens to Chloe. How is she supposed to improve if she is being indoctrinated w/ this defeatist attitude; always so negative.***

    I thought that was the worst part of Christi and Kelly's act; giving their kids' an out whenever they came up against tough competition! It was obscene to see it happen event after event! They were only deluding themselves w/ those lame excuses! Maddie isn't allowed to be anything but perfect, but every opportunity is taken to "shadow" her accomplishments and successes! How sad for Chloe that her own mother was actually undermining her daughter's performance saying it wasn't a good idea to have Sophia Lucia to go ahead of Chloe! Since when does Abby have anything to do w/ the order of performances? They keep giving Abby omniscient powers, but cut her to ribbons speaking of what a bad business woman she is who was so close to bankruptcy!

    ***I don't agree w/ everything Christi has done or said to Abby, but to say that her actions are worse than Abby's is stretching it. In real life Abby has attacked Chloe w/ childish taunts such as "Whereistallblonde" and not allowing her to participate in music videos w/ the other girls. Christi has called Abby fat and ugly. It's one thing to attack an adult who has attacked you, it's another when you attack the child of the person who attacked you b/c you can't 'best' your grown opponent.***

    Like Abby said to the kids after Christi went on her 'F..word' rampage, "I didn't go over to your house and sign up to use the F-word, you did...!" That makes it worse since Christi was ostensibly taking her kid to be abused most every day; exacerbating the drama w/ her own selfish actions!

    ***Christi has called Abby a lot more than fat and ugly and she's made kids cry. ...She is quick to point out everybody elses mistakes but never her own. That is the true definition of a hypocrite! She is also delusional. In S 4, ep. 25; the girls were practicing their group routine before they went out on stage. Chloe accidently smacks Maddie in the face and Abby gives a frustrated look. ...Then Christi has the nerve to accuse Abby of rattling the girls before they went out on stage when she was the one who created a scene. Christi needs to take a hard long look in the mirror before pointing her finger at other people.

    I'm just waiting to hear Abby talk about something more than the Sia video or Austin and Ally guest spot. She makes those 2 accomplishments sound like the girls won a Nobel prize.***

    Well DUH! For a little girl from Pittsburgh; those are HUGE accomplishments to be linked to! What do you expect from Abby? All the women on the show want to be able to preen about their daughters doing something! Heaven knows Christi did it enough; "but I would nevveeerrr...!" Busted every time the conversation blew up! "How many times has my daughter beat your daughter?" She's HILARIOUS!

    ***Mack Z singing live on GDNY - She's always so auto-tuned, it's hard to tell, but it sounds like she has a decent voice; nothing outstanding. W/o the 'DMs' fame, nobody would give "Mack Z" the time of day.***

    You can say that about any of them; esp. Brooke! I still haven't heard her music outside of the show! Maddie made the rounds as evidenced by countless "You Tube" videos of performances and interviews!

  128. ***Not The Same W/O Chloe - I agree. I think I'm done.... It just isn't holding my interest anymore.***

    Previews show the same dynamics are there, but Holly seems to be the bane of Abby's ire! Chloe will be missed, but it wasn't her show; or her mothers! The show will go on!

    ***Not watching this season or any future seasons...Yeah, I am not interested in seeing a season of stroking Maddie and Abby's egos. I will tune in to see how bad the vibe is, but don't think I will stick around.

    Christi's tweet: The reason Chloe was not on the show has NOTHING to so w/ our events. Lies. And funny, I think she got one phone call. And she responded.***

    Too bad she's been busted lying all too often! I guess this will be the new way to stalk the show; tweet in real time while the show is on! This is supposed to be an adult? Looks more like a "mean girl" on a rampage!***

    ***I hope we aren't going to hear about these tweets and stuff Christi and Kelly said and did all season.***

    Of course we are; Jill, Melissa, and Holly making a big deal out of the Tweets and pending lawsuit; since been tossed FOR THE MOST PART! The drama will center around Christi and Kelly even though they're nowhere to be seen!

    ***Chloe has said the same thing... "Why is 1 evil and not the other, esp. considering we know that 1 side (the ALDC) has told the parents/girls to not contact the Hylands?***

    "Chloe, your mother has caused a lot of this drama so talk to her!" Christi's mouth and actions are responsible and she probably should have left ages ago! She's been b!tchin' since s1!

    ***From Twitter: I guess the show was trying to say Chloe was ignoring the girls? Which I doubt, but they HAVE to make them the bad guys. SMH***

    Well they're doing a damned good job; the cheering as Abby and the team got off the bus and the undying support of the competition who totally "back her!" I ALMOST teared up! Christi and Kelly are catching it from all sides! Love it! - Abby looked great! She had already updated her hair and makeup; now with the weight loss, she's bought some new clothes! She's almost skinny!

    ***I agree she looks good. Sans the stress, she probably feels healthier too.***

    The support by the competition was touching; esp. having her come up on stage at the conclusion to speak! I can see Christi's eyes rolling to the back of her head; BIG TIME!

    ***I was surprised by how far they are going to make Abby the "good guy." Clearly the producers want us to like Abby now and hate Christi and Kelly. IDK how much money they had to pay Holly and Jill to take Abby's side. I was shocked by how much they were supporting her.***

    What's YOUR point people? It's an Abby Lee show; they're supposed to be sympathetic to the people who left? What are you guys, brain damaged or what? This whole thread made no sense; even to other crazy people! Actually read what you posted; it's INSANE! I DON'T blame producers in the least; esp. since the Hylands are counter-suing the show! Get over yourselves! lol!

  129. ***The judge threw out all of Kelly and Paige's allegations, including all of the "emotional distress" ones. The only thing left is btw Kelly and Lifetime, concerning being paid for episodes she was a part of. The joke here is that viewers believe all of the "Abby monster" BS that the show wants us to believe. It's just for drama, kids!***

    So these people are saying the girls are lying about trying to get in touch w/ Chloe! That's lower than low! It's bad enough they're putting some kind of conspiracy w/ Jill and Holly taking Abby's side; what are they offering unlimited ice cream to the girls? What a bunch of idiots! All sides are guilty of this farce; no one's innocent!

    ***Money talks, and they're contracted w/ Lifetime. I'm pretty sure w/ a contract like that, they can get the girls and their moms to say and do whatever they wanted. I think that's why Christi was always so miserable. I'm not saying that there was no truth to what the girls were saying, but I don't think they would've thrown someone under the bus like that unless they were told to do it.

    Chloe seems like a sweet girl, but was she never all that interesting anyway.***

    I'm glad you said it! I'm not trying to be mean, but I thought something was wrong w/ her AGES AGO! She never seemed to speak up when asked a direct question, eyes darting back and forth wondering what to say! I shake my head over something that happened years ago; Gianna commented to Abby that she had told Chloe 10 times to do something w/ her hair that was "down!" Abby made her do push ups! After she was done, I'll be damned if Chloe didn't get back in line w/o tying her hair up! Of course Abby flipped and Chloe started crying; for what? Put a rubber band on and come back; simple, but she couldn't do it w/o someone taking her back to the den! I still SMH over that! Is it the cameras and lights throwing her off? She seems normal just speaking w/ Maddie, but otherwise CLUELESS!

    ***It all went to court and the judge threw out ALL claims against Abby: emotional distress, defamation and any alleged abuse. The ONLY thing still being considered is Kelly's claim of breach of contract by Lifetime.

    I really hope they don't make this season all about changing Abby's image b/c I don't think it'll work. Christi doesn't need help being made to look bad; she does that on her own every time she opens her mouth.***

    I must have missed all the demonization of Christi! From what I heard, they were hoping she'd show up! I believe Christi has cut off contact w/ the moms for obvious reasons and won't admit it! I can't imagine everyone lying about trying to call or text Christi and Chloe and getting no response! Unfortunately Christi has already been caught lying about calls; the most infamous "non call" from Kelly after a heated departure and suspension! Everyone saw and heard Kelly trying to call Christi and she continued making up that "slight" all the way to the reunion show! I THINK the woman is bent; in so many ways!

    ***It's what she has been shown doing in the show to the girls that I see as abusive. The most striking example is throwing a chair in Paige's presence and frightening her. This woman has damaged these children, I have no doubt. Some take it better than others. ...If Abby showed even the slightest bit of remorse, I might feel different.***

    Supposedly these kids were looking for stardom and Abby was just toughing them up IMO! It's a cold, cruel world out there and real auditions are ego deflating; Abby already taken care of that during her training!

    ***This show is on it's last legs.***

    The reruns will continue like "Gilligan's Island" for years to come! Seasons 1-3 are on a permanent loop on LRW, basic cable; 28 hours a week!

  130. ***I'm saying IDK if they're lying or not, but I don't think they'd throw someone under the bus like that unless they were instructed to.'s stating something when it isn't necessary to make another party look bad, whether it's true or not. Who really knows though?***

    You keep using, "throwing someone under the bus!" The moms and girls have all said they've tried "calling and texting Chloe and Christi" w/ "no response!" So that's "tsuab" when you make them look bad b/c they've distanced themselves? Pls, help me understand! I prefer to think Christi has "had it" and she's totally responsible for Chloe's plight; all of it! Her drunken behavior had to cost her child eventually! This was such an opportunity and she did nothing but "bitch & moan" from day one IIRC! Everything was a conspiracy by Abby and Jeff to make her child look bad and set Chloe up to fail; same with Kelly! To them Maddie always had an unfair advantage! It didn't matter that she worked harder than their kids! That was so ridiculous to overlook at every turn!

    ***I'm saying that they should understand why Chloe and Christi didn't respond to their texts or phone calls; they were at that same competition where Abby was saying all of those things about Chloe. ...Instead of saying they understand why Chloe and Christi aren't back and respect their decision, they decided to play dumb and and be like, "IDK why they aren't responding to us...." Say what you want about Christi, but she did the right thing by finally taking Chloe out of that situation. It wasn't even about Christi complaining about Maddie, it was about Christi doing what any of those mothers would've done in that situation and they're making her out to be the bad person.

    Abby's personality/attitude has helped give Lifetime a hit show. Whether people love or hate her, they have tuned in. I don't agree w/ her methods, but the producers are about getting viewers and making money, and that's what they've done. I don't believe Abby s/b held responsible for anything that the producers of Lifetime are not. If she has in any way endangered a child, then they are accomplices. I don't think Abby is THAT bad, but she should just own her behavior and stop it w/ the dramatics. She doesn't let her students cry, so she shouldn't either.***

    I can accept that! Did you almost weep w/ the support Abby was getting from the Dance competition? Coming up on stage like that was priceless! When Abby's being maligned, "all hands on deck!" lol!

    ***Abby called the police and got Kelly arrested for touching her face. Why shouldn't Paige look to the courts for redress b/c of a similar issue?***

    If Kelly was so unhappy w/ the way her children were being treated, why didn't she leave early on; same for Christi btw? They "had an out" in the 1st 6 weeks, but they saw the advantages and stayed on! You can also say, they didn't want to be left behind w/ the other moms keeping their fame and moving on w/ Nia, Maddie, MacKenzie, and Kendall! Both Christi and Kelly wanted to keep up w/ the Joneses IMO!

    Kelly stayed and put up with "all the slings and arrows" until she couldn't take it anymore! She was very irrational at the end THOUGH, not even able to relate the drama that was happening right in front of her! She had something playing in her head and didn't diverge from that script; hence her attack on Abby who was not eating her face or coming at her in the least! Abby was merely telling her what she said just 2 min. before to Brooke, "is your mother speaking for you; grow the HELL up!" - Holly gave up more than any of them and she's onboard w/ Nia going to Cal. to be a part of ALDC-LA!

  131. ***"I'm not Chloe's mother, but I've always thought she was the best dancer. She has an ethereal quality so suited to ballet. She somehow makes her leaps and turns look effortless, as if she's floating in the air. And Chloe has the physique of a dancer. She's beautifully proportioned. She looks like the young women in American Ballet Theatre and New York Ballet. I think she has a very bright future.***

    Believe it or not, ITA! Besides the alienation she felt due to her own mom's behavior, she obviously wasn't rehearsing as much and it showed as time went on! Way back when doing "Black Swan," she couldn't have done a better job even though she had forgotten her solo earlier! I'm still shocked she went en pointe for a few steps at the end; magnificent!

    ***Yes, Fiero, that was an enthralling performance. Chloe interprets choreography in a very artistic, adult fashion. She doesn't overact, she feels. - It's totally possible that Holly and Jill were pressured to stick up for Abby, but on the other hand, I'm not sure why they would stick up for Christi/Kelly. Christi and Kelly were never really that supportive of their girls. They always brought down team spirit. Kelly would pull her girls out of routines which would make things difficult for other team members, and she ultimately ended up acting out violently in front of their children. That is inappropriate on so many levels and I could never defend someone who has shown themselves to be so unhinged. Though people like to deny it, Christi has said mean things about all of the little girls. She'd separate herself from the group and cause drama everywhere they went, no matter the occasion and even on occasions when Abby didn't even say anything to her (ex: when Chloe accidentally hit Maddie on during a run through of their routine). So as much as I can believe they were pressured to follow a script, I can also see why they don't really care to side w/ the harpies. I always thought the only thing Christi/Holly/Jill/Kelly had in common was that Abby was particularly hard on their kids and nothing else; that's why it was always so easy for them to gang up on Melissa.***

    You covered it all! "Preach!" Christi and Kelly have undermined the other kids and were just as abusive w/ their filthy mouths right in front of everyone to hear! It was obscene on so many levels! If there was psychological abuse, I'd point at the harpies too; so loud and profane before, during, and after performances by the kids! Abby usually just sitting there and the moms would work themselves up into a lather about something! W/ Holly it was Abby not spending enough time w/ Nia before a solo or duet! Kelly was unhappy w/ Abby's lack of attentiveness and costuming problems! Jill from day 1 was a problem; Abby never doing enough for her daughter! All of them should be embarrassed by there behavior for years to come!

    ***Christi regularly picked fights w/ Abby over the treatment of all the girls, not just Chloe's. The fight in the last episode started b/c Abby was picking on Kendall and Christi stepped up to defend her. Christi's also comforted Maddie and Mackenzie on more than one occasion. She tried to rouse the group more than once and was always supporting the girls when they were worried about Abby's wrath.***

    For every instance of compassion and support you can point out for Christi, there's 10 of her being loudly inebriated, obnoxious, profane, abusive, disrespectful, vile, or just plain juvenile; same for Kelly! They attacked the children so directly, they would have to give a disclaimer, "this has nothing to do w/ you Maddie!" How many times was that said right in front of that child?

    ***Abby crying in dressing room? - B/c this episode was made to make Abby look like the victim.***

    And? Abby and the producers have to fight w/ what they have! Do you expect them to go out of their way to make up ammunition for Kelly and Christi to get back at them in some way? This is war!

  132. ***I'm really happy w/ Kalani's replacing Chloe. I enjoy her dancing more and if we have to see 'momma drama,' I'd rather watch Kira than Christi the shrew.***

    If I had to watch Christi's eyesroll to the back of head much longer, I'd need a straight-jacket! The woman had no self-control; even if the kids were right there! It's what made the show entertaining for me, but the abuse really came from the silly moms! No teacher would put up w/ so much crap in real life!

    ***I love that example particularly b/c people are always acting like Abby gets up in arms over nothing-- maybe she does, but we all know Abby's always trying to achieve "perfection." You're right, the simplest answer would have been for her to get a rubber band and put her hair up (like all of the other girls). But instead, she turned it into "Abby is so mean to me b/c she is demanding that I follow a rule that I already know about." That's why I've never gotten on board w/ the whole "Chloe is a victim" storyline. Christi/Chloe are a great example of the soft parenting/everybody gets a trophy phenomena of today's young people. Instead of just handing her daughter a scrunchie, Christi went all "how dare she tell you to do anything?" It's the same ridiculousness w/ Nia and her not pointing her feet: been dancing since she was 3. She knows she needs to point her feet yet she forgets every single time. Instead of yelling at Abby for yelling at her daughter for *gasp* instructing her, Holly should yell at Nia to point those feet! You should come prepared and be ready to work your hardest. In today's climate, that's "child abuse."***

    Thank you! It all started going downhill decades ago when to spare kids' feelings, they were talking about going to a pass/fail system in education; no Dean's List or Honor Roll to make other kids feel inferior! lol!

    ***I could understand the girls talking about how they are sad Chloe left, but we didn't need to create a villain out of a young girl, making it seem like she was snubbing them.***

    Well it's unfortunate anyone had to be made into a villain, but Chloe's growing up! She has to be an articulate, intelligent girl, but we don't see it! You ask her a question or to do something and her eyes shift back and forth not knowing what to do! Either she's "playing the victim" or something truly is wrong w/ her! Kalani speaks up for Gawd-sake and tells her mother what's what! Why can't Chloe? She could have stopped a lot of this stuff years ago; even though she is a little girl! Heaven knows I decided my extra-curricular activities, not my parents! No way would I have allow my mom or father to act out like that w/ an instructor; I'd of quit 1st!

    ***She's an introvert, shy and a bit uncomfortable sharing her feelings. Not that rare for a 13 year old girl. I was much the same way. There's nothing wrong w/ her. Best bet concerning hair incident:

    Chloe showed up late to class w/ no hair tie. Gianna said “Chloe, you know you’re supposed to have your hair pulled back for class,” but then didn’t do anything else about the problem. Chloe had no hair tie and was too shy to ask for one. Gianna kept teaching class, b/c while a dancer w/ no hair tie is annoying, it really isn’t that big of a deal. Chloe, not wanting to miss more class, just kept practicing and no one did anything about it until Abby walked into the room and made a big deal about it.***

    W/ all that ranting about a hair tie, what allowed Paige to try and learn a new dance from another choreographer, Michael Munich 2 years ago in Vegas! She was pushing the hair out of her face again and again; and she wonders why she can't catch on quicker? Silly while Kelly allowed it to go on for the entire session; just plain stupid! This just confuses me; all supposed to be so bright!

  133. ***Christi decided to sneak out to the hotel bar, dragging her BFF Kelly w/ her. By the time Abby found them in the bar, they'd had 2 drinks already and--I love this part--they got another drink to take w/ them back to the dressing room, giggling all the way. So then...Christi screws up Chloe's headpiece and it falls over her eyes during the routine. And as for Kelly, who can forget the lovely little episode where Kelly burned Paige's bare arm w/ the curling iron. I'm sure we all know that having your bare flesh burned is horribly painful. Of course, most people took the mom's side and chalked those things up to being "an accident." Can you imagine if Abby had been drinking and burned Paige w/ a hot curling iron? People would still be hunting after her w/ guns for that.***

    That would be Abby's defense when it comes to these moms; come up w/ those examples of abusing their own children! I remember and reference most of your list, but I had forgotten about the curling iron! Why was she wrapping it up anyway HOT? I used one for years; a Plimatic and I let it cool down 1st before putting it way! I was shocked it hadn't happened before since I believe Kelly and Christi do drink too much! Getting exorcized so easily is evidence enough for me when each have "lost all control" and get loud and profane in front of their own children! I've never seen my parents "in a state" like these women routinely do for all the world to see! You would have thought someone had a knife wound w/ all the excitement in the ALDC dressing room on a weekly basis!

    ***First I will say drinking at the reunion eps is HEAVILY encouraged by producers. It adds to the unpredictability and of course their beloved drama. This could be found in every show from "Real Housewives" to "Drag Race Untucked" to of course "Dance Moms."

    Now the New Orleans mess...well I will say I know many people that have visited New Orleans, not one did not get poop faced drunk. That is the environment there and those Hurricane drinks go down easy, but pack a crud load of alcohol. ...Was the fight btw Christie and Leslie ridiculous? Sure, but I don't blame either of them. I think they were in NO having fun and drinking and it got out of control. As for the bar scene in the 1st episode, from what I understood was that they thought they had more time. Why didn't anyone bother to call them on their phones and say "hey where are you"? No that wouldn't have been good TV. It's more dramatic to have Abby stomping around looking for them.

    You hit the nail on the head! Kelly was the exact same way, belittling her own daughters' abilities in front of them, thus making them lose faith in themselves and dance. It's not a wonder why they were such best friends - misery loves company!***

    Kelly always gave her kids "an out," all except the "out" you'd think they'd all want; out of their contracts! We can all conclude they were using the show as much as them being used; recording, dancing, tv exposure! If Kelly was so unhappy, maybe she should have left the 1st month; she had 6 weeks initially to decide! If she says any differently, we all know what a delusional liar she's been since day 1!

    The way I see it, over this last year or so, Abby's had the show, lost her mother and dog, then has to deal w/ assault and battery from Kelly and her bogus countersuit! I've had it easy in comparison and I give her every benefit of the doubt; alone and all! She's sacrificed more than the other way around; as much as Christi loves to throw it back at her! She's still married w/ a big house and kids! She needs to get over herself and see how lucky she's been in comparison!

  134. ***Will we see Cathy again or is her contract up too? Anyone know? The Candy Apples feud is certainly getting old, so I wouldn't care if she was out.***

    I hope not; the woman is unhinged! Cathy says she doesn't care about Abby, but she rants about her in every confessional and in rehearsals!

    ***The rivalry w/ Candy Apples is a fun part of the show. Whatever internal feuds are going on in Abby's company, everyone comes together against their mutual enemy, Cathy.***

    I feel manipulated by their relationship than w/ any other; some say they're friends and others say they're hated enemies! Which is it? I don't trust it after I watched an interview w/ the both of them and Cathy returned the Bee costume! She said in the show she had given it away to Goodwill! "Bill me!" I don't mind it I guess; esp. since CADC usually comes up short! It's almost unfair w/ the characters that come through her studio; Lucas still unable to do simple pirouettes! Another girl and her mom agreeing to perform in the wrong age category! Yvette and Hadley are too off for words in their obsession to get back at Abby (i.e. rode kill)! The choreography is catching up to Abby though; more "synchronized swimming" like Cathy was signifying at Abby before! Great fun to see her frustrations going down in flames I guess!

    ***I felt bad for Christi knowing she was watching the show and seeing her friends betray her. Holly has always been my fave mom; I didn't think she'd turn so quickly on Christi. They always supported one another.***

    It's kill or be killed! This is war! lol!

    ***Nia has flat feet so she has to work extra hard on her arch. W/ the good dancers having faults w/ their arches at the studio, Nia doesn't stand a chance. - ...these stances she takes interfering in Nia's choreography have just made me lose respect for Holly. I think the straw that broke the camel's back was her refusing to let Nia portray the bully in an anti-bullying routine. ...It was assinine. I realize these women are basically playing characters and are coached by the "writers" on what stance to take that week, but either way, I don't have any more respect for Holly than any of the other mothers. I'm not surprised she's being a hypocrite.***

    Nia's been lucky so far that she's an original member or she would have been gone! I feel for her, but like Abby says sometimes about flaws, "her feet are horrendous!" Abby says it all day long and it just doesn't sink in! - So she should have been just as upset with Nia playing the "kidnapper" in "Amber Alert!"

    ***Then Abby needs to stop just talking and actually work w/ her feet. Nia's feet are probably the worst of the group, but Maddie's aren't spectacular either. And if Maddie is the creme de la creme of the studio, than there's some serious lack of education going on there in the pointing department.***

  135. ***Whether you like Abby or not, you have to admit she looks great. She has lost a lot of weight and her hair and makeup are very pretty. Maybe a new look will make her more positive.***

    She looked like a different woman when called onto the stage at the end of last episode at the conclusion of the competition!

    ***It's too bad that Chloe is no longer a ALDC. I think she loved Abby and the girls. Unfortunately she always looked so depressed and let down by Abby, her mother and life. I think part of her problem was her mother's abusive childhood. Christi's bad past made her always so willing to personalize every slight and make Chloe fearful and dejected. I think Christi loves her daughter but she fought Chloe's real and imagined monsters to try to remake her own past. I think she needed the friction between her and Abby to created a scenario where this time little Christi could beat her bogeyman. She could of left Abby long ago if it was simply she didn't like Abby.***

    ITA! How many times do the kids come running w/ their trophies, all happy, but there's Christi all "prune-faced" and drags her own daughter down, holding her all teary as if something was wrong? She was just unhappy Chloe didn't win and made both of them miserable! She accuses Abby of giving Chloe bad choreography, but if she can't remember it half the time, why is that Abby's fault?

    ***...Christi couldn't leave, trust me. She was under contract.***

    Morgan, you know damn well Christi and all the moms had 6 weeks to decide to leave or not; they all stayed! It was obvious none wanted to be left behind and have regrets! They need to just fess up to it and finally move on; and stop blaming Jeff and Abby! It was their own desire for "15 min. of fame" and nice checks!

    ***Chloe remembered her choreography just as well as Maddie did. And Abby gave Chloe some horribly handicapped choreography many many many times. I don't think Christi was "all prune-faced" as many times as you would like to have people believe.***

    Again, you have to blame Christi; over and over again exacerbating the animus btw all concerned! I've said it wasn't right for Abby to take out her frustrations w/ her mother out on Chloe, but she was warned! Who else you gonna blame if Christi signs this contract, agitates situations at every opportunity, and bad mouths a teacher to her face and behind her back? All those confessionals are seen by everyone; you wouldn't retaliate in the only way possible? If you say you can be understanding of a whacked out mom and treat that child as fairly as all the others, I'll call you a liar to your face!

    ***And yet Chloe is thriving at a new dance studio w/o Abby, but her mother is still very much in the picture.***

    Of course you're looking over everyone's shoulder and know exactly what's going on! Like we're really going to hear if either miss being on the show! Of course everything must be peachy keen and all's well!

  136. ***When Jeanette came in to talk to Abby as am adult and lay that whole mess to rest, Abby acted like a CHILD. So ridiculous. I was so embarrassed for her. I hope Abby digs herself a hole and won't be able to get out of it. The whole dance community should band together and ruin her. The way she treats children and adults alike is atrocious.***

    So you don't think Abby should protect her dancers and moms from that stalker? What women keeps insinuating herself into the picture again and again! Jeff may be putting her up to it, but the woman LOOKS BENT! I think a restraining order may have to be issued! Ava is just as disturbed standing like a perfect statue, smiling like an idiot while Abby's "reading" her for filth! Why would you continue to put your daughter through that so often?

    ***Um, Abby could have still acted like a sane, professional adult. I'm not concerned as to why she did it... just disgusted how she went about it.

    Really Fiero? The girls have gotten told EVERY week for the last 5 YEARS that they're no good, they're crap. "Why can't you be as good as Maddie? Maddie is the only 1 I can count on. I wish I had a team of Maddies. You're an idiot, you're a liar, you're a bad dancer, you shouldn't have won..." The list goes on and yet Abby tells them to save their tears for the pillow, but when Abby does it it's ok? ...The Hyland stuff she brought on herself by being a bully. Maybe she was crying b/c she KNEW deep down that what she had done to those 2 kids was WRONG??***

    Over the years we've found Abby was right; duh! Christi was taking Chloe to "M & G's" when she shb in a private! Kelli admitted to pulling her kids for different reasons including modeling and recording songs, so they missed class time as well! They were disappointing Abby and not exactly excelling like they should; esp. Brooke who knows better! Christi had a growth spurt that hurt when she didn't step up her practice time and started looking bad; forgetting dances and becoming more of a basket case torn btw Abby and her hateful mother! No comment on the Hylands; missed so many performances b/c Kelly was borderline psychotic! Kendall went up and down, while poor Nia just hasn't even learned to point her feet and keep her legs straight!

    Besides Maddie, MacKenzie's been the only one to improve steadily IMO! True enough she lived at the studio, but that's how you become better! What else you want to know? I'm no fan of any of the moms and I don't think Abby should have terrorized the kids, but the moms brought them back year after year! Bullshit on the contract excuse; they wanted the fame and checks! They sold their kids into indenture-hood! Holly the only 1 I don't understand since she's given up the most; her livelihood as well as any self-respect she thought she had! She's losing it by the week!

    ***I do agree about the mums, they now have no excuse as to why they're there, but that's why Kelly and Christi left because they couldn't sit by any more while Abby abused their kids. Holly, Jill and Melissa are just there for the fame, money and exposure now and it's proven to be successful w/ the Maddie and Mackenzie stuff going Kendall and Nia are releasing an album I think?? How ever all this doesn't give Abby the right to pick on the kids JUST to get back at their mothers -- ... Punish the kids if they 'F' up, but don't punish them in an attempt to hurt the mums.***

  137. ***I'm surprised this episode was cleared to air as it really supports Paige's lawsuit, esp. when she was talking about Jill and Kendall and making her cry towards the end. Abby just continues to dig these holes for herself; Holly is right, Abby needs to hold herself accountable w/ what she says and her actions. It's fine if she feels Kalani, MacKenzie, and Maddie are the only ones that will work, but she should own up to it. - ...but seriously why would she not stop talking?!

    Umm... b/c it's a reality show that thrives on arguments and drama?***

    Don't you love it? How many times have people come at us saying not to believe everything that's shown in the show, but they take today's episode at face value? Can we say "hypocrisy?"

    ***On last week's "girl talk," did anyone else find it extremely sad and pathetic when the girls and Maddie herself said she was always apologizing for Abby? How sad is it that an 11 yo. can clearly see how unprofessional and rude her dance instructor's behavior is and feels like she needs to apologize for her... how does this not shame or embarrass Abby?***

    You obviously haven't listened closely b/c these girls are like all others; the moms embarrass them just as much if not more and probably apologize for them as well to their friends at school!

    ***You seem to forget Abby is the professional in all this and s/b held to a higher standard.***

    You mean like Cathy, Jeanette, and that joke of a choreographer Anthony? They've been real mature over the months and years of this show!

    ***...You are trying too hard. Just accept it for what it is.***

    Just trying to be the "Devil's Advocate!" Every one needs for both sides to be expressed! Abby's no saint, but who is in this show? Everyone's got an agenda; even the kids!

    ***I don't think any of the girls have an agenda besides Paige and Chloe. Paige, obviously w/ her lawsuit and Chloe w/ her anti-bullying brigade that was platformed due to Abby's treatment. If this is a dig, it's to Christi. Being the businesswoman she is, I'd assume Christi would break away from the show completely once it's done but she's too busy being combative and defensive on Twitter. If I were her, I'd allow Chloe to do her projects and make ALDC completely irrelevant.)***

    Christi can't do it! Just like Kelly, they want to bring Abby down; I truly believe that! Any other sane person would feel fortunate to be off the show after kvetchin' for 4+ years, but NOOoooooo; not these women! They can not let it go and won't be sated until they taste Abby's blood! No one s/b surprised BTW; a running gag was for them to "stay and torture Abby!"

    ***Kalani's mom looks horrible, w/ or w/o make up. I've had reservations about Kira since I saw her jump from her seat and get in another woman's face. Apparently the justification behind it was that Sarah R. spoke badly about Kalani, She's tech. amazing and a great dancer, but there's a lot more to being a dancer than technique and good leg flexibility. Abby constantly calls Kalani the best dancer; she s/b. She's like 14/15. This is somewhat irrelevant but does anyone think Ava's mom has aged the best out of these women? She looks great.***

    I think something's wrong w/ Jeanette! She has traveled all over the country, dragging her daughter around just to be chastised and humiliated by Abby; WHY? It's so disturbing to see; esp. when they showed up in Hollywood and Abby just peeled that jacket off Ava! ...but they come right into the dressing room of the ALDC! Like Christi asks; "who does that?"

  138. ***Mackenzie and Maddie are the golden children...they can do no wrong. Melissa is a people pleaser and a sneak. She wants to make people happy, but the minute they have their back turned she's making sure her kids are always #1...she won't rock the boat. Abby's a twit and I'm sure if she could, she would adopt the Zeigler girls.***

    All the more embarrassing when Kendall barely places in these events with weaker comp.! Even when she comes up 2nd, they don't announce who was 1st, but I've seen some girl who couldn't have been that graceful; heavyset and all! What did Kendall do to lose to someone like that? Sorry!

    I've said it's not right for Abby to pick on the kids or get into screaming matches w/ the moms, but none are more entertaining than Kendall and Jill battling Abby! I almost can't breathe laughing at how delusional Jill is when it comes to Kendall performing! If Abby and Gianna call her on the carpet for missing steps or get frustrated w/ her ability to comprehend, it just tickles me to see Jill blow up and Kendall disintegrate again and again! Shameful I know! Of course Jill's level of delusion just beats out Christi's; 'nuff said! I know people expect Melissa to react to the drama that's going on, but she's learned her lesson "to be seen and not heard!" Her kids are reaping the benefits of her limitless support for anything Abby decides concerning training! It works for her and the kids "seem" to be well-adjusted so far! We may never know, but I've seen a lot worse behavior of bigger teen-stars who are successful!

    ***How did Christi put other girls down? Yes, she was out of line sometimes, but she never deliberately bullied anyone. For the most part, she defended them.

    She made it a hobby of hers from s3 to speak badly about Maddie. EX: calling Maddie a liar to her face, said Maddie had sickled feet when the topic was about Kamryn, talked behind Maddie's back when Maddie didn't want to ice skate and is the only one to scream in another parents face, "How many times has my daughter beat your daughter?," while the little kid is practically hysterically crying 2 feet away.***

    I never tire of watching those freak-outs of Christi's! She had to be drunk on more than one occasion! How does she act out like that in front of the kids and take no responsibility? She deflects just like she says of Melissa! In her mind it's justified due to what Abby does to Chloe: set up to fail, calling her outside her name, and not giving her the attention she gives to Maddie! AND?

    ***I'm not a fan of the acro, even back when she had Brooke doing it all the time, calling it "tricks." I thought it looked painful, and it didn't impress me at all. I thought Brooke could have been given better than that.***

    It didn't look like Brooke was willing to put in the work to do more lyrical performances! She fell flat trying to do other choreographers' work! Brooke's capable of doing beautiful dances! Her "Diary of Anne Frank" had her out there; absolutely stunning! The passion isn't there or she would be able to work on her own! Her mother doesn't push her in the least so she feels "it's no big deal!" What's Brooke going to do? I don't hear about her dancing and the Grammys haven't called about a nomination!

    ***You are right about Brooke's lack of passion. I actually often wondered why she came back after she left for cheerleading that time? She never seemed to have any spark, even w/ her music.***

  139. ***Do Brooke and Paige still dance? Even on Paige's after school routine, she didn't mention dance once. Are they taking some kind of break or did they quit all together?***

    That's why it was no big deal when Kelly pulled her kids; weren't prepared or cared about dancing anymore! It always PO'd me the most to hear Kelly ranting about her kids not getting attention and so forth when they were being taken away to do outside projects, meet & greets, etc.! Why would Abby put forth any effort for them if they don't seem to care? Brooke proved it with her nonchalance when asked about performing!

    ***I don't miss Chloe. I can really do w/o her mom's drama which was getting super annoying to watch; that and her little one-liners in the interviews - *eyeroll* - ****

    You got it! W/o Christi's drama and looks, I can go on and continuing watching this train wreck of a show! She made it not worth it w/ her constant undermining of Abby and those stupid eye-rolls to everything that occurred! The performances are amazing and I still look forward to seeing future episodes!

    ***Holly said "Nia was not included" on Chloe's Twitter feed. Doesn't sound like she was invited and chose not to go along with the other girls....***

    Besides a family illness in the family, I think Holly's going PT like Christi and Kelly at the end; just showing up for what's necessary! Only Melissa and her girls seem to live at the studio! Kendall's getting her work in, but I'm not impressed by her in the least! She goes up and down in her performances!

    ***I just watched s1 again on Amazon and Maddie's mother mentioned that she had been taking voice lessons. The mothers have also stated that the children have started acting classes. ...Any child w/ Broadway or episodic aspirations likely does this so I suppose Maddie would be well on her way if either were her goals.***

    I had read here and other places she's probably the most rounded at ALDC; doing it all even though we don't see it in the show! Maddie's there all day; can't be dancing all the time or she would surely injure herself eventually!

    ***Exactly... Plus Maddie has other obligations to help further her career in dance, like interviews, clothing line, magazine shoots, videos, etc. She's super cute, super smart, very polite and not fake in her interviews either. She's very mature for her age. It doesn't matter how many times Abby screams it, it falls on deaf ears; it's what I see and that is Maddie has something special. She's very well rounded and her performance on SNL was simply amazing.***

  140. ***MacKenzie just seems like a cute, regular girl who ought to be in regular school, enjoying a normal childhood. Arrrgh! Stop trying to make Mackenzie 'happen!' She's a cute kid, but she isn't that talented. Let the kid have a normal non-famewhore life. Why all the insistence on making her a star?***

    You've obviously forgotten all about MacKenzie practically "leading" the group #'s; esp. "Bollywood!" Nice excuse w/ the costume limit so as to eliminate Nia! It was too precise and crisp a performance needed! Kenzie's front and center a lot of the time these days! She keeps up w/ "the big girls" when it counts! I blame Abby for trying to pigeon-hole Kenz into "acro" as well! If you don't give her lyrical, she won't be lyrical! I still enjoyed her effort in Maddie's old "Cry!"

    ***Kenzie ROCKS!!...and she's doing tap now as well...she will definitely make it on Broadway someday! - These new moms are 10x's worse than anything Christi or Kelly could come up w/..."***

    Ahhhhh, NO! The stuff that Christi and Kelly pulled was all but felonious and enough to get arrested for! They are horrible people who are lucky their kids haven't been taken away from them! They complain about bad treatment, but signed contract after contract taking the kids back; again & again! I can go down a LONG list of terrible things both women have done and SAID in front of those same kids including pronounced profanity-laced tirades! I've never heard my parents say such vile things in private much less in public to be taped for all to see and hear for years to come! I hope they both look back in absolute shock and embarrassment for what they've done to themselves, their girls, and their delusional fans!

    ***Christi and Kelly are not supermoms, but they are definitely not abusive or neglectful. They are just idiot HW]s w/ nothing better to do than live through their kids. Christi and Kelly have said nothing that Jill and Melissa haven't also said. Painting them as monsters is good editing and it seems you fell for it. Not defining their actions, many of them deplorable, but they aren't any worse than any of the other moms on this show. - - If Nia were to leave, she'd be great anywhere else.***

    Well we'll see; doesn't look as if Nia's going to LA! The excuse being used has to do w/ her grandfather's deteriorating health! That may be part of it, but you would think Holly would want "out" anyway! Why is she whining about Maddie's opportunities and how Melissa has things lined up for LA already if Nia isn't going anyway? So strange!

    ***Holly seems pumped to be going to LA and wants lots of opportunities for Nia in showbiz.***

    Holly's not being very realistic! We keep saying she's the most practical and makes smart decisions! Hmmm! Well she earns her doctorate, quits her job as a principal, then totally hitches her wagon to Abby's studio imagining great things for Nia! I think she needs serious help! Something's wrong w/ the woman and it ain't pretty to watch!

    ***Nia is now homeschooled.***

    Holly's going over to "the dark side?" Omg; her criticism of other moms will haunt her! lol!

    ***Maddie can't act. She might be a good dancer, but dancing does not train you to deliver lines and bring stories to life. Facials is 1/10 of an actors job.***

    Some people just don't have a clue! I hear Maddie sings well, but we never see it! How do these knuckleheads know if Maddie can act or not? Idiots!

  141. ***Throughout the duration of this show the mothers nagging Melissa over Maddie and MacKenzie's opportunities has been ridiculous. The mothers never really have anything to say to the response of their many hours at the studio even in some of the interview shows. If you don't want to home school your kids and make sure they attend dance every day and take as many private lessons as they can, fine, but don't get angry at another parent for wanting to do that.

    Do I agree w/ all of the favortism Abby gives to Maddie and her challenging the judges when Chloe beat her? No! Do I think many of the things Abby says to these childern are horrible? Absolutely. ...But then don't complain when the child who spends all their time in dance class wins.***

    Thank you! That's all I've been saying! Why whine and complain about another child that's obviously putting in more time and work to excel? These moms need to get a freakin' grip; esp. Holly who's supposed to be above this sort of petty jealousy! She's being so whacko and irrational these days!

    ***Didn't Abby tell them that they could not "get off their butts" and get opportunities for their kids? Melissa does it, but Abby's threatened the other moms not to do the same.

    What the show is not telling us is that Maddie is represented by Wm Morris Agency, one of the biggest ones out there. Sia herself approached Maddie about "Chandelier," not Abby. Now Maddie's gigs are all arranged through William Morris. The Chandelier video put Maddie on the map, so right now she is a hot commodity.

    Maddie is already recognized by much of the public, so of course she's getting jobs. As far as Nia, Kendall and the others, they are not going to get big jobs right now. My guess is that Abby is arranging paid gigs/interviews for them as a group, the "DM's" kids.

    I chuckle at so many posts I've read here that say "Nia could EASILY do well on a Disney show (or on Broadway, or in a movie, or in a top dance company, or whatever)." It ain't that simple, folks.***

    It never stops w/ the constant accusations that Abby's holding the other girls back and only promoting Maddie! She has no control over casting; these idiots need serious help! I'm watching s3 on LRW again where Christi and Kelly are losing their shit over Sophia and attacking Jackie for what they consider being "nicer than she really is!" You can't make these bitches happy! They absolutely infuriate me b/c they make it seem like only the editing is making them look bad! I hardly think Jeff is telling them to be "mean girls" and to scream out obscenity after obscenity on command in front of their kids! Fuk'n idiots!

    When the moms and girls come back from their "sit out," it just makes me LOL; the humiliation, the despair of having to return! It's priceless and funny as HELL! When Abby brings the moms down and Christi can't even look at Sophia, just shows the woman is stunted emotionally and as a so called adult! She and Kelly must have just barely finished HS! Abby 'reads' them the riot act and I just have to crack up every time:

    "The girls look horrible! They can't even do the choreography I'm giving them! ...We're getting on a bus, going to a competition where they'll be using routines from last year! I don't think Sophia should be worried, but others s/b worried! ...These girls don't know how lucky they are; I don't need to.....they do it all on their own!"

    Holly tries to calm things down, but Christi's just standing their seething, then finally blurts out "shut your mouth!" S3 is definitely my favorite season with the subs like Ally, Bella, Asia, & Sophia and their moms! The same dynamics were there and I loved it anyway! "We don't need you Christi or Kelly! Take your brats somewhere else and see how far you get!"

  142. ***Melissa is a kiss ass and a liar. She is JUST as bad as the other moms. She's just smart enough to do her dirty shit off cameras.***

    What's your point? No one said she was a saint! Most people wonder why the other moms can't find a better 'scapegoat' for their own frustrations? Constantly attacking Melissa only makes her look like a victim! Going after her kids right in front of her is LOW and can't be excused no matter how poorly you think of Melissa! Christi and Kelly showed themselves to be VILE and profane human beings, unashamed in insulting a teacher, kids, and their mother for all to see and hear! - - I didn't see it, but I thought I heard Abby appeared in "DDD," but she hasn't talked about it at all!

    ***I remember the episode and Maddie and Abby were not in scenes together. Maddie was in a flashback as Kim as child dancer to her mother in her studio and Abby was in the courtroom scenes. So they never shared the screen together and that's why they probably weren't there together. Maddie's part was small and could have been filmed in one or 2 days tops...I don't remember if she even had lines or if she just danced and was being yelled at constantly from her mother.***

    ...The only problem I have w/ Melissa is her even trying to be friendly w/ these other horrible women!

    ***I don't understand what Melissa did that was that bad...she's never put down any of the other girls, she's listen to the other mothers trash talk her daughters so that makes Abby speak even more highly of her...and let's be honest here, her daughters, well at least Maddie, are famous! "...I saw her on Ellen, she's really good, she is famous, what are they bitching about?" Maddie is pretty famous, therefore, Melissa did her job.***

    ...Something's wrong w/ Holly and it ain't pretty to watch! - The editing is done in such a way, you can actually see moms like Christi and Holly getting worked up "into a lather" and I just SMH wondering "WHY?" Who's telling them Abby has all this power to cast who "she wants" and exclude others in tv shows and music videos? Truly disturbing to see women act out like this; so irrational!

    ***I have to agree. I love Nia, but watching her dance is not pretty anymore. She was keeping up, but now she's falling behind as they get older. I think Holly should hush her mouth b/c Nia is going to be the next to go...She's going to "Christi" Nia right out the door. If people want Nia, they will call...her daughter is already on a tv show, she's walking the red carpet for some events, she's travelling the world; isn't that good enough? If my child wasn't as good as the rest, I would work her harder, take the opportunities given and shut my mouth.***

    Melissa may be awful, pushing fame on her kids, but I've seen nothing as overt and disgusting as the other moms attacking her with loud, profane tirades against a teacher! As Christi loves to say again and again, "who does that?" Well obviously Christi and Kelly "does that!"

    ***Kelly and esp. Christi tower over Melissa in the "bad mom" department; at least IMO.***

    Not to give them an excuse, but it wouldn't be a good one anyway; we stopped talking about them drinking! I have to believe some of this drama was induced due to Christi and Kelly being "loaded!" Watching past scenes, editing couldn't explain some of the irrational emotions churning underneath the surface! It's what entertained me, but at the same time made me SMH profusely! lol!

  143. ***I can't remember if it was going to be the cover or a spread inside, but I do remember they picked Kendall. I just remember Abby getting sooo upset that it wasn't Maddie that they picked.

    When did Abby get upset about Kendall being chosen for the cover? Abby was quite happy for Kendall.***

    You got it! These people are just making up shit since they've "got nothing!" Something's truly wrong w/ these "bent" people to fabricate something like this!

    ***Kelly strikes me as a bit dumb. Throughout her run on the show, she did nothing but complain about Abby's costumes and choreography. She constantly bitched that her kids didn't get enough solos and when they were offered solos, Kelly herself pulled a lot of them, for no good reason. She also used profanity around the kids regularly. She burned her own daughter's arm w/ a curling iron as a result of her drinking. She initiated a physical fight w/ Abby.

    But... bad as Kelly was, Christi was much worse. She was horrible to EVERY new mom that entered the studio. Christi was louder and twice as profane as Kelly, right in front of the kids. Chloe had just about as many solos as Maddie, but Christi always turned it into a negative. From the get go, Christi mouthed off to other moms about how her daughter was better than the others. She put down the dancing of other girls. She got into physical fights w/ Leslie--twice. She screamed directly at Paige. She said horrible things about Maddie right in front of her. She even turned on her own daughter a couple of times. Christi was the master of initiating unprovoked dressing room arguments. She made infantile, cheap shots concerning Abby's weight and private life.

    I think people don't like Melissa b/c she goes along w/ Abby and doesn't make waves. But she has been far more supportive of the other moms and girls than anyone else. Also, Melissa could spend all her time bragging about Maddie, but she rarely says a word. Compared to the other moms, I'm okay with her.

    People act as though a little girl crying is the worst thing that could happen, ever. There I disagree. We are all born crying. Small toddlers tend to cry when they can't have what they want. As we get older, most of us learn to control our crying, unless it involves physical pain, intense joy, or grief.

    Little girls (boys too, sometimes) often cry on a regular basis, about pretty much anything. It is my opinion that no one "makes" anyone cry; it's a reaction. In periods of stress, some people cry, others remain stoic. Every girl on the show has cried in reaction to Abby, except for Kalani. I totally understand posters being upset by things Abby has said: I've felt the same way. I also understand posters bringing up these comments and complaining about them. But my question is this: Why do so many feel that crying is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone?***

    I was over "any crying" after Brooke "boo-hoo'd" when Abby told her not to write on the back of her hand; "it's tacky!" I agree; it is tacky! I've never written on my hand or done any other stupid thing kids do for attention! Brooke is much too old for any of that; esp. the crying! Her mother makes it ok by "coddling" her kids! They cry at the drop of a hat; literally! If anyone s/b crying, it probably is Chloe; catching it from all sides! Abby's on her case b/c of her vile mother, her mother is stressing her out daily in different ways including threats, and at the same time she's expected to be this sweet little angel! Not sure how that will happen w/ such a parent! I hope Chloe doesn't turn into a "mean girl" like her mom!

    ***It's only when she didn't drag the kids down that she supports them in their crying. That's the other issue. Abby never has a problem with certain kids crying, but if other kids cry, she starts criticizing them and their mothers.***

  144. ***Abby was massively erratic; 1 minute pissed, next minute laughing. She NEVER appears on camera w/o her hair and make-up. Anyone else think that maybe Abby has picked up a substance abuse problem?

    I think she's abusing diet pills. She looks like she's dropped some weight. She was erratic, looked like she hadn't slept well in a while and was fidgeting w/ her lips and mouth like they were dry. She needs help b/c that was an oscar winning performance if it was an act.***

    I didn't think about that! Years ago that was a serious problem b/c most diet aids are amphetamines! I think lipo and different types of bypass surgeries took the place of drugs, but I guess it's still possible!

    ***As if this show hasn't ruined Abby's name enough, I think this ep. has officially ruined her image in the dance world.***

    She seemed normal enough on "AfterBuzz" w/ the girls 2 weeks ago! Hopefully she got back on her meds! That was disturbing to see!

    - - After Buzz (1/21/15)

    ***I just saw it; Talia is an amazing dancer, better facial expression. There's no way this competition is legit.***

    Talia was very strong, but I knew that from previous performance at reunion show a couple years ago! I thought Abby had recruited her! Maybe her mom couldn't commit to the show being in the wheelchair and all, needing care!

    ***What made Christi and Chloe leave? - She was pushed to the limit the last 2 seasons so Christi laid the groundwork to exit after s4. Her contract was up, Chloe's mandatory year was up after her title win and they didn't sign a studio contract. The writing was on the wall for the entire year. Christi did the smart thing and waited them out and basically made Abby look terrible at the end of it.***

    Towards the end, Chloe was only doing the minimum; normally to record the show while being trained at another studio! I think, like Kelly, Christi didn't sign that last contract w/ Abby so that was the reason Chloe was excluded from Kenzie's video, "meet and greets," and other projects under Abby's control! The thing about Christi finally saying "enough is enough" was a canard as they were already out the door! She was full of shit til the very end! I think Chloe could have been very successful but for her mother's out of control behavior! I know she was a child, but she really needed to reign in her mom; it was her activity for Gawd-sake! I know I didn't let my parents decide the direction my training went when it came to tennis! They could make suggestions, but it was still my choices to make even though they were paying for it!

    ***...The show has been more pleasurable to watch since these 2 have left!***

    ...Who can take the woman seriously since she was the most disingenuous of the group; saying 1 thing is wrong and committing the same or worse offense later? Early on she said she would 'never' flaunt Chloe's success! That same season when there was this "pier 6 brawl" over Maddie having 2 solos, she screamed in front of everyone; "how many times has my daughter beaten your daughter?" My mouth still hangs agape watching this woman work herself up into a frenzy, went off the deep end, and still thinks it was justified! I knew then how demented the woman truly had to be!

    ***Can someone help clarify the different dance styles? - To put it in the simplest terms: Lyrical- basically a mix of ballet, contemporary and a bit of jazz. Basically the style emphasizes the movement to lyrics. So the basis of the dance depends on the song. It uses ballet, but w/ less restriction.

    Contemporary- a mix of ballet and modern dance. I view this style as a storytelling style...a lot like lyrical except the story doesn't have to be based on the lyrics of a song. I guess contemporary is more like poetry to me. It has the style of ballet w/o the rules and the movement of modern dance. It's hard to explain b/c these styles overlap quite a bit.***

  145. ***I hate to say this about a child, but Jojo was really annoying this episode. She just kept pushing and pushing after Abby and Gia repeatedly told her "YOU ARE NOT IN THE GROUP DANCE"...How many other ways can they say it? And for Jojo to just keep going on ("I'm just gonna put it on") as if Abby didn't say anything is just disrespectful. I appreciate her mother for teaching her to stand up for herself and all that, but Jojo is still a CHILD who needs to listen to the adults around her. ...Hence, you don't need to fix your hair or put on a costume!***

    It had to be on that psycho mom being pushy! All the moms do it to some extent, but you have some more delusional than others like Jess, Caya, Jeanette, Jill, and of course Christ(Y)! Those poor kids! Christi and Kelly are just uneducated, classless pieces of work! Their kids were featured at one time; animus developing when Abby moved on, plain and simple and they couldn't stand it! They need to finally accept that's what this was all about; their lack of bragging rights of being the mom of "the star!" Melissa rules w/ Maddie and MacKenzie and their constant abuse of her only showed how petulant and pathetic they were the entire run of this show! Both lost credibility early on when they couldn't recite an issue w/o slanting the story every time! W/ video evidence showing how much they LIE; to people and themselves all I did was laugh at them!

    ***Abby will be back to her usual self and on top before we know it after that horrible display in Hollywood the first day there.***

    We can only hope! After all I've heard about "the abuse," I continue to ask "why do the moms bring their kids back if it's so bad?" Is there even 1 legitimate reason; knowing it's all about them and their fame? Holly's given up her job and is wasting her doctorate! Where are the priorities? It's delusional for these moms to think they'll have the same opportunities as Maddie; esp. since she appears to have the most talent!

    I wish people would see, Abby has little to do w/ casting! People are asking for Maddie and the other moms need to get off the "victimhood" train! No matter how poor the choreography, doing it right would always be the best way to go! Stop blaming Abby for the shortcomings of their kids; even if she is the teacher! I hear corrections being made and them being ignored like Nia's feet, Kendall's face, and Kenzie's lack of emoting!

    ***...I was obsessed w/ watching s1. I used to tune in every week. I lost interest after s2 b/c it seemed so contrived and set-up. I have no idea what happened in seasons 2-4.***

    For me s3 was great; mom went on strike in the pretext of getting Kelly and her girls back on the team when it was really about money! Loved how they were replaced and the competitions went on w/o the original cast! The substitute moms and kids were great and I didn't miss anyone! The real drama occurred when the original cast returned w/ their tails btw their legs and Abby was tyrannical! It was hilarious the banter going back and forth! The kids were really berated b/c of their mom's behavior and insults! Abby even punished Maddie for a time giving the solos to Chloe instead! Asia w/ her mom Kristy joined for a while! That means you missed Abby hosting "The View" and having the girls perform "The Last Text" on nat'l tv! I can watch that season over and over! It was the best!

    ***The show seems to have MacKenzie typecast as the 'trick' dancer.***

    Abby just wants Kenzie to be the "triple threat" she was trying to instill in Brooke; singing, dancing, acrobatics! She's doing many of the same tricks Brooke performed again and again!

  146. ***Lucas Triana won the Intercont'al Miami Dance - - ***

    People say Abby's holding back the development of Maddie; what does that say about Lucas? He was actually better as a member of "DM: Miami!" His life is totally encompassed w/ dance! It probably ruined his mom's marriage as it seems to happen a lot! I think he's actually regressed w/ his main move is to do a split w/ one leg in the air and flip it around! It's great once, but that's all he's got! He definitely has moves, but nothing that will get him anywhere; sorry!

    ***Same thing that happens to them all. The dancing they produce on the show reflects the result the show wants. - I'm really disappointed in what Abby is doing to Nia. I know that she's not as good as some of the other girls, but could be much better if Abby would just take some real time w/ her.

    IDK what's up w/ Holly though. I mean, on the one hand, I'm glad to see her standing up for Nia more now, but on the other hand, I'm wondering if the producers are pushing her into it, and trying to make her into the next Christi. I don't like it, b/c I've always liked the fact that Holly has in the past, risen above that crap, and now it feels like she's playing into it. This is not good. ...Regardless, I am very disappointed in Abby's behavior lately. I understand she is stressed out over the lawsuit(s), but she is taking it out on the girls, and I really don't like it. ...If Nia gives them something to think about, that's a threat to Maddie and MacKenzie.***

    Holly's lost it and it doesn't look good at all! You can defend your daughter w/o being delusional about Nia's abilities; that's the problem! Nia's not and never w/b that great in this type of lyrical or jazz dancing! She needs something more free like modern dance! Sorry! When Holly was losin' it over Nia getting 'just' a solo and not included in duets and trios when the girl has enough trouble handling a group dance! The same w/ Kendal who's only marginally better overall!

    ***Holly has always had class and is very smart, and for someone to say that Nia is just like her mother? Cool! That was just Abby being desperate and trying to find ANYTHING to try and tear her and Nia down, and she failed. And as I said in another thread, I really think that either Abby or the producers are trying to make Holly and Nia into the new Christi and Chloe. I hope that Holly steps above this, and while many think that Nia isn't that great of a dancer, I think that's only b/c Abby refuses to take proper time w/ Nia. I think Nia is a good dancer and could get better if someone would just work w/ her for more than 2 seconds. - ...Anyway, yes, I agree that she has really changed now that her mother is gone (Abby). It makes me wonder how controlling her mother was (my ex-best friend's mother was extremely controlling. Not just over her, but over the entire family), and now that Abby actually has to think and fend for herself, I think Abby is feeling very lost and afraid. As a result, she's lashing out at EVERYONE.

    ...The thing I always found so odd about Cathy was the way people seemed to think what you saw on the screen was for real.***

    You can keep the old crow! That "ratchet" voice was enough; add on her deceptive behavior, you have to wonder is she "touched" in the head regardless if the show was produced to make her look that way? Just intimating that Vivi would add something to an 'elite team' tells you all you need to know about her sanity; or lack thereof! She's a rotten teacher and awful choreographer that has to prove something's wrong w/ her and her perceptions in reality!

  147. ***Every time they showed Abby eating, I kept on thinking of when Kelly screamed, "stop eating, that's why you're fat" from a few seasons ago.***

    The only reason those moms and kids shb unhappy was b/c they were looking for more! About as delusional as the "haters" of the show who whine, bitch, and moan after every ep! So disturbed; watch a show to "hate" on it! Makes so much sense to me!

    ***Maddie is pursuing her dreams right now, enjoying life, and making the most of her opportunities. She's a smart girl and has likely been told that after a certain age she'll need to do something other than dancing to support herself. She has plenty of time to attend college and figure out what comes next later on. There's nothing wrong w/ riding the wave of fame as long as she can.

    Again it's one thing to be tough when everyone protects you and your feelings vs Chloe who was constantly berated has probably more mental toughness for the business now. And no she didn't take losing well ever. I have yet to see 1 ep. where she loses gracefully. ...I've been worried since s2 about her.***

    Not bad; I agree for the most part! People complain about Abby showing favoritism w/ MADDIE, but it's well earned! We all know she lived at the studio and surpassed a much more gifted Chloe who's mom was too busy interfering and making things harder for her own daughter! Later on, I really felt Christi was trying to demonize Maddie w/ that constant refrain, but saw it was falling on deaf ears b/c it was "crying wolf!" She stepped it up actually making up BS by saying Maddie "cut" Chloe w/ comments to her face! I don't believe it; Christi's been caught LYING about past events before! After all's said and done, Maddie's only been seen as talented, dedicated, well-spoken, and totally respectful to all concerned! I would have told Christi a few things if I heard her malign my name again and again! My mom would have "cut her throat" anyway picking on a kid so I probably wouldn't have had to say anything! That woman was crude, profane in front of all those kids, and terribly insulting to a teacher! She should have left the 1st month IMO!

    ***In a lot of posts people complaining about Maddie not being all that great; being mediocre or executing turns like a 5 yo. Really, it's so petty and childish; grown people picking on a child. If the entertainment industry worked on the "who is best" basis, then things would be very different....***

    Add on the whining of the moms from the beginning; 'constant victimization!' The complaints were about the choreography, the costume, the music! "Being set up to fail" was a constant refrain of some moms, but they all kept signing yearly contracts w/ this so called "abusive woman!" Watching an ep. now where Jill and Christie don't think it's fair that Melissa's kids have so many "privates!" What are they talking about? They go so far as to sneak in to take pictures of the extra work so they can throw it in Melissa's face! These women need serious help; and their fans if they think this is normal behavior!

    ***...Oh and Fiero you're the biggest complainer here IMO; you can't let that Christi/Chloe/Kelly/Brook/Paige storyline go!! You're always complaining about them even though they no longer have anything to do w/ the show.***

    It's like the repeats on LRW keep me in the moment! I think I'm over it, then I catch Christi losing her mind in front of the kids, swearing at Melissa, and seeing those kids crying! She's just a horrible woman for all the things she pulled, blaming all of it on editing! Kelly was just delusional and not very educated! You can't sign up for something like this show, do it half-arse w/ mediocre attendance, then expect to reap all the benefits! Life shouldn't work that way and she exposed herself to be self-indulgent and wasn't teaching her kids anything w/ her behavior!

  148. ***Maddie on "Austin & Ally" - The producer remembered Maddie from her being a extra on another show.***

    It's more than most people will get in the way of exposure! It all counts no matter how brief! More power to Maddie and her representatives!

    ***Agreed! Even Leonardo DiCaprio got his start doing small bit parts on TV. There was an ep. of Roseanne ("Home Ec") and he was in it, in the background, for only a few mins...and now, look at him!***

    That is a great example! I didn't see it, but Pam Anderson and Leonardo had bit parts on "Home Improvement" or something! Speaking of "Roseanne," the gorgeous Stephen Dorff played Becky's HS crush, Jimmy Meltrigger!

    ***I agree that you don't talk back to teachers, parents, etc., but Abby straight up yelled at JoJo. She didn't deserve respect after what she said to her.***

    Abby has warned JoJo and her mother several times about talking back and being loud in general! They aren't even members, but says stupid stuff like "JoJo deserves" something! She deserves nothing and I agree w/ Abby about that! I say that about the actual members really who should all feel fortunate to be on the show, getting exposure, and job opportunities! Christi and Kelly couldn't keep themselves under control and their kids are suffering for it!

    ***Fiero425 - I don't know if it's fate or what, but I always seem to agree w/ everything you post.***

    You are too kind! Look out, the detractors of Abby will be after you too!

    ***I agree as well! Jojo and Jess were acting as if Abby's yelling was something new. Anybody going into her studio knows by now how Abby is, and if you want to be a part of her team, that just comes w/ the package. - So, if you're working professionally and you get yelled at, it's okay to mouth back to the director? Umm... no, unless you want to get booted out on your ass.

    Jojo wasn't being disrespectful. She kept quiet and took her critique and that shb the end of it. It was only after Jessalyn and Abby kept the fight going and Jojo started crying that she felt she should say something. I thought Jojo was the most mature of all of them. lol***

    Oh, I thought JoJo was very mature and well spoken back in the locker room! I've been looking for Chloe to speak up to her mother instead of standing there looking like a "deer in the headlights!" I'm not being mean by having this prospective, but I think she could have said something to Christi and maybe quashed a lot of that "back and forth!" What other studio would put up w/ such a client? She was insulting and undermined Abby to her face and behind her back, being loud and using quite a bit of profanity in front of the kids and all concerned, and bullying other moms (new and old) like a mean girl! JoJo's comments to her mother were the most mature I've heard of any of the girls since beginning to watch a year or so ago! It was thoughtful, cogent, and quite respectful of the situation at hand! No other child has done that on camera that I can remember! I hope it wasn't an act!

    ***That's where I was confused. She took the critique and was fine. Her mom should've left it alone. But again I wasn't taught to talk back to an adult at that age so maybe it's just me. JoJo annoys me in general. - I was always taught that talking back is disrespectful no matter what the circumstances are. As a child she shouldn't have felt she had to say anything! She just should have kept quiet.***

  149. I wish Chloe could have stayed, but her awful mother was like "an exposed nerve" to herself, her child, and the fans of the show! It made NO SENSE to alienate the star and teacher of the show!

    ***Chloe used to get lots of solos, duets, small groups and featured parts. After Maddie, she was the most utilized dancer. It started dropping off after she stopped practicing as much. Maddie was being homeschooled which drove the other moms crazy. They were all so jealous of Maddie they couldn't see straight. This is her job. She already knows her career choice just like Olympians. Plenty of them make the sacrifice to homeschool to practice more. There's no law/rule that states you are only allowed to practice for so many hours a week. What If you have a career and you're at work, you can't stay at the office longer than anyone else or take work home w/ you? It's not fair to your coworkers? Good thing they aren't attorneys or doctors. Everyone must have equal amount of study time for it to be fair? No tutors then either right, b/c that would be unfair? No extra credit projects? And if someone is getting/doing any of those type things, then let them know how wrong it is. Don't do it for yourselves, just tell others how wrong they are for taking advantage of something that you are unwilling to do for yourself.

    If Chloe had decided to practice more hours a week, she would have kept up w/ her growing body. Unfortunately, she needed more training/practice than she was receiving. She decided she wanted to stay in public school. There's nothing wrong w/ that, but don't blame your shortcomings on the fact that someone else has taken a different route than you. Chloe had something special. I think she won one of the most important awards ever given out. That 'expressive heart award.' When she used to dance (and wasn't panicking b/c of her mother freaking her out) and was on her A game, you could feel her heart. It was something special.

    When these mothers yell at Abby and call her names (even if Abby had it coming) they put their daughters in the most awkward position. Could you imagine that you like/love your coach and then you have your mom, whom of course you love, yelling at her and calling her names? Basically putting you in the position of it's her or me? Then you expect them to perform at their best? You wouldn't know who to listen too. If you hate your child's coach that much, take them somewhere else. Don't put them in a position where they feel unsure which way to turn.

    Paige and her broken foot is a prime example. If her mother hadn't constantly put Abby down and told Paige not to listen to her coach, her foot wouldn't have been broken. She asked if she could do the standing back tuck and Abby said, "No! There's cement under here." That shb the end of it. Her coach said NO! But instead she whines about it to her mom. Then Kelly finally tells her to go ahead and do it already as she wants to eat. So instead of listening to her coach, she listens to her mom and ends up w/ a broken foot. Then the icing on the cake of this incident is Christi. After Paige broke her foot she defends Kelly. She says she did nothing wrong. Then after quite some time passes and they are at pyramid, she tells everyone that b/c of Abby, Paige broke her foot. She tells Abby that she let Paige do a standing back tuck and Abby broke Paige's foot, so no way will she allow Cloe to do one. The ironic thing is that she totally threw Kelly under the bus. I just wish we could have heard what she had to say when she finally realized what really happened. How did she turn it around and defend Kelly when it obviously was Kelly's fault. Would have loved to see her back peddling.***

    People need to see "the real truth" instead of going by emotional reactions to what happened! Definitely worth saving; thanks again!

  150. ***Fiero, this is why I rarely come to this board. They don't seem to hold the moms to the same standards. They don't call them out. And if you do, you're accused of saying Abby does no wrong.

    Let's bring up Holly again; constantly complains about Nia or the group not getting enough practice/rehearsal time. Then when it suits her needs to only leave one day for Nia to learn the group dance, all of a sudden it's plenty of time. This is hypocrisy.

    All the moms are just as hypocritical as Abby. Why do they keep going back? For any fame or fortune they think they will get? They are not victims. A victim can be a person who is cheated or fooled by someone else or harmed by an unpleasant event. But once you add the "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" equation, then they are bringing it on themselves. I'm NOT saying Abby does no wrong! I am saying why do they sign up in the 1st place. ...When do they have to take responsibility?

    I've said this before and it seems to fall on deaf ears. The only victims are the children. You know the ones that dance. They are victims of both Abby and their own mom's actions and behaviors. ...Holly use to be the sane one, now she's turning into a Kelly-Christi wannabe. Nia will be the one who suffers. Ranted enough. Hope some understand what I'm saying. I know you will.***

    You, Abby, and I ask the same question every day, "why do they bring their children to Abby if they hate it so much?" Holly has lost it or someone got in her ear saying, "you need to spice it up or we'll be cancelled!" She looks worse than Kelly or Christi since she originally was the "voice of reason!" If you're not happy about what's going on, GO! They all are more interested in getting paid no doubt; that's what this is all about! That's part of Kelly's lawsuit; getting that money she thought earned by assaulting Abby! They just need to admit that b/c NONE of these girls outside of Maddie are going to be doing much as long as they're committed to dancing! Nia's a good actor and could do well in that, but wasting her time on "DM" won't do it! She's getting exposure, but who will want to bother w/ her if Holly looks insane? In the past I found the show terribly entertaining b/c I knew behind the scenes it was nowhere near as toxic! I've seen Abby and the girls on "After Buzz" having a great time and explaining some of the "made up drama" so ABBY's not half as bad as some like to think! lol!

    ***ITA w/ EVERYTHING you've said here. There's a lot of made up drama. I totally think someone told Holly to dial it up. Completely agree Nia won't make it as professional dancer and that out of all of Abby's dancers only Maddie has a shot. Also agree that the mom's behavior can ruin a chance for their daughters to be cast in any type of show. I remember when Maddy was cast in Drop Dead Diva. Holly said it was a set-up from the 'get go.' That the producers only had the girls audition for show (even the Candy Apple girls auditioned). Let's pretend that the producers would spend that kind of money when they already knew who they wanted. How was Nia really harmed (think about role)? She got to experience an audition. The more you go to, the better you get. Also, something else or some other part entirely may come up in the future. They could remember Nia and call her back for that. But with Holly basically calling them monsters, who would want to deal w/ that. Doesn't she think that they also talk to others in the industry? Word of mouth gets around that "if you don't cast Nia, her mom will bash you." They might even think if they cast her, her mom may get out of control if things don't go her way. I still like to watch the show. I just can't understand why no one calls out the moms on their crap? I guess some people can't handle the truth.***

  151. ***What will Abby do when Maddie and Kendall turn 13 this year and now you have all teens w/ the exception of MacKenzie and maybe JoJo if she stays?***

    I think plans are probably set for Maddie & Kenzie already! As soon as Lifetime contract is over, they're gone! I think they've gone as far as they're going to on the show!

    ***I actually agree w/ Fiero on this one. At this point, I feel like Maddie is only sticking around due to obligation. She's so outgrown Abby. I also wonder if that's what is making Abby become more unhinged than usual.

    Maddie has had a taste of success w/ the Sia videos. I'm not saying it will launch her into Super Stardom, but I think it's enough for her to realize that Abby is small time. Do I think Maddie will be the next big thing in the professional world? No! Do I think that after "Ellen, SNL, Grammies," etc she thinks of Abby's studio as kinda lame? Yes. OTOH, I also think that once the Sia stuff fades and Maddie is out there w/o Abby, she will have a much harder time than she expects.

    I never knew Nia had had problems in the past w/ pain brought on by stress. I always knew Abby was horrible, but I never realized the extent of her insensitivity and how uncompassionite she is. Nevertheless, when Holly called her "evil," Holly ended up being the bad guy and Nia and Paige's duet was pulled. Is nothing ever Abby's fault? It's always the OTHER person's fault, even when they've done nothing.

    Chloe was suspended for dropping her hat in the group dance "Pink Lemonade" and Abby said it was also b/c Christi's behavior was deplorable. Seriously? Christi hadn't even said anything rude when Abby came busting into the green room, screaming at Chloe for dropping her hat. Christi was calm and said they were leaving and going home. She never cussed or called names. But yet Christi was the bad guy.***

    Well I love that season, so we can talk seriously! I wouldn't say Abby was making fun of Nia, but she didn't want to hear old news! There was nothing for her to do! I'm sure Holly wants Abby to commiserate with the affliction, but she can't be bothered; got other girls and their performances to deal with! If Nia was that bad off, stay home! I'm sorry, but that's how it is in real world! No one's going to feel sorry for you and cry and hug you! If you're looking for that, find a school with no competition!

    As for any of this being Abby's fault; again no one cares! She's going to be who she's going to be; NOTHING NEW! Holly needs to get it in her head Abby is more concerned w/ the group and can't be bothered w/ problems of a single child! Abby warned all the dancers of the repercussions of dropping that hat! Why was Chloe the only one w/ the problem? She barely sat it on her head; of course it fell off! That's why Abby flipped b/c it's always Chloe in this situation which is exacerbated by her Mom's wretched behavior! She didn't scream or rant at Abby, but she was pushing people out of the way and screaming at the camera crew in the hall! She was lucky to be allowed back at all!

  152. They're replaying that 1st episode again! I think Christi said she paid Abby $16,000/yr for Chloe to take dance! Is that crazy or what? No wonder she lost it so many times! I'm sure if I felt I was paying that much, I s/b able to roll my eyes and talk back too! lol!

    ***I think it would be rather hysterical to see both Kelly and Abby go at it with Judge Judy! Although, I do believe they would have to keep poor Paige out of it, particularly if she's still having panic attacks.***

    Just shows what kind of mom Kelly is to start this crap to begin w/! She's bitched about leaving since s1, but kept coming back; even before the show began! She obviously doesn't know what she wants even though that's her favorite thing to say; "I want ...., that's what I want!" She even said it when she came crawling back in s3 when the moms went on strike for more money! It was portrayed as taking a stand to get Brooke and Paige back in good standing after their idiot mother ripped them out of a performance the day before! After all the hysteria, I wouldn't doubt Kelly would allow more of this drama to go on w/ her child "smack dab in the middle of it!"

    ***By that assessment every person who looks to the courts to address a wrong or punish a criminal is guilty too.***

    What wrong and punishment; a mother taking her child to a place to be screamed at and berated "since she was 2?" Kelly said it herself; and she did it for money and "15 min. of fame!" She had to know Paige wasn't getting better and Brooke was losing her flexibility and desire altogether! That's not on Abby which is why most of this BS has been thrown out! Try again! What else ya got? If anyone should be punished, it probably s/b the MOM for exposing her children to such treatment for years!

    ***Lucas has been around since s3B. Gavin and McKenzie since s4. Evan and Alyssa since s4B.***

    Poor Lucas needs to move on! He was better and worked harder when on "DM: Miami!" I think he's regressed and I've never been that thrilled w/ any CA hired gun; esp. since they lose anyway to ALDC! Cathy has no real talent from what I can tell and requires serious help from outside choreographers!

    ***Evan and Alyssa's duet did beat Gino and Maddie. Gavin did beat Kendall getting 1st place. McKenzie also won the Dance Battle.***

    Once in a while isn't winning; it's pity bestowed on them by the judges! Sorry, I have little, if any respect for CADC! Their reasons to even go to competitions doesn't make sense w/ a teacher that makes her bones by going after one other teacher! Makes no sense to me w/ a 1000 competitions around, but Cathy has to stalk Abby! I know it's a TV show, but it's still senseless to act like that; even for money!

    ***I know this sounds awful, but in the entire show I have not disliked a child until Lucas. I watched "Dance Moms: Miami" too, and he was a bit overrated in that, but talented enough. In 'DM' though I don't see good dancing by him! All he ever does is extensions and it got old a long time ago! Not to mention that he was mean to a fellow team mate. The nail in the coffin for me was his featured part in the 'Chandelier' dance. It was just bad choreography, but the fact that he can't turn like the other kids just goes to show you that he shouldn't be on the team!***

    ...and he has no reach or extension; barely picking up the girl in the video! It was a weak performance all around! In the Miami show, in the back up profile, it showed him lifting little weights! After all these years, he's no stronger than that period obviously! lol!

    ***Jo Anne, mother of Gavin and McKenzie, did say that in 1 of their group dances, Lucas tried to lift up McKenzie, but he couldn't do it. He was not strong enough. So, he called McKenzie fat about 10 X's making her cry. So, it seems Lucas is not very strong.***

  153. The preview shows Bridgette being nice to Abby! I think she's ready to bolt like Gino's dad a couple years ago! The Morales kids are getting all the praise and plum assignments and she's not about to let that happen for too long! Bridgette's accustomed to Lucas being the star and the stress is beginning to show!

    ***That explains why Bridgette and Lucas were kicked out of Candy Apples even though they claim they quit and why Lucas is missing from group pics w/ the kids. Once Jo Anne confronted her for that bullying video of McKenzie, Bridgette felt exposed. So, she ran away to Abby before Jo Anne would "beat her up" and before Gavin and McKenzie would work together to "beat up" Lucas. - Well he won't be the star at Abby's! I hope Abby doesn't let him be a guest on the team!***

    I thought Abby looked great and things are back on an even keel! If Holly wants to alienate her and get kicked to the curb, she's doing a good job! I have no sympathy for her or Nia! They knew what's what before they signed that last contract, so who ya gonna blame for mistreatment? This is nothing new! I think Abby and the show has been doing them a favor since I've never been impressed by either! Nia's shortcomings in dance is obvious, but Holly's supposed to be so smart, classy, and reserved! She's acting more and more belligerent like the old DM's, Christi and Kelly! Again, cry me a river!

    ***The producers and Abby need to watch out how much they push the "Maddie is unbeatable/irreplaceable" schtick. The tide will turn against her and it won't even be the poor girls fault.***

    Well that's hilarious since you can't even avoid seeing Maddie everywhere; SNL, Grammys, magazines, TV interviews, and all over the web because of the video and the phenomenon of "Chandelier!" You're whistling by a graveyard sweetheart! Maddie has succeeded even w/ her limited repertoire of dance steps, bad feet, bent legs, falling out of spins, and frenetic choreography! She's been amazing and is quite level-headed and mature for her age! That's all ABBY!

    ***The CADC should have won. They showed more creativity. IDK how Abby gets away w/ doing the same choreography over and over. There is nothing special about it.***

    You can heap as much praise as you like on CADC, but there was little dancing and more of an artist performance w/ them! It was nice, but the synchronicity of Abby's girls is what won it! I had no doubt who did better this day! Brynn was robbed maybe, but not the lowly CADC group! After that bullhorn embarrassment w/ Cathy, nothing better could have happened; except maybe Abby telling Bridgette to "come on over w/ your brat! Glad to have you!" That won't happen due to poor Lucas actually regressing under Cathy's tutelage! He seemed a lot better when still working w/ the guys in Miami!

    ***That dance, as cool as it looked, belonged in a Cirque du Soleil show, not a dance competition. The girl pretty much just stood there until the last min. of the routine, and the guys were too busy fussing w/ the excess material to really showcase any dance technique. Abby's routines always show technique, musicality and beauty.

    It would have been pretty tough to judge the CADC routine based on technique b/c 1/2 the time, you couldn't see anything. I think they got 2nd place just based on the overall performance and the gimmicky-ness of it. Cathy is an embarrassment to the dance industry. That megaphone was beyond childish, and it was funny how "juvenile" she thought it was when Jill and Melissa grabbed it and gave her a taste of her own bitter medicine.

    A gorgeous dance - I think it's sensational: ***

  154. I was infuriated by the bullhorn act! She would have gotten it "schmooshed" into her face if she had gotten too close to me! The arrest would have been worth it! Cathy just infuriates me; even if it's an act!

    ***I wondered if Cathy had been approached by the producers and the bullhorn was their idea. Then I remembered when Cathy brought Sia wigs and passed them out to audience members. They never showed that in that episode. You could find it online from someone who was at that competition. I had heard about it ahead of time and when the episode aired I only saw a glimpse of a bystander wearing one. ...If it was producers idea, one would think it would've been aired. Even if producers had the idea of the bullhorn she didn't have to say yes. Cathy bothers me the most. She's the one who is the biggest hypocrite. Also can't stand the way she makes fun of people for how much money they spend on material objects, their physical appearance, i.e. how much they weigh, the shape of their nose, if they have wrinkles.

    Taking Chloe's music and having another student dance to it was another low-class move that was approved by a parent. I can't stand to see her anymore; unless she gets beat. I want the ALDC girls to win. She has nothing to do w/ what we see on stage. She didn't teach them to dance, didn't choreograph the routines, didn't design the costumes; she has nothing to do w/ the talent on the stage. We've all seen her students; Vivi is a prime example. But like you said, I guess it's for comic relief. I know we see her 2 more times before the season break. I know the outcome, but won't spoil it for anyone. She's going to enter more than just a group. There are solos and duets.***

    I read the spoiler a while back, but put it out of my mind! No biggie; I can wait for the telecast to find out! I was concerned about Maddie losing b/c Brynn was brilliant and I can see what Abby sees in her! I hope she gets back soon!

    ***I've been trying to pinpoint why I simply can't stand Holly as the new angry mom. Yes, I got sick of Kelly and Christi, bitching but I didn't look at the screen and despise them the way I have learned to despise Holly. It's been bugging me for weeks - why does Holly annoy me so much more? I figured it out. She has NO sense of humor. At all.

    Kelly and Christi would open their mouths and start in on how victimized they were when sometimes we could see they weren't (and sometimes we could see they were). It was annoying 80% of the time, but the thing they had going for them is they were a little more witty and not brooding ALL THE FREAKING TIME.

    Christi esp. was at least funny and entertaining in her confessionals. Holly just comes off like a snot who puts herself above all of the other moms. She's not above using her former title and credentials (throwing her brain around) to make others feel smaller. Yeah, I get it she's playing a role, but she's still Holly and that snotty, holier than thou attitude is really there along w/ the total lack of personality.***

    Brilliant assessment! Insightful to the people in complete denial! Thanks! I always laughed at rants of Christi and Kelly even though I thought they were idiots to behave so poorly in front of their own kids! They were so out of control from the 1st season! That's why I had no sympathy for either and their kids; could have left, but didn't when they had the chance!

  155. ***I don't think lucas is popular at all. And Bridgette wasn't liked on "DMM" either.***

    Both were petulant acting children; esp. Bridgette! She was a bully and was only "checked" in the end by someone even worse; LEO! That end of "DM: Miami" was so abrupt after just 8 eps! I never cared for Bridgette or Lucas thinking they were so special! His entertainment value was precipitously lower than Maddie's, but that was their attitude; like everybody owed them something!

    ***Nia's problem - If I had to be there I wouldn't smile either. But again Nia is a teen now and no longer putting up w/ the BS. Just like Brooke; she's checked out b/c what's the point?***

    Agreed! Brooke shb kicked to the curb a lot sooner! It was infuriating to see someone of her age and maturity sitting there like a lump, saying nothing, and allowing her crazy mother to attack her teacher! WTF was Paige crying about anyway? I have this clip of the fight w/ a repeat in slow motion showing everyone's reaction to that fracas last season:

    - - The fight in slo-mo

    ***Question about New Orleans Nat'ls - So why did Abby only send Leslie and Christy home, but not Melissa who showed her boobs to get some beads? Personally I think she did it so she could take Chloe out of the competition so Maddie would have a sure win. Melissa flashed her boobs and nothing happened and she's representing the ALDC and fighting is unacceptable, but public nudity is hypocritical.***

    Not that it matters b/c people are going to make up their own minds, but in the reunion after the season, Abby said she did not see the tape w/ Melissa exposing herself! You can say it's just an excuse, but Christi did assault Leslie and should have been arrested IMO! She did nothing to that woman! Christi was just drunk as usual and had no self control! I wish she had tried that w/ Kristy; would have kicked her butt all the way back to Pittsburgh!

    ***Kristy was the 1 that went and told on them. IDK if it was on purpose, but she did, yet she Left out the flashing the boobs. Abby said on multiple occasions she really holds the Zieglers to a higher level than everybody else so I don't think flashing your boobs is a higher level than everybody else. It really bothers me b/c she could have just left the girls and kicked the moms out, but instead she sent them all home. ...I think she wanted to get Chloe out of the way so Maddie had a for sure thing and where was Chloe's cake when she won Nat'ls.***

    Chloe had already started falling off! Maddie was in no danger of losing to her or anyone else for that matter! Everyone has to be delusional to think any differently! That was a canard foistured on all of us about leaving the kids and sending the moms home by Kelly! She has a lot of nerve; esp. w/ how many times she's stormed out, taking her kids w/ her! That's a freakin' joke!

    ***I think CADC has great individual dancers, but they keep bringing in industry big name choreographers who's livelihood are based on being showy, flashy, and avant-garde; not trying to win a kid's competition for a shiny trophy. The ALDC's dance was pretty and synchronized. It wasn't edgy, interesting, or creative, but it was dancing and that's what the judges are going to want to see.***

    I keep hearing the same thing from Cathy and her minions; "it's the same 6 steps every competition!" What does that say about them since Abby wins 9 out of 10 X's with her girls? Idiots; esp. that broad from MDP! You can't expect "rocket science" from that piece of garbage from Canton! I wish I could find out how she felt when Abby invaded Cathy's territory and smacked her w/ a group performance called "The Witches Of East Canton!"

  156. ***I want to love Jill. Watching from the beginning, it's so obvious she's living through Kendall and I kind of feel like she's forcing her to dance. Jill always says "I need Kendall to win, I need Kindle to get this solo, I need Kendall to get the special part in the group dance, and I need Kendall to be at the top of that pyramid." When Kendall gets to the top of the pyramid she says "we worked so hard to get to the top of the pyramid" or how she tries to argue where Kendall is on the pyramid. It also drives me freaking crazy how she always says "Kendall deserves a solo or special part" or how "she is better than other dancers." I love Kendall, but she's not as good as other dancers. She doesn't deserve a solo or special part j/b she's pretty or cute. She has tech. flaws in her dancing she needs to work through.***

    Jill's the worst due to her sense of entitlement saying Kendall deserves this and that; total BS! Kendall deserves nothing due to her mother's actions as well as the fact her technique comes and goes! IDK what she's doing in her off time, b/c she's advanced about as much as NIA; which isn't much! At least Jill never said that crap about being "set up to fail" like Christi, Kelly, and Holly! It's obvious Abby wants them all to win! How many X's have the moms bitch about how horrible a group # is choreographed only to have it win the WHOLE thing?

    ***The worst X was when they focused on Candy Apples for multiple eps in a row.***

    That was a horrible period while Abby was away in Cal. and all we had to see and hear was CADC and Cathy for several eps! Lucky I started watching afterwards or I might have been run off! Regardless if it's an act or not, that wretched woman is not entertaining in the least! Give me Abby and her girls anytime over those losers at CADC!

    ***Yeah, I've been watching since the series premiered and that was definitely the lowest point of 'DM's.' = What's a moment on "DM" that really got you upset?***

    As I've said before, they're paid very well to take that abuse! If you believe what's going on is all real, I supposed I might be upset too, but I've seen the girls interviewed outside of the show, and they're quite gabby and happy; including Abby! Unfortunately for most of you, I just laugh; esp. when Abby appears abusive! It's b/c these people have signed up; they know what's going to happen, but they keep coming back! That's on the moms as far as I'm concerned! Abby calls out the girls and the moms for a reason; even that time calling Chloe a sneak! Christi took her to the movies after or instead of going to her doctor's appt and both were being called out on it b/c of their hypocrisy concerning Maddie!

    I think people s/b more offended and upset w/ the moms who are so profane in front of their kids! I keep hearing all the b!tchin' about Abby, but not 1 person points out Kelly, Christi, and Jill being totally obscene saying words I didn't even think of, much less use; esp. by my parents in front of me! Kelly actually said something about shoving Brooke's crown up Abby's arse w/ them standing right there! When Christi stood at the desk and just said fuck about 8 X's, Abby went off on the girls in class! Christi would have to be a blithering idiot or drunk to think she would get away w/ that! It was hilarious to me; "Chloe, has nothing to do w/ you! You are a wonderful little girl and everyone likes you! ...Listen up, I don't come in your house and scream at you and your parents like that! You made a choice to come here! Nobody's going to talk to me that way; NO ONE! The next person that parent says the F word is out!"

  157. Obvious Thoughts of "DM's:"

    Melissa - The premiere stage mom who does exactly what she s/b doing; encouraging her girls, letting the teacher teach, and not worrying or interfering in the other moms' business!

    Kelly - Gone, but not forgotten; never happy or satisfied w/ what she got for her girls in dance! She was more concerned w/ doing other things outside of dance so much that her kids suffered in technique! Kelly didn't care for training from Abby, but complained bitterly about her not having time for kids when she hired outside choreographers to get the job done! Just 1 miserable drunken woman!

    Christi - Also gone, but trying to forget! This woman was just 1 bitter piece of work! Unless Chloe was getting all the solos, duets, and trios, she couldn't be satisfied! She coined the term, "set up to fail" so she could never be satisfied either! She also couldn't mind her own business, making it her job to weed out the moms, making decisions that should not have been hers! She was just a "mean girl" and bully!

    Holly - A big disappointment in a woman who had it all and turned into the rest of the jackals, constantly complaining and asking for X and opportunities not earned by her Nia! She went from a quiet, reserved person to sniping at the teacher like she knew better than the real pro! She also thought Nia was better than she really was!

    Jill - Lives entirely too vicariously through her kids; esp. Kendall! It's all about her really! Someone else made mention of "we deserve..." or "we won!" She's also the most delusional, thinking Kendall was better than she truly was in technique and desire!

    ***I pretty much agree w/ you.

    Kelly & Christi were definitely "mean girls." Even though I didn't like them, I sort of enjoyed them in the 1st season. Then they just became ridiculous and constantly looking for trouble. I don't miss them at all now.

    Jill can be annoying and somewhat delusional when it comes to Kendall, but I'll admit that she has made some improvement and Jill can at least be levelheaded (at X's), when she wants.

    Melissa is a passive-aggressive and I'm not a fan of that behavior. I give her kudos for not rocking the boat w/ Abby or the other moms. The only X's Melissa has lost it is when she's directly attacked by others. All in all, I've found her to be the least offensive of the moms.

    Holly has gone from a woman w/ apparent class and dignity to a harping, screaming, nasty hypocrite who treats everyone condescendingly. Can't stand her anymore.***

    The harpies attacked Melissa for sending Maddie to Cal. for "ALUDC" when they made a pack not to! Later we find out Jill would have done the same thing if allowed to perform and not just show up! Christi attacked her at Kelly's house! I think these 2 women are just plain bent and see nothing wrong w/ their bullying! Why can't they worry about their own lives and kids? They are truly pathetic human beings and I can't stand them; then or now!

    ***Is Not Winning Always the Dancer's Fault? - I would say yes, it could also be b/c of the choreography. Abby would never admit that, but look at Nia's 1st LaQuifa dance.***

    That w/b the case if the girls didn't make a mistake; but that isn't it! Abby's choreography is rather simple; all the more reason other girls besides Maddie s/b "perfect!" I've seen where Abby didn't blame the child; more on the judging or the other studio is just better! Most of the time when they fail, not even place, it's b/c of errors from Nia, Kendall, and Chloe back then! Brooke & Paige just missed too much practice so of course Abby's not going to be concerned about them! If 1 of them falls out of a spin, bobbles something else quite obviously, and actually forgets the choreography, that's not on Abby; sorry!

  158. ***B/c Chloe and Christi fulfilled their contract terms, they were allowed to leave. Chloe didn't sign w/ the studio after her title year and S4 was the last year (bringing it to 6 seasons of the show). Once she finished, she was allowed to leave; which btw this weekend was Chloes 1st competing w/ Studio 19 ironically. Kelly lost her cool w/ Abby (both are at fault), but the fight could be seen as a breach of contract. She's also suing so that leaves the 3 of them in limbo.***

    At least this proves how F.O.S. Kelly is to this day! She's been whining about getting away since s1, but kept coming back! They give her an out and it looks like she's still looking to come back! The money is just a pretext IMO! She probably misses the exposure j/b she couldn't control her own anger at how things were going! If she persists, she'll end up getting more in trouble b/c of her alcoholism! I believe both Kelly and Christi drank so much, that that may have been part of the reason for how obnoxious, rude, and profane they've been since the beginning of the show in 2011!

    ***Don't understand why Abby has a viewing room if she knows how the moms are. Why have a place to encourage it? Why let them sit up there to bitch and argue? It's loitering anyway and distracting.***

    Honey, that's the premise of the show; "Dance Moms!" DUH! W/o them we would only hear Abby ranting at the kids, trying to be heard over the music! The entertainment comes from the whacked out moms thinking they know better and trying to protect their kids from the evil monster they perceive Abby to be! I've seen them outside of the show and IMO, all of it is BS! The girls and Abby seem to have a very nice rapport! They were all smiles and seemed to be having a great time shooting down all the perceived drama on "After Buzz!" Even Jojo was bouncing around and felt at home w/ all of them!

    ***Jill just wants the best for Kendall. Sure, you can say that being on this team and in this environment isn't the best for any child, but despite that, Jill is doing everything she can to help Kendall. I'm a fan of Jill.***

    Yeah, but I wish that's as far as it went! Unfortunately Jill is 1 of those people who can't be just concerned about Kendall and herself! I find it so rude when she gets into other people's business, actually asking what Abby said to someone else! Who the HELL does she think she is? Lucky I wasn't there, I would have told her to mind her own Fk'n business! Kelly and Christi were the exact same way! So many X's they were enraged w/ something that had nothing to do w/ them like Abby having Kalani and Maddie do that duet before the blowup that cost Brooke and Paige their spot on the team! They didn't want to be there anymore anyway! You ask them the simplest question and they act like 2 yo's unable to speak! I thought Brooke could have stopped that "free for all" by just opening her mouth and saying she wanted to dance! She was catatonic! It was their crazy mother who flipped out attacking Abby; what were they crying about? They should already know their mom is a drunken psycho! I'm so glad they're gone; running out on the team was so overdone again and again!

    ***Is Holly just getting the bad edits this season, or did she just get the good ones in past seasons?***

    A combo IMO! She was more reserved overall, but she lost it enough early on! In comparison to the "mean girls," she was a saint! She has lost her composure of late more b/c she's getting frustrated that Nia isn't getting anywhere! W/o Jill losing it, she looks more extreme and out of control! The other moms have learned their lessonz and keep their mouths shut!

  159. ***When Nia politely, assertively, and professionally asked Abby to leave out all the issues btw her and her mom out of the dance room, I was so proud of her.***

    I don't understand why Abby should sacrifice a win to accommodate Nia! If she doesn't place, that's on her! No matter how well she dances, she doesn't place! That's not on Abby! And it isn't like she hasn't gotten any attention! Simple corrections aren't taken to heart by this child; "straighten your legs and point your feet!" How many X's does Abby say that and it's like screaming at a wall! I don't blame Abby in the least if she decides to cut those opportunities! Kendall has the same problem at X's, but every once in a while she can surprise us; NOT NIA! That's the nature of the business! Results tops desire and Nia just hasn't done it for the ALDC! In the groups she's still often a beat behind and looking at other dancers for her place! MacKenzie's passed right by her and I'm terribly impressed by her!

    ***I never said she should sacrifice a win! That isn't what my post was about!! I don't think there's anything wrong w/ not giving Nia solos for not placing. Though it's obvious Abby gave her horrible choreography in last week's solo on purpose. I mean it was a joke... even her costume! She was obviously punishing her over Holly. That is abusive. But aside from that, Nia doesn't place most of the time. I agree it's a dance competition and there's nothing wrong w/ giving other girls' solos who place. Nia isn't the most graceful dancer on the team. She'd probably excel more in another style of dance or private lessons.

    Maddie is incredibly talented as a dancer and actress. McKenzie is an extremely talented dancer as well and they both have a face for tv and great stage presence. They're both hard workers and I think they can both go far. But Abby calling the shots this way, will just drag them down. ...Maddie's performance was incredible in the Sia videos; her performances always are. But when you start making it all about Maddie when it was another person's vision and another person's amazing piece of art being expressed, people will get tired of it quick. And no artist will want to work w/ someone who's mom and "manager" gives the credit to the person who was lucky enough to be hired! Abby is really showing her weaknesses and her diva self-entitlement crap is really getting old. I agree McKenzie is not a pop star. She is adorable and a talented little girl, but come on... You are so right about exposure and experience being the important thing. Her being in that video would have been an amazing opportunity on quite a few levels. Abby destroyed that as well as Melissa and there may be some permanent damage already to their names.

    I think Holly was always like that, it's just that Christy and Kelly were louder and took the focus off of her. I think that Christy and Kelly also helped take the focus off of Abby's nastiness and now that they're both gone, she is exposed for being an obnoxious, egotistic idiot and child abuser.

    I think it's more that w/ Christy and Kelly gone the producers approached Holly about stepping up to be Abby's foil. Jill is ill suited to that role and Melissa has no reason to be Abby's antagonist which leaves Holly to carry the load. ...Abby may or may not be a nasty, obnoxious, ugly person IRL; none of us really know. But the version you are seeing isn't real. Nobody is getting abused on this show.***

    TY! Always nice to have rational people posting!

  160. ***Maddie hasn't grown. None of them really have. She rides Maddie's fame and Abby for her own fame. Sad what people will do for TV.***

    I don't see it that way. Melissa made no bones about getting her kids to be stars, but she's nowhere near as bad as some stage moms. Abby's doing more of what you're saying than her mother, but she does support a dream that Maddie seems to have embraced. I've never felt the kids were being pushed as much as they wanted to excel. In past seasons we saw diverging ambitions w/ Kelly and Christi wanting the fame, but unwilling to push their kids to work harder in their craft. Then you have the delusional moms like Holly and Jill who think their kids are better than they are.

    ***I'm not sick of Maddie; just sick of the way Abby and Melissa acts like the sun rises and sets on her.***

    If you really look and think about it, most of the moms are like that; even the moms of outside studios like CA. I can still remember how Bridget acted on "DM: Miami" and w/ Cathy at Candy Apples. Her son could do "no wrong." We've seen Kira ready to "throw down" over Kalani and her dancing. How delusional has Jill been thinking Kendall's the best dancer since Anna Pavlova. Even Holly's had her moments just not seeing reality when it came to Nia dancing. I could go on.

    ***...I started freaking out b/c MacKenzie beat Maddie; jr and overalls! That is amazing! I can't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces.***

    Did they say all this when Kenz beat Chloe 2 yrs ago? Did Christi freak out? I think that little girl has overcome so much to become so talented. The Maddie comparisons had to be trying.

    ***Honestly the Chloe-Kenz-Maddie showdown...Chloe should have won hands down. But no one freaked out. I'll be surprised if there isn't a meltdown. MacKenzie still does routines meant for 8 yo's when she's in jr.

    No one freaked out cause Chloe was in the teen div. which is much more harshly judged. ...Maddie had something of a winning streak and then she goes down to MacKenzie and then Ava in the final.

    I hate Abby's BS about JOJO not being able to do lyrical and the way Abby STILL tries to bully her. And I love that she's not terrified of Abby. Yet. I would hope that Nia and JoJo actually are friendly b/c Nia isn't afraid of Abby either now.***

    Who said Abby wanted ANYONE to be afraid of her? I think she just wants her students to remember simple corrections that are given again and again. ...No need to be afraid. Some should still be afraid of Abby coming after them for the exact same comments about their legs and feet. The routines are pretty close so there's no excuse!

  161. ***In what way did Christi bully Abby?***

    Christi bullied everyone; at X's seeming as if only to be funny. She was always against any new mom and kid joining. Obviously she has no faith in Chloe or it wouldn't have mattered. I could never understand her objection to Maddie dancing the same category or age group as Chloe; not being there didn't guarantee a win for her. Back to the bullying; how many X's did the ladies get together at Kelly's place before Christi "ran someone off" like Melissa, Jill, and Leslie? Why Kelly allowed this only proved "she was just as bad" and supported it. I wish someone would say "shoo" to a guest in my house. They would be leaving in the next 2 min. after I gave them a lecture about decorum in another person's home. As for Abby, you better believe Christi bullied her; joining w/ Kelly speaking disparagingly about her to her face and behind her back being alone and fat. That's a bully; a lot of it happening for no good reason. It wasn't nec. in defense of their kids. I think alcohol has a lot to do w/ it & I'll leave it at that.

    ***lol - All of Christi's fans take this show way too seriously. They're esp. foaming at the mouth b/c they and Christi all claimed that Abby/Maddie/Melissa were holding her child back, but Chloe hasn't really done anything since leaving the show, while Maddie's career is still on the up and up. I agree about the mom's desire. I feel bad for none of these women. When Chloe was in the spotlight or getting opportunities, others weren't and she never complained. I liked Chloe enough, but I'm soooooo glad she's gone and took her mom w/ her.***

    Haven't seen a thing w/o someone pointing it out. As usual, the only reason we know is b/c poor Christi is still out there promoting Chloe like she was still on "DM." She can't admit she made a mistake and wishes they were still affiliated w/ the show in some way beside the reruns. Too bad Chloe has to pay for her own moms lack of self-control. Watching old eps playing after "new runs," you see from the very beginning the outright hatred going on back and forth. I heard she could have left early on w/ Chloe, but didn't. Who's fault is that?

    ***Why is 2nd place so bad?***

    Settling for 2nd doesn't make you a winner or encourage more work. That's why dancers like Kendall and Nia struggled; not enough heart and didn't care as much. You see Maddie and Kalani always working out, stretching, etc; which is why they're a cut above the rest. Even MacKenzie's shown improvement over the older girls and finally beat Maddie 2 wks ago.

    ***I agree. I mean honestly, in the real world, nobody really cares about 2nd place. You were good, but not good enough. First means perfect I guess and Abby is seeking perfection. I was a competitive figure skater and in our world this example played out w/ Michelle Kwan and Sasha Cohen. Cohen always placed 2nd to Kwan and wasn't a star on the world stage until Kwan retired. And I agree about Maddie and Kalani always putting in extra work, which is why I personally tend to favor them. If you're the worst dancer in the room I don't care, as long as you're ready to work, trying your best, and improving every day. Maddie is always ready; she's always "on". I think last season this very sentiment I'm talking about clicked w/ Nia. If they were my kids and I had to uproot my life across the country for their dance careers, I'd demand they come in 1st as well. I mean what the heck are we here for if you aren't gonna be the best?***

    Oh I agree Nia has definitely improved; esp. in the groups where she isn't seen a full beat behind! She still needs to work on her legs and feet, but I see she's a lot better than 2 years ago! They all still need more technical training!

  162. ***Abby Lee Miller settles lawsuit w/ former "DM's" star Kelly Hyland - Nothing surprising about this except all Kelly gets is $17,500 to replace her wood floors she claims were damaged during filming and they have to pay to continue to use the family's likenesses in the show, credits and reruns.***

    Applause; applause! Kelly got only what she was entitled to; any pain and suffering is totally "on her!" Bravo! She brought her brats to Abby, kept resigning and making them obligated to Abby so she shouldn't be looking for anything more! Great! I'm no fan of child abuse, but you can't kvetch about it when you keep coming back for more!

    ***I'm tickled pink that she didn't get any money for pain and suffering. She was a part of everything. It wasn't like she never said or did anything herself that wasn't harmful to others. The reason her daughter broke her foot was b/c she let her do a standing back tuck. Abby told her she couldn't b/c there was cement under the carpet. Kelly was so hell-bent on defying Abby at every turn that she told her daughter to hurry up and do it already b/c she was hungry and wanted to eat lunch. Then she ended up w/ a broken foot. The ironic thing about this was at the X Christi defended Kelly, then months later she yelled at Abby that it was all her fault that Paige broke her foot. She said that Abby let her do a standing back tuck. No, Abby emphatically told her NO, it was Kelly's fault 100% that Paige broke her foot. And not only did Kelly keep bringing her daughters back, but she also added fuel to the fire whenever or wherever she could.

    She kept coming back week after week and had no problems when Brooke was the favorite. Why did she ever bring her girls there in the 1st place? Why did she keep coming back? For fame and fortune. She outweighed the good to the bad. Then when it wasn't going how she wanted it to go, did she immediately pull her kids out or did she keep going back for more? If child abuse is going on, NO contract can hold you to it's terms. The judge even said that. The judge also said that Kelly herself was a contributing factor to any anxiety that Paige may have suffered from. Kelly also was suing for Abby calling her an alcoholic to which the judge said in her eyes you may very well be one. After viewing many hours of footage from the show the judge concluded that in no way was Abby acting alone. Kelly continued to take her daughters to ALDC and if she truly thought her daughters were in danger then she should've stopped taking her girls there for lessons. In no way did she have clean hands herself.

    In no way do I condone child abuse and I don't think there's anyone that does. If I thought my girls were being emotionally or physically abused by anyone I would move hell and high water to make sure that person had no contact w/ them in any way, shape or form. Even if that meant they would no longer be on a tv show. If there had been 1 incident and Kelly immediately pulled her girls out of ALDC, never to return again, it might be a different story. If Kelly had only acted properly herself, never saying anything rude, I would want her to take Abby to the cleaners. When you not only continue to take your kids, but engage in verbal diarrhea yourself as well, then I don't feel sorry for you. She has said vicious things about Abby. You can't act as poorly as the person you're complaining about. Does she really want her girls to grow up to speak the same way she does when they run across someone they disagree w/? I would be humiliated if my kids grew up to speak like Kelly. I w/b disappointed if they handled the situation the same way Kelly did. Kelly should have pulled her kids and enrolled in a different dance school. If they went on to have successful careers, that whb the best (and classiest) revenge.***

    I couldn't agree more! Well worth saving! Thanks!

  163. ***Will Abby spontaneously combust on Maddies 13th bday? It's like less than a week away. Is this Abby's worst nightmare?***

    Isn't MacKenzie Abby's "dancer-in-waiting?" I was quite impressed w/ her this season; front and center at X's w/ no hesitations. She's no legacy and really getting the job done for Abby. She killed it working 2 duets and 2 group X's in a comp. once; didn't miss a beat.

    ***Yes she did...but sadly she got almost no credit from either Abby or her mother. She deserves better than abuse and forever being in her sister's shadow.

    Dancing professionally doesn't require technique - the music videos she's doing right now is an angle of dancing professionally and perfect technique isn't needed.***

    I would think if Maddie got a PRIVATE w/ another teacher later, the corrections shouldn't be that difficult to achieve. Why aren't people giving this child credit for standing up to all this pressure? She has Abby, her mother, the other hateful moms, and what she mentioned which made sense; the cameras right in her face. She was 8 for heaven-sake. Even though she's not my fave, she's the most accomplished and withstood a lot of scrutiny from them, us, and the social media. How evil was it for Cathy to so openly criticize that video w/ Shia? Even for pay, how do you allow yourself to look so vindictive and mean on Nat'l TV? Jill didn't help by giving credit to the critique making it seem valid. It wasn't as far as I was concerned. Like they say, "no press is bad press." MOST people will never come close to these few project that have made Maddie internationally famous. She's "the little girl in the SIA video."

    ***Honestly would she even have to leave Abby? Once the show (probably this season) ends its reasonable to think that Abby will go back to the girls being in classes instead of focusing on winning at competition every week.***

    I just saw the moms getting upset that Maddie got the "Drop Dead Diva" job. Why? There were conspiracies about Maddie having it in the bag before even auditioning. Hard to believe these moms keep pulling this stuff right in view of their kids. Weird. They keep talking about Abby abusing their kids; what about what they do to each other? All of them have contributed to some very bad actions going on; a lot to be re-lived in syndication for years to come. How embarrassing for the kids.

    ***Maddie basically admitted that Abby helped her get her role on "DDD." - They wanted Abby for that ep. Abby said that if they wanted her, they had to take Maddie for that part...guess what they did to keep Abby? The other girls (who fit the look of "Deb" on the show much better) never had a chance.***

    Never saw it. I thought Deb was a brunette from ads I saw of the show. I had no idea they were looking for a blond and took Maddie over objections to save appearance of Abby. I mentioned Abby was the star the other day and people thought that was a real joke, ....blah, blah, blah. Now you're telling me she had all this power. - Now I remember Deb was supposed to be some gorgeous, egomaniacal blond, was killed, then reincarnated as a younger version of Abby.

    ***Abby isn't the "star" of DM's and most certainly wasn't anywhere close to the star of "DDD." "DM's" was at the height of it's popularity at that X, so they wrote her into the script for 1 ep. She played herself and it revolved around her being a witness about teaching methods of dance studio owners. One scene was a young Deb performing for her mother's studio...that was the part Maddie got. They wrote the ep. w/ Abby in mind, so instead of tanking the entire ep., they took Maddie as it really wasn't that important and w/b worse have to rewrite or recast it.***

  164. ***S6 ep. 1 spoiler:

    Event Attended
    * Sheer Talent SE Comp. in LA, CA on Sat., Oct. 10th.

    Weekly Dances
    * -ALDC-
    * Group dance: "The Girl In The Plastic Bubble" (Specialty) - 1st in Teen Div.
    * Brynn solo: "The Coronation" (Lyrical) - 1st in Pre-Teen Div., 1st Overall
    * JoJo solo: "Own It" (Jazz) - Pre-Teen Div., Platinum, DNP

    * -BDA-
    * Group dance: "The Waiting Room" (Contemporary) - 2nd in Teen Div.
    * Gavin solo: "The Come Back" (Contemporary) - 2nd in Pre-Teen Div.

    S6 ep. 2:

    Event Attended
    * NY Dance Experience in Calabasas, CA on Oct. 17th.

    Weekly Dances
    * Group dance: "Hungry Like the Wolves" (Contemporary) - 1st in Senior Div., 2nd Overall
    * Kendall solo: "In the Mirror" (Contemporary Lyrical) - 3rd in Jr Div.
    * Mackenzie solo: "I Just Want to Stay Home & Eat Chips" (Acrobatic Jazz) - 4th in Jr Div.

    S6 ep. 3:

    Event Attended
    * Devotion 2 Dance (Sheer Talent) in Santa Ana, CA on Oct. 24th.

    Weekly Dances
    * Group dance: "Straight Outta Pittsburgh" (Hip Hop) - 1st Place in Teen Div.
    * Kendall solo: "All Eyes On Me" (Jazz) - 1st Place in Teen Div.
    * JoJo solo: "I'll Show You the Dark Side" (Specialty) - 2nd Place in Pre-Teen Div.

    S6 ep. 4:

    Event Attended
    * Dream Nat'l Dance Comp. in Santa Monica, CA on Oct. 31st

    Weekly Dances
    * Group dance: "The Elites" - 1st in Teen Div., 1st Overall
    * Mini Group dance: "The Spotlight" - 2nd in Mini Div., DNP Overall
    * Brynn solo: "She's Magic" - 1st in Junior Div., 4th Overall
    * Maddie solo: "Bond Girl" - 2nd in Teen Div., 2nd Overall

    S6 ep. 5:

    Event Attended
    * Fierce Dance Competition in Lawndale, CA on Nov. 7th.

    Weekly Dances
    * Group dance: "Bollywood Dreams" (Open) - 1st in Jr Div., 1st Overall
    * Duet: Kalani and Nia "Isolations" (Open) - 1st in Teen Div., 4th Overall
    * Duet: Brynn and Kendall "The Odd Couple" (Jazz) - 3rd in Jr Div., 3rd Overall
    * Mini Duet: Alexus and Peyton "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (Open) - 1st in Mini Div., 5th (tied) or DNP Overall
    * Jenna Valenzuela (Club Dance): "Dying Rose" - 1st Place

    S6 ep. 6:

    Event Attended
    * Devotion 2 Dance (Sheer Talent) in Augora Hills, CA on Nov. 14th.

    Weekly Dances
    * Group dance: "Better Off Now" (Lyrical) - 1st in Teen Div., 1st Overall
    * Group dance: "Cavemen Undercover" (Jazz) - 1st Small Wonders Div., 2nd Overall
    * Alysa Owen solo: "Fever Rising" (Jazz) - 2nd in Jr Div.
    * Areana Lopez solo: "Dance" (Contemporary) - 1st in Jr Div.

    S6 ep. 7:

    Event Attended
    * Sheer Talent in Phoenix, AZ on Nov. 21st

    Weekly Dances
    * Group dance: "Well Oiled Machine" (Contemporary)- 1st in Div.
    * Brynn solo: "Mystic Beauty" (Lyrical) - 1st in Pre-Teen Div.
    * Kalani solo: "Wild Thing/Wild One" (Contemporary) - 1st in Teen Div.
    * Kendall solo: "Curiosity" (Jazz) - 2nd in Pre-Teen Div.***

  165. ***Who is holding MacKenzie Back? - ...Abby can't see past Maddie to any of the other girls. That and she handicaps Kenzie (like she does with all the girls) w/ a routine that's not fit for her age. Kenzie's solos are so juvenile at this point. Kenzie probably doesn't try as hard as she might if the adults wouldn't hold her down.***

    Kenzie still has her moments of maturity and success! I mentioned her doing 2 duets & 2 group dances since Maddie was busy last season and she "killed it;" even when music went out during duet w/ Jo Jo!

    ***A lot of her backsliding seems to have came post Jojo. She really seems to dislike her.***

    What's there to like? Jo Jo's loud and obnoxious as Abby has pointed out; mother encourages it! The ?? was asked; "how will that play when she gets older?" You can say she'll grow out of it; but IMO something like that lingers and can be a detriment to success as an adult! She isn't "well read" and has a pronounced speech impediment due to her mother ignoring it! You have to catch a lot of that early on!

    ***...I also wish Maddie wasn't doing the show. She doesn't need it and it's probably more of a hassle on her schedule to travel to these comps. I wish she w/b like Chloe and not compete anymore.

    ...And I also got tired of the treatment that Abby kept showing Maddie versus the other girls. I like the show, but it was really getting on my last nerves.***

    It had to happen sooner or later; she's no longer a jr dancer! The show moved along just as well w/ substitute dancers back in S3! I loved Sophia, Ally, Asia & the rest when the moms went on strike for more money! The same dynamics took place w/ back-biting stage moms; Christi and Kelly not needed for that part of the storyline!

    It probably wasn't fair how Abby treated Chloe, but her own mother exacerbated situations speaking so disrespectfully to her teacher, disparaging her reputation and acumen! I wouldn't or couldn't be nice either; call me "small!" I didn't blame Abby in the least; they could have left ages ago! Who was Christi or Kelly to ??'ing Abby the way they did and accuse her of setting up their children concerning talent scouts, judges, & casting directors? One moment they say "she's passed it," then the next they give her Nat'l influence wielding all kinds of power! It made no sense!

    ***...what you're saying makes a whole lot of sense.***

    Sorry to disappoint the people who think Abby's "The Devil" incarnate when the girls often talk about the good X's they have with her! If it were as bad as they like to telecast, it would truly be abuse; but it isn't! It's a stupid reality show where no one has a gun to their head to perform in! Fame makes people do "stupid things;" even when it concerns their kids!

    ***You're right Fiero. There has been a lot of footage--much of it outside of the show--that shows the girls having a wonderful X w/ Abby. She loves her girls and they are a family. It's the mothers who have their own agenda. Therein lies the problem. Mommy sees their little darling as a star, no matter what. A pro might see things otherwise. This makes mommy mad; then the sparks fly. Even worse, mommy sees her little darling as HER OWN ticket to fame and fortune. It's a sickness, really.

    I think I may be a horrible person, b/c the 1st thing that came to my mind when I heard this was "Thank GOD, maybe if she goes to jail those kids can finally get away!" Now, I know that no one forces those kids to go there. They all seem to want to, but I also feel like maybe they (and their mums) just don't know any better. ...I love Maddie, but she could stand some seriously stiff competition. Her life isn't going t/b all Sia videos and teachers that adore her. Holly could possibly pull her head out of her ass, go back to USING HER PhD, and let Nia do her thing somewhere that truly apprec. her.***

  166. ***I never thought Kelly & Christi were that bad. They were angrier w/ Abby than the other mothers. I think showing old clips at the reunion is an excellent idea.***

    Since I taped some of those earlier seasons, that's probably why I have such a negative opinion of Christi & Kelly; were so evil at X's! They had no filter around their kids! All I know is my mother would never allow such vile behavior & language around me!

    ***However bad Christi and Kelly were, they are no comparison to Jess, Jill, Melissa, &Holly (in that order) this wk. They took it to a whole other level. When the bullying of Brynn went far enough, they went for more, took it beyond far, and then KEPT going. I really expected more from Holly. But Jess and Jill make Christi & Kelly look like angels.

    Christi and Kelly were angry w/ Abby & someX's w/ the other moms for enabling Abby's bad behavior towards the kids. But Jill and Jess are so jealous of Brynn, they can't see or think straight. They even make fun of her to her face (Jill & Jess) and yell at her about her behavior when their kid's attitude 10X's more out of control (Jill)....***

    You call it bullying; I called it getting them ready for a professional career! You must have no idea how cutthroat it c/b when there's 1 spot open, but you have to compete w/ a "cattle call" of 100's! The casting directors & producers don't have X to coddle people and they c/b just as rude and seemingly unreasonable! That was something that Maddie has learned and she's never flinched; gives all due credit to Abby! There's a lot we didn't see like Kelly taking her kids for jobs in modeling and then coming back expecting special consideration and privates to get up to speed! That was the reason for 1 of Abby's tirades against Paige; "gone for a month," then comes back w/ Kelly screaming about something!

    ***There's a difference btw correcting somebody, teaching them and tearing them down to get back at their mothers. There's a difference btw being told you're not right for the part and making fun of someone else's kid b/c you're jealous. The only kid that got coddled was Maddie. Abby kept her in a safe bubble, teaching her dances early, spending more X on them, giving her better choreography, better costumes, building her confidence, putting her on a pedestal, telling her she was the best. Abby doesn't even deny these things anymore b/c she looks like a fool doing it.***

    Like me teaching tennis, you give more X and effort to someone you think "cares!" Maddie had the aptitude, but she obviously worked harder & took her dancing very seriously! The others weren't that passionate and so you can't expect the same amount of attention! That's how the world works! Teachers have their faves and that's nothing new!

  167. ***Chloe had the aptitude; born w/ a dancer's body, passion for dance and had the technique. Maddie had the passion for dance, not so much the aptitude. But, Abby ruined dance for Chloe b/c she hated Christi. Abby didn't pick Maddie as the fave b/c she was the best or has the most aptitude; she didn't. Abby's anything but noble. You can't rely on her word for who took dance seriously.

    When all the girls started on the show, they all said they wanted to be professional dancers, except maybe Nia & MacKenzie. What changed? Abby got more involved in the girls day to day training and played favorites. The favorites excelled and loved being at the studio. The rest feared or got anxiety about going to the studio and lost the passion for dance as Abby chipped away any confidence those girls once had.***

    I totally understand your feelings, but I see Abby's POV as well! Christi thought she s/b able to get away saying and doing anything she pleased! No teacher's going to put up w/ that and to exacerbate the situation calling Abby names; I had little sympathy for Chloe, not blaming Abby for taking it out on her! If a mother ever spoke to me the way that woman did to Abby, I w/b pointing to the door! They were stuck w/ 1 another, and she wasn't willing to behave! I know she probably couldn't stand how her daughter was being retaliated against, but she only made it worse as X went on! Who calls a dance teacher "whore" or "fatty" in front of people? She shouldn't have expected the best treatment! I still remember Christi standing at the desk repeatedly saying "fk," 17 X's as Abby said to the class! "Chloe, you are a wonderful little girl and everyone likes you!" (To the class) "I don't come into your house and scream at you or your parents! You made a choice to come here! No one is going to speak to me like that; no one! The next person to use the 'F' word is out!" That was my fave rant! All Chloe could do was sit there and Christi regretting being such a lunatic! I can't imagine anyone using profanity in front of their kids, but these classless women did it all the X!

    ***Ah, Maddie was given an "excuse" every X things didn't work out in her favor: "the judges were tired," "you were too professional looking," "No one really wants to star in the video anyway, background dancers get to show off more dancing" are just the 1's I can remember in the 5 mins since I read your comment.***

    True enough, Maddie wasn't perfect, but she won more than the rest; even if most people think they were set ups or smaller comps w/ less talent! Too often the rest of the girls didn't even place! I would give Maddie every break b/c I know she did her best while the others obviously didn't take the job as seriously! That's just my opinion! It obviously worked out for her; in videos, movies, winning awards, and guesting on different shows on TV!

  168. ***Kendall - I can't stand hearing her speak. Everything she says is so annoying. She is so full of herself.***

    She learned it all from her delusional mother! From day 1 it was the same refrain; "I wasn't prepared" & "I was set up to fail!" That crap came right out of Jill's mouth! She's going to be sorely disappointed no one's going to allow those lame excuses as an adult; Jill doing her child such a disservice!

    All the old moms are bitches; even Holly! They're so mean to the mini-team; esp. Jess who can't contain her animus and jealousy! "Jojo's so much more talented than everyone else!" Why hasn't her brat won anything? She's lucky to even place 5th, but her mother keeps tooting her horn; so disgusting!

    ***Jess & Jill both are insane w/ their rose colored glasses for Kendall & Jojo. Jess' comment about Jojo being able to dance circles around Brynn is insane. - Jessalynn's definitely the name you're never supposed to call a woman. She's so vile.***

    Melissa's leaving and she still can't contain herself in front of these kids! Why does she care another team is being created to take her kids' places? Just go away already!

    ***...when Melissa made the comment about the mini mom's disabled child, I wanted to throw my remote at the tv.***

    She's truly lost it! I hope it all collapses around her! She really thinks she's the star now! Maddie will disown her for the sheer embarrassment of the woman who supposed to be her mom!

    ***I can't imagine what Brynn thinks when all the moms sit there and pick on her. I w/b mortified if I was 10 yo and had a bunch of adults just knocking me down. How sad.***

    There aren't another group of moms this vile that I've seen or heard of that would behave like this in front of kids! I used to give them every benefit of the doubt, but the true bitches are being revealed for the world to see! VILE is the appropriate description for these shrews; esp. Jess, Melissa, & Jill!

    ***And all b/c Brynn is gifted w/ incredible technique & dance training-in short, Brynn is a threat. And the 'psycho moms' don't like that.

    The last few eps have really crossed the line. I mean, really. How pathetic and insecure do a bunch of bitter, old-enough-to-know-better crones have to be to target a sweet little girl who is just trying to improve her craft and is eager to learn. It's sad that the girls are consistently exposed to this kind of behavior. And then the world wonders where mean girls come from. Their "role models," and I use that expression really loosely here. Any respect I had for the original moms has gone out the window. Good riddance! - Horrendous people; the lot.***

    ***I can't stand the bitchiness. in the first 4 seasons it got kinda crazy sometimes, but other than the incidents w/ the Lukasiaks & Hylands, I don't ever remember it being this bad. if it's real/staged/scripted, I don't care, I'm getting sick of it.***

    I don't understand why Abby's been allowing this behavior in front or even behind the kids' back? She actually told them to block it out rather than smacking down those old shrews! It makes no sense to me!

    ***The moms on the Elite team are out of their minds. Telling the mini moms they're nothing, they're trash, their children aren't talented; Hell, telling them to move their seats? Are they crazy? That part was just despicable. How do you tell them to move their seats j/b you don't like them? The mini moms should have stayed right where they were sitting.

    ...Why would you just sit there when you're called trash for no reason? We've all heard Abby say worse, but that was completely uncalled for. Disgusting behavior by everyone. Holly talks about being role models and good moms, yet she's supporting this behavior too. Unbelievable.***

  169. ***Did Abby have a grudge against Chloe? Did Abby have problems w/ her mother or was Chloe too good a dancer, & therefore a threat to the Maddie brand?***

    I don't think we'll ever really know since the editing slants to make up a plotline! My take on it was Chloe was right up there w/ Maddie, but Christi started acting out; thinking Chloe was being undermined while Maddie being promoted! I saw it as retribution for bad behavior w/ Abby telling the moms point blank, "if you start messing w/ my business, I'll be messing with your kids!" Christi started getting more & more belligerent IMO and she brought a lot of this on herself & Chloe! ...That was a constant refrain from both Christi & Kelly about their own kids! One moment they're saying Abby's "past it," then the next she has all this power over casting directors & agents to take Maddie over all the other kids! ...It hasn't been entertaining to me since the 1st 3 seasons; esp. when the moms went on strike for more $$$, but portrayed as a scheme to get Kelly's kids back on the team when they left!

    ***...She made comments about her appearance and in the final showdown w/ her mom, Abby yelled to get her eye fixed.***

    Chloe was not being sabotaged! She was given every opportunity to excel! If she forgot a dance or couldn't devote more X to rehearsal, who's fault is that? I loved the way Chloe danced; more adept at ballet than Maddie will ever be, but her mother contributed to her downfall IMO! If Christi really cared, she would have taken her out of ALDC yrs before! Pls don't give me that contract crap since no 1 put a gun to their heads to sign it year in and year out!

    ***Depends on where you fall on the debate, but it was a lot of things:

    1. Christi- as much as I love her she didn't kiss Abby's ass and made it harder for Chole b/c Abby punishes the kids when the moms act up.

    2. Abby- she has the mentality of a 12 yo so resolving conflict is not something she knows how to do.

    3. Chloe vs Maddie- let's be real, as a dancer Chloe was rising and she has natural talent. In the beginning it was Chloe & Maddie being Abby's go to dancers. Chloe got TOO good & that's when the real issues started.

    4. Favoritism- at the end of the day Maddie was favored from day 1, even when Chloe was in Abby's good graces. The more the tension rose btw Christi/Abby the less favor Chloe got. Abby said point blank that she wanted to make them voluntarily leave b/c she couldn't kick them out. So the cruel remarks got even worse. S4 finale was truly ugly and no matter what the editing was, word kept leaking out about how bad the treatment of Chloe got.

    5. Getting older- Chloe began to kinda wake up to how she was being treated and was no longer happy. it seeped into her relationship w/ the team and pretty much once her crowning year was up, I figured she was on her way out; thus her eventual exit in S4.

    Either way you slice it, Abby tried to break Chloe and it didn't happen. Even if she never becomes famous, at least she's happy; which is why I'm glad she's no longer on the show.

    Oh my goodness, that's terrible! Poor Chloe! I wouldn't want to have anything to do w/ a studio like that either! I don't blame Chloe & Christi one bit for leaving.

    ...It became a constant cycle until Abby took it too far and drove them away. So yeah, Christi played a big part in Abby's dislike of Chloe. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that Christi stuck up for her child, but someXs she was plain ridiculous, petty, & jealous, and didn't seem to get that fighting w/ Abby would only make things worse for Chloe.***

  170. ***All X Fave Dance - Group: Bollywood & Vine - Solo: Happiness by Maddie***

    I love that Bollywood #! I can watch it over & over since they were in such good sync! Nia wasn't utilized using the excuse that they were short a costume or 2! She wouldn't have been able to keep up w/ that dance! It was very "precise" & unison was a prerequisite to get the full affect of the dance! Mac Kenzie was just adorable in her part & hit every movement w/ the older girls! Another good 1 was "The Witches Of East Canton!" The moms had panned the rehearsal, but obviously Abby had more vision b/c even they came around & thought it beautiful! As a solo, "CRY" was done several X's w/ Mac Kenzie doing her best as well as Maddie! It's a classic!

    ***The elites initially had a # w/ boxing gloves, but everyone hated the choreography, so they went w/ the routine for the 'Electrokicks ad.' Dunno about the minis ballet.***

    So these moms are telling potential casting directors & producers "my child must have the ability to change choreography if they so wish if not happy!" Some people are going t/b really unhappy when the words to the affect s/b "next!" Jess & Jojo bailed & I'm sorry I missed it!

    ***I learned recently that "Dance Moms" was 1 of the top 10 most watched shows on TV (according to reports of "On Demand" viewings). I was really surprised, esp. since it is rated so lowly here & most of the comments on the site are neg.; I just figured most people would reject the show.***

    I started watching in the 2nd season & found it terribly entertaining thru S4! I'd never take my child to ALDC, but if these silly mothers are desperate to make their kids stars, that's what they had to do! They had no right to complain; if unhappy, they should have taken their brats to another studio & given up on that dream of superstardom! After Abby lost her mind 2 yrs ago w/ tax troubles, it stopped being fun; only ranting & raving coming from stupid & hypocritical moms! Aussie trip the last thing that I really thought was hilarious to watch over and over; Abby "reading" the moms back in the States supposedly losing credit cards & passport! She called the moms all kinds of things & Holly was incredulous! I LMAO!

    ***I never thought Holly was the voice of reason. Her comments about using $$ as part of a costume & refusing to allow Nia to play the bully. She's not all that bright. You could see it coming a mile away that she didn't struggle making a thing when there was none. They didn't hire Holly b/c she was reasonable. They wouldn't have hired any reasonable moms for the show.***

    I agree; never really the voice of reason! It was more Holly stayed quiet and out of the line of fire! Her delusion persisted concerning Nia which I understand, but she looked bad trying to push Abby to utilize her in more solos, duets, & trios! It didn't seem to matter how much rehearsal & practice, she just never attained the skills of the other girls! Her body for 1 thing was getting so big, she needed to go in another direction concerning dance! Balletic parts were just not in the cards for her! Nice enough girl, but Holly saw something that just wasn't there!

    ***Disagree very, very strongly Nia having talent being any kind of a delusion. Nia has already proven, outside of ALDC, that she is a beautiful, strong & graceful dancer; & more important, a calm, collected, intelligent person. Holly sees what's there &'s taking steps to nurture it.***

  171. ***Those girls are very low energy & lackluster this season - esp. w/o the spark plug Jo Jo.***

    The older girls obviously haven't grown emotionally enough to take the initiative to warm up & practice on their own! That's pretty sad which tells me they aren't serious! Pretty sad of these girls to allow themselves to fall behind due to their own laziness & lack of desire to improve!

    ***Agreed. They simply don't have the drive. Abby realises this so naturally she appears to have "given up on them," but that's the way it works. You know very well that if the girls really wanted to put in the effort, Abby w/b more supportive. The moms have undermined Abby @ every turn, which then reflects on the girls. They can blame it on Abby by crying that she's ignoring them, but what do they expect? You gotta put in the work yourself; mom & dance coach can't do it for you.***

    The Elites Turning On Abby! Now it's gone to hate! Wow! How do you just go off the deep end & regret all the X spent together after all these yrs! Not like I care about Kira; she's always been disrespectful & thinking Kalani's the best dancer since Anna Povlova! She isn't, but is a beautiful dancer! Too bad she lost trying to prove something to Abby! That group dance w/ the powder was ridiculous! Erin told them not to even think about Abby, but as soon as they get off the phone, Holly pipes in talking about her! So stupid; put too much pressure on themselves!

    ***That group dance w/ the powder WAS ridiculous! I was so happy it didn't win (or even get 2nd). And then Holly, Jill & the others have the gall to say that they thought the comp. should have taught Abby something... what, exactly? That even some "amazing" choreographer can't get winning results out of those girls, either? It really is X for the "elite" moms and girls to GTFO.***

    These fools just don't know how lucky they had it! Losers! Will they be back? I hope not; "go away DM's & take your spoiled, unappreciative brats w/ you!

    ***Face it. These broads aren't anything w/o Abby.***

    I think they find that out in the off-season, so I feel they'll come crawling back just like they did back in S3! I loved how Abby punished them all; even Maddie who was her fave! It was very entertaining & I can watch that season w/ the subs, moms, Asia, & Sophia anyX! It was great!

    ***I call bullshit on Kendall's injury. She chickened out of doing her solo. She knew she'd lose vs Kalani & Brynn, so she suddenly had an injury & couldn't do her solo. But she was magically well enough to do the group dance. Give me a break.***

    Hmmm, I wonder when that's happened before? Did Jill get on Melissa's case when an injury was laid on MacKenzie to get past competing vs Asia? I know Christi made a big deal out of it & tried to make all concerned feel guilt & shame! So the Elites are gone for now; are they to crawl back for the next season? Tell them to "get lost" Abby! After all that "hate" speech from Kira & Jill I'd certainly tell them to "go fish!" They think they can manage & train the kids w/ just a little help from Erin of MDP! I wished I cared what happened to the girls, but after Melissa & MacKenzie left, I ceased to feel much! These remaining moms & their kids aren't even likeable! They need to start over w/ the Mini's, but even they are acting up! It's like they haven't learned anything by watching the other Dance Moms!

  172. ***...I just think it's so obnoxious of Dr. Holly to yell that out.***

    Since Kelly & Christi left, Holly's decided to speak out more to make her mark! I've never cared for her inane ??'s; most of the X it's superfluous! It's like she isn't educated, but we're supposed to know better! ..."Just shut up & accept what's going on! Why exacerbate every situation like children MOMS?"

    ***Get rid of the Elite Team - What a bunch of spoiled arrogant brats have they become? There's zero respect for the woman that made them what they are today. Abby may not be an easy person, but let's face it. The majority of the trouble Abby dishes out has it's origin w/ the mothers. If they would just back off & let Abby do her work, the girls wouldn't get pulled out of a #. Any way, it hurts me to see these girls growing up into teenagers & showing no respect or gratitude to Abby.

    ...I think Abby reacts like that b/c she IS hurt. It was clear that when the news reached her about the girls & moms running off to work w/ the other choreographer, that she was pretty upset about it; understandably. I don't wanna excuse everything Abby does, but I can see where she comes from.

    ...If I was Abby, I would choose for the short & quick way & get rid of the "elite" team. Just focus your energy & X on the mini's. At least they apprec. the X you dedicate to teaching them how to dance. W/o the elite moms around, the mini moms would also create < drama & everything w/b much better.

    Brooke & Paige are long gone. Chloe has been gone for a long X as well. Maddie & Kenzie left & that changed a lot, those I actually miss. I won't miss Nia's mediocre dancing, Kendall boy crazy & arrogant looking teenager, or Kalani who's getting too old for this team. Brynn isn't bad, but isn't a Maddie either. Above all, I am SO sick of these moms.***

    You covered it all! As we thought, the Elites showed back up, crawling & craving t/b on the team! I'm surprised Abby didn't make it harder on them; as well as their silly & ungrateful moms! Abby's going to merge the teams into 1 so there won't be all that backbiting about X btw the 2! Some w/b cut & we've already lost 1 who couldn't deal w/ the pressure! None w/b missed anyway!

    ***Agreed. The older girls ARE too old now. The "Singing career" of Nia is such a joke. She never sings live; always lip synching w/ auto tune... The older girls ARE so ungrateful. They w/b nothing w/o Abby. - Brynn won & Kendall came in 3rd.***

    Same ol', same ol'! That's why Jill's so touchy after just about every decision made about assignments! Brynn has been kicking Kendall's butt since day 1 & Jill can't stand Ashlee! Kira was pretty quiet while Jill went after the mini moms as usual! It's so pathetic for her to not realize Kendall's shortcomings & to stop expecting great things!

    ***I laughed @ the "save your tears for your pillow tonight" lyric! lol! You know that song had to have been written for the show in lieu of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" from Evita. It whb fine except for the terribly off key singer!

    No reveal of who would be cut from the team tonight, although it's already known. I felt sad for Ari & Alexus waiting for Abby to say it, but I guess they'll save that for another ep. The way the girls were crying though, it's like they already were told...the minis danced really well in the group tonight btw.***

    Why Ari? Her spinning is the best of all X on this show; totally effortless! I'd take any of the mini's over the Elites! They want t/b there & apprec. being members unlike the spoiled brats whb there for yrs!

    ***IDK why the producers would choose to dismiss Ari; you're right, she is very good. I would like to know the basis of why some got to stay & others didn't.***

  173. ***Get rid of the elite team - That teacher wasn't there when they performed, but if it was Abby to just phone them before a performance it w/b awful & unprofessional. Abby was right t/b hurt & as far I see.

    ...The elite team is not an elite team. It's a left over team. Kendall has the moves, but not the heart. Nia has the heart, but doesn't excel. Kalani's beautiful & graceful, but needs to move on due to her age. Brynn's graceful, but wouldn't fit in a mini team. The show producers should allow them to move on & trust in the minis. A new beginning.***

    It w/b nice, but you have to take in consideration the insufferable moms! Would the show be the same w/o the obnoxious, delusional, & ungrateful Jill, Holly, & Kira? I personally wouldn't miss them! I was all for it back in Sn 3 when they walked out, supposedly in support of Kelly & her kids, but IRL it was more a ploy to get an increase in salary! I loved the replacements & their moms; Sophia, Ally, Bella, & Asia! It was almost a repeat this season; walking out & crawling back! I miss the abuse Abby heaped on all concerned; esp. to Kelly & Christi!

    ***I'm not at all invested in the minis & they're still not able to dance together as a team.***

    The preview doesn't show the mini's as much as a new girl around Nia or Kalani's age! Anyone notice? Looks like the drama continues w/ some serious fights almost leading to violence like Kelli's exit!

    ***There w/b 2 minis staying & 2 or 3 older girls that join the elites, plus the return of Cathy.

    When Kelly thinks of Melissa, she sees Abby's face since Melissa was her sycophant. Since leaving the show the Hyland girls have left dance behind. Both lived as normal American HS girls; going to football games, hanging out w/ their friends, & this yr Brooke moved away to college. Even if they were on good terms it's not something that could happen.***

    Which proved what Abby always knew they weren't serious! People probably didn't realize Kelly was taking them away from class to do modeling jobs & other interviews! Brooke had gone about as far as she could & Paige was falling well behind the star power of MacKenzie! I had no sympathy for them & their plight! If they didn't want to do it, Kelly shouldn't have pushed them since she was the true fame HO! Anyone else who thought her kids were being abused would have left a long X ago!

    ***Not to mention the fact that Kelly constantly referred to dancing as "their extra curricular activity." If it was something that they really wanted for the rest of their lives, i.e. Broadway, Cirque Soleil, she would have @ least called it "training." She didn't look @ it like job training or work. Brooke & Paige stopped showing any type of enthusiasm for "their art." They didn't approach it like the Zieglers.

    Brooke doesn't even sing anymore. Neither has danced in yrs. Kelly only stayed on towards the end for the same reason that Christi stayed, to drive Abby nuts. Great parenting. That's why the judge laughed Kelly & Paige out of court w/ their ridiculous lawsuit vs Abby. The judge even told Kelly that she, herself, c/b the main cause of her daughter's panic attacks. She even agreed w/ Abby that Kelly m/b an alcoholic.***

    I thought the same w/o even being in court! I thought the judge would laugh them out of court for the same reason; esp. the alcoholism! The woman drank more on camera than I have in my entire life; no joke! From what I read, the only remuneration she got was for "so called" scratches to her wood floors @ home by the camera people!

  174. Repost from a few months ago:

    Where did these lit'l girls come from? They're all so good in comparison to the "OG's" sorry to say! Ari's spinning is sublime & could make Maddie look like an amateur = now! They seemed to have picked up Abby's choreography quickly w/o needing to water it down for past members like Nia, Kendall, & MacKenzie!

    ***I haven't watched an old ep. of DMs in ages, but watched 1 tonight. WOW! Those mini dancers are worlds better than the elite team ever was. Took me by surprise!***

    I'm always so surprised when a mom is "too mouthy;" esp. when their daughters aren't winning much! Kalani & Kendall were fortunate as far as I was concerned; their moms talking shit & instigating drama amongst the other moms! ...I still laugh @ Abby lowering the boom on them all when going thru passport drama in S5 on the phone & going "down under!" That shut them all up for about a min.; so funny!

    ***It's "reality tv" & you're surprised when they get mouthy?***

    Sn3 was the best for me w/ people coming & going; a strike for the most part & replacement moms & kids was very entertaining & funny!

    ***...She keeps griping that she never gets to do for herself and remedies this by deserting the girls at the most insane moments. However on her side, she needs to tell all the big-mouthed moms to stop telling her how to run her school. If they don't like things, they need to find another school. Abby doesn't need to fool w/ the mothers, just say my way or the highway and she wouldn't have to get rough w/ them.***

    It was a lot more entertaining when she was more stern and didn't put up with the mom's BS!

    ***...An audition call for 3-4 ensemble roles would bring in 300 or more young women, and the majority of them were amazing singers. These moms are delusional if they think these very avg voices have the potential for stardom.***

    I've been trying to tell these people for yrs; there's a method to Abby's madness! She's hard on them due to "cattle calls" where a casting director can take 1 look @ some to eliminate the crowd! You have t/b tough & not start crying as soon as you hear something you don't like! These girls are not of that class yet; only Maddie, Asia, & maybe Kalani can deal w/ the cruelty of the business & the rest of these moms need to stop whining about how Abby's so tough on their kids! Idiots!

    ***Fiero, it is beyond hard. Of those 4 CHORUS parts, 1 would go to the choreographer's bf, 1 to the Director's gf, etc. These woman say "Fk Abby, we can make it on our own." Ummm. No. No chance. What's worse is these girls aren't working on the technique that other girls taking class every day are working on. They should all be on their knees begging to stay on the show, b/c they aren't even very good dancers anymore. There isn't a girl on the team thats even close to a decent pro/ of the same age is. I hope she isn't reading this, but Nia has grown much too big to land anything decent. She has her moms body and that ain't a good thing. Kendall has lost that pretty little girl appeal & Kalani, although tech. good, won't be dancing for a pro dance company (aside from ballet, there is 0 $$ in dance). Musical Theater is her only hope & she's hardly the triple threat required for a career on Broadway.***

    Kendall's been given every opportunity; esp. after Maddie left for greener pastures! Jill's never satisfied = though she says Kendall can dance to anything! If that were true, she'd do better than 3rd or 4th place! I still remember her in 4th place behind some "heavy-set" lit'l girl 2 yrs ago! Her looks alone should have gotten her a >er placement, so she mhb awful to fall that far in these 'pretend' comps!

  175. Repost from a few months ago:

    ***You can tell that Abby really adores the girls. I don't think she's the monster she's portrayed as.***

    When I've seen or heard the girls on "After Buzz," they all talk about the good X's they have so ITA w/ you! That's how I can laugh when it seems Abby's losing her mind & threatening all concerned! Go back & check S3 where the moms walked out then as well only to come crawling back to take more abuse! I loved the substitutes & didn't miss anyone!

    ***The Moms are always drawing lines in the sand, saying "if you cross this, we're gone!," only to totally back down when Abbey does whatever she wants to do. I love hearing the Elite Moms lecturing the Mini Moms about doing EXACTLY the same shit they've done for yrs. All such hypocrites, yet SO self righteous.***

    All true & more! The hypocrisy's mind-numbing; esp. from Holly who's supposed t/b so rational, classy, & quiet! She totally went over to the dark side 2 sns ago doing Kelly's thing of planning Nia's future w/o Abby! Both s/b happy to still be on the show since from day 1, she hasn't done much to promote or help by winning! All the dismal duets w/ Kendall were awful & I would have cut her ages ago! She can't keep using excuse of "not enough prep!" That's been the way things have been run since S 1! Both s/b gone w/ their constant kvetchin' of their moms!

    ***Chloe returning for 1 ep. Abby & Chloe's mother had an ugly fallout, so I don't understand the purpose.

    It w/b the right move to just return for the series finale to put a proper bookend to the show. I have a feeling she might sign on for maybe a 1/2 season if they continue production. In other words they're gonna milk this, b/c her mom wants the TV exposure for her.***

    Both sides were @ fault as far as I was concerned w/ mutual disrespect I wouldn't have tolerated for so long! Abby has every right t/b a tyrant if she wishes; she's the teacher & star of the show! IRL if a teacher badmouths a student mercilessly & they can't take it, they go somewhere else! In this dynamic, you had contracts & a need for comity that was not going to happen! If someone like Christi was as juvenile & disrespectful of me as a prof., I wouldn't go out of my way to make nice or have a fave attitude towards Chloe! It ain't right or fair, but that's how life works! SomeX's you have to eat crow & Christi didn't care enough about her own daughter to reign in her anger & lack of class! I still can't get over how obscene things got btw the adults w/ all the kids around!

    ***...There's nothing wrong w/ a child expressing their feelings to a parent or other adult, but they s/b taught to do so respectfully. Their entire lives they'll have to deal w/ teachers, bosses, police officers, & power, & they'll need to learn how to address them w/ respect.

    Chloe can return for all I care, but keep her mother out of that studio. We have enough poison spitting serpents in the studio as it is right now.***

    Hard to believe Christi would show her face again; the "thirst" must be real!

    ***...Christi has said she had no ill will vs the show creators; just Abby.***

    It was so cute to see the girls in the very 1st ep.; so young & talented! It had a lit'l bit of everything; Abby being tyrannical & the moms following the program for the most part! You had the booze-hounds being exposed having drinks instead of tending to their kids! Kelly burns Paige w/ a curling iron & Christie doesn't sew the headband into Chloe's hair so it slid forward over her eyes! That's all on the drunken moms! It was hilarious fun!

  176. ***Chloe only came back to the show to get her name out there again.***

    I'm shocked! More power to them if they want to sell their souls to a show they swore never to = speak of again! - Seeing the eps from S4 & 5, I really begin to see 'the end!' The girls are aging out, mothers like Holly & Jill have high expectations when their kids are no better, & but wanted those solos anyway! Nia just couldn't get those hocks in the air; got thick like her mom!

    ***Although Nia doesn't have a slight body - I think what you are seeing is more muscle mass. Nia does not have the typical dance physique ...***

    Showing Sn 4 after Kelly & her girls kicked off the team; it was hilarious! Abby was happier & Christi felt empowered to act out! Strange to feel she s/b able to insult the teacher & staff, but resents not getting favoritism! The woman had t/b NUTZ! Loved when the moms decided to tally the insults & demeaning comments made toward the girls during practice! I expected >er from Melissa & Jill, but they felt compelled to support Holly & Christi acting like psychos! The show won't be the same if they = actually telecast a few eps! Abby made this show & it'll stink w/o her!

    ...The show will suck w/o Abby; I know I won't be watching! The moms & kids have inflated their popularity! I personally loved the 3rd season when they went on their mini-strike! The show didn't miss a beat w/ Asia, Kaylie, Sophia, & other outside dancers! Crawling back by all concerned was so entertaining; making Abby more of a tyrant so that exercise was a complete waste of X! It was hilarious!

    ***Just rewatching that season now & you're right - but some of the things Abby has done are pretty nasty & if a teacher took out her frustrations w/ me on my kid - she's asking for trouble.***

    Oh I agree, but the thing is due to the "fame whoring" of the mothers, they continued allowing Abby access to their kids yr after yr! All concerned were wrong, but that's what made the show! I have no sympathy for anyone; the moms having all the real power to walk away but didn't! Don't get fooled by the BS about a signed contract! After all said & done, Kelly & Christi were the most wrong; actually poisoning the friendships of the kids w/ their own frustration & bitterness!

    ***...Anyone know what they were talking about?***

    ...I'm sure whatever went down, Gianna was right there & didn't defend Chloe maybe; who knows! Christie's been as delusional as any when trying to describe events when tape shows she's F.O. S. unfortunately! She exacerbated the treatment of her own daughter b/c she couldn't control her own temper for the most part! How many X's does Abby say to Chloe, "this has nothing to do w/ you; you're a wonderful lit'l girl & everyone likes you? ....I DON'T COME INTO YOUR HOUSE & SCREAM AT YOU AND YOUR PARENTS! YOU MADE A CHOICE TO COME HERE! NO ONE'S GOING TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! NO ONE!"

    ***Chloe has become a mediocre dancer & got some acting jobs based on her having fans from the show. She needs to head back to the academics. Same w/ Nia & Kendall.***

    If you listen to their silly moms, 'it was Abby' alone 'who was holding' their brats back! Please; Chloe stopped working hard enough to keep up w/ Maddie while Kendal & Nia were never good enough! They both make glaring errors in every dance solo given to them! Nia's yet to stay on her feet on the front aerial! She was given that great Maya Angelou solo I saw last night & as usually, she's sitting on her butt attempting that maneuver! Kendall's spinning has fallen off = w/ practice! She also stinks!

  177. ***I gained some apprec. for Abby's choreography w/ this ep.***

    I can go back & watch tons of Abby stuff over this current junk; hers was a lot more memorable after many yrs! Few can forget "Cry, The Last Text, Where Have ALL The Children Gone?, Twilight, & 2 Sapphires" which are just a few that I recall OTOH! They can bring Abby back next season & I'd be perfectly ok & happy w/ it! Christi & Chloe can take a walk if they can't handle it! Abby's the true star no matter what said by Jill & Christi trying to elevate their brats to a status never earned! W/o the show & social media they whb forgotten a long X ago! Christi hasn't changed a lick I see; getting into a "Pier 6" brawl w/ her ex-buds right off the bat! What a MOM?

    ***To be fair to Christi, Jill started the whole thing going after Chloe calling her a studio hopper. Staged.***

    You're kidding? Someone actually used one of Christi's fave insults? No wonder she lost her freakin' mind! None of these people are likeable IMO, so it's moot who initiated the drama! It's our entertainment & they're stealing back 3 seasons to do it! Talk about desperate; invoking Abby's name every 2 mins is sorta pathetic in so many ways! They obviously still need her!

    ***Yeah it was Christi's insult.***

    I'd feel for them more if Christi didn't lead the charge on so many occasions, being profane & out of control in front of the girls when they were very young! Christi used to say "I'd never use Chloe's success..., " but then in the very 1st season you hear her screeching "how many X's has my daughter beat your daughter?!" Maddie & MacKenzie are standing right there in the line of fire, hysterically crying while Gia is trying to comfort them! I knew early on what a vile & disgusting creature that woman was & she never disappointed up to her current behavior after all these yrs! She's vile & a true embarrassment to her daughter & human-kind! That smirk while being so evil tells you all you need to know! Those crocodile tears later meant nothing!

    *** - - ***

    What's your pt? If it's all true, why is that not legit to invoke? I heard her father did make all the business decisions while Abby was much too young & never grew out of that dependence! Her mom was pretty much the same way; distant & always busy nurturing other people's kids so it's just being truthful! J/b they're "long gone" doesn't change those realities! ...Christi & Kelly shb the last to complain about treatment since their kids have been students for yrs! Taking satisfaction over someone else's misfortunate or in this case punishment doesn't say much about them; esp. invoking Abby's name every few mins on this show! They were so relieved she was gone, but can't help bringing her up, probably thinking "it's Karma!"

    ***My point is she is a hypocritical cunt.***

    No more than the rest; esp. Christi! She's so busy acting out against the other moms, she doesn't see she's poisoning the character of her own daughter! Who said anything about wanting Chloe to fail except maybe her mother? She's too close ...influencing Christi to stop being such a hateful cow!

    ***Y'all are acting like they have actual legitimate drama w/ each other & not just playing it up for desperate attention-whore camera X.***

  178. ***I don't like Christi, but I loathe Jill. ...Jill is a complete moron & really mean & conniving.***

    Jill was really the worst! She's sneaky & doesn't really try to hide it! She insinuates herself into other people's "glow" by any means nec! I still remember when that mag. article was being written w/ Maddie as the subject! Jill shows up @ the house w/ a lame reason of dropping off a bag left behind by 1 of the girls! Jill ask how Maddie was chosen! I would have escorted her ass right out of there! No way am I allowing some conniving bitch like Jill to act like that in my home!

    ***Some of the stuff Christi does is very unwarranted, but geez she looks nice compared to Jill. Christi does care about the other girls, but she is very defensive of her daughter, which brings out a bad side to her. I lost all respect for Jill w/ her tirade vs Brynn.***

    Christi got off on the wrong foot w/ me very early on! I still remember her flipping out b/c Maddie had 2 solos when it was nothing new! She lost her mind, probably due to alcohol & just "went off" right in front of the kids! Maddie & MacKenzie were in the line of fire while they're crying hysterically, Christi never missed a beat screeching @ Abby & Melissa! It was horrible! This was the same person who said, "I would never use Chloe's success ...," but in that 1st ep., she ranted "how many X's has my daughter beat your daughter?" Jill's attack on Brynn was probably = worse since she's seasoned! Then Kendall has the nerve to insert herself screaming @ Brynn's mom; "why do you have t/b so mean?" What a spoiled brat! Like Abby said, "if you're bailing your kid out now, you'll be bailing them out of jail!"

    ***Melissa whipped them out of Dance Moms @ pretty much the perfect X & found them great agents.***

    You can say Christi behaved herself "for the most part," but watching from S1, she had her moments of hysteria & wasn't shy about "acting out" in front of the kids! I think a lot of it had to do w/ BOOZE; both Christi & Kelly were lushes & couldn't abstain = @ a comp.! Abby had to go drag them out of the bar once!

    I was one who had lit'l sympathy for moms or kids who allowed "abuse," then wanted to complain & write about it now that they're free to do so! I always said just like Abby, "everybody's replaceable!" That's probably why I loved S3 so much! Those selfish moms & kids were shocked to see how easy it was to bring in other dancers like Asia, Sophia, Bella, & Allie! This proved who the real star was no matter how much Christi loves to tout us wanting to see her kid & the other OG's! That wasn't the case & had to run back to recover their positions w/o what they were looking for really; > $$$$!

    ***Every X Melissa cried about Abby not making every sec. about them leaving, I was like, "Why should she?" For once I'm on Abby's side. She's got a business to run & life goes on. = Maddie was giving snotty attitude... or should I say more snotty attitude. That kid has turned into quite the bitch. Oh & poor McKenzie, no one gives a shit about her at all.***

    Hard to believe they turned their backs on their mentor who put them all in the position they're in right now! Abby made sure Maddie looked good = when she wasn't "all that!" Other dancers are tons >er like Sophia Lucia! Back in the day, I thought Chloe's dancing was a lot more special than Maddie's, but her mother started filling her head w/ conspiracies using terms like "being set up to fail!" The only person that did that was Christi w/ her VILE mouth! People can say she was defending her daughter, but there were other children there too! ...I wonder why all these moms didn't make a bigger deal out of it?

  179. Here we go! The nice, positive, and encouraging dance teacher is gone; the tyrant and frustrated star coach is on full display! It didn't take long for her to lose her cool; as well as the idiot moms questioning her authority! What's wrong with these people? It's like they figure, "we got away with it with Abby!" How do you forget your costume on the day of competition? The closest episode where this happened before was Jill wanting to go that extra mile and have a costume custom made and it wasn't ready on time for the competition! Holly's at the end of her rope with the other moms and Nia being cut from her duet with Kalani! I love that comment from Gibson observing the ranting of the moms; "did Abby leave or did she run for her life?"

    ***The producers told her Nat'l team that does Int'l tours & book ads. She's treating them like a Nat'l team that works professionally & they cant cut it.***

    Could they ever as a group? I'm sorry, but I wouldn't hire a few of these girls to do much of anything outside of babysitting since they're lacking something! Only a few had real star power & the others are just on board for the ride I'm sorry to say! I'd take the MINIs over most of these girls right now! They want t/b there!

    ***No they couldn't. They complained about Maddy, but she carried the rest. Abby knew that. So she protected her @ all cost to the detriment of a few of the others; cause she knew she could count on her. - ...the girls struggle w/ stamina.***

    The parents & the dancers need to take responsibility for their endurance or lack thereof! This is work they can & should do on their own! Someone training for a marathon can't hold a coach responsible if they don't put in the work! Why aren't they rehearsing on their own, running around the block a few X's, & like Sophia from S3 doing 2 hrs of stretching everyday? This can only be done by someone who wants to do it; not being supervised by a dance teacher! That's a waste of her X! Where is their proactivity? Mon Dieu! I used to teach tennis & it made sense for them to practice on their own rather than waiting until another lesson!

    ***Abby has spoken to them about stamina for yrs. They pretend like they don't hear her.***

    I well remember Abby getting on Brooke's case for being winded & having to dial back the choreography @ X's! I wouldn't have given her the X of day! That old excuse of being a normal teenager wouldn't fly w/ me! The disrespect & lack of conviction into what she was doing would have gotten her kicked out if I were Abby! It seems only Maddie put in the extra work needed to contribute to her winning! Chloe was quite good; probably >er than Maddie early on, but she seemed to have stopped working hard as well! Abby said she was missing class just like Brooke & Paige! Who's fault is it if they fall behind & lose favor w/ their teacher? I can only go by what I see on video; Heaven knows what's really going on behind the scenes!

    ***I wonder did Holly call Abby & complain.***

    All I could do was grin from ear to ear w/ the return of Abby; = if short-lived! It's hilarious to see her drift in as if nothing had happened & just started choreographing the Minis! They stayed behind after the DM stormed out refusing t/b coached by her! They should know by now, Abby couldn't care <! That's her building & until she's sentenced, she can come & go as she pleases! It was so great to see & watch her work!

  180. ***Is the Dance Moms cast salary public info?

    This is for the Hylands only. Separate contracts for each "Participant(s)"

    Producer shall pay Hylands an aggregate Episodic Fee in the amount of $6,935.00 for each ep. of S 3 on which Participants render services. It's acknowledged that the Ep. Fee w/b alloc. among Participants as follows; $4,835.00 to Kelly Hyland for her services, $l,050.00 for the benefit of Brooke, & $1,050.00 for Paige.

    The Ep. Fee for S 3 (S 4, if appl.) shall only apply to the (maximum of) 26 eps per season & shall not incl. any reunion show(s) or other such “special” or similar shows; the fee shall be $10,000.00 in the aggregate for Participants for each such reunion or "special" show on which the Participants' render services.

    Producer shall pay Participants a lump sum Cycle Completion Bonus for S 3 in the aggregate amount $40,000.00, payable one-half upon execution of this Amendment, & one-half within five days of completion of the final ep. of S 3 or upon completion of the 26th ep of S 3, whichever is earlier, provided that Participants have fulfilled their obligations under the Agreement. It is further agreed that should Producer exercise its Option for Participants' services for S 4, and contingent upon Participants fulfilling of their obligations under the Agreement, Participants shall be entitled to a Cycle Completion Bonus in the total amount of $60,000, w/ the payment schedule t/b negotiated in good faith @ the X, if any, that Producer exercises its Option for S 4.

    In addition to the S 3 Fee & the Cycle Completion Bonus, as set forth above, Producer shall pay Participants an aggregate fee of $12,500 for a 1-day holiday ep/special shoot (the “Holiday Episode”), which shall be filmed on 1 day, tentatively in Nov., & said payment shall be made no later than November 30. It is agreed that said payment shall be made to Participants regardless of whether the Holiday Ep. is actually filmed, & if filmed, irrespective of whether it is broadcast.

    Producer shall pay Participants a one-X clothing allowance of $3,500.00 in the aggregate for S 3.

    Participants shall be entitled to receive for S 3 a babysitting allowance in the amount of $300/wk of production in which Participants render services.

    Note: This is the contract/raises that the moms went on strike for.

    Yeah most of the moms were pretty wealthy before the show started, but Abby said the kids made $1000 an ep. seasons 1-4 & then $2000 in S 5, & Abby said she made $1,500 per ep seasons 1-4, + bonuses @ the end of the season idk what they whb. The moms I'd imagine got payed the same as Abby & in Kelly's lawsuit it also came out that the moms were given allowances for care of their other children while they were filming. There was contract negotiations for S 6 that apparently revolved around $$ quite a bit so I'd imagine Abby & the core moms & girls got a raise for S 6.***


    ***The girls live in the same town when the people currently on the show are not in LA.***

    Amazing how Jill & Holly seem to hold onto family homes back EAST w/ other children, but w/ "tunnel vision" are trying to promote & advance a meaningless career in dance for their girls makes no sense to me! I can understand Melissa's 1st marriage collapsing due to her single-mindedness, but @ least she got a return on her investment in X & $$! I doubt Jill & Holly will get anything more than bragging rights that they @ least made TV for a few yrs!

  181. ***I've seen pics of Holly w/ her family on IG when they went on vacation, I know her oldest son is in college & the youngest is in 7th grade. How old is Kendall's sister Charlotte? Is she HS age still? Melissa's ex needs to parent Kenzie w/ the stuff she posts on IG, etc.***

    People have more access to stuff like that! At my age, I barely text people! My cell isn't ever online in< in a hotel w/ free Wi-Fi! I barely chk FB & have no IG acct! I only know Holly & Jill have other kids b/c they mentioned it once or twice! I did see a black kid in the background in the studio of an old ep. which was probably Holly's youngest!

    ***That's rude. Why is a career in dance meaningless? The arts have value.***

    Well it's meaning< if they're looking for success that isn't coming! I played tennis for 30 yrs, taught it while in college, & mentored others until I gave it up in '01, but I knew I wasn't going anywhere! There's self-satis. w/ my effort, but these girls & moms have "high expectations" that aren't realistic! Jill's the most obsessed seeing Kendall as a much >er dancer when we all know >er! Just being honest like Abby who keeps telling her "I want & need more!" She's just not getting there IMO! Brynn & Kalani probably have the best chances, but they also have t/b lucky like Maddie! SomeX's it takes outside forces to achieve those goals!

    ***Defs of success are subjective & change along the line. There's nothing wrong w/ having high aspirations, & you have no idea where the girls w/b in 10 yrs.***

    Speaking of rude!;-)

    ***The costume in particular really just highlights the fact that Brynn has an ideal body shape & lines for classical ballet.***

    The costume was rather distracting to me; something more obvious to "work out" in rather than perform! Kendall just couldn't help adjusting it when Gibson told her not to do it! Jill needs to forget her daughter doing anything in dance! Abby got the most out of her and it's still woefully behind the other girls it seems to me! No T, no shade! - I still crack up on the aftermath of the performance! Gibson wasn't happy & she faulted Kalani for submitting & allowing Camryn to 'screw up!' When the moms go @ it over that critique, Gibson's TH had her asking the ??, "did Abby really leave or did she run for her life?" lol! The Comp. Dir. was hilarious as well running from Gibson who wasn't happy w/ the placement of the group # in 3rd place!

    It's a bit disturbed to keep blaming Abby for "everything!" It's her fault the moms are dysfunctional & that the girls don't have stamina! ...Abby's done so much for Kalani going all the way back to "AUDC" saving her from elim.! I just don't think they understand how easily all of them are to replace! S 3 proved that w/ the moms going on strike! I loved seeing the substitutes & their moms who immed. turned into the same emotional, greedy, & unhinged group as the ones that were there from the beginning of the series!

  182. ***When was Ava cut?***

    Ava was officially cut when her mother entered her in a contest vs Abby's lit'l ones w/o asking for permission! It was MacKenzie's wk & Abby threw Maddie in @ the last min. to do "Happiness" which barely beat out Ava! Kenz was in 3rd place, but seeing that result didn't stop big mouth Christi from adding her 2 cents & "going in" on Melissa for not saying anything! After all these yrs, I still wonder why Christi thought she had any say in anything not involving her daughter? What was Melissa to do; go against Abby & say "no" w/ that opportunity? Abby was right in the end & it was a done deal that Ava & Jeanette were off the team except stalking them around the country!

    ***First: Abby did not "ditch" anyone for 3 wks. She had court then the postponement. B/c of this, the show did not book her. So Abby was able to do events in Europe & Cancun to make $$ to pay for her lawyers.

    2ly, the show required Abby back for filming, now that the sentencing was postponed. So Abby had to return or else get fined by the show for non-compliance w/ her contract. So instead of enjoying the last wks of her freedom, she was filming a crazy reality show w/ a bunch of screechy entitled women. That was the "duress."

    3ly, Abby has no power over who gets hired or fired from the show. She never has; or she would have fired Christi back in S1, or Kelly back in S3, or kept Sophia Lucia, & kept all the minis.

    4th, there are contracts t/b signed whenever talent comes on the show. That goes for the people who "just enter" the ALDC dressing area too (You can't just breeze past the security guards on the door outside t/b filmed).

    In conclusion, you have been duped. Abby had absolutely no say in either the hiring of, nor the end of Laurieann's contract; And the mothers know this. They all have contracts too. And guess what? The girls know this also.***

    Abby decides who dances & performs! That's the control she had over the mothers, but it didn't stop them from insulting her or ??ing every decision! IRL they whb told to "get lost" & find another studio; esp. Jill & Christi early on! I taught tennis and I know I didn't listen to mothers telling me my craft! I'd ask how many tournaments have they won or = competed in?

    ***= that 'who dances & performs' was production & Abby has said she had to fight every wk to get Maddie a solo, or not pair certain girls, or fight to + other dancers from her studio. Every wk Abby fought production over themes, dancers, costumes, music, inane & insane story lines, etc.

    I hate those moms. They're the ones that are rude to Abby & treat her like garbage, then get their noses all bent out of shape. Not once do they EVER consider how Abby is; not once in all those yrs. And that is so wrong. - Every X Jill opens her mouth, I just want to jump thru the TV & just slap the shit out of her. Her voice is worse then finger nails on a chalk boards. Please stop talking Jill, like forever.

    The moms behavior is already expected, but hearing the girls be so ungrateful & rude when talking about Abby is pitiful. Of course that's what their moms have told them. Only good thing said by the girls is when Kalani says we can do this b/c we have learned so much from her. Oh really? Then be more grateful.***

    Yep! What child 8-13 yo thinks to themselves "I'm being set up to fail?" That's right out of mouths of Kelly, Jill, & Christi! It's one reason I never faulted Abby for her retribution against the moms & the kids; just making up shit out of whole cloth when they were probably getting "just desserts" for bad behavior or missing class! That's real life & if they want t/b entertainers, they >er get used to it!

  183. ***I wish they wouldn't hype up Abby & Christi @ the same comp. when she probably told them she doesn't want any contact.

    Prod. treats people like puppets. When the judge ordered a 'no contact' ruling in Kelly's case, they kept trying to get her to appear where Abby was to create a situation to film. Source: Kelly's court docs.***

    Kelly shb jailed for @ least a wk! To this day she probably thinks she was justified!

    ***Well, yes, Kelly & Christi have always fabricated reality to suit themselves. They have outright lied so many X's on the show that anyX someone says, "it's true b/c Christi said,"***

    ...hard to believe the producers = went thru the motions of completing that comp. after Kelly flipped out & assaulted Abby! The woman is truly disturbed; a real nutjob! She totally played fantasy dialogue in her head! Abby didn't say anything about replacing Brooke & Paige! It just bothered her that Kalani & Kira cruised the dressing room!

    Big mouth Jill didn't need to exacerbate the situation by asking the newbie if she was going to do the group dance! That had to be an instigation tactic! How in the world did those girls get over that circus so fast & actually win? I guess that's what makes them pros!

    ***"Kelly totally played fantasy dialogue in her head!" We saw this on a reunion ep. where she comes up w. Abby calling her (whackadoo? nuts?); everyone just looks @ her.

    Aside from actually slapping & pulling hair, Kelly did the exact same things prev. w/ Nicaya in S2 saying 'replace us then' & did the costume thing. Made up something in her head & said it aloud as if it was real.

    Yes, Jill instigated it, but she was only doing what she was told by production. This came out in court docs. EVERYONE there knew there was NO replacing of the girls b/c they were all under contract & the whole 'new team' was just storyline for the show.***

    They love to talk about how Abby has traumatized their kids, but all you have to do is go back to past seasons where the moms are the ones acting out the most in front of their own kids! To this day, it still ticks me off Holly supposedly was so level-headed & above all this, but never warned those women not to screech like that in front Nia; I know my mom would've!

    ***One of the ex. of Christi being Christi is when she screamed "FUCK" a dozen X's @ the front desk. This was a working dance studio, w/ full classes @ the X. So ALL the lit'l ones could hear her. IRL she w/b evicted & banned from the business - but b/c she had a contract t/b on the show & the set for the show was the studio, Abby's hands were tied.***

    I well remember that scene! Abby requesting Christi to call Kelly to get 2 costumes back! All she had to do was say "no," but she had to go that extra mile saying " don't need to know my Fk'n lawyers name!" Then there was repeating the F-word sev. X's! Abby had lit'l to no choice but to take it out on the kids! "Chloe, this has nothing to do w/ you! You are a wonderful lit'l girl & everyone likes you, but Christi stood out @ the desk & screamed the F-word 17 X's! That's sickening! (Pause) I don't come into your house & scream @ you or your parents like that! You made a choice to come here! No one's going to speak to me like that; no one! The next person to use the F-word it OUT!" Of course Leslie couldn't help herself later when there was a costume issue & Payton was kicked out!

  184. ***We know what happens in '14 w/ Chandelier & Maddie, watching the old ep. where the moms get really jealous of Maddie getting the 2 min. spot on Drop Dead Diva makes me laugh.***

    ...a blond shb selected if you're going by the series of "DDD!" I never watched it, but from what I understand, a young skinny blond was killed & she "came back" as a beastly brunette! Am I wrong? The moms probably thought the same thing would happen as the video for LUX who needed a blond lead to emulate her!

    ***I just loved their jealousy & how Maddie never whg job w/o Abby ordering the show to hire her.***

    Both Christi & Kelly vacillated on Abby's power! One day she's making demands of casting dirs, producers, & the like, the next she's "past it" w/ lit'l influence!

    ***Abby's whole world is falling apart around her; feels like a bad dream. I've never seen a reality show go this route before where you watch the rise & downfall of its star. ...They all stayed; the children & their mothers b/c it made them $$, then brought them attn. ...They sat back on a couch & watched Abby teach their children who worked their asses off for her approval.

    The moms are entitled, shrill, overbearing poor examples of adulthood. I don't understand the choreography complaint @ all. You go to class & learn new combos, new skills, & perfect the ones you have. ...This is why Maddie kept getting >er & >er. She practically lived @ the studio. But most people just parroted Christi - "Oh she wins b/c she gets the better choreography" or "Abby ensured she wins." ...So complaining about the same choreo's dumb. Want new stuff, get in class & learn new stuff.

    Nia has really come a long way from being the worst dancer in the group that 1st season and most of the 2nd. (As we shall see in the very last ep.)***

    Looking back to the early days, the moms truly were the worst from early on; the jealousy esp.! They really hated Abby's favoritism, but it's like they don't understand a student earns that favoritism! I truly believe some of them like Jill & Christi enjoyed or = hoped for Maddie to make an error so they can "beat on" her, Abby, & Melissa! Out of 400 performances, Maddie fell out of a turn in Australia & they had to make a huge deal out of it! It didn't matter their own kids "blew it" almost every performance, but relished Maddie's one mistake! I just couldn't understand it, but I know now; they're typical women who just HATE other women! All we have to do is acknowledge that it was women who put Trump in office! It's all on them & I hope to never hear kvetchin' about not having representation when they're the larger block of voters!

    ***On Maddie's 8th BD, she spent it @ the ALDC in a sleepover w/ her dance friends. Like literally spent the night as her BD party. She was undefeated for the comp. yr. (her age 7 & 8) coming into the show. And every one of the mothers in the studio interviewed for the show complained about this kid Maddie, & why was she front in center in groups w/ girls older than her, & why was such a fuss being made about her, & Melissa must be doing something - so there was built-in drama btw the Zieglers & the rest.

    I recall one ep. where Melissa tells Kelly that they downplay her victories & successes so people won't hate on her (Maddie) & Kelly's cheeks got really red & she couldn't look Melissa in the eyes. Christi got venomous though.

    Yeah, the moms' jealousy of Maddie was there from the start. But Kelly predicted the future in S1 when she yelled @ Maddie. You can go on & win & the world can think you're great, but my kids w/b enjoying themselves @ the pool.***

  185. ***Chloe's growing up t/b Christi so really you should hate both. - That video she made after she was getting those "nasty comments" was ridiculous, & she was praised for it. If any other girls did that, specifically Maddie, they'd be slammed.

    Chloe got to me when she was gleefully celebrating Abby's imprisonment. I don't think it was deserving of hate (hate begets hate, vengeance begets vengeance), but it wasn't very kind. ...The snark level is so high, I don't think that's a great thing. ...She's acting a lit'l too mean-girl in regards to Abby to make that believable to me.

    I don't think Chloe is a bad person, but I think she's learning the wrong way to handle situations & represent herself b/c of how Christi has behaved all these yrs. Chloe was able to sell the underdog/victim image until she & her mother began to victimize others.***

    ...The Moms' more culpable than anyone else! They had ultimate say over all of it! They signed contracts & demanded more $$ in S3! Why are they so bitter? The kids have fame & $$ in the bank! Move on!

    ***Like Maddie said, Jill wants it more than Kendall.***

    Which is why making Kendall a star was a losing battle! She wasn't up for the scrutiny & melted almost every X she had a solo or was featured in group dances!

    ...I well know Abby's limited influence on Kalani's training & tech! I enjoyed Asia >; esp. the "lion" performance on the monkey bars! The editing made the moms & other dancers look so petty & jealous; esp. w/ Asia's standing ovation by the audience & judges! They freaked out & it was hilarious to watch!

    ***Never was a fan of Asia probably b/c of her parents. She seemed more like a gymnast who dances rather than a dancer. Her body proportions seemed off somehow & her spin off show was horrible.***

    ASIA had to play up "that attitude" to overlook the fact she was 6 yo & short! ...Look @ the disrespected the Mini's got from their own teammates @ ALDC! It was a ridiculous exercise in being petty & small-minded; esp. when you see how well Lilli & Eliana danced in comparison to Kendall & Nia!

    ***Personally I'm over the Irreplaceables. I think they're rude & ungrateful. ...preview of next wk shows a choreographer losing her rag & Chloe crying. Maybe Abby wasn't such a "bully" or "villain" after all - m/b those girls simply need a kick up the backside & Abby was doing so.***

    Ditto! Abby made them look good & competitive! W/o that affirmation, they're just like any other group of girls trying to dance! W/o guidance & leadership, they've looked bad; esp. Kalani! What was on her mind? Abby did the most for her out of the girls left! How do you just turn your back on a benefactor & teacher like that? I'm one of those who definitely feel the girls are ingrates!

    ***Yes. What I can say for Abby, if nothing else, is that she pushed them. I do believe that all the girls - aside from Maddie & perhaps Kalani - were very avg. in terms of their ambition & life goals. I think Abby made them really aspire to greatness & accomplishment more than they otherwise whd. Do I think they worked for it? No. Now perhaps that very same fighting spirit is what's made them drop her so seemlingly unemotionally... It seems so cold when Abby really did do a lot for them. Yes it was LifeX that cast them, but Abby who pushed & often fought for them, beyond what their natural talents called for. Nia & Kendall's natural talents didn't call for the amt of ops & credit Abby could someXs give them. Far more talented kids walked in there & were treated <er. I think it's quite shocking how ungrateful & entitled they're all coming across.***

  186. - - - Unceremonious show departures - - -

    It's become a "Dance Moms" tradition that cast members quit w/o anything remotely resembling closure. Guess it makes things more real life in that way, since some exits were unexpected & on very bad terms (& reinforces the show's mantra, "Everyone's replaceable").

    Like, IDK how much prod. knew in advance that Abby would quit after S7E24. If it took them by surprise, they couldn't prepare any farewell speeches or closing interviews to bring her arc on the show to a fitting close?

    And if you think about it, almost everyone who has ever appeared on that show had left w/ little fanfare or celebration. The Zieglers were the only exception.

    •The last we ever saw of the Hylands was the 2 daughters looking depressed while they followed their mom out before she c/b arrested for assault. No post-fight f-up of any kind to see how they were doing once things cooled down.

    •Had Chloe/Christi not come back, the last footage of them would've been Christi trying to console a depressed Chloe saying she didn't wanna dance for Abby anymore, an undignified exit for the "Fan fave" of the series.

    •Kalani/Kira did come back after a 1/2 season hiatus, but if they hadn't, the last remark about them would've been Abby rudely saying how Kira chose her BF over her daughter's career.

    •Jojo's exit was mutually agreed by the Siwas & prod., but the show built in some nonsensical storyline about her quitting b/c she didn't wanna do ballet. Regard<, no "goodbye, it's been fun guys" interviews or reunion ep. app. from the Siwas. One day she just didn't show up to rehearsal & that was that.

    •Alexus/Ari/Peyton: there was this dramatic cliffhanger about whether "Abby" (i.e. producers) would cut one or more of them, but when viewers tuned in the next wk to see who, they were already cut loose. In fact, Ellie & Lily were let go too, but Abby told them to keep showing up @ the studio anyways and the show grudgingly took them back. But we never got to hear any departing last words from the other 3 Minis.

    I wonder why it's been this way? B/c that's how real life is, or b/c the show sucks @ whipping something together to give the leaving families a more proper trib./sendoff?

    ***I didn't really feel like "Where Have All The Children Gone?" had the same affect that it did the 1st X I watched it. I felt more = re-watching the original that seeing this one for the first X.

    The Irreplaceables' dance was just cringe-worthy to watch. Obviously done for the shock factor, but didn't live up to that. It wasn't well done & all except for Kalani looked uncomfortable or just off doing it.

    I kinda agree w/ Kira that Brynn has done >er solos &'s >er than what she's given on the show. But Brynn still did as good as she could've done.

    Eli & Lili looked great. Kira needed to shut up during their performances. I can't stand any of the moms "on the show." Jill, Holly, Jaime, Ashlee & Christi seem fine outside of the show. ...The fights are just so frustrating to watch b/c they are over literally nothing. It's like producers force them into a room & say "fight." So they just talk & pounce on everything & anything said by the other moms, just for DRAMA.***

  187. ***Thoughts on this ep...just gotta let it all out, lol:

    It's a shame we didn't get to see more of Darrion Sellman - he's an incredible dancer. We barely saw him on the show; he just seemed to magically appear for the dance.

    The hypocrisy of Holly - too many examples. I laughed when she said that people were obsessed w/ the girls not doing solos b/c they have boring lives - the girls/moms are obsessed w/ proving a point to Abby. They're literally obsessed w/ Abby.

    The hypocrisy of Christi - again, too many examples. That felon comment made me so angry though, as Kira has a criminal record. Abby's crimes are more serious in the eyes of the law, but Kira's crimes were unsavory too. Christi has also assaulted people, so who is she to judge?

    I'm uncomfortable w/ the level of bitterness the "Irreplaceable" girls have towards Abby. The woman was clearly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Her legal woes are punishment enough; you don't kick someone when they're already down. Surely they can express themselves and prove that they don't need Abby w/o making everything a giant "fuck you" towards her. Is this just for the show or are they really that bitter? I hope it's just for the show. Abby's hurt a lot of people, but she's also hurt herself immensely.

    Christi yelling that Brynn will never be on Broadway. I have no words.

    Kira, your daughter is talented, but nothing Aisha said was rude. You were rude about Brynn!

    Brynn was treated like crap by adult women who should know better. AT LEAST SHE DANCED HER SOLO.

    So what if Abby wasn't in the audience, Christi? She did the right thing by not engaging the Irreplaceable moms. Christi can't get her head around the fact that people would walk away from confrontation...this is what mature adults do to avoid making a scene!

    Yolanda impressed me in this ep. She didn't get sucked into the drama too much. Only Ashlee had a bad moment out of the team, but she acknowledged that she shouldn't have sworn @ Camille. The ALDC moms were nowhere near as antagonistic as the Irreplaceable moms.

    Yolanda not seeing Ellie pick up her prize is not the end of the world! She was supporting Ashlee along w/ Jaime. She saw her kid dance a winning dance. These were exceptional circumstances.

    So what if Abby, Ashlee & the other ALDC moms thought the dance was inappropriate? Can they not have their own opinions? Why chase them down the street? They didn't like it, so get over it.

    The Last Dance that I saw on YouTube was a sloppy mess. It wasn't ready for competition. I don't doubt the girls' abilities or Aisha's competence as a choreographer, but it just wasn't competitive.

    I still like the Irreplaceable girls, but I worry about the impact the show is having on them and their moms. The public m/b turning against them from what I've seen online.***

    You're so right about the attitude of the girls & moms concerning Abby! The obsession is pathological IMO & it's for the best that the show is over; Heaven knows it didn't seem like any of these people were truly into being there & performing! The moms definitely need the rest b/c their delusions of grandeur were out of control! I'm one of many who moved from the Irreplaceables to the ALDC Minis!! The Minis actually did dance, competed, & won! I'm so proud of them & wished Abby could have hung on for another week or 2! I wonder how they're going to work this to get the Minis into Nat'ls?

    ***Just playing Devil's advocate here, but couldn't it be argued that the girls were playing a character like they were before & every other X they put on a ridiculous costume?***

    Hey, that's why the dictionary has increased exponentially since forever; "hypocrisy" & "double standards" have their place in the world! lol!

  188. Repost:

    All These Moms R Bent - Such hateful old cows who pick on any new faces! They signed up for it along w/ their brats!

    ***...based on her husband/lover rate, Melissa @ least is definitely not bent.***

    ... We catch her exaggerating & or lying about events just as the other moms! She's probably more driven to make her kids stars; @ least Maddie! She's thrown MacKenzie under the bus on more than one occasion!

    People wonder why I obsess so much on the show & "lose it" when I do! I really like the show for some strange reason, the yelling, profanity, & rants by both sides; the moms & Abby! ...I loved having replacement moms like Shelly & Jackie w/ their kids Ally & Sophia! My fave season to watch over & over is S3 when the moms walked out!

    Poor Chloe has to deal w/ an A-hole mom & people who can't see she's the one causing her daughter pain, not Abby!

    ***If Abby + mother = unhappiness for Chloe where Mother - Abbey = happiness for her then clearly, Abby = unhappiness. I doubt she's the only one that equation applies to either.***

    All the more reason that silly woman should have left w/ her kid AGES ago; same w/ Kelly! There's no way a court would justify a child being abused this way in< the mother was agreeable; sorry! The mothers are the ones most responsible for a child's wellbeing, not a dance teacher!

    ***...I notice that Paige's complaint vs Abby for abuse has gone ahead, but I've not seen any counter claim vs Kelly for failing to protect her from such abuse.

    Chloe did used to love dance. She wasn't Paige or Brooke, who didn't really want to put forth the effort into her dancing. There was so much life & passion in Chloe @ the beginning, but disturbingly, she began to look visibly depressed & defeated as the seasons went by. Her eyes were dead by S4. There are many reasons why she lost her passion, & Abby absolutely played a role in that. Looking back to the earlier seasons, you could tell Chloe & Abby used to have a good relationship. Chloe was = one of Abby's faves (the way Abby treated her & gave her attention was diff. from the way Abby treated someone like Nia, for ex., = back in the good old days when she was more attentive to all of her dancers).

    Over X, the relationship deteriorated as Christi lashed out worse & Abby continued to throw verbal abuse @ Chloe. The favoritism became more obvious over the yrs as well, w/ Abby very obviously putting all of her stock in Maddie. Obviously as a teacher, your natural inclination m/b to help the child who has the most passion. However, in any small, close-knit group like the ALDC elites, a teacher blatantly favoring one teammate absolutely has a negative impact on the rest of the team. It really does make a kid think, "why should I = bother?" when her teacher doesn't care enough/doesn't think she's talented enough to pay any attention to. Kenzie, Nia (although she continued to press on like a trooper), & Kendall were definite victims of that. Abby used to put effort into all of the girls' choreography (they all had unique styles they thrived in, & she capitalized on those strengths), but as X went on, she started giving them mostly generic choreography that didn't suit their styles or challenge them.

    Chloe started out as the one w/ the most talent & natural gifts (like having a "dancer's body type"). It really is such a shame that she wasted that. It's also a crying shame that her teacher didn't nurture that obvious potential, either. Very disappointing when you think of the dancer she chb by now.***

    I have to agree w/ a lot you said, but would def. throw a bit more blame on Christi seeing as she embarrassed herself & Chloe every X she had one of her blow ups or rants; attacking Maddie or/and her mother in front of everyone! That has t/b disturbing; heaven knows my parents didn't act like lunatics out in public!

  189. ***...Christi threw shade @ Maddie for yrs & everyone thought it justified b/c Maddie did get the most attn., but now that she's unleashing her Hell on Brynn & Reagan, they're realizing what a Hellhound she c/b. ...Maybe now that she's getting a ton of neg. feedback, = from the most simple or youngest of fans, she'll take a huge step back & think a lit'l before she makes her next move.

    I thought this season w/b a nice reintro to Chloe, but all it's done is made me dislike her. The fact that she & Nia argued for a solo over the new girl b/c of their suffering/loyalty, despite it being wholly undeserving, was just embarrassing all around. You don't get picked out of pity or b/c of good attendance. You're picked for being the best performer.***

    Amen & hallelujah to that! It's about X people came around! ...the smirking; totally aware of what she's doing! Maybe one of these days when she's reliving or playing the videos of her performance on the show she'll feel a little shame, but I doubt it! Saw Christi last night on "After Buzz" w/ Chloe! She lives for this stuff now! I've never seen such a stage mom! I think when Chloe goes to prom, her mother w/b in all the shots w/ her date; probably wearing the corsage meant for Chloe!

    ***Wasn’t Kendall already training @ ALDC before she joined the show? I suspect Jill doesn’t care about the OG label, she’ll just say & do anything so that Kendall can have a solo.***

    Possibly Kendall & a couple of her sisters were all dancing there! Where'd Jill get all this $$ to blow on these girls? I w/b ticked if I were the hubby un< he had a $$ tree out back!

    ***Well they have 3 family members pulling in reality TV checks now (among other related $$) so I think he'll forgive her.***

    In what eps did the sisters show up? I can only remember Gino's brother Kevin showing up in an ep. to work w/ Brooke in a Senior group dance!

    ***I liked Reagan's mom.

    1. She was upfront on why she was there.

    2. When the moms (esp. Christi) were being awful & saying she looked old & that Jill would not be happy, ...

    3.When Camryn won 1st, she geniuinly seemed happy for her, applauding w/ a high clap.

    4.She didn't talk trash about the kids like the moms said she did.

    Also when Jill came back in the finale and the other moms lied & told her about how Reagan was brought in & it was a disaster. Reagan was brought in & they won 1st place, Camryn won 1st place, so how exactly was it a disaster for them.

    I'm convinced Christi is a "sociopath." Just look at those facial expressions and the awful things she says and does. ...Instead of telling Chloe she c/b amazing in spite of what Abby says, she would tell her it's not her fault when she doesn't win b/c she was "set up to fail."

    I wish the mini's stuck around. Sure the moms were nuts, but the elite moms are 10x worse w/ Christi being 100x worse. Maesi & Elli specifically had great personalities. Elli was so funny to watch. Those two are going places. Jaime seemed like the least crazy of all the moms & I liked having her around.***

    {clap} Thanks! I've been trying to expose Christi for yrs! I've said she's been more detrimental to the confidence of Chloe than anything Abby said or did to her! Who says something like "set up to fail," but continues to expose their child to said abuse? She truly is disturbed & the tape edit has lit'l to do w/ those smirks, evil eyes, relentless insults of Abby, & profane lips! The producers didn't order her to say these hateful things!

    ***Yes! Exactly what I mean by sociopath... & I would believe narcissist too. "The whole world was against me & Chloe" ~Christi to Jill

    Even Jill had enough @ that point & was just like "you win Christi."***

  190. ***I also thought that putting OG on the jackets was rude. Christi acts like being an OG makes you above it all. Is she forgetting that Cathy & Vivi are OG's too? - Ha! Too bad Jill didn’t think to say that. If said correctly she could have gotten Christi to associate the OG on the jacket w/ Kathy & Vivi & it secretly would have driven her nuts...***

    ...and a very short trip indeed! I'm shocked no one's made a bigger deal of Christi assaulting Yolanda on the street! Can the producers actually tell a mom to assault another one? Her smirk is the =lent of "Snidley Whipflash twirling his mustache! ;-)

    ***IMO Yolanda is no < insane than Christi- possibly more- & far < intelligent. Christi m/b mean, snarky, animalistic @ X's, & = have a bit of an evil streak...but she’s smart about it. Smarter than any other Mom but Melissa anyway.

    She hides the crazy behind “Christi logic” & finds a way to either legit bring someone else down, or advance Chloe in the type of situation where Yolanda just huffs & puffs, says lotsa shit, & yells at her kid.

    ...Well, it’s just like “meh.” I’ve wanted to smack Melissa, Yolanda, & Jill since they 1st appeared on my screen- Christi did used to make me laugh. So since I’m ok w/ the idea of a Yolanda getting bop in the nose, I figure no one else really cares that Christi did that. If anything, we wish it had been possible for her to get a good swat or weave pull in. As much as I dislike Christi, when not in mean girl mode, she was bearable. Yolanda was unbearable from Day 1.

    Yolanda's pushy & ambitious for her child, but when Eli doesn’t win she tells her to do >er next x. Christi's pushy & ambitious for her child, but when Chloe doesn’t win she tells her a 1000 X's over that she’s a victim & that the whole world is poisoned against her. Watch them in interviews: Yolanda lets her child speak, Christi constantly interrupts & talks over Chloe. No parent is perfect, but I think being raised by Christi w/b more of a headfuck than being raised by Yolanda.

    Since we always see them doting over their own kids on the show it m/b easy to mistake them as only children, but one thing I've been amazed by over the yrs was the fact they have other kids back home, & presumably their husbands pick up the slack. Those kind of things can wreck marriages, but somehow they've made it work.

    I know all the regulars have X children, but can't remember if the rest do as well. Let's not count Cathy/Vivi, or stepsiblings who are grown and don't live w/ them (Ziegler brothers).

    Melissa - obviously Maddie + Kenzie

    Christi - Chloe's younger sister Clara

    Kelly - a brother sandwiched btw Brooke & Paige

    Holly - one older, one younger brother to Nia

    Jill - two older sisters to Kendall; Ryleigh & Charlotte

    Kira - Kalani's two younger brothers; Jax & Jett

    Jessalyn - an older brother to Jojo

    Ashlee - Brynn's younger sister Sadie & a younger bro

    Kristie Ray - Asia's younger sister

    Sophia Lucia's mom - Sophia's older brother

    Leslie - Payton's sister Taylor

    Tiffani - twin brother to Alexus

    Sari - Ari's disabled brother who was featured on the show + I think there's others

    Yolanda - Ellianna's two older brothers

    Stacey - Lily's older brother

    Jaime - Maesi's younger sister

    Christ-y: Sarah has 3 younger brothers

    Kerri- Peyton has an older brother

    Sari- Areana has a younger sister who's featured a lot in her dance couture line.

    Camille- Camryn has a younger brother & sister

    Alexus has a brother named Alexander. I'm pretty sure they're twins, actually.

    Maesi has a lit'l brother too. There's a Xmas photo of all 3 of the Caes kids on Maesi's Instagram.***

  191. Love how these geniuses go out of their way to "downvote" me = if I make sense!

    ***Hey, at least you realize that someX's your posts are rather unusual ...trying to inflame people. ;)

    It’s much easier to bash something that someone else has created & contributed than to do so themselves. ...downvote based on a gut reaction of dislike for the poster or dislike for the post is immature.***

    The technique has leeched into the way I write most everything these days! It's >er than being boring where no one cares! The "haters" are truly my biggest fans!

    ***I know - it cracks me up when people get mad @ your smiley b/c I’ve seen you post for so many yrs & I know a lot of the X you’re just messing around, venting, playing devil’s advocate. I must admit, it took me awhile to realize you were deliberately pissing people off, lmao. But you were actually behaving yourself when you 1st came here & people were still shitty to you.

    ...Anyway, the one thing I really like about you is that you do you. You live how you want, regard< of people who say it’s not ok. You post what you want, though people say your posts aren’t ok. And I totally respect that fact that you admit, you love this show & are obsessed with it. Not many guys would do that.***

    ...I have a diff. perspective & take things a lot more seriously starting out my childhood w/ events of Viet-Nam, X assassinations of pol. leaders like JFK, MLK, & RFK, & subsequent resignation of Nixon due to Watergate which was huge!

    ...I've been a very fortunate person who has a lot of guilt about it! I've never understood people doing things they didn't like; coupling, occupations, etc.! I've held up well & can still get around w/o problems approaching senior citizenship!

    ***Thoughts on "DM."***

    ...W/ the ennui of the show, Kelly & Christi were obviously buzzed seeing as they would start drinking cocktails @ lunch! Never been a big drinker & I try not to hang around others who are!" This is why Kelly didn't have a leg to stand on after she assaulted Abby! Her countersuit was laughable! All that was needed was to show her act from the show! If Abby's so horrible, why was Kelly bringing her kids to her? People forget she burned Paige's arm w/ a curling iron! You can call it an accident, but I wouldn't doubt BOOZE was involved! How many X's can you remember a Cosmo or some other cocktail in hand; someX's 2-fisted in a "cup to go" w/ her bestie Christi? People forget all this stuff, but w/ my blog & relent< reruns, it's hard for me to forget!

    ***The big issue btw Abby & Kelly was that the girls had to learn dances quickly every wk & Paige & Brooke didn't pick up choreography quickly. Kelly didn't want her girls to work hard. She wanted it t/b 'fun.' Brooke had a gift, but not the drive. So Abby's frustration w/ these 2 girls taking up the space that chg to others who actually wanted to make a career out of it. ...W/ S 4 you could see Melissa, Holly & Jill together in a lot of shots w/ Christi & Kelly somewhat removed from them (a visual repres. of reality as Lukasiaks/Hylands only came to the studio for shooting & learning the show dances).***

  192. ***Holly's my fave "DM."

    Holly's F.O.S.! She talks a good game, but still got t/b as bad as the other 'Dance Moms!' She started to get entitled & demanding, thinking her daughter deserved something she hadn't earned! ...Loved her playing the Indian late w/ the headdress & Rosa Parks early on! She should know her limitations! The last days of the show she was showing resentment for not getting a solo! It's fine t/b disappointed, but to vent talking about her X spent, never missing a comp., she felt entitled! Rude & stupid! Jill w/ her daughter was the same way! If things aligned she could do well, but she wasn't that great either! W/o her looks, she wouldn't have = gotten on the team! These people need to shake themselves & start living in reality; they weren't a Maddie, Sophia, or Asia! They never w/b = close!

    ***Maddie Ziegler Says "Dance Moms" is the worst - She may not have been referring to the show. I think she was thinking about the people, like crazy dance moms she has met over her life.***

    Heaven knows there were plenty of crazy moms; Maddie's own as well as replacements moms were certifiable! It had nothing to do w/ Abby! You see how those harpies acted under Gibson & Burke! The moms were just as much out of control; = in front of their own children!

    ***It's '18. 7 yrs ago "Dance Moms" began production. It began w/ a lit'l studio in Pittsburgh w/ the dancers that attended & their moms. Of the girls cast, Maddie, Brooke & Chloe were title holders & Maddie was getting West Coast buzz due to her undefeated yr before filming began. ...The cast entered, saying they were ready for this 'comp. season' - which was actually code for tv season as the real comp. season was over.

    Maddie & Kenzie ran home from school down the street to their reg. home. Chloe, Brooke, Paige & Vivi all went to reg. school while Nia went to private school where Holly worked. W/ the exception of Maddie (who auditioned for Broadway & had to turn down Billy Elliot for "DM's") they were all pretty reg. girls. Kendall joined 2 months after the 1st season wrapped up. ...By '16 the girls were all homeschooled, achieved fame & $$, attended events, travelled the world & had huge fan bases.

    Now it's '18. Maddie is globally known, a multimillionaire, NYT Bestselling Author, has a hugely successful clothing line, graced the covers of huge mags, is friends w/ a lot of the best dancers in the country &'s a fave of many of the top choreographers in N. America. Kenzie's huge w/ the musicly, muser, Jenzie, Australia, UK & Europe, has more youtube followers than her sister, &'s creeping up on her sister's IG #'s.

    ...on JoJo, ...probably the richest of the girls due to the demand for her merch. Kendall, Chloe, & Nia are working on acting & booking movies. Kendall & Nia are both singing. Chloe is coming out w/ a bk. Those 3 also have millions of IG followers, thus have sponsorship $ whenever they want via IG. But the fame outside of the reality show's fandom is yet to come for them.

    To think it began w/ those lit'l girls going to dance class. Now Chloe, Maddie & Kenzie live in mansions in Pittsburgh (Kendall & Nia live in the same houses which are upscale) & Chloe has an apt. in L.A. while the Zieglers have a house in L.A. It's amazing how far they've all come ('cept Paige & Brooke of course).***

    It's strange that the family extending themselves w/ modeling & singing, openly looked for fame & fortune are doing lit'l to nothing! Sounds like justice to me; they really weren't that serious! Caused all kinds of drama unnecessarily!

  193. ***I have to say that the maturity of all the girls that were on "Dance Moms" is great. They've all kept + attitudes & are pretty much still down to Earth.***

    Too bad you can't say the same about the MOMs! = Holly lost her halo by the 5th season! Watching the repeats, the mothers were never satisfied, causing a lot of the drama that hurt their own kids!

    ***ITA! The moms all ended up being villains @ some pt. & many X's the complaining wasn't = warranted.***

    They weren't = consistent in their kvetchin'! One day Abby has all this power to tell casting directors & producers they "must hire Maddie & no one else," then the next "she's past it" & should get out of the business! It was so irrational! Why couldn't they see Maddie just worked harder & earned her bones; nothing was given to her! Every instructor has a fave, & it usually means they earned it thru hard work & dedication! Kelly would take her kids out for wks @ a X to do other things like modeling & singing, but expect a spot t/b reserved for them upon their return! That doesn't make any fk'n sense to anyone! That was probably why the judge threw Kelly's countersuit out vs Abby! All she got was LT to replace her hardwood floor since supposedly they scratched them up w/ cameras & light tripods! She's so FOS; should really burn later! She's an ingrate since more than likely she was paid extra to use her home! Notice you never hear too much about any of them! The only one who can't live w/o the limelight is Christi who's constantly pimping her daughter out & making her a Nat'l victim of Abby's! They hated her so much, but if you listen to both of them, Abby's name tripped out of their twisted mouths every op. possible! "Cry me a river!"

    ***I'll disagree as I do think Maddie was def. favored over the other girls. I do believe she's a lovely dancer & worked hard - but Abby was pulling strings just like she did w/ MacKenzie. The other moms & girls actually had to make their own contacts. I still hear things about Chloe, Asia is well liked overseas & Jojo is worth more than all of them and will end up being the bigger star. It's how hard they work now to continue t/b in the spotlight & get jobs.

    Abby didn't get released from prison when she/her friends/news media expected her to be.***

    It's a budgetary matter I heard! Her halfway house situation is being underfunded & they can't release her until that's resolved! It shouldn't matter since her offense was violent! Let her go home & wear an ankle-bracelet! Silly!

    ***Aren't halfway houses generally to help prisoners ease back into life on the outside & to have a place to stay while they find a job & are able to pay for their own place again? I think Abby still owns her own house & bank acct., so why does she need a halfway house? Maybe I am missing something.***

    Everyone goes thru the same hurdles upon early release; = Pete Rose way back when! Martha Stewart probably had to do it; just never paid that much attn. to her plight! I was so PO'd! W/ all her $$, she's willing to throw it all away for $45,000 stock thing & lied about it to the Feds! She shb given extra X! Stupid!

    ***If Abby still has a house it's one in Penn. There at the end before prison she was either traveling or "camping out" @ the dance studio. She's being released in Cal. & would have to petition to go to home detention in Penn. (if she still has a home there) & agree to pay t/b transported there by guards more than likely.***

  194. Dance Moms' Abby Lee Miller Is Getting Out of Jail Early

    Abby Lee Miller won't be behind bars for long. She's set to leave May 25. The 52-yo reality star was sentenced to one yr. in prison in May '17. She began her sentence @ FCI Victorville prison in July of that yr.

    ..."Sometimes in life you make mistakes," she wrote @ the X. "I trusted the wrong people and didn't pay any attn. to things I should of. I'm more than sorry for the mistakes I have made. My world flipped upside down when I had to enter prison. I did so w/ grace."

    ***I'm always suspicious of mothers who insist that their adolescent-age daughter "is my BFF!" Lady...your kid will have PLENTY of BFF's. She doesn't need another BFF, esp. a delusional, narcissistic, menopausal one...she needs a mother.

    ...Does Cathy have a subconscious need to look >er than her own daughter? It's a legit. ??, esp. in light of the fact that Abby once accused Cathy of choosing to adopt b/c she feared "getting fat" during pregnancy.

    Finally, it's obvious to everyone that Vivi can't dance. Stubbornly shoving that poor kid up on stage, over & over again in front of millions of viewers is akin to child abuse. Where's Dad in all of this? A father w/ = a small set of balls would put a stop to his wife's delusional dreams of making the kid a "star." If being on the show was ONLY about Cathy's fame & success, we'd never have had to suffer thru sev. seasons of watching Vivi up on stage, surrounded by thin, graceful, agile dancers, while the poor thing stands there doing her best interpretation of a tree stump.***

    Cathy creates these routines w/ the help of other choreographers that aren't close to being good enough to beat the ALDC! It's amazing to see her hope & confidence of winning when she winds up being 4th, 5th, a couple X's 8th or 9th; someX's traveling cross country just to try & beat Abby! She spends so much; that use of "Chandelier" cost 1000's of $$'s! She wasn't = close to winning that comp.! That part of the show I won't miss! MDP @ least was comp. & legitimately could win when CA didn't have a prayer!

    ***I must remind you that Cathy didn't spend a dime. It was all planned, staged, & paid for by production including the "competition" alleged placement.***

    Watching the last season on tape & I'm so disappointed in the girls! The moms were bad enough, but the kids started acting entitled & were rather lazy! They complained about Abby giving them the same kinds of routines, but when they're asked to do something different, they can't seem to handle it! Even Kalani showed she's no better by allowing Kira to announce "she's not doing the solo" instead of making the decision herself! She's the oldest there and's still acting like a child that needs her mommy to handle everything! ...It was so sad to see the girls go out this way; losers, defeated, & so self-entitled! You expect the pathetic moms to go out bitchin', signifying on the minis, & quite hysterical in dealing w/ how Abby beat them until the last days of the show! They were truly pathetic!

    ...Christie assaulted Yolanda on the street! IIRC the early days when she said in her TH that she didn't want to upset the girls w/ comparisons & promoting one over the other, but there she was bragging about Chloe's accomplishment, how many fans she has online, etc.! She harkened back to her HS "mean girl" days totally embarrassing herself! Holly really wasn't much >er backing Christie's rants & being a total hypocrite invoking Abby's name when she criticized the Mini moms for being too concerned w/ what they were doing!


    According to, DMs has been canceled after Abby Lee Miller’s recent cancer diagnosis.

    “Dance Moms was set to return w/ the mini team,” a source close to production told Radar. “It was in development, [the] casting was underway to ‘cover up’ for the older girls.”

    According to the insider, Abby, 51, agreed to return to the LifeX show under the condition that her long-X students Nia Sioux, Kendall Vertes, Kalani Hilliker, Cameron Bridges & Chloe Lukasiak wouldn't be a part of the series. However, her plans changed following her release from prison earlier this yr.

    ...The insider added: “They were trying to do an Abby’s hospital recovery show. A comeback, a diff. angle to the franchise. But she just can’t w/ the treatment & the inevitable.”

    ...Abby was released from prison on March 27 after pleading guilty to not reporting an Int'l $$ transaction & 1 count of concealing bankruptcy assets in June '16.

    It's interesting that LifeX would cancel "DM," when the show was never really intended to showcase Abby... it was supposed to j/b the Moms & Daughters w/ Abby in the background; sort of like Gianna. I think they could've done something w/ the minis. Those parents were whackadoo, esp. Eli's. Candy Apples spinoff?***

    That's a fact; Abby wasn't t/b featured, but for some reason all the focus went to her! She wound up being a "bigger than life persona" I guess (no pun intended)! The moms were delusional thinking the show would fail w/o their girls when nothing was further from the truth! The people like me definitely paid more attn. to the drama & comedy created weekly by Abby, going to new places, & competing for plastic trophies & fake crowns! S3 was the best for me due to it being proved; the replacement moms & their kids filled right in & the show didn't miss a beat w/ Sophia, Bella, Allie, Asia, & their just as screwed up MOMS! Forget the spin-off; w/o Abby back to start season 8 the show's toast for good! I was there!

    ***I do really feel bad that Abby has cancer. No one deserves that.***

    Don't ask Kelly or Christi; they might feel differently! They truly did go over to the "dark side" @ their respective ends; making up stuff as they went along w/ video proof showing them "FOS!" Been checking out the last season & I'm so disappointed in Kalani! She never really excelled the way Abby wanted her, often running 2nd place again & again! By the end she was injury prone, didn't seem to have the desire to dance actually making Kira tell Aisha she wasn't doing that last solo! They really wanted to concentrate on the group # supposedly! It might as well come out the girls weren't prepared or physically able to do it by then! Glad Nia found something else to do; that SOAP is a huge break if it works out!

  196. ***There w/b an 8th season run on LifeX someX this yr. Those participating:


    The Kids:

    Lilliana Ketchman (10 yo)
    Pressley Hosbach (12 yo)
    GiaNina Paolantonio (13 yo)
    Hannah Colin (13 yo)
    Sarah Georgiana (10 yo)
    Savannah Kristich (11 yo)
    Kammy Sophia (7 yo)
    Brady Farrar (13 yo, only boy)

    Didn't make the cut: Maesi Caes
    Didn't audition: Elliana, Brynn

    I think they will have way < viewers b/c Abby always says that everyone's replaceable, but actually I think the OG's aren't actually replaceable.***

    They were too fk'n old! I was having trouble w/ Paige & Chloe 2-3 yrs before b/c they were so tall! It's just not the same show if they're teenagers & close to being women! What's impressive about them then? Lilli was amazing performing "Blue Moon" b/c she was just 8! If Kalani had done it I would've yawned!

    - "Blue Moon" (Dance Moms/Lilliana) - -

    I don't miss any of the OG's! The kids & the moms got too big for their britches! I was terribly disappointed by Chloe & Kalani @ the end; their sense of entitlement, but not working hard enough to look like "Abby's dancers!" Kalani embarrassed herself allowing her mother to say "she's not doing the solo" in one of the eps! She's almost a grown woman, but still acting like a kid! She's making excuses & pretending like she just wanted it t/b "really, really, really good!" Chloe was just as bad by blaming Abby for everything when it was obvious she was just out of shape! It was truly a pathetic performance by the OG's so they can fade into obscurity for all I care! Nia's the only one I heard is doing something & it has to do w/ a dayX soap opera!

  197. ***I just hope the new girl doesn't get Nia'd. The one dancer who everyone is like "Aww, she tried" when she places mid-pyramid for once.***

    This new girl has got t/b >er than Nia regard< if we've seen her perform or not! Someone was being a real "DM" trying to insinuate Nia into trios, duets, as well as more solos! Who was Holly trying to delude = thinking about spreading Nia around that thin? Every X I see Lilianna perform "Blue Moon," I instantly think of Nia or Kendall trying to do it! It's laughable! They never got as good as their parents' would've thought! You see how they struggled going outside of Abby's comfort zone in S7 trying to dance in heels, etc.! "We want to do something different," then we find they couldn't do it! I was the most disappointed in Kalani who obviously slipped into bad habits working w/ Nia & Kendall! Both Kendall & Kalani expected solos all the X, but by the end of the show they wimped out & allowed their moms to do the dirty work of bowing out! They just have no idea how bad they looked & left it IMO! Lillianna & Ellianna are back for redemption & I'm so looking forward to seeing how they've progressed! From the previews, Brady is the "new Maddie" & the other DM's are predictably jealous! Going after another child; = a boy is so ridiculous!

    ***It really is startling how much Nia & Kendall are not really great dancers; at all. Kenzie's also not great @ certain things, but she shines @ others. Brooke, Kalani, Maddie, & Asia are all amazing dancers. Nia & Kendall were there just for TV. I hope we don't have that dead wt. on the new team.***

    Seeing the new show is emotional; = w/o the sappy stuff about Abby's trials & tribulations! It's like X stopped & now it's been restarted since I have the disc. & can "hark back" w/ the syndicated eps from early seasons! Stacey's a shit-stirrer &'s really mixing it up from Day 1! She's already regarded as a "mean girl!"

    ***Honestly, I will NEVER tire of seeing Abby scream @ privileged white children: "EVERYONE'S REPLACEABLE."

    ...They had a marathon on today & I was immediately transfixed again. Asia had just left, & Abby was screaming @ Kenzie how "if Asia was there, Asia would win. Remember to split jump, legs highs, knees str., toes pointed, YOU HAVE TO WIN!" After she lost, she proceeded to lecture Kenzie about how they whh a clean sweep over the "crab apples" if not for her. Ahh....I love this show.***

    Melissa didn't stand up for Kenzie until it was almost over in S6! I too have had a blast listening to Abby lose her mind w/ these kids while the moms did nothing but cash the checks! Even when it seems like something's happening, it prob. wasn't due to production staging situations & actually putting words in the mouths of the kids in the confessionals! If the moms didn't care about the child abuse & CPS wasn't alarmed, why should I?

    As long as "So You Think You Can Dance" has been on, I never got caught up in it! I think I watched 1 ep. yrs ago near the beginning! While surfing by I watched them choreograph a performance to Rhianna singing "My Umbrella!" ...I know more about her thru gossip shows & fashion TV since that's her thing; "RED CARPETS!" If not for "RC's," I wouldn't know who she is along w/ Beyoncé & Jennifer Lopez! I'm old & just don't GAF about these half-assed, talent<, media-driven STARS! ...Liz Taylor was mostly a BRAND those last 30 yrs so many don't know how fine an actress she truly was! Same w/ the glitz & showmanship of Liberace; more a brand those last couple decades, but still a great pianist! ;-)

  198. ***...I did see glimpses of a "changed" Abby, while she was still "mean" or "tough," it also felt like she was enjoying herself & the girls.

    A few thoughts:

    •The kids are superior dancers to the OGs.

    •As usual, the moms are obviously being instructed to throw barbs & it's very jarring how they seem to come out of nowhere. The OGs did the same thing, but @ least their history together before the show made it < obvious.

    Call me old school, but I don't like a boy being on the team. It changes the dynamic.

    ...I am so tired of hearing how Lilliana! Is! The! Only! Former! Team! Member! As if that means anything.

    ...The kids seem fine enough. I really wish Lilly whb left out b/c Stacey's my least fave mom---I'd = take Jill @ this pt. The mom w/ the cat ears' clearly the new Melissa. The Pittsburgh mom is kinda giving me a Kelly vibe. Hannah's mom is very Cathy---that laugh's terrible, no wonder the kid can't find her words. ...At the end of the day, they're 7 soloists being thrown together to compete under the ALDC name @ mostly fake/limited comps that won't further their dance training.

    I firmly believe that Melissa, Holly, Kelly & Christi had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they signed on. Some got more then they bargained for, some couldn't get enough...but arguably, all of the OG girls have found great success in their personal & prof'l lives post "Dance Moms."

    Brady's head & shoulders above the rest of them; can't see why he's on the show. The others are typical comp dancers that weren't going to get more than lots of instagram followers. Brady OTOH is one of the best ballet dancers his age & has spent hrs & hrs training in ballet. He's been dancing in gala's w/ ballet superstars.

    ...Brady's too good for the team; but telling him he's going home, but still has to dance one more wk. is an absolute mind Fk...= by Abby's standards.

    It was actually the producers who wanted Brady & his mom gone. And I believe they weren't contracted for the entire season in the 1st place. The whole "the moms chased them away!" narrative is just drama for the show. Nonethe<, I'm really sad to see Brady go, = if it's temporary. He's clearly the best on the team & he seems like such a genuinely good kid.

    Lilly's the one I'm really concerned about. ...All I see is a kid who's receiving way too much pressure from both her mother & herself t/b perfect. She doesn't act like a 10 yo & it's heartbrk'n.

    Occam's Razor says that Brady isn't gone for the reason Abby purported. He either got another job or opp. or he is gone for a short per. of X to create drama.

    ...The group dance was good. However, that was NOT ALDC choreography. ...Brady came as close to doing actual ballet as I've seen on this show, & was by far the best so...of course he got 2nd.

    ..."so Brady's gone. Are you guys happy now?" That is a legit. topic.***


  199. "DM" is truly back! ...Gianina lost her solo due to her mom imposing her will over the costume her daughter had to wear; tech. she didn't like the Snooki fuzzy slippers required to perform! The team lost w/o Brady & Abby's decided to bring in another dancer; Elliana to be precise!

    I've lit'l to no sympathy for the kids or moms who know what to expect after 7 previous seasons! Anyone playing dumb to her method of teaching deserves the abuse! It toughens them up which is needed in this business! There are plenty of dancers out there! It'll be hard to make anything w/ so many est. performers already out there!

    ***I agree that they knew what they were signing up for; yeah, I guess youre right.***

    For the most part, Abby's only yelling @ the moms when they're out of line & ??ing her methods & choreography!

    ***Abby's methods are nothing > or < than child abuse. If you have children, you know this is true.***

    Well they have a Nat'l following & Abby's well loved believe it or not! You can give instances of irrational behavior & abusive berating of kids, but the moms are sitting right there! Who's fault is it really if their kids are damaged? You don't have a leg to stand on; esp. since this is the 8th season of this show FFS!

    We lose a dancer; Sara due to her silly mother, Michelle! She kept assaulting Abby w/ TEXTs from Studio 19! ...Lilliana's solo came in 2nd, Brady 3rd, & the group came in 2nd overall!

    ...The season's over; Nat'ls come & gone! The solos didn't pan out w/ Lilliana 4th; >er than Brady's 9th! The group wins w/ a Broadway "Prom" # since this Nat'ls were in NY!

    ***I was confused as to all the yelling & screaming about Brady being Abby's fave. She always has a fave. I liked watching Brady & Liliana dance. The others? Meh.***

    Abby has her faves, but she still worked the other solos enough! She cares about them all = when she says to Brady, "I want you to win!" She isn't sabotaging anyone! I understand the moms having a prob. w/ it, but after all this X they should know that's how Abby rolls! She still gave Lilliana a good enough dance to beat out Brady! What could Stacey still be bitchin' about? It doesn't matter that her daughter did well, she's still miserable! No wonder her daughter's so mature & enlightened having to deal w/ her psychosis all the X!

    ***This new cast really came into their own by the end. I hope they keep the season size pretty similar. It allows for a proper arc. I hated when they'd've 40 eps & shit'd drag on w/ no purpose.

    As epic as Abby's exit was, I want them to engage w/ the rival studios >. The ALDC spats w/ the Candy Apple's were always the best part of the show.

    "DM" still delivers, = w/ a whole new cast (mostly). I feel like Abby's > grounded now, & focused prim. on teaching dance, & competing, & winning. ...Don't get me wrong, she's still tough as nails & w/b a tyrant, but now her issues w/ the moms are a lot more understandable. These moms are all just crazy & true dance moms. She's more focused on her job & team like she was in the earlier seasons.***
